
ROS ok kat UMNO tapi kasi warning kat BERSATU...


Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) sedia menyerahkan maklumat serta dokumen yang diminta Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) ketika parti itu berdepan kemungkinan dibubarkan.

Pengerusinya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bagaimanapun berkata ROS sepatutnya perlu menerika maklumat yang diberikan BERSATU kerana ia adalah fakta.

Kata Dr Mahathir maklumat yang akan diberikan kepada ROS itu disertakan dengan dokumen.

"Kita boleh jawab semua soalan-soalan yang ditanya, dan bila kita jawab benda yang benar, ROS mesti terima," katanya.

Mengikut Dr Mahathir ROS perlu bersikap demikian kerana pada masa sama mereka boleh menerima penjelasan daripada Umno "walaupun tanpa laporan".

"Kalau daripada Umno, dia (ROS) boleh terima keputusan (walaupun) tak ada laporan, daripada kami pula, keputusan yang ada laporan dan bukti mestilah diterima dan diluluskan oleh ROS," katanya pada sidang media di Tanah Merah, Kelantan, sempena program Ramah Mesra Jelajah Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN), hari ini.

Terdahulu, ROS mengeluarkan notis kepada BERSATU supaya parti itu menyerahkan maklumat serta dokumen berkaitan, termasuk minit-minit mesyuarat cawangan, bahagian dan pusat.

ROS terima penjelasan UMNO

ROS juga mahu meneliti penyata kewangan parti bagi melengkapkan siasatan berikutan aduan yang dikemukakan oleh anggota parti terbabit.

Ketua Pengarah ROS, Surayati Ibrahim, berkata sekiranya BERSATU gagal menyerahkan maklumat dan dokumen yang diminta tindakan boleh diambil mengikut Seksyen 14(5) Akta Pertubuhan iaitu mengeluarkan perintah pembubaran ke atas parti berkenaan.

Umno pula didakwa melanggar perlembagaan parti apabila sekali lagi menangguhkan pemilihan mereka sebagai persediaan menghadapi pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-14 yang mesti dibuat selewat-lewatnya Ogos ini.

Pada 1 Mac Setiausaha Agung Umno Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor menegaskan parti itu mengikut prosedur dikeluarkan ROS apabila membuat penangguhan berkenaan.

Empat hari kemudian ROS mengesahkan penangguhan pemilihan itu tidak melanggar peruntukan perlembagaan Umno.

"Dengan ini, ROS mengesahkan bahawa kelulusan permohonan untuk mengadakan pemilihan di peringkat majlis tertinggi Umno tahun 2017 adalah selaras dengan peruntukan perlembagaan pertubuhan Fasal 10.17.

"Ia yang memperuntukkan penangguhan pemilihan di peringkat majlis tertinggi, bahagian dan cawangan yang tidak boleh melebihi 18 bulan dari tarikh pemilihan yang sepatutnya," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Surayati (gambar,atas) berkata, dalam perkara itu, Umno telah menetapkan supaya pemilihan parti berkenaan diadakan pada 19 April 2019.

Kata Dr Mahathir, jika BERSATU akhirnya dibubarkan mereka mempunyai pilihan untuk melaksanakan pelan tindakan yang sudah disediakan.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, pelan tindakan itu hanya tidak dapat digerakkan jika kerajaan menggantung PRU.

"Kita (boleh) guna cara lain kecuali dia (kerajaan) kata, pilihan raya dibatalkan dan (mereka) kekal sebagai diktator.
"(Kalau) itu (terjadi) kita kena terima, tak boleh buat apa," katanya.

Dr Mahathir mendakwa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mempunyai hak untuk tidak membubarkan Dewan Rakyat bagi mengelak PRU ke-14 diadakan.

“Ia di bawah bidang kuasa dia untuk berbuat sedemikian. Undang-undang tidak akan menghalangnya,” kata beliau pada 29 Jun tahun lalu.

Menurut bekas perdana menteri selama 22 tahun itu Najib boleh mengisytiharkan darurat atau kecemasan dalam negara walaupun hakikatnya tidak pun timbul situasi sebegitu.

Keadaan itu katanya membolehkan perdana menteri mengantung perlembagaan. - mk

Image result for najib n equanimity

Najib's 5 weaknesses...

Confusion and delirium continue to reign in UMNO, except that now it is infectious and has added their President Najib Razak. Please do not infect the people.

Yesterday, Najib was in Ulu Yam to attack the achievements of the Selangor State Government with the usual mix of confused accusations we have now come to expect from UMNO / Barisan Nasional.

* 1. Water *

Najib spoke about water supply disruptions last Friday morning. He was clearly confused since there were no supply disruptions then. Was his mind even in Selangor, or was he talking about Pekan, his own constituency, where water supply will be interrupted from today until Friday morning?

Perhaps he's unaware of recent water supply problems in Barisan Nasional, Johor, Kedah, Melaka, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak? Care to get a briefing from your officers?

* 2. Housing *

Najib spoke about high house prices. Is he not also aware that Rumah Selangorku provides affordable houses starting from RM42,000 up to RM250,000? 70% of the houses sold under Rumah Selangorku cost less than RM200,000. These are far cheaper than houses under Najib's premium PR1MA which cost as much as RM300,000 to RM400,000.

As Minister of Finance, Najib has forgotten how he has presided over a massive nationwide housing price bubble, which he has responded by squeezing access to loans for low-income families, making them more in need of programs such as Rumah Selangorku and our Smart Selangor First Home Buyers Scheme that covers deposits? Selangor is pro-folk, Najib is pro-crony.

* 3. Taxes *

It is also shocking that the Father of GST is trying to suggest that property tax in Selangor has risen due to the Pakatan government. Does not he know that the power to raise property taxes is decided by the Property Management and Valuation Department (JPPH) under the Federal Government?

If he wants to reduce Selangor's tax burden, all he has to do is abolish the GST and order JPPH to lower its rates. It is so simple. Do not talk rubbish, Prime Minister. Either get better briefings from your officers or stop spinning. Be helpful for a change.

* 4. Rubbish *

Speaking of rubbish, since Selangor state began taking over rubbish collection via KDEB Waste Management, complaints have dropped by 97 per cent in the first three local councils to benefit. By 2019, all 12 local councils in Selangor will have their rubbish managed under this new system.

* 5. Dengue and River Pollution *

Finally, Najib appears to have no clue as to how dengue breeds and is transmitted. He attempted to link river pollution with the spread of dengue, but this contradicts basic science. 

The dengue-bearing aedes mosquito requires clean and still water to breed. Perhaps this explains why there is no effective action at the national level. The Health Minister needs to brief the Prime Minister on the basics of dengue so he does not continue to embarrass himself.

He should also speak to his Minister for Natural Resources and the Environment who can tell him that 9 out of the 10 most polluted rivers are in BN-controlled states, 7 of which are in Johor, the supposed prized fortress of UMNO.

People in glass houses should not throw stones, and people in the PM's Office should be helping all of Malaysia rather than playing politics.

We know as the Father of GST, the creator of the national housing bubble, and the mastermind behind 1MDB, Najib feels the burning need to deflect attention away from his failures, but he must treat Selangor voters with respect rather than serve them lies and sow confusion. - Yin Shao Loong

The Pakatan Harapan Manifesto - Simple, Brilliant, Brief, Concise,To The Point...

Here is the Pakatan Harapan Manifesto that was launched a few days ago. It is very simple, easy to understand, brief and to the point. And it addresses real issues. Most importantly this 'To Do' list is achievable. These are not wild, unachievable campaign promises.

The five 'Teras Utama' or I call them 'Main Thrusts' above set the philosophy of the Manifesto. Indeed the most glaring discrepancies fall upon the Felda folks, the Indian underclass, women, the youth who are increasingly unemployed, unemployable and the aging population. 
The Eliminate GST is the ONE SINGLE FACTOR that is going to get the Super Moron kicked out of office. It is the GST. The people are suffering terribly because of this Super Moronic GST. The KWSP for housewives is also a fantastic idea. It is a Savings Day for the housewives as well, especially housewives who have become Ibu Tunggal, become 'Bini Tua' and so on. That is a rapidly growing part of our society. 

The best part of the Janji Janji Utama 5 Tahun is limiting the PM and Menteri Besar / Chief Minister to TWO TERMS in office. I wrote about this in my book "To Digress A Little" in 2005. Before that I already suggested this in my newspaper columns including in the Berita Minggu.

Reducing 2 million foreign workers in stages is also fantastic. May I suggest 4 million foreign workers. It should be accompanied by 'not allowing the entry of new foreign workers'.

The 'Eliminate Tolls Graded' should begin immediately the day after the PH wins the elections. Maybe a token 20% reduction in toll on Day 1 of the new government. Then a 20% reduction every year after that.

That Minimum Salary of RM1,500 in stages has obviously been crafted by the "do not know" folks. That is 50% above the present Minimum Salary.

But if it is raised gradually over 10 years meaning at 5% increment per annum, then it will sort of balance the inflation rate. Which makes it more economically palatable. In any case, ANY TYPE OF GAJI MINIMA WILL CERTAINLY INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT AND INFLATION.

I studied this in Economics 101 during my Freshman year at Purdue University in Indiana way back in 1982. My professor made it plain why Minimum Wage always causes unemployment and it adds to inflation. WHY? Because it is artificial. 

And it is true. Unemployment among youths has increased in Malaysia since the Minimum Wages were imposed about six or seven years ago. Many, many businesses simply can not generate an extra RM1000 per month to pay a 17 year old SPM leaver who can not even draw a straight line using a ruler. I am referring real cases ok. 

Get rid of the 2 million or 4 million foreign workers and entry level wages will increase automatically, by themselves, to higher than RM1,500 per month. Do believe me on this. Let wages rise naturally, according to the productivity of the market.

Free education at IPTA sounds a little too far fetched but it can be done. This will only work if there is full meritocracy in selecting students for entrance into IPTAs.

Then those who do not qualify for the free IPTAs can opt out for the private universities and private colleges.

There will be a blood letting in the private universities because even less students will opt for private universities. Students will rush for the free public universities.

Dont worry. A new balance will come into place. But there must be meritocracy.

What happens to Affirmative Action? The Malays, Ibans, Kadazans, Dusuns will be left out of university education again - beaten by the Chinese, Indians and others.

Not exactly. There must be minimum entry qualifications. And there must be enough university places for every student with the minimum qualifications.

They may not all get medical seats or engineering seats or law faculty seats, but they must get a seat. - ostb

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Bik Mama tentu geram...

Bila macai tak dapat dedak...

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