
Ijab qabul UMNO-PAS buka ruang PH kuasai Pantai Timur...


Kerjasama kian akrab antara UMNO dengan Pas diyakini akan membuka ruang baharu kepada Pakatan Harapan khususnya PKR untuk menguasai seluruh Pantai Timur dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang.

Naib Presiden PKR, Rafizi Ramli berkata, berdasarkan kaji selidik, senario itu akan mengubah pola politik terutama di Kelantan dan Terengganu untuk rakyatnya membuat pilihan dengan mengundi PKR kerana pengundi Melayu tidak begitu `senang’ atau selesa dengan kerjasama UMNO-Pas.

“Dinamis politik berubah dengan cepat dan saya jangka UMNO dan Pas akan jadi lebih rapat, besar kemungkinan akan ada kerjasama rasmi. Apabila ada (kerjasama rasmi), ia akan ubah pola politik terutama di Kelantan dan Terengganu kerana ia tak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.

“Jadi kita kena semak balik pemahaman kita bagaimana pengundi di dua negeri itu buat pilihan politik. Sebab itu saya jangka kalau itu berterusan akan ada satu peralihan undi yang secara automatik ke arah pakatan kerana akan ada kalangan UMNO dan Pas kurang selesa, begitu juga (kurang selesa) sebahagian besar pengundi atas pagar,” katanya.

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Rafizi menyatakan perkara itu kepada pemberita selepas program Reformasi 20 Tahun di sebuah hotel di sini malam tadi dalam siri jelajah menjelang pemilihan parti itu di mana beliau sendiri akan bertanding Timbalan Presiden PKR pada 14 September ini.

Terdahulu itu, ketika berucap, Rafizi mengulas perkara sama bahawa senario politik sekarang ini sudah berbeza di mana rakyat Kelantan dan Terengganu akan memilih PKR dengan meletakkan tanggungjawab kepada PKR sebagai tunjang dalam PH.

“Dulu (di Terengganu dan Kelantan), Pas lawan UMNO dan rakyat akan pilih yang mana satu. Tapi sekarang sudah lain. Mula-mula `risik’, kemudian `bertunang dan bersanding’. Selepas ini kerjasama Pas dengan UMNO akan ada `anak’ pula.

“Dengan ini, orang Terengganu (dan Kelantan) akan pening, mereka nak undi yang mana. Sebab itulah dalam PRU akan datang di Terengganu dan Kelantan, mereka akan berdepan senario politik berbeza kerana orang yang jiwa serta tradisinya tak mahu undi parti sedia ada, dia akan pusing sebab nak undi UMNO atau Pas, mereka dah tak suka,” jelasnya. – UM

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Politik maufakat,orang 
Melayu tak boleh terima...

Sama ada kajian yang dijalankan oleh Ilham Centre bersama Penang Institute yang menyimpulkan 60% orang Melayu kurang selesai dengan prestasi kerajaan PH, tepat atau sebaliknya, dapatan itu perlu diberi perhatian serius oleh pihak PH dan mencari solusi terhadapnya.

Dapatan itu diperolehi daripada kajian ke atas 2,614 responden bagi tempoh 24 Oktober hingga 24 Disember 2018. (Mungkin angka itu sudah berubah kini dengan ada beberapa pendekatan dan rancangan dilancarkan kerajaan?)

Menurut badan itu antara perkara yang tidak disenangi orang Melayu ialah melihat kerajaan kerajaan PH dipengaruhi oleh DAP. Tampaknya DAP menjadi masalah kepada orang Melayu untuk tidak mudah menerima PH.

Memang DAP menjadi isu sejak awal dan terbawa ke hari ini Berbagai penjelasan secara sains politik, fakta dan sejarah dibuat namun ia tidak menuntaskan persepsi ini. DAP menjadi barah kepada kerajaan PH.

Apa yang tergambar daripada sikap Melayu (60%) ini adalah mereka yang tidak boleh terima politik muafakat antara kaum di negara ini. Prejudis terhadap DAP (Cina) begitu menebal dalam dada orang Melayu. Ia tidak boleh dipersalahkan, selagi orang Melayu tidak disekolahkah dengan politik multiracial dan keluar dari kepompong kaum, maka persepsi itu tetap kekal selamanya.

Pengekalan sikap ini memberi risiko kepada kerajaan yang dibentuk oleh mana-mana komponen sekali pun. Tampaknya pembentukan kerajaan negara ini melalui demokrasi bukan mudah diterima. - MSO

Anwar mungkin ada 
penawar untuk Melayu...

Apakah keresahan bangsa Melayu waktu ini kepada perjalanan kerajaan PH akan dapat diredakan sekiranya Anwar Ibrahim menjadi perdana menteri? Apakah Anwar akan lebih concern kepada pemasalahan yang berkaitan dengan Melayu?

Sekiranya Anwar boleh mencari jawaban atau penawar mujarab menyelesaikan masalah ini, kenapa kita harus rasa confius kepadanya? Beliau seharusnya diberi laluan dengan selamat dan peralihan jawatan PM daripada Dr Mahathir dibuat secara tertib?

Jika semua berfikir begitu, ikhlas pula kepada konsensus atau janji politik untuk apa kita membuka celah untuk mewujudkan pertembungan di antara pemegang jawatan itu sekarang dengan beliau. Kenapa harus ada tokoh lain yang mula didewakan untuk menafikan hak Anwar?

Saya optimis iklim dan suasana politik termasuk berkait dengan Melayu akan reda dan Melayu boleh aman apabila Anwar menjadi PM. Sebagai orang yang telah lama mengimpikan jawatan itu tentu Anwar telah bersedia, bukan sahaja dengan mental dan fizikal tetapi pelan perubahan dan reformasi menyeluruh untuk Malaysia baru yang ideal.- MSO

We lost by-election due to PAS 
working with 'kafir' party...

Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad has attributed BN's Cameron Highlands by-election victory to the cooperation between former rivals PAS and Umno.

Speaking to reporters after chairing the Harapan presidential council meeting in Putrajaya today, Mahathir took a jab at both parties by recalling how PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had referred to Umno as "parti kafir" (infidel party) in the 1980s.

"We started the meeting with discussions about the Cameron Highlands by-election and the (upcoming) Semenyih by-election.

"The reason behind their victory, we believe, was because of the coalition between the parti Islam (PAS) and parti kafir Umno," he said.

Mahathir quickly added that the "infidel" label didn't come from him as it was a term which PAS once used.

"I did not say that. That is what PAS had said (before) that Umno is kafir," he said.

BN's Ramli Mohd Nor won by the Cameron Highlands by-election with 56.06 percent of the vote share, while Harapan's M Manogaran secured 40.77 percent of the vote.

PAS did not participate in the by-election and instead opted to campaign for the BN candidate. Polling data suggested that most of the Cameron Highlands voters who voted for PAS in 2018 backed BN this time around.

On a more serious note, Mahathir said Harapan was anticipating Umno and PAS to continue cooperating for the March 2 by-election, but he was confident that Harapan will win this time around.

"We believe that we can win in Semenyih, unless Umno and PAS do something extraordinary".

The by-election will most likely see candidates from Umno, representing BN and Bersatu, representing Harapan.

The Semenyih state assembly seat was won by Bersatu's Bakhtiar Mohd Nor during the 14th general election. The seat was declared vacant following his death on Jan 11.

In expressing Harapan's confidence for Semenyih, Mahathir said the coalition, however, was aware that it won the seat with a small majority.

"Harapan won (the seat) in GE14 not with an 8,000 vote majority but only by about 1,000. So we are aware that we only had a slim majority then and we have laid out a plan to overcome this," he said.

He added that Harapan won the Semenyih seat because of voter dissatisfaction with BN though now voters have shifted their attention to all the successes achieved by Harapan since they took over Putrajaya.

The ruling coalition, he said, would go into the by-election telling voters of these successes as well as their future plans.

'Harapan still commands Malay support'

Mahathir also dismissed a recent survey which claimed that nearly 60 percent of Malays surveyed were not happy with the performance of the Harapan government.

Saying that many Malays still supported Harapan, he said the survey was only an assessment by the opposition and "part of their campaign to denigrate us".

The survey conducted by jointly by pollster Ilham Centre and think-tank Penang Institute claimed that 54.4 percent of Malay respondents did not believe that the government was serious about the “Malay agenda”.

It also said that more than 60 percent of the 2,614 Malay respondents believed that non-Muslims were now in control of the government and DAP was calling the shots in Putrajaya.

"I have talked to many Malays, but this is an assessment by opposition parties as part of their campaign to denigrate us. Not 60 percent. There is a small percentage, yes, but not 60 percent," said the prime minister.

Mahathir's dismissal of the survey, however, was not in line with that of his deputy Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who earlier today said that the government should take note of the findings.

She told reporters the government must "listen to the woes and opinions of the rakyat, and take steps to see if (their perception) is real or imagined". 

Meanwhile,Dr Mahathir Mohamad said his predecessor Najib Abdul Razak should have implemented the very things that the latter was now asking Pakatan Harapan to do. 

"Why didn't he do all those things he asked us to do when he was in power?" asked Mahathir, after chairing the Harapan leadership council meeting today. 

"If he had done all those things he asked us to do, he would still have been the prime minister."

In recent months, Najib had reinvented himself as a humorous government critic and recently created the new laidback "bossku" persona for himself to dilute his air of aristocracy.

When asked on this, Mahathir acknowledged that Najib appeared to be gaining a following but the premier attributed this to novelty. 

"It seems like he is gaining popularity on social media because he provides a lot of stories," he said, while dismissing suggestions that Najib had a hand in BN's victory during the Cameron Highlands by-election. 

Mahathir also repeated accusations that Najib was a "kleptocratic dictator" while in power, who would lock up dissidents and paraded them to the public in jail garb.

"We allow him to go around making speeches, pay his bills and all that. So, this shows that we are a fair government," he said. - mk

Apalah Pak Lebai ooi, kalu lantik Lim Kit Siang 
bolehlah bantah,tapi ini seorang Melayu dan Ustaz pula...

 Ini kot calon paling layak direstui UMNO/PAS 
sebagai ahli lembaga pemegang amanah Yadim. 
Depa bantah pilih calon Melayu DAP anggotai Yadim...

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