Cadangan persempadanan semula SPR akan menangkan BN di Selangor...
Menempelak tindakan itu, Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua berkata SPR dengan jelas telah menunjukkan bahawa objektif utamanya adalah untuk memastikan BN menang dan terus menjadi kerajaan.
SPR didakwa melakukan persempadanan dengan menambah majoriti di kawasan yang BN tiada potensi untuk menang dan mengurangkan majoriti di kawasan yang boleh ditawan semula oleh BN.
Menurut Tony, kawasannya yang akan dinamakan semula sebagai ‘Damansara’ menjadi kawasan tunggal terbesar dengan 150,439 pengundi setelah mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 76.2 peratus dari pilihan raya lalu.
Helah BN melalui SPR.Bagaimana depa nak kekal memerintah...
“Dengan itu, Parlimen Kapar yang kini disandang oleh G. Manivanan dari PKR akan menjadi lebih goyah.
“Majoriti 23,790 yang dimenangi pada pilihan raya lalu di Kapar hanya kira-kira setengah daripada hasil cadangan persempadanan semula itu,” jelas Pengerusi DAP Selangor tersebut dalam satu kenyataan.
Selain Kapar, Tony menjelaskan kawasan parlimen Subang yang kini ditukar kepada ‘Sungai Buloh’ turut mengalami pengurangan pengundi daripada 128,543 kepada 73,448 orang berikutan Bukit Lanjan telah dialih ke parlimen Damansara.
Menurutnya, Bukit Lanjan sebelum ini telah menyumbang majoriti 17,200 undi kepada parlimen Subang sehingga memberi kemenangan majoriti kepada R. Sivarasa dari PKR pada tahun 2013.
Oleh itu, beliau menyeru semua pengundi di kawasan terjejas membantah sekeras-kerasnya cadangan persempadanan semula SPR itu yang disifatkannya sebagai satu cubaan untuk menipu dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
“Langkah SPR itu menafikan hak sama rata rakyat Malaysia yang jelas termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” tegasnya. – Roketkini.com
SPR telah menambah pengundi baru ke dalam LembahPantai.
Mengapa di luar sempadan parlimen dan pegawai polis semuanya?
Di saat Raja Nong Chik tekad nak rampas kawasan Parlimen Lembah Pantai pada PRU14 nanti, TIBA-TIBA MUNCUL 1 Daerah Mengundi baru iaitu Tasik Perdana dengan jumlah pengundi baharu seramai 6,596 orang.WOWWW.. Ajaib !!!
Makhluk apa yg seramai 6,598 pengundi tu dok tinggal kawasan Tasik Perdana.
Ada tak di kawasan Tasik Perdana tu satu kawasan perumahan atau terpacak bangunan flat, apartment mahupon kondo ??!!
Mengikut Dr Maza, orang melayu yang berada di hulu-hulu atau ceruk-ceruk kampung saja yang memilih UMNO kerana maklumat (media massa) & surat khabar pro KERAjaan yg berat sebelah serta hanya berpihak kepada BN semata2, manakala majoriti Melayu bandar memilih Pembangkang.
PERSOALAN: Kenapa media massa, TV, radio & seumpamanya hanya 'dikongkong' oleh KERAjaan ??? Adakah KERAjaan BN itu milik sesebuah parti atau rakyat ???
SEBAB ITULAH SEKARANG SPR mula buat kerja kotor ubah 12 nama kawasan Parlimen DAN 34 nama kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di seluruh negara...
EC conducting single-biggest gerrymandering exercise
Malaysia confirms debris found in Tanzania is from MH370...
Malaysia said today that a large piece of aircraft debris discovered on the island of Pemba, off the coast of Tanzania, in June, was from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet MH370.
A search of more than two years has turned up few traces of the Boeing 777 aircraft that disappeared in March 2014, with 239 passengers and crew on board, soon after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, bound for Beijing.
The debris, an outboard flap, will be examined further to see if it can yield any insight into the circumstances around the missing plane, Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said in a statement.
Investigators have previously confirmed a piece of plane debris found on the French island of Reunion in July 2015 as being part of MH370. They are examining several other pieces of debris found in Mozambique, South Africa and Rodrigues Island, a territory of Mauritius.- Reuters
Malaysia sahkan serpihan di Tanzania milik MH370
The Paralympic miracles...
Due to their physical disabilities, it is far more difficult for disabled individuals to excel in sports compared to normal healthy people. As as result, the achievements of the trio should be fully recognized by us all.
According to Wikipedia, Paralympics began after the world wars in a bid to mitigate the impact of physical disabilities on military personnel as well as civilians across the world, providing them with physical training in hope of helping them regain their confidence and physical state.
In 1948, Dr Ludwig Guttmann organized an athletic day for disabled athletes that coincided with the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, marking the dawn of Paralympics.
Through Paralympics and other sporting events for disabled athletes, these people could once again prove their own worth and gain back their lost self confidence while inspiring other disabled individuals.
Meanwhile, such sports meets have also been able to allow the public to care for the disabled and help them blend into the larger society.
According to the WHO, some 10% of the global population or 650 million people are physically challenged. Collectively they form the largest minority group of this world.
Their sheer numbers will only grow following the overall increase of the world population, improvement in medical facilities and the increasingly visible ageing phenomenon.
Among countries with life expectancy in excess of 70 years, on average a person spends about eight years or 11.5% of his or her lifetime with some form of disability.
As a consequence, we must never discriminate against these people, as we ourselves may become like them one day when we age or become ill, more so when the number has become so substantial.
In its stead, we must provide more disabled-friendly facilities, convenience and space for them so that they too can contribute positively towards the country's well-being and prosperity.
Mohamad Ridzuan Mohamad Puzi, Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli and Abdul Latif Romly all have their inspiring stories to tell.
Suffering from polio since young, Ridzuan has to train for six hours a day while Ziyad, suffering from intellectual disability, could only pick up a skill through prolonged practice. Abdul Latif, in the meantime, also faces problem learning new things but given his exceptional talent in sports, he has thrice created new world records in Rio.
Without a powerful resolution, there is no chance these people could ever create history.Their success has also reflected the mutual support among Malaysians irrespective of race.
For instance, a kind-hearted Chinese man offered to Ridzuan a pair of new jogging shoes as gift, and encouraged him to win every race with them. The jogging shoes were not every expensive in monetary terms, but the most treasured value came from the generosity of a man who has since given Ridzuan a boosted confidence and warmth.
In a similar manner, Ziyad's father Zolkefli is very grateful to his son's Indian female teacher and a Chinese counselor Saw Boon Seng, without whose dedication Ziyad would not have made it this far today.
These three gold medalists have now become the most talked about issue in town with well wishers from Malaysians of all ethnicities pouring in, a glorious moment in the nation's history indeed.
Their accomplishments have proven one thing that Malaysians are not that inferior in sports after all and we are good enough to compete with the best from any country in this world.
Unfortunately our achievements have oftentimes been capped by our external environment, government policies and training mechanisms. Once our young people are able to break free from such restrictions, their potentials will be fully unleashed.
We cannot solely count on the government for the country's future. Given the fact that national politics is now in a disarray with politicians all busy with their own designs rather than the well-being of the nation, the rakyat will have to maximize their own potentials in order to infinitely expand their realms of survival.
We not only need to have the determination to pursue the goals of "Faster, Higher, Stronger" in the sporting field, we must also be equipped with creativity, innovation and superior R&D capabilities, along with a proactive attitude and positive values as we strive to excel in every aspect in life and prove our long-chanted slogan "Malaysia boleh".
The miracles we have created in Rio should serve as a powerful force that will lift us upward. It is hoped that such a positive force will stem the country's rising suicide rate as we face the uncertain future with new-found courage. - Lim Sue Goan,Sin Chew Daily
Sudah kami perkatakan sebelum ini bahawa makhluk lubang juboq akan mulai timbul jika UMNO dlm keadaan genting lagi nazak. Adakah trilogi LIWAT III bakal dikeluarkan utk mencapai tayangan BOX OFFICE di negara kita bagi menyelamatkan legasi UMNO buat selama2nya...
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