Kegiatan Instafamous ini tidak kekal apabila aktivitinya terbongkar selepas diberkas bersama pelanggannya di sebuah suite hotel mewah di Damansara, kelmarin.
Wanita yang berusia 20-an itu ditahan bersama seorang ahli perniagaan yang sudah berkahwin kira-kira jam 10 pagi.
Pengasas sebuah produk kecantikan itu dikatakan melakukan perbuatan tidak bermoral sehingga menerima bayaran sehingga RM30,000 semalam.
Difahamkan, kegiatan tidak bermoral itu bermula sejak tahun lalu dan pelanggannya terdiri daripada golongan VVIP.
Wanita ini juga dipercayai mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan kerabat diraja, namun tidak didedahkan namanya.
Instafamous dan lelaki tersebut diserahkan kepada pihak berkuasa agama untuk tindakan lanjut dan disiasat mengikut Enakmen Jenayah Syariah.- Mynewshub
JPJ saman,Najib jadi 'bahan'...
Pelbagai kontroversi melanda dirinya membuatkan populariti Datuk Seri Najib Razak tidak lagi seperti dulu
Hari ini, sebuah video dimuat naik di Youtube, memuatkan rakaman seorang lelaki yang mengeluh kerana disaman Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) kerana tidak memperbaharui cukai jalan. Rakaman itu dimuat naik pengguna Internet menggunakan nama “Minah Tudung”.
Dalam rakaman 1.21 minit itu, kelihatan lelaki berkemeja T merah itu mengeluh di tepi jalan dengan berlatar belakang pegawai JPJ yang sedang menjalan tugas di belakangnya.
“Hari ini saya disaman oleh JPJ di lebuh raya Bukit Kayu Hitam dan saya minta untuk Najib Tun Razak meletakkan jawatannya dengan segera kerana telah banyak menyusahkan raktat Malaysia.
“Dan kami minta polis segala menangkap Najib Tun Razak,” katanya.
Rakaman itu, menurutnya dibuat di kawasan sempadan Kedah-Thailand di Bukit Kayu Hitam, Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan (Plus). Dalam loghat Kedah, lelaki berbaju merah dalam umur dalam lingkungan 30-an itu mendakwa harga insurans motosikalnya telah menjadi mahal daripada RM100 kepada RM135.
“Pihak insurans mengambil banyak sangat kos daripada rakyat,” katanya,
Untuk memperbaharui cukai jalan, seseorang itu perlu membayar insurans baru kenderaan terlebih dahulu.
Najib sedang berdepan kontroversi 1MDB, termasuk kemasukan wang berbilion ringgit ke dalam akaun peribadinya serta identitinya yang didedah sebagai Malaysian Official 1 yang disebut dalam saman Jabatan Kehakiman, Amerika Syarikat.
Beliau menafikan menyalah guna dana awam untuk kepentingan peribadi. - mk
8 year-old boy sues gov’t for denying him citizenship...
Following the death of the father of an eight-year-old boy, who is suing the government for denying him citizenship, the High Court in Kuala Lumpur today fixed Sept 22 to hear the application for a substitute litigant.
High Court judge Nik Hasmat Nik Mohamad was infomed in chambers that the 63-year-old adoptive father of the boy, Yu Meng Qeung, died from leukemia on Aug 20.
Yu acted as litigant in the civil suit of the child, adopted in 2008, who could not represent himself in the lawsuit because of his age.
Yu, who was a lawyer, had named his partner in their law firm as a substitute litigant in his will, said lawyer Annou Xavier, who represented the boy.
Thus, there will be no issue of locus standi, Annou said.
The court instructed the party to submit a formal application, said Robin Lim, another lawyer who acted on behalf of the boy.
Sessions Court issued adoption order
The boy, born to a Malaysian father and an Indonesian mother, was lawfully adopted by Yu when he was four months old, with the adoption order issued by the Sessions Court in George Town, Penang, in September 2008.
In his application filed on June 11, 2014, the child sought an order from the High Court for him to be declared a Malaysian citizen.
He wanted the court to compel the Home Ministry and the National Registration Department (NRD), which turned down his citizenship application twice, in 2010 and in January 2013, to issue him MyKid, the MyKad issued to children under the age of 12.
It was reported that he was issued a birth certificate by the NRD, but only given a 'permanent resident' status.
The director-general of NRD, secretary-general of the Home Ministry and the government are named as defendants.
On March 17, 2015, the High Court had dismissed the lawsuit filed by the child and ordered the minor to pay RM1,000 in cost.
According to a report in the Malay Mail Online, the court allowed the government to strike out the boy's application for citizenship.
The boy then appealed to Court of Appeal, which overturned the High Court decision. - mk
Teacher Mistreated And Slammed To The Ground By Two Police Officers...
In all of the commotion, the teacher did not fight back but tried to tell the two men that he is innocent.
There was another Facebook user who screen captured the video and stated that the officers mistook the teacher for a drug addict and did not buy his alibi. He claimed that he was just done with giving tuition to a student who is sitting for the UPSR examination.
The two men, were later confirmed to be police officers. The teacher called the headmaster of his school who arrived immediately at the station to confirm his identity and alibi.
Report claims that the officers had caused the teacher some injuries to his hand. One of the police officers had been remanded for four days as granted by the courts.
He will be tried under Article 325 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing grievous hurt and if convicted he will be facing a maximum of 7 years in prison or a fine.
What do you think of their rash actions? Was it based on race? Or the colour of his skin? - thecoverage
Dua Anggota Polis Ditahan Cederakan Guru
AES at Kuala Kangsar-Ipoh Tunnel dah pasang.
Speed limit 80km/hr.Selamat memandu...
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