Selama 22 tahun beliau jadi PM - suatu rekod kecemerlangan politik yg tak pernah dinikmati oleh rakyat Malaysia sebelum dan selepas Pak Lah dan maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala Najib Razak yg dikaldaikan oleh bininya super rakus, super gelojoh, gila kuasa yang menabal diri sendiri sebagai ' First Lady of Malaysia'.
Dia digelar sebagai diktator, 'Maha Firaun' tetapi diktator jenis apa sanggup melepaskan jawatan PM selepas 22 tahun berkuasa? Selalunya seorang diktator akan kekal berkuasa selagi ada bulan dan bintang, selagi nafas berdenyut dan dia separuh gila. Pelek bin hairan Najib, maharaja penyamun, melakukan apa saja demi mempertahankan kuasanya. Dia tidak dilabel sebagai diktator kerana 'cash is king' jadi umpan politiknya, dan korupsi jadi amalan hidupnya.
Bawah Najib Allah pun mahu ditipu dan dikorupsi melalui sumbangan berjuta-juta ringgit kepada beribu jemaah haji atas ihsan wang samunan 1MDB. Malah pak haji dan lebai budu dan keropok lekor serta pekasam ikan siam dalam PAS pun aminkan wang rasuah. Inilah manusia super munafik yg menjaja Islam sebagai 'addeen' , tapi fulus rasuah diterima dengan kesyukuran. Najib bangsatkan Melayu, dan PAS menjadi kaldai tunggangan, serban terlondeh, menyokong kemungkaran.
Hanya jauhari yg kenal manikam. Tun M kembali berjuang menentang korupsi yg dikuasai iblis, syaitan dan puaka. Bayangkan mereka yg dijeblos dalam tahanan oleh Mahathir sanggup membenamkan permusuhan dengan kuasa Allah. Dengan kuasa Allah juga rakyat berbilang kaum sanggup menyokong Tun M menjadi PM.
Hanya jauhari yg mengenal manikam. Dengan mudah Tun M mendapat pinjaman dari Jepun bernilai Yen200 bilion (RM7 bilion) dengan bunga hanya 0.65%. Para pemimpin Jepun menghormati integriti dan kewibawaan Tun M. Para pelabur asing akan kembali melabur di bumi bertuah ini kerana mereka yakin dengan kepimpinan Tun M.
Dia manusia luarbiasa. Dedikasi pada kerja dan kecintaan kepada rakyat, agama dan negara membarakan semangat juang untu ' be the best'. Dia ingin menunjukkan kepada dunia bahawa ada pemimpin Melayu, beragama Islam, dari bumi Malaysia yang taraf perjuangannya serta inteleknya setanding dengan para pemimpin besar dunia. Ini watak Mahathir. Ini destinasi harapannya.
Dalam usia 93 tahun Tun M tidak kenal penant lelah. Dia pasrahkan diri, jiwanya, seluruh hidupnya untuk melaksanakan amanah Allah dan rakyat. Selagi nyawa dikandung badan, selagi Allah merestui perjuangannya dia akan terus mengabdi kepada perintah Allah dan amanahNya dan kebahagiaan rakyat sesuai dengan tuntutan agama. Sebagai rakyat kita berdoa, sembahyang hajat memohon Allah berkati perjuangan Tun M menunaikan tanggungjawab Allah dan rakyat untuk kebahagiaan rakyat Malaysia khasnya dan kemanusiaan amnya. - Yahaya Ismail

Spread Of Wahhabism...
Professor Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid of Universiti Sains Malaysia’s damning statement that Muslims in Malaysia are “slowly but surely becoming radicalised” should not be taken lightly. I knew this was coming as ominous signs are so plentiful and obvious that even the most cynical can no longer dismiss them as inconsequential.
The Islamic scholar implored that the new Pakatan Harapan Government take precautionary measures to arrest the spread before things get out of hand.
“Before the situation becomes untenable like what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, it’s better to nip the problem in the bud. We need to do whatever possible to see it done. Revamping the school curriculum is one possible way to correct the situation,” he said.
Islam preaches compassion, love and tolerance but what we see in the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan is something else. All of those benign virtues associated with Islam are being systematically destroyed by people who use religion for their very own selfish ends. I concur with the academician that religious extremism has no place in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Malaysia.
The radicalisation of Islam in Malaysia, incidentally, did not happen in a few short years. It is like an underground fire that is fuelled by methane gas. You don’t see the flame but the burning continues and the heat permeates through the vents. It becomes volatile and deadly once the flames reach the surface and start to engulf the surrounding. This is the scenario I can think of.
According to Fauzi, Islamic theology taught in government schools in the early 1990s has shifted from traditional to one derived from the Middle East, especially from Saudi Arabia. The views are one-sided, sidestepping the norms while embracing a more radical form of mind-set, one of exclusivity, supremacist, with diminishing respect for the practitioners of other religions. Thus minorities and those with differing views are considered “aliens” or “non-conformists.”

The term “liberalism” is often bandied about. If being a Muslim and you don’t conform you are a “liberal” and is regarded an outcast destined to burn in hell. The naivety is simply mind-blowing. The only similarity I can allude to is the Inquisition in 12th century France which later spread to Spain and Portugal. The objective of the Inquisitors was to “combat dissent and public heresy committed by baptised Christians.” And the targeted groups were mainly converts who were erroneously labelled as suspects due to the “assumption that they had secretly reverted to their former religions.”
Incidentally, the last public execution of the Inquisition was in Spain in 1826 when a school teacher was garrotted (strangled) for being a disbeliever and attempting to spread his belief to his students.
Things were definitely different, pre and post Merdeka in 1957. And being someone from that era I can safely vouch for it. In 1979, following the Iranian Revolution that helped catapult Ayatollah Khomeini into power, the equation changed dramatically. The revolution sparked interest in Islam all over the world.
Iran is a proponent of the Syiah form of Islam which is strongly opposed by the Sunnis in other parts of the Muslim world led by Saudi Arabia. The oil-rich Saudi government, in wanting to counter the spread of Syiah teachings, took advantage of this change offering scholarships and money to institutions and charities in the developing Muslim world. Malaysia was one of the many beneficiaries.
This, the Saudis believe, would help impose their brand of conservative Islam popularly referred to as Wahhabism or Salafism within their area of influence, including Malaysia.
In the 1980s and 1990s many Malaysians, especially Malay Muslims, went overseas for higher education. Due to the interest in Islam, many headed to the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt to pursue religious studies. This was made possible by the generous scholarships offered by the Saudi Arabian government. Over there they were exposed to the Wahhabi/Salafist way of thinking and practices.
When these students returned they got into the mainstream education system and becoming the ideal source for the Wahhabi/Salafist way of thinking which preaches intolerance, extremism and exclusivity. Some gained entry into the civil service, becoming influential bureaucrats, lawyers, academicians and politicians. These people are now in positions of power thus allowing them to make decisions for the good and bad of all of us. That explains why the thinking of these “misfits” are so skewed.
Wahhabism was started by Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792) who was dismayed by what he saw in Istanbul. The Ottoman Turks’ way of life, he reasoned, was revolting. He then decided to propagate his version of “a pure and unadulterated Islam.”
Male members are more adept at sporting a goatee and wearing a skullcap, as this is deemed appropriate and in sync with the dress code of Wahhabis. The more Arab one looks and talks, help to improve one’s religious credentials. It is about being as close as what was witnessed in 6th century Mecca and Madinah.
So “selamat pagi” becomes “assalamualaikum” and “akhirat” becomes “jannah”. It is definitely chic to lace one’s speech with some Arab-sounding words although they may mean little or nothing to both speakers and listeners. The absurdity is getting a little out of hand, I dare say. But to the adherents this is God-sent.
The troubled interfaith relations prevalent today are the result of this exclusivist Wahhabi/Salafist thinking which has crept into the education curriculum and mind-set. Renowned Muslim scholars are labelled “secular” and “liberal” to keep the Muslim masses from hearing them out. Those who do not toe the line are banned from speaking out. Fatwas (religious edicts) issued are seldom explained. Questioning a fatwa is considered blasphemous.
Notwithstanding the brouhaha surrounding the controversial Department of Islamic Development (Jakim), no solutions are yet forthcoming. Funding for the department’s many questionable activities has never been accounted for.
Where will all this lead us to? Your guess is as good as mine. With the emergence of Malaysia Baru (New Malaysia) this inadequacy will be addressed in due course. But looking at what’s been happening, I have my doubts.
Hopefully, I will be proven wrong. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo

UMNO menentang ICERD kononnya ICERD akan menjejaskan institusi beraja di Malaysia. Pada hal belum ada iCERD pun mereka dah ingkar dan menderhaka titah diraja. Mana lebih bahaya? ICERD atau UMNO-BN?

Sapa pembangkang pak lebai ooi...
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