Bekas Timbalan Pengarah Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Dr Rosli Yaakob berkata, keadaan itu boleh berlaku apabila didapati lambakan rokok seludup yang jauh lebih murah berbanding yang dikenakan cukai semakin serius.
“Langkah kerajaan naikkan cukai rokok gagal membendung amalan merokok tetapi burukkan lagi keadaan apabila rokok seludup makin mudah didapati dengan harga jauh lebih murah serendah RM3 sekotak pun ada.
“Jika sebelum ini mungkin perokok habiskan RM10 hingga RM12 untuk beli sekotak rokok sehari tetapi tidak mustahil ada antara mereka yang kini menghisap rokok hingga dua kotak sehari kerana harganya murah,” katanya ketika dihubungi SelangorKini, di sini, hari ini.
“Bila cukai rokok tinggi, harga rokok juga jadi mahal. Bila harga rokok mahal, wujud permintaan tinggi untuk seludup dan mendorong penyeludup membawa masuknya kerana jualan rokok seludup meningkat.
“Akhirnya akan berlaku seperti Greece, negara itu naikkan cukai rokok tujuannya nak tambah pendapatan tetapi yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya, jualan rokok bercukai merosot dan kutipan cukai juga merosot tetapi kegiatan menyeludup pula tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan.
“Faktor penguatkuasaan undang-undang di Malaysia yang lemah dan rasuah berleluasa sama seperti Greece iaitu jika kegiatan rasuah tinggi, memang sukar untuk membendung kegiatan menyeludup hingga tak mustahil ada penyeludup dapat perlindungan pihak penguatkuasa sendiri atau mereka menyalurkan maklumat kepada penyeludup,” kata Dr Rosli ketika dihubungi SelangorKini, di sini, hari ini.
Katanya, ia terbukti apabila syarikat pengeluar rokok utama British American Tobacco (BAT) mengambil keputusan menutup kilangnya di Petaling Jaya tahun lalu ekoran jualan produknya mengalami kemerosotan teruk.
Katanya, BAT turut mendakwa 40 peratus pasaran rokok di Malaysia pada masa itu dikuasai penjualan rokok seludup dan dipercayai akan semakin meningkat.
Sebelum ini, langkah Kerajaan Greece menaikkan cukai rokok akhirnya menyumbang kepada masalah penyeludupan yang serius hingga menyebabkan negara itu kehilangan pendapatan daripada cukai rokok.
Dianggarkan antara 2008 dan 2013, pengambilan rokok seludup di Greece meningkat 400 peratus selepas Greece menaikkan cukai rokok bagi tujuan menambah pendapatan cukai menerusi cukai rokok.
Katanya, lebih menakutkan lagi apabila kemampuan pelajar sekolah atau golongan di bawah umur untuk membeli rokok turut meningkat dengan hanya menggunakan duit belanja sekolah yang diberikan ibu bapa masing-masing.
Beliau berkata, kerajaan sepatutnya memerangi amalan rasuah habis-habisan terlebih dahulu bagi memastikan penguatkuasaan yang efisien, sekali gus negara tidak dibanjiri dengan kemasukan rokok seludup.
“Pada masa sama penguasaan rokok seludup di pasaran meningkat sehingga 40 peratus,” katanya.-NFN
UMNO to ‘conquer’ Penang...
Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Mansor must be living in a make-belief world of his own doing. He has come with a new totally preposterous idea that Umno/BN could expand itself through an administrative decree by rendering Penang, Langkawi and part of Malacca as federal territories.
It is obvious that what Umno/BN fails to obtain through the ballot box, then other nefarious ways are thought of to vanquish whatever autonomy is left in the 13 states in Malaysia. This move is essentially back door extension of unitary politics.
Thus, when all else fails, the BN government becomes utterly desperate so much so, politicking becomes dangerous with serious ramifications to reduce whatever freedom the states enjoy under the present constitution.
Perhaps later on Tengku Adnan might even suggest to convert the states of Sarawak and Sabah as federal territories if there is lingering fear that these two states might not be “fixed deposits” to ensure the victory of the BN in the coming elections.
Hell will break loose if Tengku Adnan can deliver what he said in a press interview.
What is the source of his new preposterous idea of expanding federal territories in the country? What is the real motive?
Is it political or an administrative ploy to expand the scope of Umno as the party is facing its worst period as never before in the history of the country.
If Tengku Adnan has the courage, he should come out and say that he was not interested so much in expanding to Malacca or Langkawi but the real target was recalcitrant Penang.
He should come out and say boldly that because Penang is no where within the political parameters of Umno’s divisive politics, the only option left was to “conquer” it through an administrative decision.
Never mind the actual process that might be involved in turning Penang into a federal territory. However, the very thought of it conjures images of the intentions of Umno to punish Penangites for standing up in the last two general elections against the morally problematic BN government.
Penangites who are as Malaysian as the people in any other state, will never subject themselves to arbitrary decisions of the federal government when it comes to their legitimate rights. Most importantly, they will never tolerate any form of subjugation whether it is overtly or covertly done.
Maybe Tengku Adnan should come with a referendum to ascertain the real stand of the Penangites on this matter – whether they want the state to be converted into a federal territory or for the status quo to remain.
The verdict will be a forgone conclusion – Penangites having known the evil designs of Umno/BN will never forsake their territory to an “alien” force.
Tengku Adnan has so much to do as a federal territory minister rather than trying to harp on an idea that is a non-starter in the first place. Maybe he wants to give some fresh ideas to his bosses in Umno at a critical time that the party is devoid of any worthwhile mission.
We are not of those in Malacca and Kedah, but Penangites will never forsake their freedom and autonomy.- P Ramasamy,fmt
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