
Guru kritik gomen SALAH,tapi Guru kritik pembangkang OK...

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Lima guru sudah diberi surat tunjuk sebab oleh Kementerian Pendidikan berikutan didakwa aktif berpolitik dan menghentam kerajaan di pentas pembangkang.

Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid,berkata, semua guru berkenaan diberi tempoh dua minggu bagi menjawab surat tunjuk sebab yang dikeluarkan, baru-baru ini.

Mahdzir bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan identiti, sekolah dan negeri di mana kelima-lima guru berkenaan berkhidmat.

"Siang mereka mengajar di sekolah, malam mereka aktif berpolitik dan menghentam kerajaan di pentas pembangkang.

 "Kita juga dapati ada antara mereka mempunyai jawatan dalam parti pembangkang," katanya yang dipetik akhbar milik Umno itu di Kuala Lumpur.

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Penjawat awam, termasuk guru mempunyai hak untuk mengkritik dasar-dasar kerajaan yang dianggap meminggirkan kepentingan rakyat, selaras dengan prinsip demokrasi di negara ini.

Sebarang ancaman atau ugutan ke atas mereka membuktikan bahawa kerajaan UMNO BN cuba menimbulkan ketakutan bagi mengawal penjawat awam, kata pegawai khas Ahli Parlimen Kuching, Dr. Kelvin Yii.

Menurutnya, tidak wujud istilah ‘setia membabi-buta’ dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen pada hari ini, malah ia hanya menghasilkan budaya rasuah dan kronisme di kalangan pegawai kerajaan.

“Gaji penjawat awam dibayar menggunakan wang pendapatan kerajaan. Wang itu datang dari banyak sumber, termasuk cukai yang dibayar rakyat.

“Jadi bukan kerajaan atau BN yang bayar gaji guru dan penjawat awam, tapi rakyat. Guru tak perlu setia kepada BN, tapi kepada negara,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.

Beliau berkata demikian susulan kenyataan Menteri Pendidikan, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid semalam bahawa mana-mana guru yang gemar mengkritik kerajaan lebih sesuai meninggalkan profesionnya.

Mengulas lanjut, Kelvin berkata Mahdzir perlu faham bahawa rakyat, termasuk guru tidak harus disuruh mendiamkan diri apabila wujud salah urus tadbir yang jelas di kalangan pemimpin hari ini.

“Penjawat awam adalah tunggak penting dalam negara kita. 

“Mereka seharusnya dibenarkan mengemukakan pendapat dan tidak takut bersuara kerana tanggungjawab mereka adalah untuk kebaikan negara, bukannya parti politik,” tegasnya. – Roketkini.com

Tak dak sapa yang nak mencemar nama gomen. Sebaliknya orang ramai mencemar pak2 menteri dalam gomen tu,yang rasuah dan makan dedak.  Gua mau bertanya apa pula tindakan terhadap guru2 yang sokong gomen serta memegang berbagai2 jawatan dalam parti gomen?  Bukankah peraturan2 am kerajaan hari ini membenarkan guru2 melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan politik kepartian?

Lu tau pasai apa guru2 hentam sama gomen? 

Depa tak suka GST, depa tak suka cara gomen bazirkan wang rakyat. Depa ikuti rapat isu 1MDB dan RM2.6billion yang masuk akaun MO1. Depa cikgu,otak depa sentiasa berputar,tak jumud macam ahli2 UMNO tegaq. Lagi pun depa kenai perangai Ketua2 Bahagian UMNO dikawasan depa.

Ada guru siap jadi penceramah BTN balun pembangkang luar dalam dan ada yang jadi wakil YB bagi acara tertentu. Lu orang tak dak bising pun.

Gaji guru dibayar oleh wang yang dikutip dari cukai dan GST yang dibayar oleh rakyat. Duit gaji guru bukan datang dari dana UMNO atau dari poket Pak Menteri atau Jibby.

Begitu juga kalu ada sekolah yang arah semua buku latihan diletakkan gambar Anwar Ibrahim pada kulitnya diambil tindakan drastik. Tu buku2 latihan di beberapa buah sekolah siap dengan gambaq Jibby di muka depannya(spt.pix di atas), apakah jadah? 

Bukankah awak cakap jangan berpolitik di sekolah di kalangan murid2. 

Pokoknya kita tak perlu mendiskriminasi gomen, sebaliknya dalam PRU nanti ramai2 kita mengundi untuk menolak calon2 UMNO/BN...

Lu orang cakap ini negara demokrasi, tapi lu orang tak mau kasi guru2 kritik lu orang. Kalu itu macam betoilah orang cakap demokrasi di sini sudah mampuih,sebaliknya lu orang amalkan kleptokrasi...

Teachers have right to support 
opposition too, minister told

Pakatan Harapan leaders have blasted Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid for telling teachers who actively promote the opposition or discredit the government to resign from the civil service.

Amanah's Kota Raja MP Siti Mariah Mahmud said teachers have every right to support a political party that can improve their working conditions.

“With the rise in information technology and growing interest in politics among the people, it is pretty strange when a national leader like Mahdzir chooses to be conservative and old-fashioned in denying the right of teachers to support political parties that are not in government.

“Perhaps it's because the attitude of outdated leaders, such as this, that is causing the country to fail to reach developed nation status by the target year 2020, forcing it to be extended to 2050,” Siti Mariah said in a statement today.

“I suggest Mahdzir stops interfering in the affairs of teachers outside of school hours, and instead prioritises efforts in raising the standards of teaching and learning in schools,” she said.

She said it is no secret that teachers are burdened with administrative and clerical tasks that interfere with their teaching duties, and such extra workload even spills into their after work hours.

They are also reported to be required to attend courses that have nothing to do with the teaching profession, said the MP.

“With all these is burdens unrelated to their job, surely teachers have a right to choose and participate in other political parties with the hope they can guarantee the quality of education in the country would be improved to the utmost,” she said.

Siti Mariah said the minister should look at the poor educational infrastructure in rural areas and in Sabah and Sarawak, which should be the focus of his ministerial duties.

As for the teachers, she said they and other civil servants should be wary of an increasingly autocratic government that is also increasingly intolerant of criticisms from the civil service.

“Ensure you use the power of your vote to change the government now, to a new one that cares more for the plights of all segments of society,” she said.

Loyalty to country, not BN

In another statement, Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen's special assistant Kelvin Yii said he was “appalled” by Mahdzir's warning to teachers, which showed a “clear disrespect for the principles of democracy and well as the use of fear tactics to control and intimidate civil servants”.

Yii said BN should not demand “blind loyalty” from civil servants as the taxpayers are the ones who pay their their salaries.

“Civil servants are paid by revenue generated from the country. Revenue from a country comes from many sources, which one of it is income tax, which is paid by the public.

“So it is not the government, nor is it the BN, that pays the salaries of teachers and civil servants. The loyalty of these civil servants is to the country, not to a political party nor to an individual,” he said.

Yii said government agencies should not be politicised and any general order that limits the freedom of speech and of association, as enshrined in the Federal Constitution, should be reformed.

Independent and critical thinking, he said, are critical to educators and should be cultivated for the sake of the children they educate.

The quality of education would be put at risk, he added, if teachers are “selected not by educational merit, but only by loyalty to a political party”.- mk

Appum - Now the Education Minister's turn to talk cock.He thinks all government servants,including teachers,belongs exclusively to UMNO.How in the hell can someone like this be an Education Minister,in charge of the well being and quality standards of our school system making sure we produced well educated future citizens for the nation.

He is more concerned about his Party's survival not the education of the people and the people who educate the young...the teachers.He demands loyalty from the teachers because without UMNO there will not be teachers anymore?He demands votes from the teachers because all teachers owe it to UMNO for being there.

Teachers have no value on their own,they owe UMNO for a living and profession?What kind of mentality does an Education Minister,a very important and senior port folio in the Cabinet/Government,shows here?That is why I always say all our Ministers are not fit to be where they are,they don't deserve their positions because they are not qualified to.

Dont just talk - Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid is wrong by asking teachers who discredit the Government to quit their profession. Teachers are role models to their students who are taught not to lie but to speak the truth and if by speaking the truth the teachers should be penalised then teaching is no longer a noble profession. 

The teachers salaries are paid by tax-payers and not by UMNO Baru and if Mahdzir Khalid's boss MO1 did accept US$681 millions into his personal account, should the teachers be expected to lie and not discredit the Government.USE YOUR HEAD Mahdzir failing which,you should resign as the Education Minister and not the other way around by asking the teachers to quit their profession. Betul,betul otak udang Education Minister.

Jangan ugut guru-guru...
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   

Hadi mahu selamatkan Najib, 
bukan Malaysia...

Sikap berdiam diri Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berhubung dakwaan terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menunjukkan presiden PAS itu tidak berminat dengan nasib Malaysia, kata veteran pembangkang, Lim Kit Siang.

"Hadi menjelaskan di mana pendiriannya mengenai isu 1MDB- yang dia mahu selamatkan Najib, bukan selamatkan Malaysia.

"Adakah ini sebab Hadi tidak mengutuk atau mengkritik Najib dalam skandal 1MDB, walaupun ia adalah ibu segala skandal kewangan di Malaysia, dan dianggap sebagai skandal kleptokratik terbesar dunia? Soalnya.

Dalam ucapannya malam tadi di Changkat Jong, Perak, Lim bagaimanapun memberi amaran bahawa isyarat akar umbi PAS dan Umno menunjukkan mereka tidak mengikut pemimpin secara membuta tuli.

Beliau memberi contoh berita kekalahan Ketua Pemuda PAS Nik Abduh Nik Aziz di Pengkalan Chepa PAS dan kegagalan Setiausaha Agung PAS, Takiyuddin Hassan mermpertahan jawatan dalam Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM).

Lim berkata, pemimpin PAS dan Umno tidak boleh menganggap ahli-ahli parti itu akan mengundi mengikut kehendak dan arahan mereka, tanpa mengira keadaan. - mk

Looks like Hadi only wants to save Najib, not M'sia

Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   



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