
Anugerah gelaran 'Datuk' macam ‘Buffet’ saja...


Sultan Selangor menyifatkan penganugerahan darjah kebesaran semasa zaman pentadbiran menteri besar Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib terlalu mudah dan sesedap hati seperti hidangan “buffet”.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah berkata Muhammad banyak menukar adat negeri, misalnya memberi darjah kebesaran dengan hanya kelulusan exco, tanpa melalui Dewan Diraja.

"Sebab itu kadang-kadang istana kata darjah kebesaran semasa zaman Muhammad seperti buffet sahaja, letak atas meja terus ambil," titahnya, sebelum tradisi itu dikembalikan seperti asal.

Baginda menambah, susulan prestasi pegawai kerajaan sekarang yang tidak bagus, istana tahun ini memutuskan memberi 17 pingat darjah kebesaran sahaja yang membawa gelaran Datuk.

"Saya pun tengok pegawai-pegawai kerajaan tidak menunjukkan prestasi bagus, jadi saya tidak bagi banyak. Kita beri 17 gelaran Dato', satu Dato' Seri dan tiga Dato' Setia," katanya, apabila ditanya sebab jumlah darjah kebesaran tahun ini, sempena keputeraan baginda ke-70, berkurang.

Baginda, dalam wawancara akhbar Mingguan Malaysia, juga terus-terang mengakui tidak menghormati Muhammad, menteri besar Selangor antara 1986 hingga 1997, yang didakwa mengaut kekayaan ketika aktif berpolitik dan sikapnya yang sering melompat parti.

"Terus terang, saya tidak hormat pada Muhammad Taib. Dia buat kekayaan ketika berada dalam Umno, kemudian masuk PAS.

"Kemudian apabila PAS kelam-kabut, dia keluar dan masuk PKR. Kalau dia masuk mana sekalipun, macam mana hendak hormat sebab dia banyak melompat," kata baginda.

Baginda mendedahkan almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah pernah berselisih dengan Muhammad kerana beliau berbohong.

Baginda juga menyifatkan kewujudan jawatan timbalan menteri besar semasa itu sebagai kesilapan terbesar Selangor dan selepas mengambil alih takhta, baginda memansuhkan jawatan itu.

“Saya tidak pernah argue (berbalah) dengan menteri besar. Hanya sekali sahaja ayahanda saya berbalah dengan Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib, itu pun kerana beliau berbohong.

“Sebab beliaulah, kita wujudkan jawatan timbalan menteri besar dan itu adalah kesilapan terbesar negeri Selangor,” kata Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

"Semasa ambil alih (takhta) ayahanda, saya cakap dengan Pak Lah (Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) saya tidak mahu timbalan menteri besar. Beliau tanya kenapa?

"Timbalan menteri besar ini tidak lain kerjanya hendak menjatuhkan menteri besar. Jadi menteri besar takut apa akan datang dari belakang. Dia bukan menolong tapi menjatuhkan.

"Bukan bermakna timbalan menteri besar secara automatik akan jadi menteri besar. Jadi, ada cita-cita lain. Jadi, lebih baik tidak ada. Pak Lah setuju dan sejak itu tidak ada lagi timbalan menteri besar.” lapor MMO

Guan Eng sokong keganasan Myanmar 
- satu fitnah...

Pihak polis diminta agar segera menyiasat mesej viral di aplikasi Whatsapp yang memfitnah Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng sebagai kononnya menyokong keganasan ke atas etnik Rohingya di Myanmar.

Pegawai Penerangan beliau, Zaidi Ahmad berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas membuat laporan di Balai Polis Jalan Patani di sini, pagi tadi.

Menurut Zaidi, pihaknya telah memberikan nombor telefon dan nama penyebar kepada polis, justeru beliau percaya suspek yang dipercayai menyebarkan fitnah tersebut akan dapat dikesan segera.

“Saya harap tidak ada lagi alasan seperti sebelum ini yang mengatakan polis tidak cukup maklumat (untuk menyiasat),” ujarnya.

Dalam pada itu, Pegawai Penyelaras Agenda Ekonomi Saksama Pulau Pinang, Ab. Wahab Long yang turut hadir berkata, pihaknya tidak menolak kemungkinan bahawa fitnah terbaru itu adalah bagi mencemarkan lagi reputasi Guan Eng.

“Kita kesal dengan tindakan ini. Seperti kita tahu, Ketua Menteri sendiri meminta sebuah usul mengecam tindakan ganas rejim Myanmar ke atas Rohingya dibuat di sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri pada bulan lepas,” jelasnya.

Whatsapp fitnah yang diviralkan berkenaan menuduh Guan Eng yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP bersetuju dengan tindakan Aung Saan Suu Kyi terhadap kaum Rohingya, serta kononnya Malaysia tiada hak untuk campur tangan dan dianggap mencabul urusan negara Myanmar. – Roketkini.com

Malays favour Dr M to Anwar 
or Hadi as next PM...

A survey by Institut Darul Ehsan (IDE) found that Malays favour Dr Mahathir Mohamad making a comeback as prime minister, compared with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

According to the survey, 29 percent of Malays want Mahathir as prime minister while Anwar and Hadi tied for the second spot, with both receiving 25 percent respectively.

Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) president Muhyiddin Yassin came in third among Malays at 13 percent, while DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang came in a distant fourth at one percent.

This was based on a survey of 1,761 respondents conducted from Aug 26 to early September.

Among the Chinese community, Lim Kit Siang was the most popular candidate for prime minister, at 42 percent, followed by Anwar (32 percent), Mahathir (14 percent) Muhyiddin (nine percent) and Hadi (three percent).

As for the Indian community, the majority favoured Anwar at 40 percent, followed by Mahathir (33 percent), Muhyiddin (19 percent), Lim Kit Siang (nine percent) and Hadi (two percent).

However, when all races were taken into account, Anwar was still the top candidate.

As a whole, 30 percent of respondents favoured Anwar to lead the country, followed by Mahathir (24 percent), Muhyiddin (17 percent), Lim Kit Siang (15 percent) and Hadi (14 percent).

Similar trend among the youth

A similar trend was observed among youths, where 29 percent favoured Anwar.

However, Mahathir came in at a close second place with 28 percent of the youths favouring him as leader, followed by Lim Kit Siang and Muhyiddin at 16 percent and Hadi at 11 percent.

IDE political education and democracy cluster chief Shahruddin Badaruddin said the survey indicated that Anwar was still relevant, despite his incaceration.

"The research showed Anwar is still popular among Malaysians and the issues he struggles for, including on justice and democracy, are still relevant," Shahruddin said in a statement today.

The survey found 51 percent of the respondents also believed that Anwar was victimised and should be released from prison.

This was up from 43 percent in IDE's survey conducted in November 2015.

The remaining 29 percent were unsure, while another 20 percent believe Anwar should remain in jail.

When the subject of leadership is raised specifically in the context of Anwar alone, 40 percent wanted Anwar to lead but 31 percent were against him.

Another 29 percent were uncertain.

The Federal Court in February last year upheld Anwar's five-year jail sentence for sodomy, a charge he claimed was politically motivated.

IDE is a Selangor government-sponsored think tank, with Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali as its adviser.- mk

Populariti Dr M atasi Anwar, Hadi

Ex-BSI banker gets jail term,
fine in Singapore's 1MDB probe...

Yvonne Seah Yew Foong, a former BSI private banker, was sentenced to two weeks' jail and a fine of $10,000 on Friday, becoming the second person to be convicted in Singapore's probe into alleged money laundering linked to 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

Seah, 45, had pleaded to three charges in a Singapore state court on Friday (Dec 16) for aiding in forging documents and failing to report suspicious transactions allegedly related to Malaysian financier Low Taek Jho.

Prosecutors asked for a two-week jail sentence and S$12,000 in fines. 

Seah's supervisor, Yak Yew Chee, is serving an 18-week jail term after being pleading guilty in November for similar offences. Yak, 57, who was also fined S$24,000, will surrender S$7.5 million to the State "to demonstrate his genuine contrition", his lawyer said last month. Continue reading...

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The supporting crooks are being caught and sent to jail, one by one. The very light and easy jail terms (18 weeks for Yak, two weeks for Yvonne Seah) clearly indicate that these folks have cut a deal with the prosecutors. 

Hence their lives are in danger. These folks (Yak, Yvonne and Yeo Jia Wei) better not cross the Causeway or even travel overseas (especially to Thailand).    They might end up inspecting an oil drum - from the inside.

Five days from now (Tick Tock, Tick Tock) the Singapore courts will pass judgement on Yeo Jia Wei.  He will be facing even more charges in Court in early 2017.

I believe Yeo Jia Wei's sentence will be longer but running into smaller single digit years. He will be promised more jail terms in 2017  (to run subsequently) if he does not cooperate. Or they may just lock him away for a long time.

All three will be called later as witnesses when Jo Lo is arrested and brought to trial in Singapore. This seems to be a certainty.

These cases are so simply, stupidly open and shut. 

Listen to the flimsy excuses. Yvonne Seah says she is 'claustrophobic' and hence she helped forge letters, launder money and put away S$4.1 million in salaries and bonuses !! Not bad for a claustrophobe.

And the JoLo fellow (despite a Wharton education) says that he moved US153 million to his father's account  out of filial piety - a Chinese cultural thing he says ! !

Then the good father returned US150 million (after deducting US$3 million for mahjong ??)  out of fatherly love ??

This type of silly, childish excuses are worse than the weird stories my poorly educated Indonesian maid used to cook up to borrow money.  

And you present these types of silly excuses to a Court? In Singapore? 

The point I am trying to make is - is this the best you have? Is this the best that you can do?

And the oil drums are cleverer? Tick tock, tick tock. - ostb

Pasai takut tak boleh cucuk duit depa sanggup 
beratur untuk tukar kad ATM sebelum Jan.2017.
Tak payah rushing dah.Tengok apa Maybank cakap...


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