
Cam mana Speaker Dewan Rakyat tahu maklumat kabinet...

Bagaimakah Speaker Dewan Rakyat tahu maklumat kabinet?

Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman mempersoalkan bagaimana speaker Dewan Rakyat tahu yang 3 bekas menteri mendedahkan rahsia kerajaan ketika mereka membangkitkan isu 1MDB pada sesi perbahasan minggu lalu.

Bekas peguam negara itu hairan bagaimana Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, sebagai ketua legislatif tahu yang Kabinet membincangkan isu 1MDB serta bagaimana beliau tahu apa dibincangkan itu diklasifikasikan sebagai maklumat.

“Ada sesiapa beritahu beliau mengenai perkara itu? Jika begitu, speaker Dewan Rakyat perlu membuat laporan polis terhadap orang itu,” katanya kepada FMT.

Beliau berkata demikian susulan polis memulakan siasatan terhadap bekas timbalan perdana menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, bekas menteri kewangan kedua Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah dan bekas menteri pembangunan luar bandar dan wilayah Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal kerana didakwa mendedahkan rahsia negara.

“Saya melihat logik speaker. Bagaimana dia tahu apa yang dicakapkan oleh 3 bekas menteri itu pernah dibincangkan dalam Kabinet dan ia diklasifikasikan sebagai maklumat?,” soalnya.

Pandikar mengadakan sidang media pada 27 Oktober di mana beliau berkata 3 bekas menteri itu mungkin melanggar sumpah kerahsiaan mereka apabila membangkitkan isu 1MDB ketika membahaskan Bajet 2017 di Dewan Rakyat.

Beberapa undang-undang seperti Akta Rahsia Rasmi dan Akta Hasutan, boleh digunakan terhadap ahli Parlimen, katanya.

Susulan itu, Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) dan Sahabat N87 Wilayah Persekutuan membuat laporan polis terhadap 3 bekas menteri itu kerana mendedahkan rahsia kerajaan.

Abu Talib, yang bersara pada 1993 berkata agak luar biasa untuk Pandikar begitu terbuka mengenai perkara itu kerana speaker mengendalikan prosiding dalam Dewan tertakluk kepada peraturan prosedur.

Bekas hakim mahkamah rayuan Datuk Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof berkata Pandikar tidak sepatutnya memberikan pandangannya mengenai undang-undang di luar Dewan Rakyat kerana beliau hanya boleh membangkitkan perkara itu dengan merujuknya menerusi Peraturan Mesyuarat.

Image result for Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, n Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah n Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal

“Dia boleh membangkitkannya ketika perkara itu sedang dibincangkan dengan merujuk kepada Peraturan Mesyuarat jadi mereka yang berkenaan boleh menjustifikasikan tindakan mereka. Untuk komen mengenainya selepas itu prejudis terhadap pihak berkenaan dan tidak wajar,” katanya kepada Malaysiakini.

Dalam laporan berasingan, Malaysiakini berkata Haniff Khatri, peguam kepada bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, mendakwa Pandikar mencetuskan supaya laporan polis dibuat terhadap bekas menteri berkenaan.

Haniff berkata oleh sebab Pandikar membuat kenyataannya itu di luar Dewan Rakyat, beliau tidak dapat perlindungan Parlimen.

Beliau juga mendakwa kenyataan Pandikar hingga laporan polis dibuat itu ialah “tindakan yang memudaratkan demokrasi berparlimen”.

“Ini kerana beliau cuba menghalang ahli Parlimen menjalankan tugas mereka membahas dan membincangkan isu relevan di Parlimen, selari dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” kata Haniff kepada Malaysiakini.

Sementara itu, Abu Talib berkata polis perlu melengkapkan siasatan mereka terhadap perkara itu kerana laporan sudah dibuat.

“Polis terikat dengan tugas untuk menyiasat jika wujud perlakuan jenayah. Terserah kepada pihak pendakwa raya untuk buat keputusan dan merangka pertuduhan berdasarkan bukti kukuh sebelum dibawa ke mahkamah,” katanya.

Polis menangguhkan untuk merakamkan keterangan Husni ke minggu depan sementara Muhyiddin juga akan disoal siasat minggu depan. - suarapakatandaily

Pemimpin Malaysia 'mastermind' penculikan di Sabah...

Pemimpin Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro (MNLF) Nur Misuari telah menyalahkan Malaysia dalam penculikan di Sipadan pada tahun 2000.

Menurut laporan portal berita Rappler, Misuari, 77, mendakwa Malaysia berada di sebalik aktiviti penculikan untuk mendapatkan wang tebusan di Sulu, mengkhususkan 2000 penculikan Sipadan yang mengaitkan Filipina dengan kumpulan Abu Sayyaf.

"Malaysia terlibat dalam penculikan untuk tebusan ini. Mungkin satu hari nanti saya akan mengheret pemimpin mereka ke ICC. Saya mempunyai semua bukti di tangan saya," Misuari dipetik sebagai berkata dalam satu ucapan di seuah dewan di Malacañang, petang Khamis.

Beliau juga mendakwa Malaysia mengupah 'orang sendiri' dan 'menawarkan mereka berjuta-juta ringgit'.

Misuari dipetik sebagai berkata dalam acara anjuran Presiden Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte, yang membiarkannya menggunakan podium presiden ketika menyampaikan 'ceramah pendek' beliau.

Misuari, yang mengasaskan MNLF pada tahun 1969, telah bersembunyi sejak tenteranya didakwa melancarkan serangan ke atas orang awam di bandar selatan Zamboanga pada tahun 2013.

Misuari dijangka menyertai proses damai dengan kumpulan saingan MNLF, Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro (MILF).

Malaysia adalah perunding dalam perjanjian damai Bangsamoro yang bertujuan untuk mencari penyelesaian aman terhadap konflik panjang di Mindanao. - mStar

Misuari: Malaysia to blame for Sipadan kidnappings...

Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding chairman Nur Misuari on Thursday claimed that Malaysia is to blame for the kidnappings in Sipadan, Malaysia in the year 2000.

“Our sources are saying that since Malaysia is the one who is involved in this kidnapping for ransom, probably one day I would drag their leaders into the International Criminal Court,” Misuari said in a speech in Malacañang.

“I have all evidence in my hand… They are hiring my own people, even in Sipadan, they hired my cadre officers because they offered millions.”

Misuari made the accusation ahead of Duterte’s trip to Malaysia where security and piracy are high on the agenda.

Misuari traveled to Manila from his lair on the remote southern island of Jolo after a local court suspended a warrant for his arrest over a bloody siege on Zamboanga City in 2013. Continue reading...

Nur Muhammad Misuari,a Moro, a scholar, founder of  MNLF 

Ostb - Folks these comments and this news above is very damaging to Malaysia and casts serious doubt on Malaysia's efforts at the "Bangsamoro Peace Accords". It appears more like serious bungling by people who dont know what they are doing for the best interests of peace between the Moros and the Philippines. 

Or maybe they do know what they are doing and what they want to do but for their own best interests.  What would those interests be? The Malaysian approach has been to deal with the MILF or Moro Islamic Liberation Front.  Our guys decided to leave out Nur Misuari's MNLF or Moro National Liberation Front.   

This approach included the Bangsamoro Basic Law or BBL which sought to grant autonomy to parts of Mindanao. But no surprise, in February 2016 the Philippine Congress rejected the Bangsamoro Basic Law or BBL.  End of  Bangsamoro Peace Process.  

Malulah Malaysia.  Buat kerja kosong.  

And why did the Philippines Congress reject the Bangsamoro Basic Law?  

One of the reasons was because the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) and another splinter the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) massacred 44 Philippine Police commandos in Mindanao in January 2015 during a Police operation to capture Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli Hir aka Marwan.

This was the same MILF to whom Malaysia played host for those peace talks in October 2012. 

And Misuari's MNLF was left out of that Kuala Lumpur peace process and the Framework Agreement of October 2012.     

Four months later in February 2013 the "Suluk" people attacked Lahad Datu.  Is anyone surprised?

There has been no peace.  
There is still fighting in Mindanao. 
The kidnapping business has escalated.
We created ESSCOM, using hundreds of millions of Ringgit.  
All to no avail.

Obviously our efforts have failed. There does not seem to be a serious effort. 

Macam main-main saja. 

Worst of all people are still dying - in Mindanao, on Jolo, in Basilan, in our waters etc. Kidnap victims are beheaded. Things have actually gotten worse.  

Sabah and the Philippines have suffered hundreds of millions in lost business when ESSCOM had to shut down the east coast of Sabah, when travel was restricted (for security reasons).  

So jangan main-main. 

There are some really super dungus in the Majlis Keselamatan Negara, the Research Wing of the PM's Department, the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and other outfits who really do not know what they are doing in Mindanao.  If you dont know what to do, then dont get involved.

About three years back I heard that botak Tengku guy talking about the Bangsamoro Peace process.  I wasnt convinced at all.  

Here is some advice. I know some other Malaysian folks who are also involved in the Bangsamoro process - through their NGOs and such. 

They are taking the 'religious' approach, the 'Islamic' approach.The "kita bantu orang Islam" approach.Some of these folks are looking forward towards an Islamic state in Mindanao. 

This is a huge mistake. Do not let religion, race, language etc cloud your vision and your judgement. The Moro suffer socio-economic and political issues. 

If at all, backward religious upbringing (fahaman agama yang totok dan kuno) may have led to the deterioration of the socio-economic and political status.  In other words the religion may have been part of the problem.  It is definitely not part of the solution.

Focus on economic opportunities, transportation, food, housing, health, modern education, security - these should be the priorities.      

President Duterte seems to be on the right track by negotiating with Misuari of the MNLF.It is likely he will also open discussions with the MILF, Abu Sayyaf, BIFF and whoever else is necessary.  

You negotiate 'peace' with enemies. Not with friends. Or on behalf of friends. 

Duterte is coming to Kuala Lumpur next week.  Duterte said that the 44 Philippine Police commandos died in Maguindanao because of corruption.   

2 People Crushed To Death After 
A Piling Rig Fell On Their Car In Klang...

In a fatal incident that occurred at 12:30pm today, 4 November, a man and a woman were killed on the spot when their dark blue Perodua Axia was crushed under a piling machine in Klang.The severe impact of the crash totally crashed the top half of the Perodua Axia.

The victims were identified as Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman, aged 61, a Malaysian, and an Indonesian woman named Nurhayati, aged 56.

They were driving through the Jalan Meru industrial area and were believed to be heading towards the Meru main road.


According to reports, the piling machine, which fell directly onto their car, was being used on a construction site on their right.

Selangor Fire and Rescue Department was alerted at 12.35pm and a team of 7 firemen were dispatched from Sungai Pinang fire station.

According to Selangor Fire and Rescue Department Assistant Director (Operations) Mohd Sani Harul, the victims were pronounced dead by a team of paramedics.

NST reported that their bodies were sent to the Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital.


It's not the first time such a freak incident involving construction equipment has happened. In August, a female driver was killed after a part of a construction crane hook fell onto her Perodua Kelisa.- says.com

Budak ini hilang...
Mohon kepada sesapa jua yg ade terjumpa, terlihat, ternampak anak saya ini bernama Noor Ayrill Aqasha berumur 10 tahun. Tempat dan tarikh terakhir dilihat ialah di Jalan Jejaka 9 Taman Maluri Cheras pada hari Isnin 31 Oct 2016 sila hubungi atau bawa dia ke balai polis terdekat atau boleh juga hubungi saya 018-779 4879...T/Kasih 


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