Menurut sumber, guru berusia 22 tahun itu membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kuantan di sini, kelmarin selepas pelajar yang menjadi mangsa mengadu kepadanya.
"Menurut laporan polis itu, kejadian membabitkan pelajar lelaki berusia antara 14 hingga 17 tahun yang dipaksa menghisap kemaluan lelaki terbabit berlaku sejak Ogos tahun lalu, malah suspek turut meliwat enam pelajar berkenaan.
"Semua mangsa turut dipukul dan diugut bunuh sekiranya perkara yang dilakukan itu terbongkar kepada pengetahuan orang lain," kata sumber itu ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Kuantan, Superintendan Kama Azural Mohamed berkata, pihaknya sudah menahan suspek yang berusia 41 tahun di sekitar bandar ini, Isnin lalu.
Beliau berkata, suspek yang juga sukarelawan di situ dan aktif dalam memberi sumbangan barangan keperluan harian dan pakaian di maahad tahfiz itu sejak tahun 2015, kini direman bermula semalam sehingga 19 Mac ini.
"Laporan mendakwa mangsa diliwat di sekitar kawasan asrama dan kediaman suspek di sebuah taman perumahan di sini dan siasatan mendapati suspek melakukan perbuatan itu antara satu hingga lima kali terhadap setiap mangsa," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini. - bh
A donor allegedly abducts sexually and physically abusive 21 students of a tahfiz maid in Kuantan, reports Daily Sinar.
The newspaper reported that a school teacher was involved in his police report alleging that the 14 to 17-year-old student was forced to have sex, was sodomized and sucked on his genitals.
The suspect also allegedly hit and threatened to kill the victim not to disclose the act.
The newspaper reported that Kuantan district police chief, ACP Mohamad Noor Yusof Ali confirmed receiving reports on the case and further investigation was underway. - fmt
What else do you expect?
To enrol in the school tahfiz, you should know that green is the color of grass, red is the color of blood, yellow is a lemon, a dog barks and cats meow. To be a teacher there you should know that green is the color of grass, red is the color of blood, yellow is a lemon, a dog barks and cats meow.
In a school tahfiz in Malaysia, you do not need logic, common sense, scientific methods, evidence based learning, high levels of intelligence or rational discussion. You must be able to accept "imaginary pet flying unicorn" type stories. This is the school tahfiz situation in this country.
In an environment like this, your head is basically empty. The teachers heads have already been empty for a long time. When the head is empty, then all other types of strange things can happen.
Sexual rape and molest seems to be the favorite sports activity.This is NOT the first time this buggering (aka liwat) and forced oral sex by male teachers on male students has happened in a school tahfiz. And I can assure you this will NOT be the last.
Theirs is a system that is devoid of knowledge. An empty system, forced upon both the teachers and students. But their numbers are increasing. And this is happening now in the 21st century. In the year 2018.
Yesterday the Felda people who do not have piped water were screaming why are they going backwards despite 41 years having gone by (since they moved into Felda Mayam and Purun in 1977). They are still poor and now getting relatively poorer (compared to other people in Malaysia, other races, other more urban dwellers.)
The same thing these schools tahfiz kids will be asking 40 years from now. By 2058 these schools tahfiz kids will also be screaming:
Why are we so poor?
Why are we so backward?
Why cant we think and use reason like other people?
Why do we hate everyone around us?
Why do you have to hate others so much?
Why are we so much less intelligent than other people?
Why are the non Muslims so much cleverer and better than us?
Why did we get sodomised and sexually molested by our tahfiz teachers?
Why wasnt anything done?
Why did our parents send us to the school tahfiz?
I hope long, long before 2058 many of you will remember me and say, 'There was that mamak fellow who kept saying this again and again and again. Few listened to him. If only we had listened. . . we would not be so stupid. ' Dont say I did not warn you. - ostb

Laporan SPR kepada PM tak sah
Pemergian seorang genius...

Di Malaysia cuma ada 2 negeri je...Pulau Pinang dan Selangor...
isu terowong di Pulau Pinang dan isu air di Selangor...
tak caya lu tengok la buletin TV3suku...

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