Seorang kanak-kanak berusia 9 tahun didakwa telah ditendang dan dipijak hingga terkencing, malah dipukul menggunakan tali pinggang yang digunakan oleh tentera dipercayai didera oleh bapa kandungnya sendiri dan telah menghembuskan nafas terakhir kelmarin.
Mangsa juga dikatakan pernah dipukul menggunakan sebuah bangku plastik kecil. Ketua Polis Daerah Port Dickson, Superintendan Zainudin Ahmad berkata, openderaan yang sukar dibayangkan oleh manusia yang berfikiran waras itu kini sedang disiasat dengan teliti oleh pasukan siasatan polis.
Tambah Zainudin lagi, perbuatan itu terdedah dalam siasatan awal polis terhadap bapa kandung dan ibu tiri mangsa yang kini ditahan reman selama tujuh hari bermula Jumaat, 2 Februari 2018.
“Berdasarkan pengakuan awal suspek, pada malam kejadian dia telah bertindak memukul anaknya dengan tali pinggang yang biasa digunakan oleh tentera, menendang anaknya dan memijaknya hingga terkencing.
“Suspek juga membuat pengakuan awal pernah memukul si mati menggunakan sebuah bangku plastik kecil,” katanya di sini hari ini.
Kedua-dua suspek berusia 38 dan 34 tahun itu telah dibawa ke rumah sewa mereka di Taman Vista Jaya, Lukut tengah hari tadi bagi membolehkan polis menjalankan pemeriksaan di lokasi mangsa telah didera.
Menurut jiran yang enggan dikenali mendakwa, anaknya yang juga rakan kepada mangsa mendedahkan bahawa murid berusia 9 tahun itu kerap mengadu didera bapanya sebelum ini.
“Dia beritahu anak saya, selalu kena pukul malah pernah dibaling kerusi oleh bapanya itu sehingga kerusi itu patah dan dia cedera. Dia juga beritahu kalau keadaan berterusan, dia boleh mati,” katanya ketika ditemui di kawasan perumahan itu di sini, hari ini.
Memetik laporan Harian Metro, mangsa dipercayai telah meninggal dunia ketika dirawat di Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban (HTJS) pada jam 12.30 tengah malam.
Selepas dibedah siasat mendapati kanak-kanak terbabit cedera pada buah pinggang, selain usus terkoyak dan patah tulang rusuk yang dipercayai akibat dipukul dengan objek tumpul. - siakapkeli

Bank Negara pikul hutang 1MDB ke?...
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) seperti dilaporkan media pada 4 Januari lepas mengumumkan bahawa ia telah membeli 55.79 ekar tanah milik kerajaan persekutuan bernilai RM2 bilion mengikut harga pasaran.
Gabenor BNM, Tan Sri Muhamad Ibrahim menegaskan pembelian tanah bagi tujuan hab pendidikan itu kononnya adalah telus dan dibuat secara suka rela tanpa melibatkan tekanan mana-mana pihak.
Namun, yang menghairankan kenapa BNM membeli tanah tersebut pada harga pasaran dan bukannya pada harga nominal, demikian soal Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua.
“Tanah diperoleh oleh universiti awam biasanya dipindahkan dengan kadar sangat rendah, sementara pembelian Bank Negara kira-kira RM823 per kaki persegi.

“Justeru itu soalan yang perlu ditanya, mengapa gabenor (BNM)(gambar) tidak mohon tanah itu pada harga nominal? Ini memandangkan hab pendidikan bukan usaha sama komersial,” ujarnya dalam kenyataan, hari ini.
Oleh itu, kata Tony yang juga Setiausaha Publisiti DAP, Rakyat Malaysia tidak wajar dipersalahkan jika mengesyaki pembelian itu hanyalah sekadar usaha kerajaan untuk mengambil wang BNM.
“Harus diberi perhatian juga masa transaksi dan pembayaran tersebut kebetulan sama dengan pembayaran US$600 juta yang terpaksa dibuat 1MDB bagi melangsaikan baki hutang terakhirnya kepada IPIC pada hujung tahun lepas,” ujarnya.
BNM dilaporkan membeli tanah untuk dibangunkan sebagai tempat penempatan semula Universiti Kewangan Islam Global dan Akademi Penyelidikan Syariah Antarabangsa, selain membina pelbagai kemudahan pendidikan serta pusat latihan. – Roketkini.com

GE14 will be like GE12,guess only...
A Singaporean friend yesterday asked me whether BN can win the coming GE14 and if so, could it be better than it did the GE13. Well, I don't think I'm capable of giving a 100 per cent sure answer to that. I have not done any survey or even been on the ground enough to really know how things are with the real political situation.
So, I did what most others usually do when posed with such a question - I gave my take on it based on what little I saw around me and the political mood of people who are connected to me. I told my friend that I think this coming GE14 may likely be similar to GE12 of 2008. At least the mood seems the same.
At that time, Dr Mahathir was instrumental in causing quite severe damage to the BN led by Pak Lah. This time though he went a step further by forming Pribumi Bersatu, which aim is not only to oust Najib, but to even defeat BN and Umno altogether. I'm quite sure now that his effort has managed to take away a sizeable chunk of Malay support from BN.
Among the signs that I personally noticed of this is in the WhatsApp group conversation of my school alumni. There used to be lively political debates among us in that group but nowadays it's just a one way street going the opposition way.
I used to be among those who passionately argued for BN, but now I just don't bother to do that anymore. I see no point in doing so anyway because I would most likely be swamped by the others. Some of those who used to be pro-establishment and argued for it more passionately than me had even switched sides and became ferociously anti-BN.
But then again, almost all of my alumni are middle class Malay professionals and urbanites, a segment of society not known to be too fond of Umno or BN. Still, the fact that some of us had chose to switch sides to the opposition may reflects on what's happening on the ground.
Back in 2008, some of my pro-establishment friends did the same. They were rebelling against the Pak Lah's administration, particularly the so-called Fourth Floor Boys led by KJ. It turned out that what's happening among my friends at that time was also happening on the ground.
That year BN lost Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor and most FT parliamentary seats. Pas also retained Kelantan. Somehow I feel that the same thing is going to happen again. I told my Singaporean friend this.
My instinct says Pakatan is going to retain Penang and Selangor, captures Kedah and maybe Perak as well as more FT parliamentary seats. They may also capture more parliamentary seats in the other states, particularly those in Johor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan.
But do bear in mind that these are just how I feel things will be for GE14. These are purely my guess, okay. Do excuse me for that because I believe most other people do the same these days when they talk about politics, especially when it comes to possible outcome of elections. They agak-agak saja.
But of course, many of them tend to present their guess as the real deal. That's just the way people are. Well, never mind.Time will tell.- Annie,Life of Annie
Taib's Wife And Step Kids
Are Given Native Status...
Syrian born Ragad Taib and her two sons have been fast-tracked into ‘fully fledged’ Melanaus, to the disgust of many Sarawakians, if comments going viral on Whatsapp are to be believed.
“In normal cases a candidate has to speak the language, know the customs etc and attend an interview in Melanau. The Melanau are certainly not happy at this. Now she can own native customary rights lands, do bumiputera business and her children can inherit native lands too and live happily ever after in the forest!”
There was one comment received by Sarawak Report, although the idea that the Syrian born temptress, known for her love of jewellery and couture and all the luxuries of town life, would dream of living in or near the forest is somewhat laughable. Yet the order published last November is clearly genuine. Middle Eastern adventuress is now ripe and ready for Bumi business in Sarawak
The regularity with which the foreign spouses of the Taib Mahmud family have been accorded fast-track bumi-status has long-rankled with those who have lived and worked for years in Sarawak. Without exception these spouses have then been inserted into the businesness interests of the family.
Lebanese Australian, Robert Geneid, for example was similarly fast-tracked, transforming in the process from a cash-strapped fruit stall trader to a multi-millionaire, thanks to subsequent local business and land deals. Arif Mahmud’s wives, who were Chinese born are similarly accorded bumi-status and all have been showered with top titles in the process.
Another commentator working in Sarawak pointed out:
“The likes of honest, working Malaysian folk, who have lived and served in Sarawak for over two decades still can’t get this sort of status. We can’t even stay longer than 3 months, having to go in and out and always at risk of being denied entry”.
But, there is another deeper and darker scandal, which is that while the likes of Ragad have been accorded this status, ignoring all the normal cultural and language requirements, many of those who have lived for generations in Sarawak are denied it.
Penan tribes people, many who were never given birth certificates don’t even have Identity Cards. Their children may now have been allowed birth certificates, but because their parents genuinely lived in the jungle, these people are still not given nationality, let alone bumiputera status.
This means that ‘Toh Puan’ Ragad will now be able to use the millions she can acquire from her elderly husband (who pretends not to be rich as he has no legitimate explanation for his wealth) to buy up native lands from under the feet of the real native people, who have been denied their own birthright.

Mahkamah Adat,Ragad dah sah jadi bumiputera Melanau.
Kenapa tak tukar terus jadi Melayu aje?
Boleh kot jadi ketua wanita UMNO. Ganti mamiIjat.
Boleh kot jadi ketua wanita UMNO. Ganti mamiIjat.
It is heady progress for a woman who arrived from the dusty deserts of the Middle East in her late 20s to marry a septuagenarian whom she had only met once before, presumably to seek her fortune in the process. Expect her to start acquiring plantations and shares in Bumi companies with instant effect.
By contrast, no such opportunites for the genuine natives in Sarawak, who have been promised time and again by this present head of state that he would bring them ‘progress’ and ‘modernisation’.
“Hundreds of thousands of Indonesian and Bangladeshi workers, many of them illegal, have been flooded into Sarawak’s oil plantations in the meantime. Expect them all to receive IC cards and full status in return for votes” Meanwhile, the genuine natives remain to a disgraceful degree disenfranchised.
The development comes on the heels of the statement yesterday by Sarawak’s present chief minister that he is continuing to battle his own political partners in the federal government to attempt to be allowed a mere 20% of Sarawak’s own royalties from its mining and oil revenues – and to take back the off-shore rights recently also illegally grabbed by the Najib government.
It was of course none other than Ragad’s greedy husband, Taib Mahmud, who did the original deal with his UMNO backers from the federal government to allow Sarawak only a paltry 5% of its own oil revenues. This was in return for allowing him a free hand over timber and plantation licences – after which he proceeded to cut down the entire jungle and replace it with oil palm and turned himself into one of the richest men on the planet.
As Johari struggles on to try and persuade his own BN allies to change their selfish policy (fat chance unless he switches to the opposition) the likes of Taib’s latest wife and business partner, Ragad, can get stuck in to acquiring easy wealth….. until the music stops and the people decide enough is enough. - SRR

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