Selepas kritikan keras sultan Johor ke atas Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad semalam, Facebook penyokong Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir tampil dengan kisah 'mesra' lain bekas perdana menteri itu dengan istana Johor.
Mukhriz Mahathir FC hari ini mengketengahkan hasil perbualan seorang anggotanya, Adam Mukhriz Mohd Muhayeddin, bersama isteri Mahathir, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali.
Perbualan dua jam mereka dikatakan bermula dengan jenama jam yang dipakai Siti Hasmah.
“Jam itu berjenama Bvlgari. (Entah macam mana nak sebutnya tak reti),” tulisnya.
Tulisan Adam Mukhriz cuba membayangkan hubungan baik dan hormat menghormati antara sultan Johor ketika itu, lmarhum Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail dengan Mahathir, walaupun pemimpin itu kuat menegur pihak istana.
“Tun Dr Siti Hasmah menceritakan bagaimana almarhum sultan Johor (ayahanda kepada sultan Johor sekarang) sangat sayang kepada Tun Dr Mahathir walaupun Tun M kuat mengkritiknya dan menegur almarhum.
“Jam ini dihadiahkan oleh Almarhum satu set. Satu untuknya dan satu lagi untuk Tun Mahathir.
"Sultan Johor sekaranglah yang pergi beli ikut arahan ayahnya di Singapura. Kata Tun Siti, naik motor besar dia itulah," katanya. Baca seterusnya...
Bvlgari watches, Dr M and
the late sultan of Johor...
Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar had unleashed a vitriolic salvo on a politician, whom he believed could be a little senile due to his advanced age.
Observers claimed that the target was former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Some 24 hours later, a Facebook page for the supporters of Mahathir's son Mukhriz recounted the relationship between the Johor sultan's late father, Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail, and Mahathir.
The posting was based on a purported conversation between Party Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) member Adam Mukhriz Mohd Muhayeddin and Mahathir's wife, Dr Siti Hasmah Ali, which kicked off on the watch she was wearing.
“The watch is called Bvlgari (No idea how to pronounce this),” wrote Adam Mukhriz.
“Siti Hasmah related how the late sultan was fond of Mahathir although he criticised and reprimanded the late sultan.
“The late sultan gifted a set of watches, one for Mahathir and one for her,” he added.
According to Adam Mukhriz, Siti Hasmah said it was the current sultan, who upon the request of his late father, who went to Singapore on a “big motorcycle” to purchase the watches.
The posting also stated that when the late sultan was ill and warded at the Gleneagles Hospital, Mahathir and Siti Hasmah visited him.
As the couple was leaving, the posting claimed Mahathir was shocked to find Sultan Iskandar behind him, wanting to send them off to the elevator.
“How much fondness and respect the late sultan had for Mahathir.
“It was because of this, Mahathir was conferred the 'DK 1' award by the late sultan, which is the highest award from Johor,” read the posting, accompanied with the hashtags #KongsiCeritaBenar (sharing a true story), #SejarahTidakMenipu (history never lies), #RakyatTidakLupa (the people won't forget) dan #TidakNyanyuk (not senile).
Speaking at an event in Muar yesterday morning, Sultan Ibrahim criticised a politician, whom he claimed often accused the Malays of having short-term memory, but was now displaying similar traits.
Among others, the Johor ruler said this politician had once described the opposition as his arch rival but now sat at the same table with them. - mk
Pelajar Tingkatan 1 dibuli beramai2...
Seorang pelajar tingkatan satu di sebuah sekolah di Petaling Jaya luka sepanjang 2 inci setelah dibelasah beramai-ramai oleh pelajar sekolah yang sama.
Punca kejadian tidak dikenalpasti,namun mangsa dipercayai dipukul dengan objek tumpul di kepala dan perutnya dipijak oleh pelajar2 sehingga mangsa tak sdarkan diri.
Pemeriksan pihak hospital mendapati mangsa yang memakai baju yang belumuran darah itu mengalami luka sepanjang 2 inci di bahagian kepala.
Menurut sumber guru sekolah berkenaan telah menemui dengan ibu bapa salah seorang pelajar yang terbabit,namun ibu bapa pelajar yang terbabit itu tidak percaya bahawa anak mereka melakukan perbuatan itu.
Difahamkan bapa mangsa telah membuat laporan polis mengenai kejadian itu. - f/bk
A suspenseful killing plot...
News of the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un, shocks the world and once again puts the country in international limelight.
International media shift their attention to this country again after the tragic disappearance of MH370, as evidenced by over 200 local and foreign journalists at the deputy IGP's press conference.
The death of Kim Jong-nam has ticked a sensitive nerve on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang has wanted to hide the actual cause of Kim's death from the global community, and has done everything it could to stop our police from carrying out a post-mortem on Kim's body.
North Korea's ambassador Kang Chol insisted that the deceased was not Kim Jong-nam, and alleged the Malaysian police of concealing the truth. He later accused the country of colluding with South Korea for the benefit of the latter. Kang also requested to join in the police investigation, or Pyongyang would not accept the outcome of investigation carried out by the Malaysian police.
Kang's accusations constitute a major insult to our country. Wisma Putra has on two separate occasions summoned him for an explanation. His allegations were subsequently rebutted by foreign minister Anifah Aman, who also recalled our ambassador to Pyongyang for "consultation". Some say North Korea is an autocratic regime. If Kang were to mishandle this case, he could very well be recalled and executed at home.
Women suspects in Kim Jong Nam murder.
Indonesian Siti Aisyah (left) and Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong (right)
Malaysia is the only country to have the rare privilege of enjoying visa exemption for entering North Korea. Nevertheless, all that we know about this reclusive state is probably its continuous pursuit of nuclear weapons. Despite condemnation of the international community and a new round of sanctions imposed by the UN, Pyongyang remains unbending.
Owing to the special background of the deceased, the police have so far kept a tight lip about the whole investigation process. Foreign journalists have to take turns waiting outside the police headquarters, HKL, airport, North Korean embassy and a number of other locations to secure up-to-the-minute first-hand news. Their first relief came on Sunday with an international press conference at Bukit Aman.
Journalists from South Korea are the most aggressive. They have attempted to storm the North Korean embassy on a few occasions. They may have forgotten that embassy premises enjoy extraterritorial status of the represented state, and any violation of the same could be sanctioned under the laws.
Local newspapers have had their own ways of covering this case, and this to a large extent depends on the interpersonal relations of individual reporters and their connections. They have to be very patient, ready to brave all the hardships and challenges in order to grasp the latest information.
From fragmented news reports, photo images and leaked videos, we could more or less put things together into a more complete picture of how it actually happened on that fateful day. Following the briefings by the IGP and his deputy, the picture appears to be much clearer now.
North Korean suspects Ri Jae Nam (front L), Hong Song Hac (back L)
and Ri Ji Hyun (R) (Photo: Reuters)
Indeed, the death of Kim Jong-nam has been the work of North Korean agents that probably include also the embassy's second secretary and an Air Koryo employee, who were spotted at the crime scene. The other five suspects are still at large, four having fled the country on the same day.
Reporters today are very lucky, as they have the privilege of covering several landmark incidents of global significance in a short span of three years, although most of them are not what we have hoped for.
Whenever a high-profile incident like this happens, reporters hope they can be picked by their supervisors to cover them. No one wants to miss the excitement and that sense of accomplishment for being left behind.
Kim Jong-nam's assassination is like a suspenseful Korean spy movie that is expected to take quite some time before all the truths eventually come to light.
How did the North Korean agents manage to infiltrate into this country and carry out their killing plan? Why Malaysia? Were the police tipped of any information prior to this? We are still waiting for the police to clear our doubts on these queries.- mysinchew
Buat apa tu...
Kalu Jamal Tongkoi ke pejabat KSU Negeri Selangor hanya memakai tuala,
tak pelik kalu ambil duit dekat mesin ATM pun boleh berpakaian begini.
Mungkin Mak Cik ni terdengar jiran sebelah menjerit cakap BR1M dah masuk,
dia berlari keluar dari bilik air terus ke ATM.
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