
Felda - Dulu baja kena curi,sekarang tanah dibawa lari...


Seorang wakil peneroka Felda melahirkan rasa kesal terhadap apa yang berlaku kepada agensi itu hari ini.

“Kalau dulu zaman Tan Sri Raja Alias selaku pengerusi Felda berita yang kita dengar adalah berita kecurian baja, kecurian buah, kecurian lantun (getah beku).

“Tetapi hari ini hak milik tanah Felda hilang begitu sahaja,” tegas Abdul Rahman Ramli dalam ucapan di Konvensyen Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) 2018 di IDCC hari ini.

Beliau dipercayai mengulas mengenai skandal penukaran hak milik tanah Felda di Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur melalui transaksi yang meragukan sejak 2015 seperti didedahkan Berita Harian baru-baru ini.

Tanah yang dianggarkan bernilai RM1 bilion itu, lapor akhbar berkenaan, berisiko jatuh ke tangan sebuah syarikat.

Beliau dalam pada itu turut melahirkan kekecewaan terhadap tindakan rakus kerajaan UMNO-Barisan Nasional yang dilihat tidak mempedulikan nasib peneroka.

“Bukan sahaja ribuan ringgit, malahan jutaan ringgit telah hilang dari kantung Felda ekoran kelemahan tadbir urus kepimpinan-kempinan Felda dan dari UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN),” ujarnya.

Peneroka hari ini katanya dibebani hutang yang besar ekoran kelemahan dasar yang dibawa Felda.

“Sampai bila peneroka Felda akan menanggung hutang yang tinggi, yang seterusnya diwariskan kepada anak mereka.

“Hutang peneroka hari ini bukan sahaja puluhan ribu terapi mencecah ratusan ribu ringgit.

“Cuba kita bayangkan kalau sekarang usia mereka kini 60 tahun, berapa tahun pula hutang mereka ini akan habis,” soalnya.

Sehubungan itu beliau berharap HARAPAN dapat menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) bagi menyiasat skandal membabitkan Felda jika gabungan itu berjaya membentuk kerajaan di Putrajaya.

“Siasatan itu harus dilakukan khususnya membabitkan zaman Tan Sri Isa Samad sebagai Pengerusi Felda,” tegasnya. – Roketkini.com

Dr.M - I'm indebted to Anwar...

It was not easy for jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to accept Dr Mahathir Mohamad as Pakatan Harapan's premiership candidate.

In his speech at the Harapan convention today, Mahathir, who was officially named as the opposition PM candidate, said he was indebted to Anwar.

The former premier also noted that some in the opposition were still not comfortable with his past actions.

"I realise how Anwar feels, particularly when he was sent to Sungai Buloh (prison) during my time. It is not easy for him to accept me (as the PM candidate).

"Yes, we shook hands, but it is not easy to accept me, as I was part of the leadership in Umno," he said.

"That's why we took time (to finalise the issue of the candidate), but finally, (he) prioritised the struggle (of Harapan)," he said.

Similarly, he said, Anwar's family members felt the same and suffered in the past 20 years.

"I am very much indebted to Anwar and thank him for that," he said to a huge cheer from the crowd.

Mahathir had sacked Anwar, his then deputy back in Sept 1998, and later had him jailed for sodomy, which sparked the reformasi movement and formation of Anwar's party PKR.

Asked about the transition of power to Anwar should Mahathir become prime minister again, the Bersatu chairperson acknowledged the agreement about the jailed PKR de facto leader taking over from him.

"There are processes to go through. Of course, it will be up to the party to determine when he takes over," Mahathir told a press conference after the Harapan convention in Shah Alam today.

Mahathir being named as the prime ministerial candidate today was on condition that the new Harapan federal government, if it comes to pass, will immediately seek a royal pardon for Anwar.

Anwar will be freed from prison on June 8 but faces a five-year ban from politics. He was sent to prison in 2014 for sodomy, a charge he claimed was politically motivated.

If Anwar receives a royal pardon, he can then contest in a by-election and take over from Mahathir.

Mahahir, when asked whether he will serve his full term or halfway before allowing Anwar to take over, was coy.

"It could be anything. I am 92-years-old. I won't last forever," he said.

Regardless of when Mahathir hands over power to Anwar, the irony of handing the reins to a man he once denied the top seat for being "morally unfit" is not lost.

But Mahathir, when pressed about the matter, did not want to dwell on it.

"That was history. The priority now is to topple Umno and Najib," he said.

All this is, of course, only if Harapan wins and Mahathir holds up his end of the bargain.

Meanwhile, Anwar's wife, PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (photo) who was also present at the press conference, was asked about the possibility of a husband-and-wife combination as prime minister and deputy prime minister should Mahathir hand power over to Anwar.

However, Wan Azizah said that "wasn't the plan".

"I don't think we have come to that yet. we just want to win the election first.

"It is not the plan to be a husband and wife team," she said.

Wan Azizah was earlier named the deputy prime ministerial candidate.- mk

Bukan mudah Anwar nak terima Mahathir semula

Penderitaan DSAI dan family bukan sedikit. Masuk penjara zaman tunm keluar zaman tun abdullah masuk balik zaman najib. Walau selautan maaf dihulur mmg takkan mampu mengantikan kesakitan itu. Saya faham semua ini adalah mengalah dan berdamai demi satu tujuan menyelamatkan malaysia. Kpd Family DSAI Saya Sgt kagum.dgn ketabahan kamu. Lupakan sengketa lama buka buku baru demi satu perjuangan. Perjuangan yg terhebat 2018.- Muhd Abdul Halim 

Perkataan yg keluar dari Tun mengenai DS Anwar melambangkan keinsafan. Keluarga DS Anwar telah memaafkan Tun maka kita rakyat biasa amat wajar mengikuti jejak keluarga DS. Besar sangat ke salahan Tun pada kita jika dibandingkan dengan Anwar?? Hanya segelintit rakyat yg masih suka memutar belitkan kenyataan Tun. - Jang OO Jang

TDM is lucky that he is given a second chance to correct his mistakes & rewrite history. Pray that he will treat all Malaysians equally like his own children/grandchildren regardless of race & religion this time around.- Anonymous_1397613657

Malaysians are all suffering due to the high costs of living because of BN’s handling of the economy. We have to trust Tun for once hopefully he is truthful with what he promises to do. Otherwise we can just just continue with what has happened decades long. We need to take this chance. - Anonymous 728021502366367

Tun has acknowledge his past mistakes and misdeeds. Its nor easy for Anwar and the reformasi people to accept, but a mistake is a mistake. Let it go and move forward. Only PH can bring the country forward for a brighter future for all rakyat. - Anonymous #13957745

Whatever it is. At this junction rakyat and opposition parties have no choice but to put aside all differences, etc to stay united and focus to one main objective. ie.: To topple BN / Najib at the GE14. This really matters as at now. Vote PH candidates only at GE14. Let us all create and be part of the new history for Malaysia. - righteousness4all


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