
Bik Mama menabung sikit-sikit, lama-lama dapat 35 beg...

Image result for rosmah Menabung sikit-sikit, dari kecil

Segala teka teki tentang puluhan beg yang dibawa keluar daripada kediaman yang dikaitkan dengan Datuk Seri Najib Razak akhirnya terjawab. Tiada lagi gossip, tiada lagi spekulasi.

Menurut bos di Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Datuk Seri Amar Singh, tiga hari diperlukan untuk mengira sejumlah RM114 juta wang tunai daripada 35 buah beg oleh 22 orang pegawai bank – ini tidak termasuk nilai 37 lagi beg yang belum diumumkan nilainya.

“Kita rampas 72 beg dan 35 daripadanya mengandungi wang tunai dalam 26 mata wang,” katanya kepada media hari ini.

Sudah tentu, pendedahan tersebut bukanlah satu ‘penghakiman’ terhadap kes puluhan bilion dana milik negara 1MDB yang didakwa ‘bocor’ memandangkan kes sedang dalam siasatan, begitu juga segala kemungkinan skandal lain jika ada.

Namun untuk mengatakan wang tunai RM114 juta daripada pelbagai negara sebagai tabungan dari kecil juga tidak masuk akal.

Apa yang pasti, pendedahan sedemikian (belum termasuk segala jenis kekayaan dan perbelanjaan mewah lagi) sudah tentu memberi imej tidak elok kepada Datuk Seri Najib, isterinya dan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang pernah dikemudinya sebelum ini.

Lebih-lebih lagi Datuk Seri Najib merupakan salah seorang pemimpin UMNO yang sebelum ini galak melaungkan slogan wasatiyyah atau kesederhanaan yang diterapkan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan sehingga tertubuhnya Institut Wasatiyyah Malaysia di bawah seliaan Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

Meskipun konsep wasatiyyah Najib yang terdiri dari lima teras itu bertujuan mengekang fahaman radikalisme dan bertujuan memupuk keharmonian, adakah konsep yang dilaungkan itu tidak relevan untuk dijadikan garis panduan gaya hidup mereka sebelum ini?

Cakap-cakap tentang kemewahan gaya hidup pemimpin UMNO bagaimanapun bukan dongeng – walaupun masih dalam siasatan: wang siapa, untuk apa, dari mana datangnya – itu tetap tidak menghalang rakyat terus mengajukan soalan: “Kalau iya pun, kenapa perlu simpan dalam rumah termasuk peti-peti besi?”

Selain Najib dengan puluhan beg; rampasan wang tunai berjumlah RM500,000 daripada rumah seorang lagi pemimpin UMNO iaitu bekas pengerusi Tabung Haji Datuk Abdul Azeez Rahim turut menarik perhatian.

Kenyataan bercanggah Aziz mengenai kepemilikan wang tersebut tidak mengurangkan rasa jijik rakyat terhadap kekayaan ‘luar biasa’ pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO tatkala rakyat berhempas pulas mengikat belanja.

Soalnya, siapa lagi yang bakal kena kutip? – Roketkini.com

Kuok was in town, but where was Nazri?...

Malaysians are wondering about Nazri Abdul Aziz's absence when Hong Kong-based billionaire Robert Kuok returned home, according to former MACC advisory panel member Robert Phang.

He recalled some of the former Umno minister's choice of words to describe the 95-year-old tycoon such as “pondan” and “man without balls”.

“Furthermore you asked him to come back to Malaysia. He was here for a few days but I did not see you challenging him.

“The nation would like to know what has happened to you. You seem to have a lot of guts and stones to throw but have not shown it at the right occasion.

“Are you a coward or do you have your own reason for not doing it. Please oblige the nation with an answer. We eagerly await your response,” he added in a statement.

Phang was referring to Nazri's acerbic salvo against the billionaire prior to the 14th general election following an allegation that Kuok was funding Pakatan Harapan.

Nazri also urged him to surrender his citizenship and dared him to return to Malaysia to contest in the election.

Kuok's office later denied the allegation.

The tycoon was in Kuala Lumpur earlier this week to chair the Eminent Persons Council meeting and meet Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Apart from Kuok, others in the council established by Mahathir are former Bank Negara governor Zeti Akthar Aziz, former Petronas president Hassan Merican, former finance minister Daim Zainuddin and economist KS Jomo.

Malaysiakini is attempting to contact Nazri for comment.

The vocal former minister, who successfully defended his Padang Rengas parliament seat, has failed to register on the media radar since the May 9 general election. - mk

Image result for the seized handbags
Is UMNO laying a claim to 
the seized handbags as well?...

UMNO is seeking the return of funds which the police have seized, on the ground that they were being transferred to the new UMNO leadership following Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s resignation as UMNO President.

This is most intriguing, Does UMNO know how much it is claiming from the items seized by the police from the Pavilion Residences linked to Najib as belonging to UMNO, and if it is unable provide a list to enumerate the details on the total amount claimed, how can UMNO lay any claim to the funds seized by the police?

What about the 35 bags with jewellery and watches – is UMNO laying a claim to them on the ground that they belonged to UMNO?

What about the 284 boxes of designer handbags – is UMNO laying a claim to them as well?

The federal commercial crimes director Amar Singh has revealed that out of the 72 bags seized during the May 18 operation, 35 contained cash in 26 currencies.

Image result for the seized handbags

He said it took 22 bank officers three days to count the RM114 million while the value of the items in the remaining 35 bags containing jewellery and watches have yet to be ascertained.

Does Najib know how much of the RM114 million in cash in the 35 bags seized by the Police were donations to UMNO for the 14GE – and if he does not know, what can there be any basis for UMNO to make such a claim?

Will a proper inventory of the UMNO claims be submitted to the Police, stating the amount of donations by the various individuals, confirmed and verified by the various donors on the respective donations involved?

If UMNO cannot submit such an inventory, then what is the basis for any UMNO claim to the monies seized by the Police on the ground that they are donations to UMNO for the 14th General Elections?

If the monies seized by the Police were donations for UMNO for the 14th General Elections, why were they dispersed like ill-gotten proceeds in the various Pavilion Residences?

Furthermore, if they were meant for UMNO for the 14th General Elections, why were they still around after the 14th General Elections were over?

Najib should declare the total amount of donations collected by him for UMNO for the 14th General Elections.

Be that as it may, if UMNO could have the time to lay claim to the monies seized by the Police in the recent 1MDB raids, the UMNO/BN leaders should state whether they have given instructions to all UMNO/BN political appointees to submit their resignations as UMNO/BN coalition had been decisively defeated in the 14GE?

Or are the MCA/Gerakan/MIC/UMNO/BN political appointees going to hang on to their political appointments for as long as possible until they are sacked by the new Malaysian Government? - LKS

Jamal Jamban cabut dari hospital...
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