
Singapura cungkil ulat daripada kaki reput 1MDB...

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Dalam bahasa yang mudah, cara Singapura bicarakan kes-kes tipu yang libatkan duit 1MDB samalah dengan kita cungkil ulat daripada kaki yang reput.

Satu demi satu Singapura tarik keluar dan ditunjukkan kepada dunia sebagai bukti yang kaki 1MDB memang reput (septic) akibat telur lalat jenis langau yang menetas jadi ulat.

Orang sekarang tak tahu lah. Tapi zaman saya budak-budak di kampung pada tahun 1940-an dan 50-an, kes kaki buruk perkara biasa. Tahap kebersihan teruk dan penyakit kulit berleluasa.

Saya ingat lagi kami budak-budak beramai-ramai tolong Tok Tosa, nenek salah seorang kawan kami, korek keluar ulat daripada luka di kakinya.

Banyak tak ada, tapi sepuluh, dua puluh ekor ada. Bau memanglah busuk.

Cara elak dan ubati luka daripada dihinggapi lalat adalah dengan menutupnya menggunakan sejenis ubat kapur yang orang kampung panggil MB.

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Yang sebenarnya, MB itu adalah singkatan nama pembuat ubat antiseptik tersebut iaitu May & Baker. Syarikat Inggeris yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1839 itu masih ada sampai hari ini.

Itulah yang sedang berlaku di Singapura dengan ulat-ulat (dalam bahasa Inggeris “maggots”) yang menetas di betis reput 1MDB.

Kerajaan Singapura, melalui mahkamahnya, sedang bedah dan tarik keluar satu demi satu ulat itu untuk buktikan betapa buruk dan busuknya skandal 1MDB.

Sehingga ini ia telah bicarakan lima orang dan jatuhkan hukuman penjara serta denda ke atas tiga daripada mereka. Ia juga tutup dua buah bank yang terlibat mengubah duit haram hasil penyelewengan 1MDB.

Dalam semua kes ini, duit haram yang mereka ubah itu adalah sama atau kena mengena dengan duit “derma Arab” yang masuk ke dalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, ketika Pilihan Raya Umum 2013.

Ulat paling besar dan busuk sedang dicungkil sekarang adalah perbicaraan bekas pengurus Falcon Private Bank AG cawangan Singapura, Jens Sturzenegger. Eksekutif berbangsa Swiss itu hadapi 16 tuduhan.

Pendakwa telah pun kemukakan fakta-fakta yang kaitkan Sturzenegger dengan kegiatan pengubahan haram duit yang dicuri daripada 1MDB dan menghantarnya balik ke Malaysia untuk dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib.

Falcon Bank juga sedang disiasat oleh pihak berkuasa Switzerland.

Sebab itulah kita susah nak bezakan mana duit 1MDB yang bersih dan mana yang kotor. Lalat bila ia hinggap, makanan bersih pun jadi kotor. Dalam Islam benda kotor haram.

Tapi yang kita tahu, 1MDB bagi duit untuk orang pergi ke Makkah buat haji. Macam mana tu?

Saya tak boleh salahkan mufti, lebai dan haji kalau mereka tak faham. Mereka mungkin pandai agama tapi mereka tak tahu urus niaga.

Orang pandai pun kalau tak dalam ilmu undang-undang, ekonomi, kewangan, perbankan dan perakaunan susah nak faham cara tipu dan seleweng 1MDB oleh Jho Low ni.

Oleh sebab itulah Jho Low jadi orang yang paling dilindungi dan dirahsiakan pergerakannya. Dia pegang kunci ke penjara.

Tapi tupai yang pandai melompat pun ada kalanya jatuh juga ke bumi. Kerajaan Singapura ada sumpit ajaib. Soalnya ia hendak guna atau tidak terhadap Cina kepercayaan Najib ini. Boleh jadi Singapura ada agenda lain dengan Jho Low.- a.kadir jasin

"And the main crooks think 
they can walk free. Lets see"...

SWISS national Jens Sturzenegger convicted of 6 charges linked to (1MDB).

Another 10 charges will be taken into account during sentencing. Thurs (Jan 5) Sturzenegger accused of conniving, failing to disclose US$1.3 b.He is accused of giving false information to enforcement officers and to omit to probe JoLo's involvement in bank accounts managed by Falcon Bank. Continue reading...

Noose says the jail term is 5-6 months only. Very lenient.  The guy has been found guilty but not sentenced yet. Also there are 10 more charges against him that will be taken into account when sentencing.

I dont know how exactly the Singapore folks work but they are doing some serious horse trading.

Three banks have been put out of business in Singapore because of this 1MDB scandal - BSI Bank, Falcon Bank and RBS Coutts. BSI Bank has even been shut down in its home country of Switzerland.  A fourth bank 'Banque Edmund de Rothschild based in Switzerland was compelled to fire its entire Board and CEO in Switzerland.

A few other banks in Singapore like Stanchart, DBS etc have been fined a total of about S$9 million. In Malayisa Ambank was fined over RM50 million.  All because of 1MDB.

And the main crooks think they can walk free. Lets see.- ostb

Image result for dap in penang
Rough year for DAP in Penang...

With 2016 behind us now, perhaps DAP will be looking back at the year with a sigh of relief. For 2016 is arguably its most challenging year in Penang after ruling the roost for the past eight years.

Politically it may be one of the most damaging to DAP in 17 years. To recap, in 1999, the party’s iconic leaders – current DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and the late Karpal Singh – suffered humiliating defeats in the general election.

They were defeated in the socialist party’s bastion of Penang. Voters kicked out the duo when DAP was then part of the opposition Alternative Front, which included PAS and Keadilan (now PKR).

Penang voters rejected Lim and Karpal because they were perceived to have ignored their constituency work and for their love-hate relationship with the likes of PAS, which many people viewed as just a partnership of convenience which lacked sincerity.

DAP won only 10 parliamentary seats in 1999 compared to now, where it holds 38, the highest number among opposition parties.

True enough by 2001, DAP broke off ties with PAS for the first time, and you guessed it – over the issue of the proposed “Islamic State” legislation.

History has continued to repeat itself with the opposition as the socialist party again severed ties with the Islamist party, this time in 2015 over the same issue.

Since the ’80s, DAP has grown remarkably in Penang through its home-bred leaders such as Karpal, Gooi Hock Seng and Teoh Teik Huat, technocrats who have  come to symbolise the critical outlook of the islanders and mainlanders.

Despite the overwhelming victory by BN in the 2004 general election, when the ruling coalition led by then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi captured over  60% of the popular vote, DAP still captured two additional parliamentary seats to end up with 12.

And of course 2008 was a defining moment for DAP, when both Lim and Karpal managed to experience what was impossible just a decade ago – capturing Penang.

But as the saying goes, “one day in politics is a long day.” And DAP has been helming the state government in Penang for the past eight years.

The trials and tribulations of being the government of the day have finally caught up with the party, especially Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

For last year, perhaps only Prime Minister Najib Razak has suffered more, mainly due to an economic slowdown which critics are quick to link to his handling of the 1MDB scandal.

Snap elections

But in Penang, Guan Eng has had to deal with a series of his own setbacks.

There was the dispute with civil society which has lingered on until today due to anxieties over the proposed Penang Transport Masterplan.

Then there was a rift with PAS and issues on how projects were awarded as well as how Penang calculated its revenue from the public budget.

And there is the pending court case where Guan Eng was charged with corruption for allegedly purchasing a bungalow at below market price.

Looking at the issues which have emanated from Penang, political observer Jason Ong Khan Lee has concluded that Guan Eng had stared down a challenging year.

On top of it, there is a long standing rift with some quarters in PKR over the transport plan.

Perhaps, the people’s attention was focused on Najib because the 1MDB controversy attracted a global audience, but the issues in Penang were worrisome too.

Looking ahead, there is a possibility that history will repeat itself in Penang, especially if the voters begin to feel disillusioned with DAP under Guan Eng.

For one, Penang is also facing a slowing economy and repercussions from the environment after developers embarked on land reclamation and hillside development.

And it may get worse if the US adopts “Trumpomics” whereby American firms begin to move capital and profits home to take advantage of higher interest rates and fresh incentives to boost jobs in the world’s biggest economy.

Americans are the largest foreign direct investors in Penang.

Ong said that such dramatics could unfold this year, especially with persistent speculations that Najib may hold snap elections in the coming months.

Will this year (Year of the Rooster) change the fortunes of DAP?

Only time will tell! - John Chin,beritadaily

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