
Tian Chua dan makna keadilan...


Tian Chua mula tidur di dalam sebuah sel penjara. Tidur di dalam sel sama sekali tidak nyaman.Tiada kipas angin, hanya tingkap kecil buat ruang udara.

Ada yang sinis berkata hanya satu bulan. Mereka yang tidak pernah hilang kebebasan dan dipenjara tidak akan faham makna satu kebebasan walaupun satu hari dan satu malam.

Namun soalnya bukan Tian dan penjara. Soalnya ialah proses keadilan di dalam negara ini. Tian keluar masuk penjara walaupun dia tidak pernah melakukan jenayah. Atau definasi jenayah di Malaysia berbeza. Berhimpun secara aman satu jenayah. Mencuri dan menyamun wang rakyat berbillion ringgit bukan satu jenayah.

Jho Low yang terang-terang melakukan jenayah mencuri wang negara lepas bebas. Shahrol (Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi) yang disebut secara jelas didalam Laporan PAC sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab dalam skandal 1MDB masih lepas bebas.  Nik Faisal (Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil) yang mengaturkan wang negara puluhan juta melalui SRC masuk ke akaun Najib (Razak) lepas bebas.

Di Malaysia tidak apa menyamun duit negara dan rakyat berbilion ringgit.Yang salah di Malaysia ialah berhimpun secara aman. Sebab itu Tian ke penjara dan mereka tidak.

Apakah kita telah lupa kisah yang menyebabkan Rasullulah SAW amat marah hingga bersumpah akan memotong tangan anaknya sendiri kalau Fatimah mencuri?

Rasulullah SAW berang bila mendapat tahu ada usaha untuk melepaskan seorang bangsawan bernama Fatimah Makzumiyyah yang mencuri wang baitulmal, harta negara. Fatimah bangsawan ini melobi melalui anak angkat kesayangan Nabi sendiri untuk lepas bebas dari proses keadilan.

Makanya Rasullullah SAW bersumpah tiada beza sesiapapun yang melakukan jenayah mencuri wang negara mesti dihukum termasuk putri kesayangannya sendiri.

Di Malaysia hari ini yang tidak menyamun ke penjara. Yang menyamun berbillion ringgit bukan sahaja bebas malah tidak ada satu proses keadilan pun berlaku ke atas mereka.

Hari ini kita lihat ramai pemimpin Islam berebut mahu menjadi hero Islam.

Tetapi sumpah nabi mereka yang paling jelas diketepikan prinsipnya oleh pemimpin negara ini terus berlaku dan berlalu.- themalaysianinsight

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NST Circulation 54,000...

Starting today, print newspapers by The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd (NSTP) will no longer be sold in Sabah and Sarawak.East Malaysian readers will only be able to follow the dailies through the online versions, it was reported today.

Berita Harian in a report today said online versions of the papers would enable readers to get news faster.

However, latest statistics from The Audit Bureau of Circulations Malaysia (ABC) show that all newspapers in all languages have experienced a massive drop in circulation, of as much as 62.2 percent.

From 2012 to 2016, NSTP’s Harian Metro showed a 62.5 percent drop in sales, from 379,169 copies to 142,262. New Straits Times fared the worst in absolute terms, seeing a 41.6 percent drop in circulation from 93,321 in 2012 to 54,490 copies last year end.

Berita Harian, along with the other mainstream Malay daily Utusan Malaysia, both saw circulation fall as much as 30 percent in the same period. 

NST, Berita Harian and Metro are owned by the Media Prima group under entities friendly to the ruling government. The Star is majority-owned by political party MCA through its investment arm, while ruling Malay party Umno owns about 50% of shares in Utusan.

Jalil said lower circulation figures indicated that the government could no longer influence voters through the media it controlled.

“To me, the government is in trouble and so is Prime Minister Najib Razak. I’ve said this before in several meetings I’ve attended.”

He said the government may be able to control certain media, but it could not control the spread and content of news.

Jalil said the role of such publications had been taken over by online media in various forms, including social media, where almost anyone could be a content producer and publisher. - mk

If they abolish the GST in the coming Budget, they may stand a chance.  Worse case, cut it down to 3%. It will certainly create a pick up in the economy. Maybe the Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia can reopen for business.

Since Geely has taken over Proton,  cut import duties, taxes and whatever on imported cars and vehicles. (Or do they need Geely's permission first?) Let the car prices reach closer to market. That may swing the voters too.

Even if they do that, the economy will need at least six months to pick up again. The elections will have to wait until then.

But that will not happen. They are just too dumb. So the more time passes the more critical the country will become.

So NST is down to 54,000 circulation. Minus  the free copies given to govt departments, MAS, schools, etc the real figure could be much less than 54,000.

Their newsprint plant has been shut down. How are they surviving?

The KSU of the Finance Ministry says you are poor because you are not making enough effort. 

Any comments folks?

The clown sits on 1MDB. Do we need to say more? - ostb

Photo published for 'Inflasi, GST punca harga barang naik, bukan salah parti politik'
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