Alasan Pas mahu menangguhkan pembentangan Rang Undang-undang Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) (Pindaan) 2016 (RUU355) di Parlimen sehingga selepas PRU14 disifatkan tidak masuk akal.
Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat, Datuk Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid berkata, penangguhan tersebut hanya akan menimbulkan kekeliruan kepada semua pihak berkaitan pembentangan RUU tersebut.
“Mengapa nak tangguh dan main tarik tali lagi? Apabila sudah dibentangkan ia juga perlu diberi penerangan dan penyelesaian.
“Alasan digunakan Pas yang mahu bertanding di 100 kawasan untuk memastikan RUU355 diluluskan di Dewan Rakyat sama sekali tidak masuk akal.
Penangguhan pasai nak undi kaum Cina?...
“Kalau memang itu alasannya, saya mahu cadangkan Pas bertanding di 222 kawasan kerana lagi mudah bagi mereka laksanakan RUU355 nanti,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian. Sebelum ini, Ketua Dewan Ulamak Pas, Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed membayangkan Pas berkemungkinan membawa RUU 355 ke Parlimen hanya selepas PRU14.
Ini kerana katanya, Pas perlu mengambil kira beberapa aspek dalam isu RUU355 memandangkan PRU14 semakin dekat.
Mengulas lanjut mengenainya Abdullah Sani berkata, pembentangan pindaan RUU355 sepatutnya disegerakan supaya penjelasan mengenainya dapat dilakukan.
Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam (Amanah), Khalid Samad pula menyalahkan Umno kononnya parti itu yang memberi arahan kepada Pas supaya menangguhkan pembentangan RUU itu.
“Kita kesian dengan Pas kerana terpaksa mengikut skrip ditetapkan oleh Umno. Walaupun telah bersusah payah bawa RUU355 ini ke Parlimen, tapi sekarang bila Umno kata jangan bawa, mereka terpaksa akur.
“Jika kita lihat sekarang, pembentangan RUU 355 setakat ini sudah tiga kali ditangguhkan. Pembentangan itu juga tidak dibuka untuk dibahaskan,” katanya.– Sinar Harian
With Bellew going,no one answerable
for MAS’ Boeing deals...
THE cabin crew union of Malaysia Airlines said it was concerned over the shock announcement of chief executive officer Peter Bellew’s departure as there would no longer be anyone to answer for controversial deals to buy new Boeing aircraft.
The National Union of Flight Attendants (Nufam) said Bellew had served his purpose by inking the purchase of new Boeing aircraft, a deal announced by Prime Minister Najib Razak during his visit to the White House in September.
“A new CEO coming into MAS will not have to answer for anything now. The mission to have Peter Bellew sign the memorandums of understanding is complete,” the union said after news that Bellew would return to Irish budget airlines RyanAir in December.
Najib had announced that MAS would buy 25 Boeing 737 jets and eight 787 Dreamliners, and that orders would likely be made for another 25 737s over the next five years, in a deal worth more than US$10 billion (RM42 billion).
Nufam said it was worried that MAS would suffer heavier losses due to expensive maintenance of the new planes they purchased.
It said MAS would not be able to afford buying the new planes as it was just recovering from a series of heavy cutbacks.
“There are also no signs of MAS making profits to show they could sustain all these high cost and maintenance of new planes. Its financial problems will rise up again in no time when the new planes arrive.”
Nufam also questioned why MAS was buying new planes within three years of axing 6,000 staff from the airline under a restructuring plan.
Bellew’s departure from MAS was first announced today by RyanAir, and appeared to have taken MAS by surprise. The national carrier called it an “unexpected” announcement.
Bellew first joined MAS in 2015 as chief operating officer, and became CEO in July 2016. He took over from outgoing CEO Christoph Mueller on July 1 last year after the latter quit MAS less than a year into his contract, citing personal reasons.
Bellew is the third MAS CEO in two years after Mueller and Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, who stepped down after the twin MAS tragedies of MH370 and MH17 in 2014
Nufam said it did not agree with foreign CEOs leading MAS.
“They are not answerable to the public . These foreign managers make fat salaries and leave in no time. Other airlines have proven that there is no need to hire a foreigner to run their airline and they still can expand and show results,” it added.
Aviation analyst at Maybank Investment Bank Mohsin Aziz meanwhile said it was hard to say whether the national airline could remain on track as per the MAS Recovery Plan.
“Information from MAS has been a tiny trickle, we don’t really know what’s what. We keep hearing of turnaround, we really are going around in circles,” he told The Malaysian Insight.
What nonsense and lies from Bellew. No honest and diligent managers can work for government linked companies in Malaysia over the long term and they very soon find out that they are merely there to lend credence to all the theft and corruption that the GLCs are involved in. MAS has been one of the worst and tens of billions of Ringgit have been siphoned off into the pockets of politicians and their cronies.- Sam04
Thank you Peter! I wish you every best in your new challenge. As a major critic of the board room and political (read race based) games, we both know what is inpending and it is best both you and Muller are now no more and as such, the super bourgeoisie and cronies will not have an opportunity to blame for the decisions about to take place! Will meet you for a bitter soon! Farewell my friend!- Falcon
Properly being “asked” to approve the purchase of $100 per roll of toilet paper, $200 per bottle of hand soap, or 100 years prepaid catering contract. Bellew properly don’t want to be the fall guy if things go wrong.Welcome to Malaysia - Brian
Kesian kat beribu-ribu kakitangan MAS yang telah rela dipecat kerana ingin melihat Bellew memulihkan MAS kemudian ditikam separuh jalan. Apa kah payung terjun emas beliau? - Anonymous_3e6e
Tak haram,pegang tangan bukan muslim
DAP pula tu...
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