Tindakan 3 bekas menteri membangkitkan isu 1MDB di Parlimen tidak melanggar sumpah kerahsiaan kerajaan, sebaliknya mereka hanya menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai wakil rakyat, kata peguam.
“Lagipun, sumpah kerahsiaan tidak boleh digunakan untuk menyembunyikan salah laku (jika ada). Apatah lagi sumpah kerahsiaan itu bukan satu undang-undang, cuma peraturan atau etika dalam kerajaan.
“Lebih penting lagi, kenapa 1MDB begitu kebal sehingga langsung tidak boleh dipersoalkan, walaupun di Parlimen?” kata peguam lagi
Pihak polis dilihat mengambil tindakan cukup drastik menyiasat ketiga-tiga menteri yang berkata benar mengenai penyelewengan wang rakyat melalui 1 MDB hanya beberapa jam selepas laporan polis dibuat 2 NGO, Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) dan Kelab N87 Wilayah Persekutuan.
Tindakan bekas menteri kewangan kedua Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah membangkitkan isu 1MDB di parlimen setelah gagal mendapat jawapan yang meyakinkan di kabinet wajib dipuji.
Pihak polis supaya tidak seharusnya membazirkan tenaga dan masa mereka untuk menemuramah Ahmad Husni hanya kerana beliau berkata benar mengenai penyelewengan wang rakyat.
Sebaliknya, polis perlu terus menyiasat kes 1MDB yang sudah tertangguh lama. Malah, pada 20 Oktober lalu Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata polis masih pada tahap mengesan saksi bagi melengkapkan kertas siasatan berhubung 1MDB.
Soalan Ahmad Husni sebenarnya perlu dijawab polis dan Peguam Negara, dan bukannya pihak berkuasa sebaliknya membawa beliau untuk disoal siasat. Ahmad Husni membangkitkan soalan iaitu:
Mengapa kita tubuhkan 1MDB?
Dalam konteks itu mengapa kita letak lebih kurang RM16 billion dalam Aabar PJS Limited yang bukan dimiliki oleh International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), sebuah syarikat dimiliki oleh dua anak raja yang didaftar di British Virgin Island?
Mengapa tindakan undang-undang tidak diambil ke atas pengurusan 1MDB kerana memasukkan duit di tempat yang tidak betul? Dan mengapa tidak ambil tindakan kepada dua anak raja ini kerana penyelewengan wang tersebut?
Jika seorang menteri kewangan kedua seperti Ahmad Husni yang bekerjasama dengan menteri kewangan pertama - yang juga Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak - tidak mempunyai hak untuk bertanya di parlimen, apakah lagi rakyat biasa yang inginkan kebenaran mengenai isu 1MDB didedah?
Jika Ahmad Husni perlu disoal siasat, seluruh kabinet juga perlu disoal siasat – apakah mereka dengan sengaja mengelirukan orang awam mengenai 1MDB?
Apakah Najib menggunakan polis untuk menakut-nakutkan ahli parlimen supaya jangan menyentuh isu 1 MDB?
Senario Siasatan Polis mengenai 1 MDB
14 Apr 2016 - Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) menubuhkan pasukan penyiasat diketuai oleh Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Bakar. Siasatan akan dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan dan Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan sekiranya terdapat unsur pecah amanah dan tipu.
19 Ogos 2016 - Polis telah menyelesaikan siasatan fasa pertama berhubung 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) berlandaskan lima syor Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) yang dibentangkan di Parlimen.
20 Oktober 2016 - Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata pihak polis sedang giat mengesan saksi bagi melengkapkan kertas siasatan mengenai 1MDB.
31 Oktober 2016 - Bekas menteri kewangan kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah dipanggil ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman untuk disiasat kerana ucapan di Dewan Rakyat mengenai isu penyelewengan 1 MDB. - sungairapatonline
1MDB: Kalau Husni pun tak tahu, takkanlah polis tahu
Ahli Parlimen pembangkang keluar dewan lagi...
SRC Has No Revenue, Cannot Pay Back RM4B KWAP Loan, Duit Pencen Melayu Hilang...
Before you read the news above(and Ostb comments) please note the difference between a 'kickback' and 'underpricing' - two simple methods used by the corrupt people like MO1, the Mrs and cronies to steal taxpayers funds.
1. KICKBACKS : A 'kickback' is used when the corrupt want to siphon out cash from the government. Here they already have control of the cash. The question is 'How to take out the cash?' The method is simple. The MO1 characters (watak MO1) will authorise the use of that cash to buy assets, including rusty and broken down machinery, useless consultancy services, anything at all at very, very high inflated prices.
Here is a quick example. Say rambutan is selling at the fruit stand for RM4 a kilo. To siphon out taxpayers funds they will pay RM100 per kilo. Before that, the fellow running the rambutan stall (the crony, the fellow crook, the fellow thief) is already in cahoots with them. The crooky rambutan seller will keep RM4 (plus some healthy extra tips - takkan he wants to be party to a crime for free! ) Then he will "kickback" or refurn say RM90 to those MO1 types who brought this lucrative deal to him.
So the cash went out in bucketfulls and comes back to the MO1 crooks minus some "tips".
A real life example would be buying that piece of land in Penang which has over 1000 squatters living on the land for over 40 years at prices that are way above market. Another example will be buying some stupid mining concession in some stupid country located somewhere on planet earth. Stupid meaning you cannot even pronounce the country's name properly.
2. UNDERPRICING : Underpricing is used when the watak MO1 do not control cash but they control assets that belong to the taxpayer. This includes government owned land, government companies etc. So they sell these lands and companies at very cheap, way below market prices to their cronies and fellow crooks. The cronies and crooks then resell these assets to someone else at the full market price. The cronies and fellow crooks make the full market profit. Then they share the gains with the watak MO1s.
A real life example will be the gomen land they sold to their cronies at RM60 psf and the crony resold it at RM2000 psf or something (with no value added). So they made easy gains and shared the gains with the watak MO1.
The bottom line is the cash. Always follow the money. Their No. 1 objective is how to move the cash into their pockets.
And now for the news...
An opaque Malaysian state-owned firm is struggling to pay off its huge debts, causing a potential fresh headache for Prime Minister Najib Razak, even as aftershocks from the financial fiasco at 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) continue to reverberate internationally.
SRC International, set up by Datuk Seri Najib's government in early 2011 to pursue strategic overseas investments in energy resources, is under pressure to meet interest payments on its borrowings of RM4.3 billion (S$1.42 billion), say government officials and financial executives close to the situation.
While SRC's debt load amounts to a fraction of the total borrowings at state fund 1MDB, the company's financial troubles carry a sting for Mr Najib. SRC's primary funding of RM4 billion came from pension fund Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen (KWAP) that represents Malaysia's mostly-Malay 1.6 million civil servants. A scandal involving KWAP could undermine support from the pro-government civil service. Contine reading here...
Ostb: First the pensioners (some of whom are also taxpayers) put their savings in KWAP. KWAP took out RM4 billion of these savings and lent it to SRC. SRC put the money in Najib's accounts, paid it to dubious investments etc. The kickback method.
Now SRC has no returns from their mining investments because they are all fake. So how will SRC repay that RM4b KWAP loan?
Thats where you and me come in Mr Taxpayer. The KWAP loan is gomen guaranteed. So the gomen will bail them out with taxpayers money (our money). Thats how the KWAP money will be rapid. Using taxpayers funds again. Using the peoples' money to repay money stolen from the people. This is stealing two times. - ostb
Ostb - I say the penghuni of the AG's Chambers, today the first 1MDB linked trial has kicked off in Singapore. The trial is set to begin at 2:30 PM (about 35 minutes from now). Here is the Singapore Straits Times reporting on it. 1MDB mentioned all over the place. Jho Low is also mentioned.
Granted the AG Apandi is a clown act. Are the rest of the AG's Chambers clowns as well?
Is it always 'Saya menurut perintah'. Which is quite different from 'Saya mengikut undang-undang'.
It is interesting that the Singaporeans are trying the "witness tampering" cases first. This is dancing around the big fire - which is the actual acts of money laundering. We will have to wait longer for that one.
Yet enough juicy news will come out. For example, Yeo Jiawei
"told Pinto Jose Renato Carvalho to dispose laptop and NOT to come to Singapore to avoid being interviewed by Singapore Police."
What information did Carvalho have which Yeo did not want Singapore Police to find out? Dont we all want to know? I think we will know by Nov 11th, 2016 ie the last day of the trial.
Malulah AG's Chambers. Singapura sudah mula bicara kes mahkamah. AG Chambers kita pula kata 'Case closed'. Kampong betul.
p.s. Yeo Jiawei has been in remand detention in Singapore since he was arrested on March 17th 2016. That is seven and a half months. Yeo is perhaps the longest serving remand prisoner in Singapore.
The Singaporeans have kept him locked up because, besides the fact that Yeo has been aggressively trying to tamper with witnesses it is also for his own personal safety.
Yeo could get hit by a zebra at a hippo crossing.
Anyway the Court room will be packed. I am sure Hippo's agents are in the Court.
May I suggest something : start packing your things ok. Its Game Over. - ostb
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