"Kami mampu berfikir, menilai kesalahan, keburukan, rasuah dan penipuan.". - A Civil Servant (RTD)
Saya bersetuju dengan "nasihat" oleh menteri Azalina seperti diatas. Memang benar sebagai pegawai kerajaan kata kata mereka boleh membawa kesan dalam masyarakat. Jadi peraturan begitu perlu ditaati.
Yang saya rasa tidak senangnya ialah bila pemimpin politik macam menteri ini menyalahgunakan peraturan demikian untuk menyekat dan mengambil tindakan keatas pegawai kerajaan yang berikhtiar membetulkan perbuatan salah yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin politik dalam kerajaan.
Misalnya bila wang 1 MDB atau SRC International diseleweng dan dicuri oleh pemimpin yang tak bertanggungjawab, mereka menggunakan, kononnya peraturan yg perlu diikuti oleh pegawai kerajaan untuk melindungi kelakuan salah yang telah dibuat oleh pemimpin politik itu sendiri.
Mereka ingat kita ini kuda kayu yang boleh ditunggang sesuka hati hantu mereka ka?
Kita adalah orang yg mampu berfikir dan menilai kesalahan, keburukan, rasuah dan penipuan. Yang elok kita sokong. Yang khianat kepada negara kita bantah dan buangkan. - Sopian Ahmad
I am not Chin Peng's cousin, says Kit Siang...
Lim Kit Siang has denied that he is the cousin of the late Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng and Singapore's former premier Lee Kuan Yew.
He was responding to a tweet from lawyer Syahredzan Johan, who claimed that someone from Umno had shared a chart in a Whatsapp message purportedly showing Lim's blood ties to the pair.
Also mentioned in the chart were Lim's son and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, DAP leaders Teresa Kok, Tony Pua, Anthony Loke, Ngeh Koo Ham and Nag Kor Ming as well as Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) leader Nizar Jamaluddin.
An UMNO guy in my WhatsApp group shared this.
Yes they have resorted to linking DAP leaders with Chin Peng.
- Syahredzan@syahredzan
The DAP veteran blamed those aligned to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for this.
"Apart from Guan Eng, I have no idea how I could be related to all the other named personalities," he told a press conference in Penang this afternoon.
Lim pointed out that Ching Peng, born in Sitiawan, Perak, on Oct 12, 1924, is the nom de guerre of Ong Boon Hua, who is of the Hockchia clan.
Whereas, he said the late Lee was born in Singapore on Sept 16, 1923, and is of the Hakka clan.
"I, a Hokkien, was born in Batu Pahat (Johor) on Feb 20, 1941.
"How we could be cousins is testimony of the fertile imagination of Najib's troupe of creators of fake news and false stories who could turn white into black and black into white," he added.
Training his guns on the alleged mastermind behind these campaigns, Lim likened the person to Joseph Goebbels, who was the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany.
As for now, the DAP leader, however, declined to shed light on this person's identity.
"I would not name him for the moment, a person whose name has not appeared in the media at all.
"But (he is) a very powerful person in Najib's corridor of power, whom even the Umno warlords keep a wide berth of, as he is not a person to be trifled with," he claimed.
Meanwhile, Lim described the prime minister's recent warning regarding false news as a supreme irony, claiming that those aligned to Najib were the "worst culprits".
The veteran leader noted that his son was often targeted in such smear campaigns.
Guan Eng, who is also DAP secretary-general, has lodged two police reports over fake Whatsapp messages.
One message claimed that he supported Myanmar’s crackdown on its Rohingya minority, while the other alleged that he intended to shut down all Mara institutions if Pakatan Harapan came to power. - mk
Saya bukan sepupu Chin Peng, kata Kit Siang
Ringgit - RM4.50 To The US$,
Malaysian maids wanted in Dubai...
Malaysian maids wanted in Dubai...
The problem is even the cerdik pandai do not know what to do.
In the meantime, the Ringgit has touched RM4.50 to the US Dollar. So whoever works as a housemaid in Dubai can send back more Ringgits to Malaysia.
"Kita boleh kaya nanti. Fuiyyo !" So said Jamban.
I just got confirmation that the "previous owner" of the franchise sold out some years ago. I believe the local franchise has now been bought over by some arabs.
There has been some controversy recently after it became known that McD's now will not allow non Muslims to bring "non-halal" birthday cakes for your kid's birthday party at their premises. The non Muslims have complained that 'halal' should only be applied for food and not for premises.
So if a Chinese family wishes to celebrate their child's birthday at McD, they should first get their cake x-rayed in case there is a pound of ham or pork sitting inside the cake. We have heard of chocolate cake, cheese cake and blackforest cake. Has anyone heard of babi cake?
Hmm . . . I see a lot of other possibilities here.
What if a non Muslim mother brings a baby to McDs and then feeds the baby from a milk bottle? Does the milk have to be halal certified too? I mean, why stop at just the birthday cake?
What if someone brings M&Ms which they bought in Singapore to the birthday party which has no halal certificate? Kena X-ray also ke?
What if sales slow down ? No big deal?
Can always apply for housemaid's job in Dubai. Earn "duit besar" because Ringgit sudah jatuh ? - ostb
Falcon Bank's ex-S'pore branch manager slapped with 16 1MDB-related charges...
Sturzenegger, 42, is expected to plead guilty on Jan 11, it was disclosed in a Singapore court on Thursday (Jan 5). Representing Sturzenegger, Mr Tan Hee Joek of the law firm of Tan See Swan & Co told The Straits Times today that his client intends to plead guilty to some of the charges.
He was released on bail of S$80,000. Continue reading...
This suggests when Singapore will issue a warrant of arrest for Jo Lo. It is likely that Yak Yew Chee and Yvonne Seah have agreed to be witnesses in any JoLo trial. Hence the short sentences. This means they also need to be placed under protective custody - otherwise they too may be fishing the sea without a fishing pole.
Yak Yew Chee will be released from jail sometime in April. Yvonne Seah should have already been released. This Mat Salleh guy will plead guilty on 11th January, six days away.
He faces 16 offences. Even if they give him one week per offence that is 16 weeks or four months in jail.
I guess the arrest warrant for Jo Lo will be issued say March to April. Or earlier. Imagine the fuss it will create. And the Barisan Nasional is going to the polls this year? UMNO and BN have a real death wish.
In 2013, MO1 lost the popular vote and lost more of the 2/3 majority mainly because of his wife. Just the wife alone almost caused the BN the 13th general elections. The situation has not gotten any better for the BN and UMNO.
It has actually gotten worse. Now not only has the Hippo situation become worse, but they have to contend with:
1. the RM55 billion 1MDB scandal
2. the GST making the people poor
3. the FGV shares hitting toilet paper grade
4. the Felda - Eagle High scandal
5. the sacking of the AG
6. sacking Muhyiddin Yassin
7. sacking Mukhriz Mahathir
8. sacking Shafie Apdal
9. sacking / transferring MACC, AGC and Police staff
and so many more scandals.
People have also died strangely especially Kevin Morais. (Not forgetting Hussein Najadi, that Mongolian girl and the PI guy). With all these extra and more worse scandals, do they really think that UMNO and the BN are going to win GE14? They cannot be that stupid.
Some people say if there are 3 cornered fights, it is UMNO/BN that will benefit. If there are 3 cornered fights, it is NOT UMNO/BN that is going to get the biggest corner seat. Think again.
Then there are rumours . . . .which I will not divulge.
It is certainly suicidal for UMNO / BN to enter the general elections with this amount of crap sitting on their dinner plate. Imagine a warrant of arrest for JoLo or the step son? This is going to be a real bad year for the bad guys.- ostb
Why arrest ministry sec-gen
but no one from SRC...
The arrest of a ministry secretary-general does not cover up the concerns raised by former top graftbuster Bahri Mohd Zin, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said today.
Yesterday's arrest only strengthens Bahri's complaints that he had sinned Malaysians by failing to get the SRC International case to court, Tuan Ibrahim said.
"How can the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission arrest civil servants so easily, but take no such action against SRC... which involves top politicians?
"If Bahri's allegations are true, who stopped the SRC case (from going to court) and who gave the green light to arrest the secretary-general?" Tuan Ibrahim asked in a statement.
The MACC yesterday arrested a ministry secretary-general and 29-year old man for abuse of power and graft.
theSun reported that the 29-year old was the secretary-general's son.
The arrests came a day after Bahri revealed he had opted for early retirement due to his frustrations over the SRC case.
The former MACC special operations director also said he was frustrated with the country’s "spider web laws" that only punished small offenders but let the bigger wrongdoers escape.
Previously a subsidiary of 1MDB, SRC International is now under the Finance Ministry. It came under the spotlight after RM42 million of its money was found in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's personal bank account.
While MACC’s 1MDB investigations were complex and involved many overseas jurisdictions - with the attorney-general refusing mutual legal assistance to the commission to work with foreign investigators - the SRC case was clear-cut as it involved mostly local entities.
The SRC money was deposited into Najib's accounts in two transactions - on Dec 26, 2014 and Feb 10, 2015 - after being routed through two companies, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd.
Najib has reportedly claimed to be unaware about the money from SRC, and attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali also cleared him of any wrongdoing in the matter.- mk
Tangkap KSU tapi tiada tindakan serupa terhadap SRC...
Minah Oii!!!kesian kor ye...Mazhab mana?Kitab mana?Pondok mana?Pesantren mana?Aliran Tassawuf,Usulludin,Hakikat,Tauhid or Makrifat?habaq mai sat kat cheq. Zakat versi Najib,mufti mana yg berani mengatakan BR1M itu zakat. Kalu pernah berguru di sekolah pondok,takkanlah bini dia tak reti nak tutup aurat?
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