
Hadi Kena Kencing Dengan Najib, Usul Ditolak Ke bawah...


Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dilihat tergesa-gesa meninggalkan persidangan dewan rakyat awal kelmarin.

Beliau hanya berdiam diri ketika diajukan soalan mengenai usul persendiriannya yang telah diturunkan ke senarai nombor tujuh dalam kertas perintah bagi sesi terakhir Parlimen tahun ini.

Malah anggota parlimen Marang itu juga hanya tersenyum ketika diminta mengulas mengenai perkara berkenaan sebelum kereta yang dinaikinya meninggalkan Dewan Rakyat.

Hari ini Hadi dah kena kencing dengan Najib, usul kontroversi 'hudud' Abdul Hadi telah ditolak ke bawah dalam kertas perintah. Sebelum ini Hadi dijanjikan usul oleh Najib akan menempatkan usulnya pada senarai ke-4.

Usul bagi membentangkan rang undang-undang persendirian untuk meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah), telah diturunkan daripada senarai nombor empat semalam kepada nombor tujuh hari ini.

Ia diturunkan apabila lebih banyak usul kerajaan dimasukkan dalam senarai.

Lazimnya, usul kerajaan didahulukan berbanding usul persendirian.

Dengan kedudukan di bawah senarai itu, ada kemungkinan usul Hadi tidak akan dibawa ke Dewan.

Malah, ia mungkin terus ditolak lebih bawah pada kertas perintah itu berikutan hari-hari akan datang.

Bermula minggu depan, debat parlimen akan memberi tumpuan kepada Bajet 2017 yang akan dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak Jumaat ini.

Nampaknya Haji Hadi kena kencing lagi dengan Najib dan Umno.

RUU 355 bukan hudud seperti digembar gemburkan oleh Parti Hj Hadi. Sebelum ini, hudud digambarkan nyawa mereka, ada MB yang sedia hilang jawatan, ada yang yakin hudud terlaksana pada 2015 yang lalu malah ada yg tidak segan-silu yakin hudud akan dibentang sebelum 9 April 2015. 

Rupa-rupanya hudud yang diwar-warkan, bertukar wajah menjadi RUU 355. Itupun bertapa taksubnya mereka masih tegar mengata RUU 355 itu adalah hudud. - sungairapatonline

Image result for Hadi Awang hudud bill
An insult to our intelligence...

It is one thing when leaders do things that you disagree with. That is normal and part and parcel of life. It is quite another when they insult our intelligence by making disingenuous statements.

Let me give you some examples.

Hadi Awang complained that the amendments he is proposing in his private member's bill is not really about hudud but merely about strengthening the power of the Shariah Court.


Yet he and his party have been screaming for hudud until their holy throats are raw.

Although the proposed amendments may not lead to immediate amputations for theft and death for having sex with a non-spouse by way of stoning, it would be naïve to think that this is but the first step towards that direction. After all, that is what PAS wants.

Then, there is the AG who says that the National Security Council Act does not take away from the Agong's power to declare an emergency.

Of course it doesn't. The emergency provisions are still there, but what the NSC does is to give power to the prime minister to declare certain areas to be security areas, within which exists a situation that is effectively similar to an emergency.

The NSC does not take power away from the Agong, but it does give the PM power similar to the Agong's.

Then there is Noh Omar who says that Umno has nothing to do with the Red Shirts. Yet, there are pictures of him at a Red Shirt rally not only dressed in a red shirt but also wearing a red bandana making him look like a very out-of-shape Rambo.

It is insulting to the intelligence that these people can say such things and expect people to simply accept it.

But herein lies the trouble. These peoples' power depends on the Malay electorate either directly or indirectly. And what is sad to me is that a large proportion of the Malay electorate seem to be more obsessed with their infantile version of racial and religious issues that they are unable to see when the wool is being pulled over their eyes.- Azmi Sharom

UMNO, PAS leaders bite into hotdog saga, reject need for name change...

Although Umno and PAS rarely see eye-to-eye, leaders from both parties agree that Muslims would not be confused by the word 'hotdog'.

This is following news that the Islamic Development Department asked pretzel franchise Auntie Anne's to change the name of its 'Pretzel Dog' to 'Pretzel Sausages'.

“No, people have known about hotdogs for a long time," PAS Youth chief Nik Abduh Nik Aziz said when asked if the word 'hotdog' could confuse Muslims.

Speaking to reporters outside the parliament lobby, Nik Abduh said while confusing names should be avoided, what makes a food halal or haram is its ingedients, not its name.

Meanwhile Umno supreme council member Nazri Abdul Aziz said even in Malay, people called the meal “hotdogs” and not "anjing panas" (literally, hot dog).

"This is ridiculous. This is done by people who are ignoramus. They are not living in the real world.

"My Muslimness is not at all affected by eating hotdogs, In fact, I think I want to eat a hotdog now," said Nazri.

Similarly, Nik Abduh also said he might go eat at Auntie Anne's.

It was reported that Auntie Anne's was denied a halal certificate due in part to the name of one of its products, the 'Pretzel Dog'. - mk

US pretzel chain Aunty Anne's halal cert failed concerns over “pretzel dogs” in menu. Jakim confirmed eateries must rename “hot dog” dept said word “dog” could confuse Muslims.

Nazri rejected the argument.Nazri: ‘Hot dog’ row ridiculous, work of ignoramuses and no reason for (Jakim) to take issue “hot dog” did not mean contains dog meat.

Hot dog is western food.comes from English language.Even in Malay it's called hot dog.It's been around for so many years.

Ostb : Baru Nazri nampak muka gomen dalam cermin.Betul cakap hang - depa memang stupid.  Tapi brader, Jakim pun gomen macam hang juga.  Takkan hang seorang saja stupid brader.  

I always say these morons do not understand business.  Auntie Annie wants to sell 'Pretzel Dogs'.  Let them sell Pretzel Dogs.

Let Auntie Annie spend all the money promoting Pretzel Dogs. If it catches on, then the stalls or warongs can copy Auntie Annie.They can start selling Pretzel Sausages. How about that?

Macam McDonalds lah. They promoted 'ham-burgers'. Then our warong boys also started selling hamburger. 

Image result for jualan hotdog di malaysia

Do you recall the halal cert guys raiding the mamak restaurants that did not have halal certificates? Mamak restaurants are already Muslim. But mamak restaurants control a significant share of the Muslim restaurant business compared to say Malay restaurants.  

And everyone knows that most if not all Malay restaurants do not have halal certification. Yet the halal cert guys only raided the mamak restaurants. Restoran Melayu depa tak kacau pun. 

Looks like same MO here. Warongs sell "hot dog" its ok. Auntie Annie wants to sell Pretzel Dog it is not ok.- ostb  


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