Sangat simplistik pandangan Takiyuddin Hassan (pix,atas) yang juga Setiausaha Agung parti agama mengenai pelantikan Sheikh Ummar Ali sebagai salah seorang ahli lembaga Yadim.
Katanya dengan pelantikan Ummar itu, menyebabkan Yadim bakal dicorakkan oleh DAP. Astghrafirulullah.
Pandangan sedemikian tidak patut zahir daripada seorang setiausaha agung seperti beliau yang juga merupakan pengamal undang-undang.
Saya tidak setuju seratus peratus cara ahli lembaga pengarah Yadim dibentuk. Tetapi cara sesetengah pihak mengkritik lantikan itu, dan menjadikanmodal pelantikan Ummar Ali itu sebagai menuduh DAP menguasai Yadim adalah melampau. Pandangan itu sangat dangkal dan tidak berilmu.
Apakah dengan seekor ayam berkawan dengan 10 ekor itik maka ia akan jadi itik. Apakah semudah itu Ummar akan membawa pemikiran DAP dalam Yadim dan ahli lembaga Yadim yang lain akan jadi Pandir? Jangan memperlekeh orang.
Cuba beza dan pisahkan sedikit Ummar dengan partinya itu dan bersangka baik melihat dia juga adalah seorang yang mengucap dua kalimah syhadat seperti kita. Jangan kita ambil tali inci ukur keimanan kita tetapi sesekali ukur juga keimanan orang lain. Sikap menyalah orang lain seratus peratus bukan prinsip Islam.

Sheikh Ummar Ali dan Nik Omar
Cara membenci DAP juga bagi saya tidak betul dalam konteks politik. Saya tidak menerima ideologi politik DAP, tetapi kehadirannya tidak boleh dipersoalkan kerana ia mengikut Perlembagaan. Sudah kerap kali saya kata, kalau DAP bahaya, bahaya.. batalkan sahaja DAP. Habis cerita dan kita semua akan aman dunia dan akhirat? Buatlah himpunan persis ICERD itu menuntut DAP dibatalkan. Berani?
DAP dizaman Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, tidak dibatalkan. Dizaman Najib Razak tidak dibatalkan. Dizaman Dr Mahathir Mohamad “berkonfrontasi” dengan Kit Siang dulu pun tidak dibatalkan.
Kepada Takiyuddin dan orang sewaktu dengannya, yang meletakkan DAP sebagai “punching beg” kepada kerajaan PH dan Amanah, cubalah sedar sedikit. Jangan bersikap seperti penjual ubat tradisional yang dengan mudah cuba menipu pengguna.
Penjual ubat tradisional hanya menjual satu jenis ubat sahaja, tetapi didakwa boleh menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Cara beginilah mengapa penjualan ubat tradisional jalanan tidak maju maju. Sebab cara mereka menarik perhatian orang ramai tidak mengikut saitifik langsung dan kekal secara kovensional yang sempit. - MSO
Agama bagi walaun ialah, duduk dalam PAS kau ahli sorga, lawan PAS kau tetap kapiq...
Misteri pokok petai 'menangis'
akhirnya terjawab.
Beberapa hari lalu, kecoh seketika di Kampung Petani, Kota Bharu, Kelantan apabila pokok petai didapati mengeluarkan air dengan sendirinya, walaupun ketika itu tidak hujan.
Kejadian pelik yang bermula jam 8 malam hingga 6 pagi sejak dari minggu lalu, turut menarik perhatian penduduk setempat dan orang ramai. Malah, ramai yang dilihat menadah air tersebut dan ada juga yang meminumnya.
Walaubagaimana pun, misteri pokok petai berusia 30 tahun yang seakan-akan 'menangis' sejak minggu lalu akhirnya terjawab.
Menurut laman web cicadamania, serangga yang dikenali sebagai riang-riang atau nama saintifiknya Cicada akan berkumpul dalam jumlah yang banyak pada hari panas, dan serangga itu akan minum dari cairan pokok, seterusnya akan 'kencing' ketika berbuat demikian.
Depa tadah air pokok petai menangis ini kononnya untuk buat 'ubat'. Akhirnya depa semua kena kencing - f/bk
Why Najib Sucked Up To Trump and Sent His Spy Woman Soliciting For CIA Support...
Mr. Najib desperately needed the meeting with the U.S. president for many reasons. First, he needed a photo op with President Trump to convince the gullible and ignorant village folks some 15,328-km back home that he wasn’t a crook. How could the world’s most powerful man shake his hand and smile in front of photographers if indeed he was a thief, Najib would argue.
Second, Najib needed a joint press conference with the POTUS to send a message to not only his opponents – especially Mahathir Mohamad – but also other world leaders of his “legitimacy” as Malaysian prime minister, even after his 1MDB scandal rocked the world. He hoped to use the press conference as a tool to cleanse his corruption and thievery.
Third, he also wanted to publicly invite Trump to Malaysia during the press conference, an invitation that the U.S. narcissist leader could not resist, hence will boost Najib’s image domestically and internationally. It would be the same trick Najib used when Barack Obama agreed to visit the country in 2014, where both leaders subsequently took “selfies” together.
Unfortunately for Mr. Najib, none of his wishlist materialised, despite his pledge at the White House to “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” – to splash US$20 billion purchasing Boeing planes and investing in the U.S. infrastructure redevelopment. Under tremendous pressure, the scheduled photo-op was cancelled, let alone any lunch or state dinner or exchange of diplomatic gift.
It was the first time in history that a leader was given such a humiliating and “deplorable” visit status. Even the customary joint press conference was cancelled during Malaysia then-Prime Minister Najib Razak’s historical visit to the U.S. Of course, the crook almost tears his hair out for being treated like a pariah, more toxic than Angela Merkel whom Trump despised very much.
Hasanah Abdul Hamid – MEIO Spy DG
More importantly, the former premier had wanted Trump administration’s assurance of support in the eventuality of a “hung parliament” in the general election that was about to be called. After the disastrous outcome of his visit to the White House, the desperate Najib instructed his spy woman, Intelligence Chief Hasanah Abdul Hamid, to write to the CIA director, Gina Haspel.
The letter soliciting for U.S. support for Mr. Najib, just 5 days before the 14 general election on May 9, 2019, was a desperate attempt to suck up to the Trump administration. The three-page letter from the intelligence unit under the Prime Minister’s Department, among other things, appealed for U.S. to support Najib administration “even if we win the election by a simple majority or just one seat”.
Although he was confident of winning the election, at least that was what the Special Branch told him, Najib wasn’t sure if he could win big enough to stop Mahathir from pulling a rabbit out of the hat. After all, the 93-year-old man posted letters on Facebook (May 2), calling military generals and police to ensure that their personnel would be able to vote freely without any coercion or restrictions.
In another letter dated Apr 25, 2018 addressed to members of the police and armed forces, the same Mahathir warned there should “not be any threats against the armed forces and police to not vote for the opposition”. It was estimated that there were more than 100,000 members of the armed forces and over 150,000 police officers in the country.
Obviously, Najib was worried about the supposedly “undivided loyalty” of Malaysia’s armed forces to him, not the country and certainly not to a potential Mahathir’s new government. He suspected that as a former prime minister for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, Mr. Mahathir probably still commanded certain loyalty among the soldiers.
Najib’s plan to win the 14th general election included buying over a number of opposition MPs in case his Barisan Nasional won by a razor-thin margin. And Najib didn’t expect his mentor-turned-nemesis Mahathir would surrender without a fight, including the possibility of mobilising armed forces disgusted with his extremely corrupt regime.

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro
After all, we’re talking about Mahathir, a master strategist who had appointed his brother-in-law as the new Armed Forces Chief as a pre-emptive strike during the 1988 UMNO crisis, where he threatened to use the military to take over the country if anyone dared to remove him as prime minister after UMNO was declared illegal and de-registered by the Registrar of Societies (RoS).
Even if Mahathir couldn’t mobilise the military, what will happen if hundreds of thousands took to the street because Najib lost, but play dirty to stay in power by kidnapping or arresting the opposition leaders? What would the U.S. do if Najib wins the election by a simple majority of just one seat, because some opposition MPs suddenly disappeared?
Venezuela’s current turmoil provides some idea what may happen to Najib if he played dirty and used military to stay in power like dictator Maduro. The opposition leader Juan Guaidó has declared himself Venezuela’s interim president after mass protests against Nicolás Maduro. Guaidó’s claim has been recognised by the US, Canada, Brazil, Colombia and others, while the EU has said the voice of the people cannot be ignored.
So, what if the similar scenario happened in Malaysia on May 9 last year? What if opposition leader Mahathir Mohamad declared himself Malaysia’s interim prime minister after mass protests against Najib Razak for massive cheating, where the corrupt Election Commission somehow declared Najib as the winner even if the results say otherwise?
This isn’t some fairy tales because it has been proven that on the night of May 9, the Election Commission had indeed delayed – even suspended – the announcement of the general election winners and the refusal of the signing of the Form 14 documents, presumably to facilitate Najib Razak to have an emergency meeting with his warlords and advisers and to perform his dirty tricks.
Now do you understand why Najib had to meet Trump and sucked up to the U.S. president, failing which he then instructed his spy woman to beg for support from the CIA? Only the U.S. can legitimise the government of Malaysia by a simple congratulation note. Najib needed the US recognition in claiming the government. Unfortunately to Najib, his loss was too spectacular to be salvaged. - FT

A Genocidal State...
1. Malaysia does not recognise Israel; has no diplomatic relation with it, does not allow Malaysians to visit Israel and does not allow Israelis to visit Malaysia.
2. This is the only country in the world that Malaysia treats in this manner. Why?
3. In the first place Israel was created from a slice of Palestinian land, without a referendum or a plebiscite being held. The Palestinians were expelled from Palestine without any compensation for the land and homes seized by the Israelis.
4. Then Israel seized more Palestinian land so that Israel became bigger. The Israelis then built numerous settlements on Palestinian land without the consent of the Palestinian nation. Palestinians are barred from these settlements.
5. When the Palestinians resisted and threw stones at Israeli tanks and armoured cars, the Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at the Palestinian children and arrested many of them. The arrested people were detained for years without trial.
6. The detainees were used to exchange with Israeli soldiers captured by the Palestinians.
7. The Gaza strip is blockaded by Israeli forces. Relief ships carrying food, medicine and building materials were siezed in international waters and forced to go to Israel. In one incident 10 activists were killed. These acts by the Israelis is blatantly against international laws.
8. When the Palestinians fired futile rockets at Israel, the Israelis dropped bombs and fired missiles at Palestinian towns and villages. Schools and hospitals were destroyed, patients and children killed or maimed.
9. The blockade of Gaza is illegal but no country has condemned Israel for breaking international laws and moral codes.
10. Today Israel declares that Jerusalem is its capital. When Palestinian slapped Israelis soldiers, they were shot and killed and many were detained.
11. A high wall has been built to divide Palestinian villages and towns. Palestinians cannot visit relatives without being subjected to humiliating checks at many check-points created by the Israelis. The Palestinians are not allowed to travel on roads built by the Israelis on Palestinian land.
12. Thousands of Palestinian have been killed or wounded through Israeli military actions.
13. The whole world can see the injustice and the oppression of the Palestinian by the Israelis. But Israel is not even criticised by the people who talk so much about freedom from oppression and the rule of law. Israel seems to be privileged.
14. If anyone criticises Israel or the holocaust he is immediately labelled “anti-Semitic”. The implication is that he is inhuman or immoral. But the blatant inhumanity of Israel is not condemned.
15. Malaysia is not anti-Jew or anti-Semitic. The Arabs are also Semitic people. But we reserve the right to condemn inhuman and oppressive behaviour anywhere, by anyone. We have condemned the Myanmar people for their treatment of the Rohingyas. We have criticised many countries and people for inhuman acts.
16. Many people and many countries have condemned us. But we have not been labelled nor have we labelled people who speak as a matter of right in a free world.
17. Malaysia bans two Israeli athletes – the US bans citizens of five Islamic nations and plans to build a wall against South Americans. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic ban refugees. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban referred to Syrian refugees as “Muslim invaders.”
18. Israel is a criminal state and deserves to be condemned. We know the strong backing for Israel. We cannot act against Israel beyond refusing to recognise it. We maintain we have a right to bar Israelis from our country. When the world condemns us for this we have a right to say that the world is being hypocritical. Their talk of human rights and the rule of law is so much empty words.
19. I appeal to those who sympathise with the Palestinian cause to voice their condemnation. Terrorism is not the answer. A proper strategy is needed to bring justice to the Palestinians - chedet
Kata dua Tun Daim kepada menteri2 PH yang suka bertelagah sesama sendiri.
Ada benarnya jangan sampai rakyat meluat...
Guan Eng sindir UMNO/PAS supaya pulangkan wang curi itu secara sukarela.

Pandai walaun2 main bowling sejak bersama UMNO. Tak lama lagi lebai2 atasan akan main golf. Walaun2 ketua cawangan berkaraoke. Walaun2 unit amal jadi bouncer kelab dangdut...

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