
TMJ 'tembak' tujuh lelaki baju merah...


Story kat sini...

"Saya tidak berpihak kepada baju merah atau baju kuning. Saya berada bersama Bangsa Johor yang melambangkan perpaduan. Kerana perpaduan adalah 'formula' untuk negara ini bergerak ke hadapan, bukan keganasan dan kebencian.

Senjata tidak membunuh manusia, manusia yang saling membunuh. Keganasan dan kebencian tidak akan menjadikan negara ini tempat yang lebih baik. Kekal positif. Salam penuh kasih sayang."

"I am not taking the sides of the red nor the yellow shirts. I am on the side of the Bangsa Johor's where it symbolizes unity. As unity is the formula of this nation moving forward, not violence and hatred.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Violence and hatred is not going to make this nation a better place. Stay positive. Lots of love." - DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor

Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim posted a video today to spread his message of non-violence and also his criticism of the red shirts movement.

The video, posted on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page, had depicted seven masked men parodying the martial arts demonstration performed during a protest by the red shirts movement in Petaling Jaya yesterday.

One character in the video clip was holding a hoe, a possible reference to an incident last month involving the assault of Johor Water Commission staff. 

The clip ended with Tunku Ismail rapidly firing seven rounds from his pistol at an unknown target.

He then looks at the camera and shrugs before the video ended.

The accompanying message read: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Violence and hatred is not going to make this nation a better place. Stay positive. Lots of love."

Baju Merah Jamal Jamban...

He also clarifies that he is not siding with the red shirts or the "yellow shirts", believed to be a reference to electoral watchdog Bersih.

During the protest yesterday, several members of the red shirts movement held a demonstration of their martial arts prowess by allowing themselves to be struck repeatedly by pieces of wood.

One participant smashed a cinder block with his head.

The red shirt movement's raison d'etre is their opposition towards Bersih.

Sungai Besar Umno division head Jamal Md Yunos, the leader of the red shirts, have vowed to rally 300,000 in a counter-protest against Bersih 5, scheduled for Nov 19. - mk

Rombongan Najib ke China 
untuk selamatkan 1MDB...

Kehadiran anak tiri Najib Razak, Riza Aziz dalam lawatan rasmi kerajaan ke China minggu ini menimbulkan persoalan kemungkinan wujudnya usaha untuk mendapatkan bantuan berhubung skandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Timbalan Ketua Pemuda Amanah Nasional, Faiz Fadzil berkata, penjenayah 1MDB yang diburu dunia tidak harus dibiar bebas dan diberikan layanan sebegitu istimewa.

“Beliau (Riza Aziz) disyaki mendapat faedah berbilion ringgit daripada curian wang 1MDB di mana beberapa banglo mewah di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dibelinya dengan menggunakan wang 1MDB.

“Beliau juga berbelanja mewah dalam pembikinan filem dan pesta arak serta permainan judi dengan menggunakan wang rakyat.

“Adakah pemergian ke China bagi mendapat bantuan kuasa baru dunia itu bagi menyelamatkan 1MDB yang dibelenggu hutang lebih RM50 bilion dan Riza daripada terus diburu oleh pihak berkuasa beberapa negara termasuk AS, Singapura dan Switzerland?” bidasnya kepada Malaysia Dateline hari ini.

Mengulas lanjut, Faiz menyifatkan Perdana Menteri dan keluarganya sama sekali tidak rasa bersalah menyalahgunakan kemudahan kerajaan.

“Sikap PM (Perdana Menteri) yang langsung tidak sensitif dengan keadaan rakyat yang dizalimi dan ditekan dengan kenaikan harga barang terutama petrol dan minyak masak, mereka boleh tanpa rasa segan silu dan bersalah kepada nasib rakyat terbang ke China menggunakan jet kerajaan.

“Perdana Menteri, Rosmah dan Riza harus ingat bahawa negara ini bukan milik kamu bertiga tetapi adalah milik rakyat Malaysia. Apakah kedudukan istimewa Riza dalam kerajaan yang membolehkan beliau bersama rombongan ke China?” soalnya lagi yang juga merupakan peguam. 

Sehubungan itu, Faiz menyeru seluruh rakyat bangkit menumbangkan pemimpin zalim dan merompak harta negara ini seperti yang pernah berlaku pada diktator lain.

“Gaya hidup dan corak pemerintahan sebegini saling tak tumpah seperti bekas-bekas diktator dunia seperti Marcos, Suharto, Shah Iran dan sebagainya. Masa telah tiba untuk rakyat bangkit lawan diktator yang zalim dan kleptokrasi ini,” tegasnya lagi.

Untuk rekod, Riza Aziz yang namanya disebut Jabatan Kehakiman (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat, 20 Julai lalu dalam pemfailan permohonan mendapatkan kembali lebih AS$1 bilion dalam bentuk aset yang berkait dengan 1MDB dikatakan sukar dikesan.

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Bahkan, cubaan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) sebelum ini untuk memanggil Riza dan ahli perniagaan Jho Low untuk memberikan kenyataan berhubung dengan isu berkenaan juga gagal.

Riza dan Jho Low dinamakan dalam saman sivil DoJ itu selain dua bekas pegawai Abu Dhabi sebagai antara pihak yang terbabit dengan penyelewengan dana 1MDB termasuk membeli hartanah maha mewah di Amerika Syarikat dan membayar perbelanjaan perjudian di kasino Las Vegas.

Selain itu, mereka turut terbabit dalam memperoleh lebih AS$200 juta dalam hasil seni, melabur dalam projek utama pembangunan hartanah di New York serta membiayai produksi filem Hollywood. - suarapakatandaily

Implikasi hutang China RM50 bilion

Hang Li Po’s vengeance...

People say that Hang Li Po was a Ming Dynasty princess who was brought specially to Malacca to make Sultan Mansur Shah happy—and happy he was, as she became his fifth wife.

Admiral Zheng He brought her with him when he landed in Melaka on the way to other parts of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East.  The Admiral was ordered by Emperor Yong Le in 1402 to take control international trade—his first fleet alone comprised 19 treasure ships that could carry 20,000 men. Zheng He became one the most successful international traders in history.

What saved the Malay Kingdom, and Melaka in particular, was the stupid decision of Emperor Hong Xi to scuttle and ban international trade missions altogether 20 years later. 

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Hong Xi believed that exposing Chinese merchants to international trade would make them so powerful they could threaten the monarchy. He also thought that the exposure to external influences through trade was socially destabilising to China. Zheng He’s good work ended in 1435 when China became a reclusive power once again. 

But not to worry. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s new friendship with Chinese President Xi Jinping has brought back China’s influence in the Malay States and Borneo in more pervasive ways than Hang Li Po could imagine. 

The new friendship started because the US shamed our Prime Minister on the world stage. As a Bugis warrior, Najib certainly must not forgive the US for its handling of 1MDB. As a warrior, he must show he has influence and power to help Uncle Sam’s enemy—China.

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Sarawak and Sabah have seen more Chinese engineers and China-led projects as never before. This massive injection of Chinese money and resources will dramatically change the states into economic powerhouses—now, they are giving special passes to Chinese tourists as well.

Pahang, Johor and Perak are also full of Chinese projects. Melaka will be full of Chinese businessmen next year when the port and the airport are extended. This is not to mention projects such as the new rail line, the port, power plant and Bandar Malaysia. 

We have never been peacefully conquered like this before. The amount of contracts and business deals that the Prime Minister brought to China probably exceeds RM300 billion and much more will be forthcoming.

cilisos featured image china 1mdb

I need to go and see Hang Li Po’s well in Melaka and drink some water for good fortune. As a Malay I must start learning Mandarin if I want to get a job. I may want to do some business where I hope I will be given the crumbs by Jack Ma and the Alibabas of the world.

I now accept with humility that I was wrong and Najib was right: if you have money, you are king. Our Prime Minister might have a few billion from his “family fortune” but he too must accept that President Xi Jinping has more. The one who has more is the real king.

Hang Li Po, I know you are smiling with satisfaction from the heavens, but have pity on us. Don’t take away everything from my beloved country. Leave some for my grandchildren to savour. - Zaid.my

1 Malaysia, Rakyat DiDahulukan,Pencapaian diUtamakan...

Now for RM50 you get only Jamal Jamban...


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