Penasihat gomen tanya awat Jho Low tak disiasat...
MB N9 cam mafia...
Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Dato Seri Mohd Hassan 'menghasut' Pemuda BN untuk bertindak secara samseng. Kata-kata MB N9...
'Jika ada kedai kopi yang menjadi sarang memfitnah kerajaan, gempur kedai kopi tersebut, ganyang dia, terbalikkan meja dia, kena tangkap dengan Polis saya jamin, jangan bagi muka dengan pembangkang, hentam pembangkang'.
Adakah Menteri Besar NS ini layak menjadi orang Nombor 1 dalam Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan? Adakah tingkah laku seperti ini membanggakan Negeri Sembilan?
Adakah Polis akan menyiasat MB NS yang menghasut pemuda untuk bertindak samseng?
Lawan Tetap Lawan! - steadyaku47

Perang poster BN di Penang...
Takkanlah Teng Chang Yeow
tak tahu minta permit MBPP...
Pengakuan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang, Teng Chang Yeow bahawa perbuatan menampal poster secara bersepah di negeri terbabit sejak semalam adalah amat dikasihani.
“Macamlah perbuatan kebudak-budakan seperti itu sesuatu yang wajar dibanggakan,” kata Pengarah Pendidikan Politik Wanita DAP Pulau Pinang, Syerleena Rashid.
“Mungkin Teng lupa bahawa ada peraturan kerajaan tempatan yang perlu dipatuhi.
“Teng yang dahulu exco kerajaan negeri sepatutnya tahu bahawa mereka perlu memohon permit daripada MBPP dan MPSP,” ujar beliau yang juga Ahli Majlis MBPP.
Sejak tengah malam semalam, ratusan poster fitnah disepah-sepahkan di seluruh negeri. Pihak berkuasa tempatan telah bertindak menanggalkan poster-poster haram terbabit.

Menurut Syerleena, sikap tidak segan silu BN menyalahgunakan peraturan dan undang-undang demi kepentingan sendiri membuktikan bahawa ia sebuah parti yang rosak, keji dan tidak ada masalah melanggar undang-undang.
“Teng sepatutnya tahu bahawa pendekatan sedemikian memperlihatkan kelemahan BN dan sikap tidak mematuhi undang-undang parti itu,” tambah Syerleena.
Terlebih dahulu, Pengerusi DAP Pulau Pinang, Chow Kon Yeow telah menasihatkan supaya BN negeri tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar dengan membazir kertas mencetak poster sedemikian.
“Semua poster ini telah mencacatkan imej negeri dan alam sekitar. Sebahagiannya menjadi bahaya kepada penunggang kenderaan dan merosakkan harta benda awam.
“Kalau Teng Chang Yeow mahu meneruskan kempen poster ini, pihak PBT mungkin tidak akan membersihkannya lagi. Biarlah ia dilihat oleh orang ramai sehingga Teng Chang Yeow naik malu sehingga terpaksa membersihkannya sendiri,” tegasnya. – Roketkini.com

Selagi MENTERI PASOLA berkuasa maka rakyat sendiri nak cari makan pun susah...
MCA Really Means
The "Malay's Chinese Association"
The MCA has seven seats in Parliament. ALL SEVEN of their seats were won in solidly Malay majority seats. So how can the MCA even claim to represent Chinese interests?
I think the MCA leaders should stop wanking off for a day or two and really look at their situation. Not even ONE of your Parliamentary seats is in a Chinese majority or sizeable Chinese based constituency.
The MCA is beholden not only to UMNO but to huge Malay majority constituencies especially in Johor and elsewhere to win seats in Parliament.
You cannot say that you represent Chinese interests. Please wake up. Can the MCA win back Seputeh from the DAP? Not likely. Why? Because Seputeh is a Chinese seat.
So here is the situation. The MCA which claims to represent the Chinese CANNOT win back Seputeh. Why? Because Seputeh is a Chinese seat.
This is solid evidence that MCA does not represent the Chinese. In the coming elections the MCA will go begging to UMNO. Like a beggar.
What will the MCA beg for?
Money? No.
Campaign help? No.
Campaign funds? No.
What will the MCA beg from UMNO?
"Please, please, tolong lah - please give us Malay majority seats. So that we have a chance of winning."
On the other hand it is a fact that the DAP wins its seats in large Chinese population Parliamentary seats. In Perak, Penang, in KL and elsewhere the DAP captures the Chinese votes for sure.
The DAP has better claim to represent the Chinese - although the DAP claims to be multiracial. However the DAPs economic policies are good for everyone, Chinese and non Chinese.
Why does the MCA go begging from UMNO? The answer is simple : The MCAs dependence on UMNO and the Malay vote is because of this statement : perks enjoyed by MCA
The MCA guys are too used to the easy money, the projects, contracts, the Dato titles and rubbing shoulders with the kaum DNA bahalol. What a bunch of losers.
So here is the MCA claiming to represent Chinese interests but they will CERTAINLY 100% lose in Chinese majority seats. The MCA can only win in Malay majority seats.
So here is a message for Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong and the MCA leaders :
Qǐng tíngzhǐ shǒuyín.Zhè duì xiàng nǐ zhèyàng de lǎorén bù hǎo. Nǐ kěnéng huì shīmíng. - ostb

Kingmaker' PAS only to help 'cash is king
PAS' aim to be a "kingmaker" in the 14th general election was only to help "cash is king" to remain in power, Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.
Despite denials by PAS, the former premier insisted that the party's main aim was only to help BN.
"The fact is that they are not kingmakers to help the opposition.
"They are just kingmakers to lift 'cash is king'," said Mahathir at a press conference after chairing the Harapan presidential council meeting in Parliament.
He was asked to respond to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's latest comments at the party's 10-year anniversary in the Selangor government last Saturday.
In a speech he made in Shah Alam, Hadi had reiterated PAS' aim to contest in no less than 130 parliamentary seats and urged the voters to make them kingmakers in Parliament.
At the same time, Mahathir also insisted that PAS is in support of retaining the GST, when asked for comments on the party's Gagasan Sejahtera election manifesto launched on Sunday which included a promise to abolish GST.
"PAS supports GST...When Hadi is asked about it, I don't know if he understands the question or not, or he doesn't know how to answer," said Mahathir.

'Harapan to object'
On a separate matter, Mahathir also said he would write to Election Commission chairperson Mohd Hashim Abdullah to object to possible changes to procedures in GE14.
"Such changes are not suitable for elections. They (changes) were not informed in writing.
"They keep saying this or that is possible. We can’t make the necessary preparations," he said.
Harapan secretariat chief Saifuddin Abdullah earlier explained the pact was informed that parties must now submit the names of their polling and counting agents (PACA) on nominations day.
"Normally, parties and candidates will send names of their Paca just before voting day. Now, we hear that there is a possibility the names must be given earlier.
"Second thing is, vote-counting is usually done one after another, starting with Parliament and then, state. This time, it might be done simultaneously," he said. - mk
I actually have RM2.6 Billion in my accounts. The funds were donated by an Arab for all my good works fighting deviant worshippers of geometrical shaped stone buildings on the planet Kolop. I have not declared the funds. So I do not have to pay taxes on those moneys.
Here is a suggestion folks. All you need is for someone to deposit money into your bank accounts. If you can do it from Australia it is even better. You can ask the donors to make 54 different deposits from Australia. Then do not declare your income. Because according to 2nd Finance Minister Johari Ghani if you do not declare your income then you do not need to pay income taxes.
That is really very good advice coming from a Finance Minister.
I have checked with the Transport Minister. Do not tell people (or let the speed cameras capture you) that you are speeding on the Highway.
You can drive at 190 km/hr. But the moment you see a traffic camera coming up, slow down to just below the speed limit. Once you have cleared the speed cameras, you can go back to 190 km/hr.Do take note. - ostb
Cambridge Analytica bantu,BN menang di Kedah
Pendedahan besar berkenaan salahguna data peribadi pengguna Facebook oleh pakar data Cambridge Analytica serta anak-anak syarikatnya amat memeranjatkan.
Lebih dari itu, pendedahan bahawa Cambridge Analytica atau anak-anak syarikatnya terlibat dalam aktiviti politik di Malaysia cukup menggusarkan, memandangkan media melaporkan bahawa aktiviti politik yang dimaksudkan mungkin melibatkan aktiviti jenayah seperti rasuah, penipuan dan perangkap seks.
Di Malaysia, SCL Malaysia merupakan syarikat yang berkait dengan Cambridge Analytica, dan berdasarkan laman web Cambridge Analytica dan SCL Malaysia, difahamkan dua syarikat ini mempunyai pejabat sama di Malaysia iaitu di 16, Jalan Kenyalang 11/4G, 47810 Kota Damansara, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Namun, media melaporkan bahawa ‘pejabat’ tersebut adalah sebuah rumah peribadi dan penghuni tidak tahu alamat rumah itu diguna sebagai pejabat bagi kedua-dua syarikat tersebut.
Memandangkan Cambridge Analytica didakwa menyalahguna data peribadi pengguna Facebook serta terlibat dalam aktiviti-aktiviti politik yang mungkin mempunyai elemen jenayah, saya menggesa pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia serta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia untuk membuka siasatan terhadap kedua-dua entiti ini pada kadar segera.
Pada masa yang sama, DS Najib Razak selaku Pengerusi Barisan Nasional perlu segera memberi penjelasan setakat mana Cambridge Analytica dan SCL Malaysia terlibat sebagai perunding politik bagi aktiviti politik parti pemerintah. Jika wujud sebarang kontrak di antara UMNO-BN dengan syarikat-syarikat ini, demi demokrasi dan kebaikan orang ramai, saya mohon DS Najib untuk mendedahkannya. Ini ke syarikat yg BN gunakan utk menang pilihanraya di Malaysia kelak..?? - f/bk

Fake Tengku Adnan buat function UMNO kat sek.Bagi murid² kibar bendera party.Tapi PDRMsia buat dont know! Bila LGE nyanyi lagu GST nak rakam statement daripada dia...

Bulk of RM2.6bil will be used in Selangor and Penang to topple the PH state gov. Hope voters in these 2 states are smart enough to once again throw BN/UMNO in the trash bin in GE14...

Sebelum ROH dikembalikan kita kena kebumikan UMNO dulu...
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