Aktivis Badan Gabungan Aktivis Alam Sekitar Kelantan Malaysia (BUMI) merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penaja Royalti Malaysia, Syam Ghaz, mempersoalkan mengenai : Apakah status Lebuhraya Rakyat sekarang? Bila akan dilaksanakan? Bila tarikh siap?
Beliau juga mohon Kerajaan Kelantan menjelaskan diatas kemusnahan tapak laluan Lebuhraya Rakyat yang di istiharkan oleh arwah Tok Guru Hj Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Mantan MB Kelantan pada 28 Mei 2012.
Undi yang anda berikan dulu untuk Lebuhraya kini terburai? Lawatan kami ke tapak-tapak jalan yang dibina sebelum ini runtuh akibat kesan hujan lebat dan tumbuh semak samun.
Balak2 sekitar Lebuhraya dalam jajaran kawasan Hutan Simpan Ulu Sat, Machang yang sepatutnya jadi tarikan Eco-Pelancongan untuk generasi anak cucu cicit masa depan sekitar Lebuhraya sudah gondol.
Lebuhraya Rakyat yang di istiharkan oleh arwah Tok Guru Hj Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Mantan MB Kelantan pada 28 Mei 2012 sepanjang 73km sepatutnya menjadi jalan penghubung Machang ke Kuala Krai kini terbiar.
Almarhum TGNA merasmikan majlis pecah
tanah Lebuhraya Rakyat pada 28 Mei 2002
MB/ TMB @ Exco Infra Dato Hanifa sebut syarikat tersebut dapat funder dari Dubai dll. Tapi tidak jadi, saat-saat akhir riwayat Lebuhraya Rakyat zaman MB Dato Ahmad Yaakob, serah kepada Kelkon yang duit dalam akaun tidak sampai RM100 juta untuk buat Lebuhraya bernilai RM1.8 Billion.
Akhir skali, Kerajaan Negeri terpaksa serah kepada Kerajaan Pusat disebabkan kelemahan mencari sumber kewangan. Reti ceramah aje ke? Kita tadbir Negeri ini biar boleh buat pembaharuan, bukannya sekadar jadi "Jaguh Signboard" dan "Juara Copong".
Ding Dong Ding Dong, inilah Kerajaan Negeri yang memerintah Kelantan sekarang. Macam memerintah kampung. Kemampuan untuk mentadbir dan membangunkan apa yang arwah TGNA mulakan dulu TIDAK MAMPU dibuat? Untuk mencari sumber kewangan pun tenat.
Akhirnya jadi projek Baham Balak! Sedih.
Projek Baham Balak berleluasa di Kelantan
setelah Almarhum TGNA sudah tiada lagi.
Anak Perantau yang berada di Lembah Klang, Johor, Kl, N9 dll yang melalui Jalan Gua Musang - KB tahulah betapa peritnya jalan yang sepatutnya dibesarkan sejak 1986 lagi, sampai kini terpaksa dilalui. Cuti Tahun Baru Cina nak datang lagi, anak Kelantan akan perit lagi.
UNDI yang anda berikan waktu PRU13 lalu, hingga memenangkan Kerajaan Kelantan sedia ada nampaknya dimain-mainkan oleh Kerajaan memerintah. Next PRU14 nak undi lagi ke?
Apakah status Lebuhraya Rakyat sekarang? Bila akan dilaksanakan? Bila tarikh siap?
Minta perjelasan, atas kemusnahan tapak laluan Lebuhraya Rakyat ini. Apa tindakan Kerajaan Kelantan, biarkan tapak-tapak yang dibina dengan duit derma dan rakyat terus musnah? Atau teruskan buat?
Terima kasih.
Syam Ghaz,
Badan Gabungan Aktivis Alam Sekitar Kelantan Malaysia [BUMI]
@Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penaja Royalti Malaysia. - alhusseyn51.blogspot
Ya lah kat sana tak ada UMNO...
Rosak Melayu kerana orang Melayu juga...
Dr M: Opposition will use single logo, manifesto in GE14...
Noting that Opposition parties had previously failed to unseat the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition due to lack of unity, Dr Mahathir said the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) which he chairs will be part of a new Opposition coalition that will be more united than ever before.
“We, the Opposition coalition, will use one symbol, one manifesto and place only one candidate in each ‘kawasan’ (constituency).
“All component parties will support this one candidate. There will not be any candidates that will represent our coalition party,” he said in a speech last night, which was greeted with cries of “Hidup Tun” (Long live Tun!).
Dr Mahathir said that those claiming to be opposing BN but were not part of the Opposition coalition would be “betraying” Malaysians by throwing in their candidates into the fray.
“Maybe there will be other parties that purportedly will oppose BN. They don’t have to deny because the placing of their candidates will only split the people’s support towards the Opposition coalition so Najib will win,” he said, referring to BN chairman and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Dr Mahathir did not name specific political parties. “However, PPBM and the opposition coalition is willing to face the challenge of fights of three-corners or more,” he said.
Dr Mahathir insisted that anyone else who is not part of the Opposition pact knows that their candidates will not win and are in effect supporting BN by causing division among the Opposition, adding that voters should be aware that voting for a third or fourth group will amount to voting for BN.
PPBM had last month already inked an agreement with the existing Opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan --- composed of PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) --- to formalise their cooperation for GE14.
PAS has yet to agree to work with PKR and PPBM and is still in talks with them, but had last March together with Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia formed the new Opposition alliance Gagasan Sejahtera — which is seen as a “third force” — now joined also by Berjasa.
PAS has said it is willing to have one-to-one fights in the elections that must be held by 2018, but its refusal to work with DAP or Amanah has raised concerns on whether it would clash with them and BN in certain seats.
The PPBM’s launch last night was attended by leaders from the federal Opposition, including PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang, Amanah president Mohamad Sabu and deputy president Salahuddin Ayub, Amanah vice-president Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa, DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok and PAS’s Datuk Mahfuz Omar.
Also sighted in the crowd was former Umno law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.
Later when met after the event, PPBM deputy president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir confirmed to reporters that PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man was unable to attend the party’s launch due to other commitments.
As for Parti Warisan Sabah president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, Mukhriz said he was similarly unable to attend.
“We invited him but he mentioned he might have something on in Sabah so he couldn’t make it, but he said that his heart is with us, but he’s got his mission in Sabah that he needs to take care of,” he told reporters.
One week given to complete Vale of Tempe repairs but work completed within four days. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was not satisfied when the repair works of the Vale of Tempe was not completed as scheduled. He made a site visit on Jan 10 and ordered the work to complete within a week. Lim said if Fukuoka, Japan could repair their damaged highway due to vast sinkhole in one week, there is no reason we cannot repair a much smaller damage. Within four days, the work is completed and now, users can heave a sigh of relief because the road is open to traffic again.The road was damaged in a landslide on Oct 13, 2016.
14-year-old filed ‘sedition’ report against Lim...
No Rasuah in Sabah...
Its been a few months already. They seized over RM190 million in cash ! !
So what is happening to the case?
I heard Sabah people say that this case will not be filed/charged under corruption.It will not be considered a corruption case at all.
Instead the case will be filed under money laundering laws.
Here is the reason why.
A charge under the corruption laws will require the investigation of the case as what was the purpose of the corruption, who were the givers, who were the takers, what was it all about etc.
This will potentially embarass a lot of people from "who were the givers" angle because the money came from across the South China Sea.
But if they charge them for money laundering, then the entire angle of attack in the prosecution will be different.
You just need to prove the money laundering. Case closed.- ostb
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