2 tahun sekali dia lompat,2019 nanti masuk MIC kot...
Ini kerana, kata Mat Suhaimi Shafie, Muhammad tidak memberi sebarang sumbangan besar kepada parti ketika beliau bersama PKR.
“Saya tidak mendabik dada, namun kehilangannya tidak diratapi, malah adapun tidak menambah, pergipun tidak terasa. Saya hanya ucap selamat kepadanya,” katanya ketika dihubungi FMT.
Beliau mengulas sidang media tergempar yang diadakan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak petang tadi untuk mengumumkan penyertaan Muhammad dalam Umno semula.
“Saya buat keputusan ini setelah 5 tahun kerana melihat keadaan di sebelah sana. Saya rasa perjuangan saya sia-sia sahaja,” kata Muhammad yang juga bekas naib presiden Umno.
Muhammad bersama Umno dan BN sejak 1964, sebelum menyertai PAS pada April 2013 dan melompat ke PKR pada September 2015.
Beliau pernah dilantik sebagai menteri besar Selangor serta menteri kemajuan luar bandar dan wilayah.
Mengulas lanjut, Suhaimi simpati dengan Najib yang terpengaruh dengan Muhammad sehingga mengadakan sidang media tergempar semata-mata untuk mengumumkan penyertaan bekas naib presiden Umno itu.
“Saya sangat simpati, apapun kemampuannya (Muhammad) kembali kepada Umno dengan mengaburi mata Najib dan pimpinan Umno sesuatu yang perlu diiktiraf,” katanya sambil menambah kemasukan Muhammad ke Umno tidak membimbangkan kerajaan negeri Selangor pimpinan Pakatan Harapan dan PAS.
Beliau berkata, perkembangan terbaru itu juga menggambarkan betapa terdesaknya Umno mahu menawan Selangor pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.
“Surat khabar lama pun ada kalanya bila sesak dan terdesak, bernilai juga kan?
“Boleh jual pukal,” sindirnya. - fmt
Mat Taib 3 kali janda diraikan macam gadis jelita...
Shows Najib's desperation.
Also,his deputy may not be too happy, that there is another who no spekking de inglis...
Is this news is this why you summoned all your UMNO big wigs to KL for this announcement.
This Mat Temberang Tyson, excels at leap-frogging.
He quit UMNO to join Pas, then quit Pas to join PKR, now he returns to UMNO.
He rejoin UMNO-after schooling on morality by PAS and basic written & spoken English by PKR- he is now a future national leader
He is now an ulamak, a reformist and is now filled with experience to be the next PM.
No wonder UMNO sent its President, its Deputy President, its Vice Presidents, its Secretary, its Treasurer, its Information Chief, and the entire Supreme Council.
Were they welcoming their new President if the President?
Well done Najib,gather them up now, so we can see who can and cannot be trusted better you invite them now, then us having to deal with the leap frogging and causing chaos after GE. - f/bk
Sultan Reveals What He Thinks Of S'gor
MBs,Says He Has No Respect For Mat Taib...
In a frank interview granted on the occasion of his 70th birthday earlier this month, DYMM Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah spoke in length and offered insight on how he really regards his state's highest elected official.
In the two-hour interview with Utusan Malaysia, the Sultan of Selangor spoke passionately about the need for political polemics to stop and for the Malays in his state to unite for the sake of Islam.
However, he reserved his most frank comments for the elected officials who he has to deal with, in particular the string of Selangor MBs that have served in office during his reign so far.
Sultan Sharafuddin's comments about his current and former MBs, the newly-minted Datuk Seri Azmin Ali and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, showed he accorded each individual with a measure of respect.
“From what I’ve seen, Khalid had its his own way, but he is not a political master, while Azmin understands politics. We shall see who is better at bringing development and progress to this state.”
He also used the analogy of another ex-MB, Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo, who is now serving jail time about how the great power and authority that the Selangor MB post entails can seduce and bring about a person's downfall if he does not have strong principles.
However, he did not mince his words when he flatly stated that he had no respect for ex-Selangor MB Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib, more popularly referred to as 'Mat Taib'.
“Muhammad changed many customs, such as the granting of royal honors; so the process bypassed the Royal Council and went straight through the State Exco.
“He amassed wealth when he was in Umno and then he joined PAS. Then just as things were turning south for PAS, he left it to join PKR. Whichever party he joins, it is hard to have respect for him for his tendency to jump ship.
"If someone with no principles assumes the helm, everything is bound to fall apart. We must hold on to our principles. If our faith is in the right place, we can weather every test, analyse each problem that arises properly and do not falter after we have made a decision."
His Royal Highness' displeasure could also be due to more than just Mat Taib's conduct in office as the ex-MB had eloped with the Sultan's sister Tengku Puteri Zaharia Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah to Thailand in 1987 where they married. Taib and Tengku Zaharia later divorced but he was then embroiled in a currency scandal, was charged in Australia but later acquitted. - mD
Vote for me or I will 'keris' you tactics
dont work now...
The Kluang MP said Najib had “marred” the Hari Malaysia celebration yesterday with a speech that contained “elements of threatening Chinese Malaysian voters in the lead up to the coming general election”.
Najib is reported to have said that “the Chinese community would be targeted should Malaysia ever descend into chaos…If there is no peace in our country, what will happen? The Chinese will be the first to be targeted if there is no peace in this country.”
The BN chairman was speaking at the MCA-organised Malaysian Chinese Patriotic Rally at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) yesterday.
“Najib’s remarks will only anger most Malaysians as no one likes to be threatened with violence, veiled or otherwise.
“This is yet another reason for us to reject Najib, MCA and BN in the coming general election,” Liew, who is DAP political education director, said today at a Pakatan Harapan coffee shop forum and community cycling event in Johor Baru this morning.
At the PWTC, Najib urged the Chinese in Malaysia not to waste time on the opposition, saying the BN government needed strong Chinese backing. He reminded the Chinese business community that the government had helped them in their businesses.
Najib pledged to build more Chinese primary schools in return.
Liew reminded Najib that BN lost the trust of ethnic Chinese and Indian voters when former Umno Youth chief Hishammuddin Hussein was seen brandishing the keris at every Umno general assembly from 2005 to 2007.
“The waving of the keris was perceived as a not-very-subtle threat of violence against those who did not agree with Umno,” he said.
Liew also slammed MCA, saying he would not be surprised if it was the Chinese-based BN component party that had advised Najib to make the remarks.
“At the moment, MCA is obsessed with its ‘30% strategy’ to win 30% of ethnic Chinese votes by threatening violence and advocating spoiled votes.
“In the 2013 general election, the then Pakatan Rakyat received 85% of ethnic Chinese votes across the board on the peninsula.
“What MCA is hoping for is that by exploiting some problems within Pakatan and fear among Chinese voters, it could double the seats it won by winning 30% Chinese support while keeping the same level of ethnic Malay votes,” he said.
Liew said it would be “foolish” of MCA to assume that Malay voters were safely with Umno, when it was now “visible and clear that many Malays are prepared to jump from Najib’s sinking ship”.
“It is also wishful thinking by Najib and MCA to assume that Malay voters would not feel angry at the waste and plundering of Malaysia’s resources by Najib, his family and associates.
“Malaysians must teach Najib and MCA a hard lesson so that they learn to respect voters and democracy regardless of ethnic background.” - themalaysianinsight
Dr.M and Anwar reacting at the big announcement.
This sums it up today's episode...
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