PRU14 semakin hampir. Ahli-ahli parti di bawah diminta membuat persediaan rapi dengan menggerakkan jentera masing-masing. Kami diberitahu bersedia untuk hadapi pertandingan lebih dari dua penjuru.
Kami juga diminta untuk merapatkan hubungan dan kerjasama dengan rakan-rakan di dalam Pakatan Harapan. Ahli-ahli dikerah untuk menghadiri berbagai kursus yang dianjurkan oleh parti demi menghadapi PRU14.
Kami mahu bertanya, apakah pemimpin di atas juga telah bersedia dengan pertembungan tiga penjuru? Apakah pemimpin di atas juga telah merapatkan saf serta persafahaman di dalam Pakatan Harapan? Apakah kelian juga telah bersedia untuk bekerjasama satu hati satu jiwa bersama-sama di dalam Pakatan Harapan?
Jika jawapannya sudah bersedia untuk itu semua, apa jadahnya lagi untuk membuang masa dengan Pas? Bukankah kita telah terlalu banyak memberikan masa untuk rundingan dijalankan? Apa perkembangannya? Semakin positif atau negatif? Kalau semakin positif, ya, elok diteruskan.
Tapi semua dapat melihat lagi banyak rundingan dibuat, lagi banyak pengumuman oleh Pas untuk bertanding di kerusi2 Keadilan, bahkan dalam rundingan pun Pas tidak segan silu umumkan untuk merampas Permatang Pauh dari Keadilan.
Sekiranya kita mahu berunding, ianya mesti menampakkan hasil dan kemajuan positif. Kalau semakin kusut bahkan semakin menghuru-harakan di dalam Pakatan Harapan sendiri, elok lah berhenti dari berunding. Biar rakyat tahu bahawa kita telah cuba untuk berpakat, tetapi Pas telah mulai jatuh cinta dengan Umno.
Jangan satu hari nanti bila anjing yang kita cuba lepaskan itu menggigit tangan kita, baru kita teringat kepada kawan-kawan kita yang lain.
Buat baik berpada-pada. Tidak rugi satu sen pun tinggalkan Pas. Kalau kita perkuatkan Pakatan Harapan dan biarkan Pas diternak oleh Umno, yang rugi besar nanti adalah Umno kerana usaha mereka mahu lihat Pakatan Harapan berpecah akan gagal.
Kepada pimpinan Keadilan yang masih percayakan Pas, jika berlaku apa-apa yang tidak baik kepada parti ini, saya berlepas diri. Jangan salahkan ahli-ahli di bawah jika berlaku apa-apa kepada parti.
Sewajarnya dalam waktu yang semakin suntuk ini kita perhebatkan jentera semua parti di dalam Pakatan Harapan bukannya sibuk melayan keegoaan lebai. Biarkan lebai terjun dengan labu-labunya. - wfauzdin ns
PAS - PKR must decide once and for all
Musim RCI...
1. Sekarang ini musim RCI (Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja) dan bermacamlah siasatan yang telah disyorkan.
2. Saya mengalukan RCI untuk peristiwa Memali. Saya punyai banyak bukti, laporan dan cerita berkenaannya. Ini termasuk individu-individu yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
3. RCI boleh buat keputusan sebelum RCI bersidang dan Kerajaan boleh mendapat untung kerananya. Ini tentulah menjadi Terms of Reference (TOR) dizaman ini.
4. Kerajaan jangan adakan RCI berkenaan 1MDB, duit sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun Dato Seri Najib, duit KWAP yang lesap, hutang berbillion Ringgit yang tidak dapat dibayar, pembelian stesen jana elektrik dengan harga yang lebih mahal dari nilai pasaran dan dijual dengan harga murah sehingga rugi berpuluh juta, pengeluaran filem lucah Wolf of Wall Street, pembelian harta di United Kingdom (U.K) dan Amerika dengan duit 1MDB mengikut Department of Justice (DOJ). Ini semua bukan jenayah. Pembelian berlian merah jambu untuk isteri dengan harga 120 million Ringgit hanyalah kerana sayang isteri. Salahkah sayang isteri. Demikianlah sayangnya isteri sehingga sanggup curi untuk menunjuk kesayangan yang tidak terhingga ini.
5. Ya. RCI tidak perlu untuk semua ini. Bukanlah A.G telah sahkan ia semua halal.
6. Tetapi banyak lagi perkara yang telah diselesai 30 tahun dahulu perlu disiasat oleh RCI. Pembinaan Menara Berkembar, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Lebuhraya PLUS, KLIA, Westport, dan lain-lain. Semua ini perlu disiasat dengan diketuai oleh tokoh keadilan terkenal berslogan “Just do it”. Buat sahaja apa yang disuruh. Jangan soal.
7. Untuk memulakan siasatan RCI Memali saya siar di sini “ Amanat Haji Hadi”. Dianya ada kaitan rapat dengan peristiwa Memali. Amanat ini menggalakkan perjuangan lawan Kerajaan sebagai jihad dan kematian pejuang adalah syahid.
8. Dengan itu, pada 19hb November 1985, jam 11 pagi, pasukan polis diserang hendap (oleh orang dekat rumah Ibrahim Libya) dan seorang Inspektor dan seorang Sarjan polis dibunuh, seorang lagi Konstabel cedera parah. (Dari ucapan Pemangku Perdana Menteri di Parlimen pada 20 November 1985).
9. Yang jelas ialah polis yang terbunuh dahulu, kerana pengikut Ibrahim berjihad kononnya. - chedet
Is it wrong to love your wife?
Dr M's sarcastic take on 'pink diamond'
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, with his trademark sarcasm, took a swipe at Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
In a blog posting this evening, the former premier mentioned the “pink diamond” when complaining about how Royal Commissions of Inquiries (RCIs) are not established for the 1MDB scandal, the RM2.6 billion in Najib's personal accounts and others.
“The purchase of a pink diamond worth RM120 million is because of love for the wife. Is it wrong to love one's wife?” he asked.
In its last civil forfeiture filing related to 1MDB on June 15, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) alleged that businessperson Jho Low had acquired the 22-carat pink diamond pendant and necklace for the wife of “Malaysian Official 1” (MO1) valued at US$27.3 million.
The suit suggested that this was from the US$620 million which Najib was said to have returned to his Saudi royalty donor, who purportedly gave him the RM2.6 billion with no strings attached.
Following last year's DOJ suits, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan had confirmed that MO1 was Najib. However, he argued that since he was not named, the prime minister was not subject to investigation.
Last January, following investigations by various authorities, attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali had stated that there were no grounds for action to be taken against Najib.
Najib, on the other hand, has denied abusing public funds for personal gain. He claimed the allegations accusing him of embezzling 1MDB funds were aimed at toppling him from power.
Referring to the list of issues he mentioned, Mahathir said there was no need for RCIs for these.
“Hasn't the AG legitimised all of them?” he added.
However, he said there were numerous issues from the past which warranted RCIs such as the building of the twin towers, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, North-South Highway (Plus), KLIA, Westport and others.
“All these must be investigated, headed by figures of justice known for the slogan 'just do it'. Do what has been told, don't ask questions,” he added.
At present, an RCI is investigating Bank Negara's foreign exchange (forex) losses during Mahathir's tenure and if there were attempts to mislead Parliament and cabinet.
There are also calls for an RCI to be set up to investigate the 1985 Memali incident, which claimed 18 lives. - mk
Goodbye Khalid...
For days the tussles have gone to and fro behind the scenes at Bukit Aman and Putrajaya, according to inside reports, between those struggling to extend the tainted Chief of Police’s tenure beyond his formal retirement date and those who wanted him out.
In favour of getting that extension was on the face of it, of course, the Prime Minister, who has been busily working to extend all his key henchmen in office to steer his way through the next election, which he now looks almost certain to delay for as long as possible.
Najib got his way with the Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal. However, in the case of the Chief of Police, Sarawak Report has learnt that the Agong put his foot down and refused to sign the order. It means that Khalid Abu Bakar has to go, although, in a further twist, some are whispering the refusal might have been a ruse orchestrated by Najib to get rid of an IGP, who knew too much, whilst pretending to have supported him!
News of the dramatic turn of events, after it had been more or less accepted that the IGP’s extension was a done deal, seeped out at the weekend. Now Sarawak Report has recieved evidence, in the form of a signed internal PDRM order to prepare for Abu Bakar’s retirement parade to be held at 3.30pm on September 4th – full uniform and regalia, of course.
Khalid will be replaced by the current Deputy Inspector General, Noor Rashid. He in turn will be succeeded by Dato Sri Fuzi, who is regarded as a Khalid loyalist.
Agong Refused To Sign!
The refusal of the Agong to sign the IGP’s extension was a shock and ostensibly a major slap in the face for the Prime Minister, who has been pushing past Malaysia’s constitutional rulers with numerous controversial measures over recent months, most particularly in the case of his emergency powers legislation, which the Council of Rulers objected to, only to be ignored.
It is widely recognised that support from Khalid was what saved Najib’s own position back in July 2015, when joint task force investigations had recommended the Prime Minister be charged over the theft of public money from 1MDB.
It was the IGP who warned Najib that the then AG, Abdul Gani Patail, had drawn up charge sheets to that effect and that the then Agong had agreed to order his removal from office, in favour of his then Deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin.
Thanks to that warning, armed officers were detailed to arrest the AG as he arrived for work on the day that Najib was due himself to be confronted and instead they escorted the country’s most senior law officer back to his home and unconstitutionally ordered him at gun-point to resign for ‘health reasons’.
So, Najib and Khalid are effectively ‘in it together’ and Najib had made clear he wanted Khalid in situ for GE14 – or at least needed to pretend he did (there ought be no real justification for extending a police chief for an election).
However, the IGP has become an increasing liability with exposures over recent weeks of his extensive ties and family connections with the leader of an alleged major police protection racket.
After evidence was published through this website that Khalid and a web of his closest staff associates in the police vice and gambling units had been in close and regular contact with the ring-leader known as Gopi (Gopinathan Krishnan), pressure had come direct from the PM’s office to put a lid on the Malacca-based investigation, which had at first been encouraged on the part of the MACC.
The investigation has now indeed been put on ice. However to extend the IGP under such circumstances was clearly too much for Malaysia’s new Agong, whose role is to act as a last protection for the public interest in such matters – hence the importance of his signature on such decisions and his refusal on this occasion to apply it.
Deal To Drop The Gopi Investigation?
Sarawak Report has been informed that the deal behind the IGP’s departure was a simple one. In return for Khalid stepping down he has been promised that no action will be taken against him and his CID Chief Mohamad Salleh and others over the ‘Ops Gopi’ investigation, despite the mounds of evidence linking him to the police protection racketeers.
The fact that top vice cops were shown to be in frequent contact with Gopi for reasons yet to be identified will now apparently no longer be investigated.
Snake-pit Scramble For Office
Meanwhile, the jostling for office in recent days at Bukit Aman as these developments played out has been likened to a snake-pit by our informants. CID Chief, Salleh was among Khalid Abu Bakar’s supporters hoping to advance his position to Deputy IGP. However, a series of planned promotions were cancelled as Khalid’s position remained on a knife edge.
None of the behind the scenes disarray will be on view as the public announcements are shortly made and the uniforms go on parade on September 4th, of course. But, Malaysians have a lot to thank their Agong for, if it was indeed the King and not Najib acting behind the scenes, who put a stay on the royal signature!
The outcome, as it stands, means no drive to clean up at Bukit Aman, however, and no attempt to press investigations on the massive gambling and protection racket run by Gopi, with whom so many remaining senior officers held such close connections. - srr.my
Akan dipenjarakan kerana skandal 1MDB...
Mahathir mana wooi!!Melayu dah lupa...
Bagi bakal Haji sila ambil perhatian...
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