Bengang dengan amaran itu, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) berkata Pakatan Harapan tidak membuat sebarang perjanjian dengan PAS menjadikan mereka bebas bertanding di mana pun pada PRU akan datang.
Ketua penerangannya, Kamarudin Md Nor berkata demikian ketika mengulas mengenai amaran PAS supaya jangan berani bertanding di kerusi yang dipegang PAS, jika benar fokus utama Pakatan Harapan ialah menewaskan BN.
"Dia siapa nak larang kita. Kenapa PAS tidak larang Umno juga agar jangan bertanding di kerusinya,” kata Kamarudin kepada The Malaysian Insight.
Timbalan Presiden PAS Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man semalam dipetik sebagai memberi amaran kepada bekas rakan sekutunya dalam Pakatan Harapan supaya tidak bertanding di kerusi yang dipegangnya pada PRU akan datang.
Beliau berkata PAS tidak akan teragak-agak untuk berebut dalam pertandingan pelbagai penjuru menentang BN dan juga kerusi yang dituntut PKR pada dua PRU lalu.
Kamarudin berkata pada masa sama Bersatu mengambil sikap sedia berunding dengan siapa saja untuk mengelakkan pertandingan tiga penjuru bagi melawan BN, tetapi bukan melalui ugutan.
Pandangan itu dikongsi rakan dalam Pakatan Harapan khasnya Amanah dan PKR yang berkemungkinan besar terlibat dengan pertindihan kerusi dengan PAS.
PAS punya sumbangan
Setiausaha Agung dan Pengarah Pilihan Raya PKR Saifudin Nasuition Ismail berkata PKR dan Pakatan Harapan hanya berunding mengenai kerusi yang akan ditandingi bersama rakan kongsi mereka saja.
"Kami hanya runding di kalangan komponen kami saja," kata Saifudin kepada The Malaysian Insight.
Katanya, Pakatan Harapan berhasrat untuk memastikan satu lawan satu dengan BN.
"Jika ada mana-mana pihak yang masuk untuk jadikan pertandingan tiga penjuru, kami anggap mereka berbuat demikian untuk memenangkan BN," katanya.
Sementara itu, Pengarah Komunikasi Amanah, Khalid Samad berkata beliau tidak pernah jumpa parti sepelik PA dan amaran itu hanya boleh dilakukan di planet Marikh saja bukan di bumi.
"Ini negara demokrasi dan sesiapa boleh bertanding di mana saja jika tidak ada apa-apa perundingan," kata ahli Parlimen Shah Alam itu.
PAS menyasarkan untuk bertanding 80 kerusi Parlimen dalam PRU14.
Di Selangor, PAS bersedia untuk bertanding di semua 45 kerusi DUN dan 15 kerusi Parlimen di Selangor, kata pesuruhjayanya, Iskandar Samad. – themalaysianinsight
IPIC-1MDB Settlement to be borne
by Malaysian Taxpayers...
Contrary to what will surely be portrayed in the local government media as a settlement that favours Malaysia's interests, the announcement by IPIC in the London Stock Exchange today proved otherwise, that IPIC got exactly what it asked for and what it was legally entitled to.
In June 2016, IPIC instituted legal proceedings to recover approximately US$6.5 billion from 1MDB. Reuters reported on the matter on 14th June 2016 and provided the breakdown of the claim: "IPIC is claiming the $3.5 billion bond plus interest that amounts to $4.8 billion, the $1.2 billion loan plus interest, and about $481 million owed to Aabar -- adding up to $6.5 billion, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters."
The settlement announced today is substantially the same as IPIC's original demand in 2016, save for possibly of some minor waiver of interests. IPIC will get their US$1.2 billion in two tranches of US$603 million each in July 2017 and December 2017. More importantly, MoF will also undertake to pay all interest and principal payments from the US$3.5 billion bond which now must surely amount to more than US$4.8 billion. The settlement however makes no mention on the US$481 million owed to Aabar.
While Abu Dhabi has taken proper actions to remove from IPIC and freeze the accounts of Mr Qubaisi and Mr Husseiny, and in addition, arrested Mr Qubaisi, all the people on the Malaysian side responsible for the world's biggest ever kleptocracy case, remain free from any actions whatsoever by the Malaysian authorities.
This settlement serves to only benefit the infamous Malaysian Official 1, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his friends. The settlement essentially allows Najib Razak to avoid a trial which would have opened a gigantic can of worms. Instead of justice and closure, this settlement today further ingrains the culture of corruption and impunity in Malaysia at the expense of the people.- Wong Chen, MP Kelana Jaya
Najib kalah kes IPIC dan kena bayar US$7 bilion
1MDB Lose IPIC Arbitration,
Will GST Go Up To Cover Loss?...
As expected the Morons have lost the arbitration. Err . . ., when you are the asshole who has to pay up the money, it means you lost the arbotration lah.
So, Malaysia must now pay the first part of the settlement which amounts to US$ 1.2b or RM5.3b by the end of this year.
Remember folks, this is the money that 1MDB claimed very loudly they have already paid to some Arabs - which became a mystery.
The 2nd Finance Minister said this in December 2016 : Second Finance Minister Johari spelt out the situation in December: “If IPIC could just acknowledge that they received the $3.5 billion payment made to them, then this matter could be easily resolved,” he told the Business Insider.
No you stupid a$$hole, IPIC has refused to acknowledge any such thing. They say they never received that US$3.5 billion (RM15.4 billion). That is why they took you to the arbitrators. And now you have lost the arbitration. Now you have to pay - a second time.
First you have to pay RM5.3 Billion by end of this year. You have to pay the balance after that.
They are giving you some breathing space.
But you have to pay their final settlement amount.
Whatever that is going to be. The point is...
So where did that US$3.5 billion that Johari is referring to disappear? Most certainly now the arbitration confirms that IPIC did not receive that money at all.
This arbitration outcome will now serve as evidence in some of the Court cases. Padan muka. The London arbitration confirms US$3.5 Billion has disappeared.
Folks, the GST may go up. Fuel prices may go up. Taxes may go up. Where are these morons going to find RM5.3 Billion in a jiffy?
The solution : MMD or Melayu Miskin Dulu. - ostb
Berapakah USD1.2 Billion 1MDB bayar IPIC dalam RM? = RM 5,278,800,000.
Dok mimpi apa pula dah?...
Sebelum dan Selepas PRU14...
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