
Pak lebai dah konfius isu hak tanah adat Orang Asli...


Kenyataan Takiyuddin yang mewakili kerajaan Kelantan mengesahkan bahawa mereka berada dalam "kekeliruan".

Saya tak pasti sebenarnya "kekeliruan" atau alasan kerana ketidakmatangan dalam menangani krisis.

Pertama, semua pihak terutama masyarakat Orang Asli mengakui dan sedar bahawa tidak wujud istilah tanah adat untuk orang asli di dalam undang-undang tanah negeri Kelantan.

Itu adalah asas utama berlakunya "tuntutan" supaya kerajaan Kelantan mengiktiraf kewujudan masyarakat Orang Asli dan seterusnya mewarta, menggazet dan memasukkan beberapa kawasan dalam Hutan Simpan Kekal Negeri Kelantan di dalam akta dan undang-undang tanah negeri sebagai kawasan tanah adat Orang Asli.

Tuntutan dilakukan supaya apa yang tiada dapat diadakan oleh kerajaan negeri sesuai dengan bidang kuasanya.

Hudud, qisas boleh

Takiyuddin sebagai seorang pengamal undang-undang berpengalaman yang juga mempunyai firma guaman sendiri sepatutnya faham akan keadaan ini.

Krisis atau isu ini sangat mudah difahami.

Jika undang-undang hudud dan qisas yang tidak wujud dalam undang-undang syariah negeri Kelantan sebelum ini boleh diusahakan untuk diadakan, begitu juga dengan tanah adat Orang Asli.

Itu contoh paling mudah untuk difahami.

Saya kira lebih mudah meminda akta dan undang-undang tanah Kelantan dan mengiktiraf tanah adat Orang Asli prosesnya lebih mudah daripada meminda dan mengiktiraf undang-undang hudud dan qisas kerana ianya tidak memerlukan persetujuan kerajaan pusat.

Kalaupun memerlukan persetujuan kerajaan pusat saya yakin pihak persekutuan akan memberi kerjasama penuh merealisasikannya sesuai dengan apa yang dijanjikan dalam manifesto Pakatan Harapan.

Isunya adalah political will (kesungguhan politik) di pihak kerajaan Kelantan. Mahu atau tidak mahu?

Kedua, di selatan Gua Musang dalam DUN Nenggiri dan Galas terdapat tidak kurang daripada 33 perkampungan Orang Asli dalam kawasan lebih kurang 200 kilometer persegi.

Kerajaan hanya mewartakan satu kawasan rayau Orang Asli sahaja iaitu di Pos Gob.

Bagaimana pula dengan perkampungan lain yang jarak antara 1 sama lain antara 5 hingga 10 kilometer?

Jarak antara Pos Gob dengan Pos Pasik pula lebih dari 20 kilometer. Jarak 20 kilometer berjalan kaki dari Pos Pasik ke kawasan rayau adalah satu penghinaan kepada OA.

Ketiga, tanah di Lembah Sireh asalnya milik kerajaan tetapi sudah diserah milik kepada pemaju atas persetujuan pentadbiran negeri.

Hal itu (serah milik tanah kepada pemaju) boleh dilakukan. Tetapi apabila melibatkan Orang Asli, keluar berbagai alasan.

Sebab tidak menguntungkan kerajaan negerikah?

Islam mengajar kita untuk berlaku adil dalam pemerintahan terutama bila melibatkan hak.

Hak syarikat perladangan adalah boleh memohon mana-mana kawasan yang difikirkan sesuai untuk dijadikan ladang.

Hak kerajaan negeri adalah melulus atau menolak permohonan syarikat perladangan itu.

Atas nama keadilan dalam Islam, apa hak Orang Asli? - mk

Logikkah barang2 berharga disimpan 
di rumah besan...

Dilaporkan bahawa kononnya kurang separuh daripada barangan yang dirampas sebelum ini di kediaman dan kondo yang dikaitkan dengan Najib Razak serta dikaitkan dengan 1MDB adalah merupakan milik Rosmah Mansor.

Selebihnya ia dikatakan milik besan Rosmah iaitu Maria Nazarbayez, selain ada juga yang merupakan kepunyaan anak Najib sendiri, Nooryana Najwa.

Pernahkah kita dengar seseorang menyimpan berkotak-kotak beg tangan mewah dan berbeg-beg barangan kemas di rumah besannya?

Jika kita sendiri sebagai besan, adakah kita akan meletakkan barangan berharga seperti itu di rumah besan kita?

Putar... jangan tak... putar...

Sebelum ini, Najib turut dilaporkan berkata, wang tunai berjumlah RM114 juta yang dirampas bersama barangan kemas dan beg tangan itu juga adalah kepunyaan UMNO yang merupakan lebihan yang tidak digunakan dalam pilihanraya lalu.

Pengakuan Najib itu dibuat di sebalik fakta yang didedahkan oleh pihak polis bahawa wang tunai itu adalah dalam 29 jenis mata wang asing.

Sebagaimana pengakuan Najib itu menimbulkan keraguan yang nyata, dakwaan sejumlah barangan yang dirampas itu merupakan milik besan - f/bk

Jho Low Perlu Seràh Diri Segera - KJ

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Dr.M mahu dapatkan jet peribadi Jho Low
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Terbaru, jet persendirian Jho Low yang di beli menggunakan Dana 1MDB akan di pulangkan kerajaan Singapura kpd Malaysia... Cepat nya Tun M bertindak...

Proses dokumentasi utk membawa pulang jet peribadi milik Jho Low juga sedang berjalan lancar. Jet ini yg berharga RM 50 juta juga di syaki di beli dengan memggunakan wang 1MDB.Kerajaan Spore di fahamkan memberi kerjasama baik berhubung hal ini.

Anuar Musa kata Tun M ibarat kereta antik, boleh di cuci Dan di hias tapi Tak boleh di bawa kelitar lumba...

Apa macam Anuar Musa, Tun M dah bukti Kan walau pun berusia 93 tahun tapi buat kerja saperti berusia 39 tahun...- f/bk

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One really is puzzled that some MPs from the Umno do not even know that the Gov't can only put into the Consolidated Account what is really the Gov't revenue only, but monies held in trust must be placed in a separate Trust Account as per EPF, Unclaimed monies etc!

These monies when put in trust cannot be used by the Gov't without a proper procedure with terms and conditions if the Gov't really wants to borrow !

Government can only use monies from the Consolidated Account only upon the approval of Parliamentary budget, that even if the 'Trust Account' is placed in the Consolidated Account, its withdrawals and use must be properly spelt out and approved !

Was there any such approval?

How come even the previous Cabinet does not know?

Thus another grand scandal made by Najib the Bugis "Chicken Warrior" & it is now exposed ! - f/bk

UMNO Ungrateful Warlords Against Najib Razak - Johari Abdul Ghani, Annuar Musa, Rahim Thamby Chik and Zahid Hamidi
UMNO Ungrateful Warlords Sharpening Knives For Najib’s Head...

Najib Razak is game over. He is toast. It would take a miracle for the former Malaysia prime minister to walk away scot free. The strategy is to charge him with criminal breach of trust (CBT), money laundering and abuse of power – and repeat that process – over any irregularities found in relation to 1MDB scandal – either directly or indirectly.

Yes, that include 1MDB subsidiary SRC International Sdn. Bhd. You can bet your last ringgit that there would be more charges to be slapped on the scandal-plagued Najib. From Felda, EPF, PNB, LTAT, KWAP, Tabung Haji and whatnot, the ex-premier had been raping and sodomising all of them, one way or another, leaving his finger prints all over the places.

As published previously, Mr. Najib was asking for trouble when he proudly claimed that the RM3.5 million cash stolen by his office’s security guards is UMNO’s money. Now the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) plans to treat him with cups of free coffee in another interrogation over his latest claims. He could be slapped with new CBT or money laundering charges.

Mr. Najib appears to be losing his mind. He spoke freely without thinking of the consequences. It didn’t make sense that only he (and the 17 security guards) knew about the cash lying around in the Prime Minister Office. If there were other people who knew about the money, they aren’t telling and certainly not coming forward as witness to support the Najib’s claims.

UMNO warlords, like Najib, initially thought the power they have lost on May 9 was just a temporary hiccup. Like any tragedy, UMNO is experiencing the infamous “Grief Cycle” – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. After 3 months of living in denial, it appears that the party which is mainly made of thieves has entered the stage of “anger.”

Image result for UMNO Warlord Johari Abdul Ghani
Johari Ghani

Desperately, UMNO angry warlords are hungry to blame someone, anyone, to justify their defeat. They have been blaming everyone and everything under the Sun. After being humiliated in the Sungai Kandis by-election – where they had blamed the “Chinese, Christian and Communist” – UMNO warlords now prepare to throw their former boss – Najib Razak – under the bus.

Najib is seen by UMNO-Malays as extremely toxic, and can no longer add value to the party. The blame party started when Johari Abdul Ghani, the warlord of Titiwangsa, questioned UMNO’s decision to put Najib Razak in charge of the Sungai Kandis campaigning. Interestingly, he also criticised the pact between UMNO and PAS Islamic party.

Mr. Johari was perhaps the only UMNO warlord who has finally woken up and realized it was a terrible mistake to offend and insult the non-Malays, especially the ethnic-Chinese. He said – “They can take pride in winning in their respective constituencies, but their statements which offended the non-Malays led to many of their comrades in UMNO and BN paying the price in urban areas.”

UMNO secretary-general Annuar Musa, another UMNO warlord, was more daring when he said the party should no longer defend former president Najib Razak. He said – “We must continue this journey. We are not going to wait. We are not going to waste our time defending Najib. We in UMNO cannot carry this baggage forever. There must be a cut-off. It is entirely his (Najib’s) responsibility.”

Mr. Annuar continued his babbling – “Najib is one person, no one is indispensable. Najib is no longer the president of the party. To me, he is just a party member. Whether people support him or not, it is immaterial. The party is more important than any individual. Najib has already relinquished his position and now the party is under a new administration. We are going to do it the new way.”

Image result for Annuar Musa - UMNO Information Chief
Annuar Musa

Former UMNO vice president Rahim Tamby Chik, on the other hand, has suggested an even extreme and inhumane action – terminate Najib’s membership. He argued – “If his membership is terminated, the people will be able to see and feel a major political sacrifice and a huge reform of this sacred party to ensure the people will keep supporting it in the future without having any doubts.”

However, newly crowned party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has come to Najib’s defence, telling those criticising the ex-president to “not kick a man when he’s down”. To be fair to Mr. Najib, none of the warlords had objected to their ex boss campaigning for the Sungai Kandis by-election. It was only after the results were fantastically horrible that they started sharpening their knives for Najib’s head.

When Najib still walks the corridors of power, all of the ungrateful warlords fought tooth and nail bootlicking the most powerful man in the country. Johari Abdul Ghani, former Finance Minister II, was the same joker who claimed the (Najib) regime will take legal action against the individuals (Najib himself) named in the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) civil suit related to 1MDB – if found guilty.

Besides being a strong supporter of Najib’s GST (goods and services tax), Johari had also defended Najib when he lied in 2017 that Finance Ministry (MoF) has never given any public funds to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) to help settle its debt. Now, the new government has established that the finance ministry, under Najib Razak, had paid RM6.98 billion on behalf of 1MDB.

Astonishingly, Johari Abdul Ghani was the same racist UMNO warlord who arrogantly declared in 2010 that he couldn’t care less about Chinese and Indian votes because he only needed 70% of the Malay votes to secure Barisan Nasional coalition victory. Today, he has the cheek to lecture UMNO for offending the Chinese and Indian voters in the Sungai Kandis by-election.
Rahim Thamby Chik

As early as December 2017, Annuar Musa shamelessly proclaimed that Najib Razak was UMNO’s most democratic leader whom wasn’t greedy for money or power. In fact, he told all and sundry that Mahathir Mohamad could not defeat Najib Razak because the latter possessed special talent and genuine friendship and sincere brotherhood within UMNO which hadn’t existed before.

UMNO brotherhood my foot!! Less than 3 months after UMNO lost its power, Mr. Annuar became the first person to suggest Najib should be cut loose to fend for himself. It speaks volumes about the warlord’s ungratefulness when at one time; Najib didn’t cut him loose despite the former MARA chairman caught with his pants down in MARA property corruption scandal in Australia.

Besides opening a Pandora’s Box of MARA kleptocracy in Australia, the corruption scandal of Dudley House apartment block in Australia has essentially revealed more than RM100 million corruption scandal involving four Melbourne properties under Annuar Musa chairmanship. He was also exposed by Johor Crown Prince of siphoning funds meant for Kelantan to buy himself a Porsche Panamera.

The disgraceful Rahim Tamby Chik should be the last person on planet Earth qualified to criticise Najib, let alone urging UMNO to terminate the son of Razak’s membership. Mr. Rahim was the same pervert and sex maniac who raped a 15-year-old Malay school girl (under Malaysian law, sex with minor constitutes statutory rape) back in 1994.

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Ironically, the present Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng was the opposition MP who had stood and spoken against the then-Chief Minister of Malacca Rahim Thamby Chik. Mr. Lim was instead arrested, charged and imprisoned 18 months while all rape charges against Mr. Rahim was dropped. In 2015, the UMNO warlord spread fake news that the Selangor prince had converted to Catholicism.

Together with Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Shuib Lazim, the trio were the despicable behind the making, possessing and distributing of a sex video with an evil intention to frame opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim. Still, Najib rewarded the scumbag Rahim with chairmanship at RISDA (Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority).

UMNO Ungrateful Warlords Against Najib Razak - Johari Abdul Ghani, Annuar Musa, Rahim Thamby Chik and Zahid Hamidi

Don’t be fooled by UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s sympathy towards Najib Razak though. The drama queen could be playing good-cop-bad-cop with those UMNO warlords to sacrifice Najib Razak, hoodwinking the already incredible dumb party members and illiterate and ignorant Malay folks with a false perception that UMNO is a newly born innocent organization.

Unfortunately, distancing themselves from Najib Razak at this hour is rather too late. In the contrary, it could backfire and be seen as ungrateful, disloyal, insincere and deceitful for labelling their former president as damaged goods, expired products, toxic substances, obsolete hardware and irrelevant thief. They should not dump but continue worshipping their beloved ex-president (*grin*). - ft

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Dulu makan daging wagyu dan nasi quinoa


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