
PRU14 - Mahathir vs Nazri Aziz...

Nazri seharusnya lebih tahu bahawa beliau berkhidmat untuk negara, bukan hanya kepada penyokongnya di Padang Rengas semata-mata. “Mengapa dia mahu saya pergi ke tempatnya? Datanglah ke tempat saya. “Awak menteri seluruh negara, bukan untuk Padang Rengas saja" tegas Dr.Mahathir...

Biaq aku bertanding di Langkawi...

Photo published for Bekas duta: MCA kini macam cawangan kedutaan China
MCA dah macam cawangan kedutaan China...

Duta Besar China ke Malaysia, Huang Huikang semakin melibatkan diri dalam politik tempatan di sebalik hubungan rapat Malaysia-China, menurut seorang diplomat veteran, yang memberi peringatan akan kesannya terhadap kedaulatan negara.

“Beliau tekun menjelajah negara, dan kerap ditemani ahli politik MCA dan Umno, mengunjungi berpuluh-puluh sekolah Cina dan menyalurkan beratus ribu ringgit dalam bentuk bantuan dan biasiswa,” bekas duta Malaysia ke Kanada, Datuk Dennis Ignatius menulis dalam FMT hari ini.

Menurutnya, Huang juga berjanji mewujudkan program latihan bersama guru sekolah, yang antara lain boleh menyaksikan penyertaan lebih ramai guru dari tanah besar China di sekolah tempatan.

Dennis berkata MCA kini bertindak seolah-seolah ia cawangan kedutaan China dan bukan sebagai sebuah parti politik yang menyertai kerajaan.

“Baru-baru ini, ia menubuhkan sebuah jawatankuasa hal-ehwal China di samping sebuah pusat OBOR,” kata Dennis, merujuk kepada projek One Belt One Road, laluan sutera dan laluan laut yang diwujudkan China bagi mengawal ekonomi serantau.

Tambahnya, MCA mempromosikan OBOR mengalahkan kempen yang dijalankan kedutaan China sendiri.

“Ada yang berhujah tindakan sedemikian menjadikan MCA sebagai penggerak utama pengaruh dan propaganda China di negara ini kini,” katanya.

Katanya, dasar “pro-China” yang diamalkan kerajaan pimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah paling ketara dalam sejarah, dan Beijing kini semakin menyerlah memainkan peranan dalam politik tempatan.

Dennis, yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih 3 dekad dalam perkhidmatan diplomasi Malaysia, berkata penglibatan China juga dapat dilihat melalui sokongan terbuka diplomatnya terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), termasuk melalui kehadiran pegawai kedutaan di program politik melibatkan Umno, MCA dan Gerakan.

Tahun lalu, duta besar China menemani Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, Timbalan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong dan Adun MCA Teoh Yap Kun untuk melakukan lawatan ke kawasan Parlimen Semborong dan kawasan DUN Paloh.

Diplomat China juga dilihat bersama pemimpin kanan MCA menghadiri mesyuarat Persekutuan Persatuan Hakka Malaysia di Raub, Pahang, di samping bersama Presiden Gerakan Datuk Mah Siew Keong di Teluk Intan.

“Dalam semua kunjungan ini, diplomat China mengambil peluang memuji pentadbiran Najib, menekankan kepentingan MCA dan menegaskan yang hubungan yang dibina dengan China akan banyak menguntungkan masyarakat Cina di Malaysia,” kata Dennis.

November lalu, Najib mengetuai rombongan ke Beijing yang turut disertai 8 menteri dan 3 menteri besar, dalam apa yang dilihat pemerhati sebagai kecenderungan Putrajaya terhadap China.

Lawatan itu menyaksikan 14 perjanjian melibatkan pelaburan bernilai lebih RM143 bilion, termasuk penglibatan China dalam Bandar Malaysia dan Landasan Kereta Api Pantai Timur (ECRL) bernilai RM55 bilion.

Dennis berkata sokongan dan kenyataan diplomat China itu boleh dianggap ugutan terhadap masyarakat Cina negara ini supaya mengalihkan sokongan mereka kembali kepada Umno dan BN.

Menurutnya, pihak yang paling rugi sekiranya strategi ini berjaya adalah DAP yang menjadi pencabar utama MCA dalam meraih undi Cina. 

Dennis berkata, tekanan Beijing itu memaksa DAP bersikap lebih “sederhana” dalam menentang beberapa keputusan memberikan projek besar kepada China. Dennis mengakui apa yang diutarakannya boleh ditafsirkan sebagai menyebarkan dakyah anti-China.

“Ini bukan mengenai pro-Barat atau pro-China tetapi memastikan tidak ada negara, sama ada di timur atau barat, yang dapat mendominasi kita sehinggakan kita hilang upaya untuk menentukan haluan sendiri,” katanya.- fmt

Image result for rahman dahlan n tony pua
Tapi Rahman,mahkamah 
sahkan awak salahgunakan kuasa...

Apa yang cuba dipertahankan menteri UMNO, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan apabila mendakwa tidak menyalahguna kuasa dalam isu kelulusan lanjutan tempoh (EOT) sebuah projek kondominium baru-baru ini soal Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua.

Sedangkan jelasnya, Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) yang diterajui Abdul Rahman ketika itu tidak memiliki kuasa untuk berbuat demikian sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan Mahkamah Tinggi pada Isnin lalu.

Keputusan mahkamah itu menyatakan pihak yang mengawal perumahan tiada kuasa untuk meminda tarikh penyerahan sebagaimana termaktub dalam perjanjian yang mana pemaju harus membayar ganti rugi atas kelewatan penyerahan rumah kepada pembeli.

“Kita nak minta penjelasan Datuk Seri Rahman Dahlan kenapa beliau salahguna kuasa menguntungkan pihak pemaju?” soal Tony.

Dalam kes kes itu kata Tony, keputusan melanjutkan tarikh penyerahan kondominum yang dimajukan oleh BHL Construction Sdn Bhd sehingga 12 bulan telah menyebabkan pembeli mengalami kerugian.

“Menteri tidak patut campur tangan dalam urusan ini tambahan pula jika ia jelas merugikan pembeli rumah,” katanya.

Apa yang lebih mengejutkan sebelum ini katanya, rayuan dari syarikat BHL yang telah diluluskan oleh kementerian Rahman itu mendapat surat sokongan daripada isteri kepada Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Apandi Ali.

“Kewujudan surat sokongan itu menimbulkan kecurigaan, kronisme dan tidak wajar,” tegasnya.

Ini kerana kata Pua, tugas menteri sepatutnya menjaga kepentingan pembeli rumah rakyat Malaysia daripada pemaju yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

“Daripada meluluskan lanjutan tempoh penyerahan kepada pemaju dan mendenda pembeli, menteri patut beri amaran kepada pemaju bahawa kerajaan tidak akan teragak-agak untuk membantu pembeli rumah dalam mendapatkan hak mereka jika pemaju gagal tunaikan janji,” kata beliau.

Selasa lalu, satu laporan polis telah dibuat Timbalan Setiausaha Agung DAP, Prof. Dr P Ramasamy dan beberapa pemimpin DAP Pulau Pinang terhadap Abdul Rahman atas dakwaan yang sama, menyalahgunakan kuasanya sebagai menteri yang dilihat menyebelahi syarikat pemaju kondominium tersebut. -Roketkini.com

What about Najib-Jho Low 
'ali baba' partnership?...

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's description of the opposition as an "ali baba" partnership has led to veteran opposition figure Lim Kit Siang using the same term to describe the premier's relationship with businessman Jho Low.

Lim said Najib "could not be more wrong" when using the slur against the opposition who are united in their efforts to "save Malaysia" from becoming a global kleptocracy.

"It is Najib himself who is responsible for creating the biggest and most sinister 'ali baba' partnership in Malaysia - the 'Najib-Jho Low' ali baba axis which catapulted Malaysia to a global kleptocracy.

"(This involved) the largest world-wide financial scandal in recent times, the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal," said Lim in a statement today.

Lim reminded Najib that Low, a known associate of the premier's family, is being sought by various jurisdictions.

According to the Public Accounts Committee investigations into 1MDB, Low played a role in the formation of the state investment firm as a special adviser to 1MDB's predecessor Terengganu Investment Authority. 

He is also mentioned in the US State of Department lawsuit to recover more than US$1 billion in assets believed purchased using funds siphoned from 1MDB.

Meeting in China?

Meanwhile, Lim urge Najib to state tell Parliament when the Dewan Rakyat reconvenes on Tuesday whether the latter had met Low during the recent state visit to China in November last year.

The MP said he was informed Najib had a "long and extended secret meeting" with Low during his visit to China last year.

The term "ali baba" is commonly used to describe a partnership between a Malay and ethnic Chinese persons, where the former uses his bumiputera status to assist the latter's business goals in return for other benefits.

Lim was responding to Najib's speech in Sabah yesterday that Pakatan Harapan had agreed on making Lim the deputy prime minister although opposition coalition had yet to decide on their candidate for premiership.

Najib also claimed that Lim will have the authority to decide on will be prime minister should Harapan win the next general election.

The premier said that this was an "ali baba" partnership, unlike BN which sought the consensus of all its coalition partners.

Lim said Najib's description of Harapan was the result of him believing the "fevered imaginations" of his propaganda handlers.

"If Najib could believe in such out-of-the-world nonsense, what else won't the prime minister believe?

"I am wondering whether Najib should see a psychiatrist," he added.- mk

Pastor Raymond Koh may have been killed...
Story kat SINI SINI SINI dan SINI   

The Abduction Of Pastor Raymond Koh : 
Very Very Strange...

It has been three weeks since this abduction and there is no clue about the fate of the Pastor.We must implore the Police to resolve this case quickly and to keep the family as well as the public informed.  

The video about the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh on February 13th,  2017.This video has gone viral. Viral video shows pastor's abduction took just under a minute. It is available on You Tube.

The abductors came in three black SUVs, two sedan cars and two motorbikes, seven vehicles in all. The 3 SUVs must have had 4 occupants each, the 2 cars had at least 2 occupants each and the motorbikes had one rider each. 

That makes a total of at least  18 people in this abduction gang. That is a very large gang of abductors. For this many people to be involved there must be a complete command and control system. 

The 3 black SUVs arrived in convoy formation,like those government vehicles used by the FBI and the Secret Service in the USA.  Obviously the abductors  were not afraid of being noticed.In fact it appears that their intention was to be noticed.

That one fellow from one of the cars is actually video taping the entire abduction. These are not Ah Longs or disgruntled car repossessors.

The Strange YouTube Video

This video recording uploaded on YouTube is also NOT a CCTV video. 
Someone  captured the entire abduction with a camera.You can see the camera following the vehicles and the motorbikes across the scene. 

In fact the camera is already rolling even before the 3 black SUVs appear on the screen, even before the vehicles start to slow down and even before the abduction takes place.  

As though the cameraman was already in position and waiting to film the whole thing. 

(The house where this filming took place can easily be located.)

The camera also pans back to capture the two motorbikes -  again BEFORE they appear on the camera screen.How did the cameraman know there will be two more motorbikes?

This is NOT a CCTV recording.  The person who took the video was present at exactly the right time. Who took this video? The captions on the YouTube video also says that there was a loud crash.  

CCTVs do not have audio.So how did they know there was a loud crash? The only person who knew there was a loud crash must be the cameraman and the kidnappers.(There have been no other witnesses.)

The captions on the YouTube video are in perfect English.

Who made this video?

There is something else "tak betul" about this video. It is actually a 'video of a video'. At 24 seconds or 25 seconds into the video you can see the date stamp '2017-02-??' flashing by on the top right hand corner.How is the date stamp stationary but the camera is moving? 

This can only be if another camera was used to film the 'original' video - a second recording.Like when you use your handphone to record something on your TV.

The guy who uploaded this YouTube  video is George Gerald - who looks very Indian.You can see his name and picture at the bottom of the YouTube. Hi George. Who are you?  Where did you get this video?

The make of the SUVs and the cars can be easily identified.The vehicle number plates can also be zoomed in by the Police using their software.They may be fake number plates or they may not.

I am surprised that with at least : 
- 18 people involved in this gang
- with three black SUVs involved
- two cars and 
- two motorbikes 

The Police still do not have a lead in this case. It has now been 21 days since the kidnapping took place on Feb 13, 2017.

Here is some news from Free Malaysia Today :
- “nothing concrete” turned up so far
- neither police nor us can follow up on information provided, he said.
- Koh, 62, abducted by group masked men on Jln SS4b/10, PJ
- less than 100 metres from Police Housing Complex. 
- 2011 JAIS accused his NGO Harapan Komuniti of proselytising Muslims
- raid thanksgiving, fundraising dinner at Damansara Utama Methodist Church
- Later he received death threat - bullet sent to his home

I am certain that the 3 black SUVs would have been caught on all those CCTVs that are placed on lamposts and traffic light junctions on our roads (before and after the abduction).  Since the time of the abduction is known (or within some degree of accuracy) the Police can easily check all the CCTVs that are located all over our roads now.

Pastor Koh's son Jonathan has since made a second Police report that he suspects his father has been murdered. No ransom or other demand has been made.These are not kidnappers. The abduction was made with other intentions in mind.

This case reminds me of the murder of Dr Joe Fernandez in Kulim, Kedah 17 years ago  in November 2000.Dr Fernandez was shot by two men on a motorbike when he stopped at a traffic light.There was speculation that he was killed because he was involved in converting Malays to christianity.

"Newspapers recalled that before his death, Dr Fernandez had been the subject of poison-pen letters accusing him of helping to convert Muslims to Christianity."

I believe Dr Fernandez's killers were never arrested (willing to be corrected.)

My fear is that some "ISIS type group"  might be involved in the abduction of Pastor Koh. From the video, the abductors are highly organised.  Each one of them knew exactly what to do. They have had training. And they even filmed the abduction.

We really have to stop all these things happening in this country. I am getting tired as well. - ostb

Gomen akur dengan cadangan Rafizi Ramli...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Alhamdulillah Sambutang Ceramah Perdana Pas di Dewan Komplek Sukan Pandamarang malam ini disambut dengan puluhang ribu umat manusia.Mursyidul Am PAS,Naib Presideng PAS serta Ketua Penerangang PAS Pusat hadir...

Cara dapat harga murah di pasar...


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