Beberapa orang ahli parlimen yang ditanya juga keberatan untuk menceritakan tujuan dan hasil pertemuan itu. Hanya ada yang memberi tahu secara ringkas ia adalah pertemuan biasa tetapi memberi signifikan yang penting. Sementara yang lain pula memberi tahu Dr Mahathir mengingatkan yang PH adalah sebuah gabungan yang perlu diperkuatkan.
Dengan memetik dari berbagai maklumat lain, katanya dalam pertemuan itu Dr Mahathir memberi peringatan agar ahli gabungan senantiasa menjaga disiplin demi keutuhan kerajaan PH. Dalam keadaan PH berkedudukan sama rata, disiplin sangat perlu. Beliau juga diceritakan menegur ahli parlimen kerajaan supaya bersikap sebagai kerajaan bukan lagi seperti pembangkang.
Beliau juga memberi ingatan yang pihak pembangkang kini sedang menanti masa sahaja untuk menarik mana-mana ahli gabungan untuk bersama mereka. Jika ini berlaku nescaya gabungan PH dan kerajaan Harapan akan berkecai dan semua pihak akan terngangga dan terbeliak.
Ini adalah taklimat khas selepas terbentuknya kerajaan. Apabila Dr Mahathir mengadakan taklimat khas, ia boleh disifatkan ia penting. Boleh jadi beliau juga bercakap soal prestasi menteri dan timbalan menteri juga. Atau mungkin sudah ada desas desus sesuatu yang buruk akan berlaku kepada PH. Mungkin dia juga sudah terbau hamis dan hangitnya Pakatan Harapan?
Atau pun sebelum keadaan menjadi lebih buruk beliau mengambil tanggung jawab itu. Peringatan dan nasihat itu agak mengejutkan kerana dalam sibuk beliau boleh meluangkan masa untuk adakan perjumpaan itu. Jika ia tidak serius dan penting ia boleh ditangguhkan? Justeru pertemuan tersebut penting kalaupun tidak terdesak.
Memang diluar sana ada banyak tukang congak mengenai kedudukan kerajaan PH kini. Tukang-tukang congak itu lebih kepada berteori dengan kedudukan parti-parti dalam gabungan kini yang sama kuat dan seimbang. Mungkin juga sudah terdengar di telinga PM itu akan ada perancangan untuk memecah belahkan PH sehingga boleh mengancam kedudukannya? Baca seterusnya...
Prestasi 100 hari k'jaan, PAS
beri HARAPAN gred 'D'...
PAS memberikan gred 'gagal' kepada Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) untuk pencapaian 100 hari sebagai kerajaan persekutuan.
Timbalan Presiden PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man memberikan 27 hingga 30 daripada 100 markah untuk HARAPAN menjelang genap 100 hari pentadbirannya esok.
"Sebuah NGO berpandangan HARAPAN hanya penuhi 20 hingga 30 peratus daripada (10 janji) dalam masa 100 hari,"
"PAS beri lebih rendah - 27 hingga 30 peratus, gred D dan perlu dinilai kembali," katanya dalam sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.
Walaupun kerajaan menyalahkan hutang besar negara - mencecah RM1 trilion - sebagai penghalang, Tuan Ibrahim menyifatkan ia tidak boleh dijadikan alasan kerana hutang negara diumumkan di Parlimen.
Katanya lagi, selain daripada gagal menunaikan janji, kerajaan HARAPAN juga mengumumkan perkara yang tidak termasuk dalam manifesto, antaranya cadangan mewujudkan kereta nasional baru. - mk

Jangan nilaikan kerajaan orang lain (PH ) jagalah negeri sendiri yang kamu perintah itu lebih baik - Khalil Ismail
Ni dikatakan tak cerdik... Lihat negeri sendiri dulu dah tunai ke janji di Kelantan dan Terengganu.... tahap negeri je ..tu ....bukan satu negara.... lg pun tak ada dlm mana mana undang2 ke atau perlembagaan kata selepas 100 hari tukar kerajaan baru ....padahal PRU utk dimenangi bg memeritah selama 5 tahun ....budak sekolah pun tau. Cuba PAS cerdik sikit..boleh. - Murad Shah
Tipikal PAS bro....nampak kerja orang je tapi kerja sendiri macam harem. Bertahun perintah Kelantan tapi apa yang diorang buat selama ni aku pun tak tau. Yang depa tau tebang balak siang malam. Kita pengundi PH ok je tapi yang herannya puak sana pulak yang menggelupur lebih-lebih... - Wira Sempot
The best thing that PAS did in the recent years was to leave Pakatan Rakyat paving the way for the better ones in pas to leave and form Amanah and ultimately the formation of PH which now rules the country . Pas is confined to 2 east coast states and hopefully not even that for too long . - cocomomo
PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, likewise we give PAS governments in Kelantan and Trengganu 10 marks each out of a hundred. Both governments' only publicity (and tacitly supported) were 10 years old girl marriage to a 41 years old man and the other was judgement to cane two ladies for having consensus sex. Important issues like land issues of Orang Asli were ignored. - Ferdtan
A failed leader from a failed party giving out a failed grade is actually okay as it means PH did quite well! - ericlcc
Berapa gred nak bagi atas
prestasi lebai PAS ini...
Pegawai Kanan Polis dimestikan fasih berbahasa Inggeris adalah antara visi kerajaan PH di bawah kepimpinan Tun M.
Justeru itu, semua Ketua Polis Daerah seluruh negara sedang menjalani kursus BI di Maktab PRDM Cheras selama 5 hari yang akan berakhir esok.
Langkah itu dimulakan dengan kursus profesional lima hari kepada pegawai kanan polis, bukan sahaja bagi melancarkan komunikasi tatapi juga membolehkan mereka menulis dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Kepujian dalam BM diperingkat SPM adalah wajib bagi semua pegawai yang mahu memohon berkhidmat dalam pasukan.
Lebai nampaknya TIDAK PUASHATI dengan jawapan berbentuk sindiran dari Tun M. - f/bk
Beca, tembikai susu,antara kejayaan
100 hari kerajaan Kelantan...
Antara kejayaan itu, kata Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Ahmad Yakob, “berjaya menyediakan beca bermotor sebanyak 10 buah dan sebuah bas untuk para pelancong melawat tempat bersejarah dalam Bandar Kota Bharu”.
Dalam kenyataan semalam, Ahmad juga berkata kerajaan negeri juga mengaktifkan Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Negeri Kelantan dengan melantik ketua pegawai eksekutif dan kakitangannya bagi menjayakan sektor pertanian negeri.
“Antara projek yang sudah dijalankan adalah projek pertanian rock melon (tembikai susu) bagi menghasilkan jus rock melon yang mana jenis buah ini adalah yang terbaik di negara kita,” katanya.
Beliau juga berkata program perternakan lembu pedaging juga diberi fokus dengan menghasilkan daging lembu yang dijenamakan sebagai “Naimbif”.
“Di samping itu, sektor penanaman padi dan durian kunyit telah berjaya dan sedang dikembangkan dengan lebih pesat,” kata Ahmad. - mk
Carilah duit sendiri. Sibuk royalti siang malam. Time Najib tak pulak minta royalti bsungguh2.
Beca, tembikai susu... wow! Ini lebih baik dari gred A! Kalau PAS memerintah negara, pasti ekonomi Malaysia paling maju di dunia sebagai pengeluar tembikai susu terbesar di dunia. Dan alam sekitar paling bersih kerana rakyat semua pakai beca! - Muslim MI
Malaysia Book of Record sebuah negeri nampu menunaikan manifesto dgn 10 buah becah, 1 buah bas pelancung, mengaktifjan rancangan pertanian.p, tembikai, ternak lembu. Hahahaha org dah sampai ke bulan dia masih dgn membanggakan 10 buah becah - Kudingking Lumeeng
Projek dah jumud kat negeri2 lain Kelantan baru nak mula? Hadoiii 20 tahun kebelakang PAS ni. - Badrul Zaman

Satu pun belum ditunaikan lagi PAS punya manifesto
yang depa tahu buat kawin perdana...Aku bagi gred F--...
Kelantan gred 'G', Terengganu 'C-'
Najib And Sucks Up To Mahathir...
Nazri Aziz, one of 191 UMNO warlords, has been a good and obedient dog until now. Make no mistake about it. Unlike other poodles from Barisan Nasional component parties – MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc – Nazri does not take crumbs from his master, Prime Minister of Malaysia. Yes, Nazri is UMNO’s most pampered dog, a Doberman which eats only the best steak in town.
Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, or simply Gangster Nazri, is also known as a cat with nine lives. He used to serve under former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Badawi before running errands for Najib Razak. And now after his crooked master is about to go to jail, the dog is looking to serve a new master – Mahathir Mohamad – for the second time.
Under Mahathir’s premiership (ruled for 22 years from 1981 to 2003 ), Mr. Nazri was the Entrepreneur Development Minister, a portfolio that comes with mouth watering perks especially the monopoly in the issuance of taxi permits. As the minister who make or break the rice bowl of taxi drivers, essentially he became extremely rich selling the permits.
This was the arrogant warlord who shouted “racist” 28 times in Parliament back in 2005. And he was the same cocky dog which called Mahathir a “bloody racist” when he served under Badawi. And when he was exposed as the winner who had bid for “WWW 97” car registration number, he arrogantly told all and sundry he has “lots of money”.
So when Mr. Nazri suddenly appears after 3 months of hiding, presumably to lick his wound after his party UMNO lost power for the first time in 61 years, all hell breaks loose. Everyone was shocked to hear that Nazri was actually shocked to discover the revelations about his boss, ex-premier Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
“I did not know about Rosmah’s jewellery, I did not know about SRC International. I didn’t know when I was a minister that there was money and Jho Low (Najib’s partner-in-crime), it was not disclosed. I was shocked. I was shocked because as a party member, even when Mahathir was the UMNO president, we did not dig into what they said,” – claimed drama queen Nazri.
Of course, those who believe an ounce of his story should also have no problem believing in tooth fairy or Kim Kardashian is still a virgin. As a lawyer himself, Nazri must be a damn retarded warlord for thinking he could hoodwink and insult peoples’ intelligence with such childish story. How could he claim to be shocked when none of UMNO warlords were shocked by the revelations?
How could he claim to not knowing about the plundering and stealing done by his boss Najib and wife Rosmah when the entire planet Earth knew about the Rosmah’s bling-bling, Najib’s money laundering via SRC International and fugitive Jho Low’s RM1 billion superyacht Equanimity years ago? Yes, Nazri is one lying scumbag worse than his boss Najib.
In May 2016, the same Nazri actually told all and sundry that his boss PM Najib Razak had no obligations to inform anyone that he received a RM2.6 billion political donation. Jho Low’s superyacht was widely published when he sailed into Hong Kong water in 2016. The RM42 million transferred from SRC International into Najib’s private accounts in Ambank was widely published in 2016.
While Najib could be blinded by his love for Rosmah, what possibly could be Nazri’s compelling reason for not knowing Rosmah’s fetish for jewellery when the rumours – and admission – about a US$24 million diamond ring first appeared as early as 2011? Has Mr. Nazri selectively forgotten about that jewellery shipped by American jeweller Jacob & Co about 7 years ago?
In reality, Nazri Aziz had bet his entire chips on Najib and lost his shirt at the gambling table. That’s right, this thug is in deep shit for betting the wrong horse. The former Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri mocked PPBM as a “mosquito party”, right after the Registrar of Societies (RoS) was instructed to deregister Mahathir’s party in April this year.
In defending the RoS’ action, the outspoken Nazri insulted Mahathir – “When you get bitten by a mosquito, how do you feel? You scratch it and you still enjoy it, it’s nice to scratch.” Of course, after Mahathir won stunningly a month later, the same party that RoS initially believed was illegal suddenly becomes legal. And the RoS director-general Surayati Ibrahim lost her job for playing politics.

Heck, the mad dog Nazri was so confident of Barisan Nasional coalition retaining its power that he even picked a fight with much respected billionaire Robert Kuok. The Najib’s henchman was so rude that he had even called the Hong Kong-based tycoon a “coward with no testicles.” Nazri also demanded Kuok to surrender his Malaysian citizenship for allegedly supporting opposition.
In January this year, Nazri famously mocked and laughed at then-opposition Pakatan Harapan for nominating Mahathir Mohamad as its prime ministerial candidate – calling the move ridiculous, stupid and regressive. He laughed – “What future will (nominating Dr Mahathir as premier) bring to our country? What (kind of) reform (can you bring about) when you nominate a 93-year-old man?”
Today, it’s both entertaining and amusing to read Nazri made a massive U-turn to not only support the 93-year-old Mahathir as the country’s prime minister, but also told his old boss Najib Razak to shut the fuck up. Najib was shocked that his dog bites the hand that feeds him. Obviously, Najib was terribly sad that Nazri told him to distance himself from UMNO.
There could be only one reason why the Doberman suddenly bites Najib and sucks Mahathir’s balls instead. Nazri desperately wants to jump ship and join a new master who walks the corridors of power. The opportunist deliberately kept silent for 3 months since the historic May 9 waiting for other UMNO warlords to make their moves first.
After warlords Johari Abdul Ghani, Annuar Musa and Rahim Tamby Chik openly criticised and condemned ex-PM Najib Razak, Mr. Nazri saw it fit to come out from his hiding and gave his boss a kick while he is down. The power-hungry Nazri who had spat at Mahathir is now more than happy to lick his saliva off the old man’s face and the floor.
It’s a miracle what a desperate and shameless man like Nazri is willing to do for power and wealth. Even UMNO cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers were disgusted with this disloyal dog. But it isn’t difficult to understand why Nazri acts in such despicable way. Nazri and Michael Chia Thien Foh were good business buddies until UMNO lost its power.
Coincidently, Sabah timber tycoon Michael Chia was also a close friend of former Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, so much so that Chia was known as “adopted son” of Musa. Michael Chia was the guy who did all the money laundering for Musa Aman. Now that Mr. Musa has ran away to Britain after losing power in the May 9 general election, all hell breaks loose.
Musa Aman, now a fugitive, is afraid to return home because Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has an incredible thick file on him. And you don’t need a rocket scientist to tell that Michael Chia’s past dealing and wheeling could include Nazri’s corruption and money laundering over many years too.
In fact, their relationship was so closed that Nazri’s notorious playboy son – Mohamad Nedim Nazri – has been driving an American Hummer 2 SUV with registration number “WNX 9776”, belonging to none other than Michael Chia. The Hummer was one of many assets identified by the MACC investigation into illiterate Michael Chia’s money laundering scandal.
Mohamad Nedim Nazri and Michael Chia Tien Foh Mohamad Nedim Nazri using Michael Chia Hummer
And just like the daddy, junior gangster Nedim was involved in a brawl that resulted in the death of a student Darren Kang in 2004. In 2012, Nedim, who has fleets of supercars, bodyguards and a RM7 million bungalow despite not having a specific job, was caught on CCTV cameras assaulted a security supervisor at a posh condominium in Mont Kiara following a “minor altercation”.
Just like the murder of Darren Kang, Nedim miraculously escaped any charges despite the assault. However, like other ordinary Joes and Janes who had been victimized by UMNO untouchable gangsters, their past and old files could be reopened – in the name of justice. Nazri is absolutely terrified that the chickens will come home to roost eventually. - ft

2070 boleh menang World Cup...

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