
Pengerusi Amanah Kedah, Datuk Dr Ismail Salleh mendakwa Pas cuba pancing wakil rakyat parti itu bagi memperoleh kelebihan undi dalam Dun Kedah.
Menurutnya, wakil rakyat Amanah itu turut ditawarkan jawatan Menteri Besar bagi membolehkan Pas menguasai kerusi Dun, sekaligus membentuk kerajaan.
Katanya, ini membuktikan Pas tamak kuasa dan tidak dapat menerima kenyataan berhubung kekalahan parti itu di Kedah.
“Perancangan Pas adalah apabila wakil rakyat Amanah itu nyatakan sokongan kepada Pas, kerusi mereka bertambah kepada 16, kerusi Pakatan Harapan pula berkurang satu. Pada masa sama, mereka risik lagi wakil rakyat PKR untuk pastikan kelebihan undi,” katanya.
Ismail berkata, kemungkinan Pas akan berusaha untuk memperoleh sekurangnya 19 kerusi Dun agar beroleh majoriti.
“Saya difahamkan ada tawaran dibuat kepada Adun terbabit secara tidak rasmi, namun tidak pasti sama ada hanya berikan sokongan atau pujuk lompat parti,” katanya.
Menurutnya, sikap sebenar Pas itu menyerlahkan betapa gelojohnya parti itu untuk mendapatkan kuasa di Kedah.
“Pas seolah tidak hormati keputusan rakyat sedangkan rakyat sudah bagi mandat kepada Harapan. Jika Pas hormati rakyat, isu ini tak akan timbul,” katanya.
Ismail berkata, kemungkinan Adun Amanah terbabit menjadi sasaran kerana sebelum ini beliau menolak tawaran jawatan exco termasuk terajui GLC negeri.
“Mungkin wujud andaian konon beliau ada krisis dengan pimpinan Harapan, sedangkan beliau menolak dengan sukarela kerana mahu tumpu pada kawasan,” katanya.
Sebelum ini, Pas menamakan Pesuruhjayanya, Dr Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi sebagai calon Speaker sejak awal lagi, ketika menawarkan pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan di Kedah.
Difahamkan, calon Speaker Dun Kedah dari Harapan yang dicadangkan adalah bekas Ahli Parlimen Kuala Kedah, Datuk Ahmad Kassim manakala Adun Ayer Hangat, Juhari Bulat sebagai Timbalan Speaker.
Sinar Harian cuba mendapatkan maklum balas Adun terbabit yang didakwa cuba dipancing Pas, namun gagal dihubungi. - f/bk

Jamal kini berani cabar polis...
Tindakan terbaru beliau yang merupakan seorang pelarian, tetapi dengan berani membuat rakaman video dan meletakkan syarat tertentu untuk menyerah diri, sebenarnya seolah-olah mencabar pihak polis yang sedang memburu dan mencari di mana beliau sedang bersembunyi.
Esok gua menang, lusa gua datang balai, katanya melalui video itu.
Tidakkah tindakan beliau ini sudah melampau?
Dalam pada itu, siapakah Jamal untuk meletakkan syarat seperti itu kepada polis?
Beliau ada kesalahan dan waran tangkap oleh mahkamah, maka tidak harus sama sekali beliau meletakkan apa syarat sekali pun kepada pihak berkuasa.

Manalah tahu dia pandai menyamar...
Sudahlah begitu, syaratnya pula langsung tidak munasabah iaitu hanya akan menyerah diri kepada polis sekiranya beliau menang jawatan Ketua Pemuda pada pemilihan esok, 23 Jun 2018. Tapi dia kalah...
Secara tidak langsung jika tidak menang, bermakna Jamal akan terus menghilangkan diri dan mungkin tampil lagi dengan beberapa rakaman video yang tidak diketahui di mana lokasi beliau berada.
Apakah pihak polis sedia dipermain-mainkan oleh manusia seperti ini?
Tidak kira di mana Jamal berada, di dalam negara atau sudah melarikan diri ke negara jiran, pihak polis mesti menjejakinya dengan segera dengan antaranya menyiasat rakan, kenalannya atau ahli keluarganya yang mungkin masih selalu berhubung dengannya.
Seorang Exco Pemuda UMNO, Armand Azha baru-baru ini misalnya ada mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Jamal masih berada di dalam negara, malah dikatakan selalu berhubung dengan UMNO Bahagian Sungai Besar yang dipimpinnya.
Apa kata pihak polis siasat dan dapatkan maklumat daripada mereka itu? - f/bk
PAS nampak kebuloq kuasa atas nama kerajaang perpaduang...

Super Cops Broke Down Lawyer Siti’s Home, But Clueless About Gangster Jamal...
In the latest fiasco, lawyer Siti Kasim was detained at 12.40am Sunday (June 24) under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing public servants from dispensing their duties. Siti’s home was raided by police as she was rescuing her client from her allegedly abusive mother. However, the police claimed Siti had kidnapped her own client instead.

Siti, arguably the most liberal Muslim lawyer, was clearly innocent when her client – Anis Nur Izzaty Ruslan – denied that she was being kidnapped by her lawyer. It was like a case where your daughter was giving a temporary shelter for her friend from her abusive mother but ended being arrested because the police decided your daughter had kidnapped her friend.
Lawyer and activist Siti Zabedah Kasim, or better known as Siti Kasim, was allegedly abducted Ms. Anis who was undergoing psychiatric treatment at the Kajang Hospital following a police report lodged by Anis’ mother. When the police tracked down Siti’s condominium, the so-called kidnapped victim refused to leave and locked herself in the house.
Fearing that Siti’s client would injure herself or others, the policemen claimed that they had no choice but to break down the door to “rescue” the victim. Subsequently, the 24-year-old Anis Nur Izzaty Ruslan was sent back to the hospital to resume her psychiatric check-up. Her mother has lodged a complaint claiming that her daughter’s faith was in question.
Siti, however, has claimed that Anis was actually abused by her mother and had been “abducted” by the police together with the notorious Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS). A video posted on Facebook shows while at police station, Siti demanded that her client be freed. A woman, presumably Ms. Anis, was heard from another room, denying that she had been kidnapped by Siti.
Anis is said to have moved out of her parents’ house to escape her “controlling” mother who allegedly strangled her. She was questioned by JAIS before being taken to Hospital Kajang for a mental health assessment and was released thereafter. Since then, she has been staying with her lawyer Siti Kasim.

Interestingly, despite application for a 4-day remand for Siti Kasim, the Kajang magistrate’s court has rejected the police’s application after a full hearing from all sides of the story. Still, the defiant police said they will continue to investigate the lawyer for allegedly obstructing a public servant from discharging his public duties, despite the Magistrates’ Court ruling, probably to save face.
Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) executive director Eric Paulsen said the latest case was a clear abuse of police power. Paulsen said that from the video, one could see a grown woman seeking help from Siti but the police have instead arrested both the lawyer and the woman. Indeed, Siti should consider suing the police if they can’t prove that Anis has been kidnapped.
However, despite the screw-up, it has proven that the Royal Malaysia Police can be very efficient if they wanted to. Now that the police have demonstrated its utmost commitment to nail Siti Kasim for the kidnapping allegation, perhaps Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Police Chief Mohamad Fuzi can explain the failure of the authorities to apprehend gangster Jamal Yunos.
Yes, the police was fabulously motivated to “rescue” Anis Nur Izzaty Ruslan, so much so that they saw it fit to break down lawyer Siti Kasim’s home. But when the notorious mobster-for-hired Jamal Yunos fled under the nose of police, the entire force of 130,000 Royal Malaysia Police is being humiliated for its inability to “arrest” the fugitive.

Heck, the police force isn’t even sure if Jamal had actually fled the country or still remains hiding in the country, as alleged by the gangster himself. Adding insult to the injury, Mr. Jamal was even able to run his campaign as a candidate for UMNO Youth Chief, despite being wanted by the police in connection with nine criminal cases.
Since his disappearance on May 25, not only has the Royal Malaysia Police been clueless as to Jamal’s whereabouts, the fugitive has also embarrassed the authorities, boasting – “I have had dozens of charges. But until now, I cannot be detected on radar. Only a person like this, who while hemmed in or even remanded, can get away, should be (elected) leader.”
So, why IGP Fuzi’s super cops can’t apprehend a thug such as Jamal since a month ago but can easily arrest an innocent liberal lawyer such as Siti within a day of complaint being lodged? Would it not be nice to hear police said they will continue to investigate Jamal Yunos for flashing his gun, intimidation, bribing, rioting and whatnot despite a judge ruling otherwise?
The best part was the incredible incompetency displayed by the police in the case of Christian Pastor Raymond Koh who was mysteriously abducted in February 2017. Has the police broken any home or door yet in its attempt to rescue Pastor Koh? It’s both horrible and entertaining to read the police was adamant to arrest someone for a fake kidnapping but couldn’t care less about a real kidnapping. - FT

Rasuah kontrak tender perubatan. Serious!!
Najib training menyanyi.Sedikit hari lagi ada penghibur di homestay Bamboo River untuk menghiburkan penghuni-penghuni di situ.Kalau ada Apandi lagi best,boleh menari sama2...

Peninggalan gomen UMNO/BN kepada gomen PH.
Tu tak tengok tandas pelajar lagi...

Noor Azmi ni lah diantara MP yang menyusahkan Rakyat di era Najib

Saya menziarahi Dato’ Seri Shahidan Kassim, di Hospital Rehabilitasi Cheras.Dato’ Seri Shahidan mengidapi penyakit Guillain -Barre Syndrome (GBS), sejenis penyakit di mana virus merosakkan sistem saraf ataupun sel sihat. Shahidan kata penyakitnya seolah “ahli dalam satu parti politik merosakkan ahli yang lain dalam parti yang sama”. Ha ha! Badannya telah semakin berpulih tapi beliau masih perlu duduk dalam kerusi roda kerana ototnya masih lemah. - Terasa Kok

Sdr. Anwar Ibrahim di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM).
Get well soon...

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