
Mengapa Allah laknat PAS...


Bawah pimpinan Hj Hadi PAS ditimpa bala demi bala. Inilah pemimpin ulamak yang mengkafirkan UMNO dalam fatwa songsangnya berjudul AMANAT Hj Hadi. Amanat inilah yang mengorbankan Ibrahim Libya dan beberapa pengikut super taksub mati katak tapi dijulang sebagai mati syahid. 

Bawah pimpinannya juga derma Tabung Memali disapu oleh orang PAS juga. PAS menubuhkan syarikat kerjasama khas untuk ahli-ahlinya saja bernama KOHILAL. Kononnya berjuta ringgit diperolehi ahli-ahli lebai puyuh beri sumbangan. Dividen ambil di akhirat konon. Apa sudah jadi? KOHILAL bangrap, hutangnya RM40 juta. Tanya Hj Hadi siapa punya angkara syarikat PAS bangrap?

Setiap orang Islam adalah saudara. Ini ajaran agama kita. Mengapa Hj Hadi berani mengkafirkan orang UMNO? Fatwa songsangnya ini memecahbelahkan ummah, sembahyang jumaat dua imam, menyebabkan permusuhan sesama Islam. Apakah sebagai pemimpin Islam dia berbangga dengan perpecahan ummah? Dulu dia kafirkan UMNO. 

Hari ini dia berbaik-baik dengan pemimpin maharaja perompak UMNO yang merasuahnya sebanyak RM90 juta menurut laporan editor Sarawak Report. Dia saman editor itu. Akhirnya dia selesai luar mahkamah kerana tahu dia tak akan menang, dan wanita kafir kitu tetap mempertahankan pendapatnya. Maknanya dia tetap berpendapat Haji Hadi dan 16 pemimpin PAS lain menerima rasuah sebanyak RM90 juta.

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Kuasa Allah mengatasi kuasa seorang pemimpin super munafik yang tak ada hargadiri dan hilang maruah. Lepas ini SPRM pula akan menyiasat skandal rasuah RM90 juta itu yg diagih-agihkan kepada 16 orang pemimpin PAS yang lain menurut laporan SR. Bukti sudah ada. Hanya menunggu SPRM bertindak untuk mengheret lebai-lebai munafik ini ke mahkamah.

Allah beri peluang kepada Haji Hadi sekali menjadi Menteri Besar Terengganu selepas menang dalam PRU 1999. Hanya sepenggal dia jadi MB. Lepas itu rakyat Terengganu tolak PAS. Apa saja rancangan politiknya semua digagalkan Allah. Sampai hari ini ulamak kelas ular dalam semak, super munafik ini, masih tidak insaf, dan tidak menarik balik AMANAT Hj Hadi fatwa songsangnya itu. 

Maka tidaklah hairan bin terkejut ular dalam semak super munafik bersekongkol dengan maharaja penyamun UMNO yang para penasihatnya bomoh dan sami menurut Deepak yg pernah menjadi orang suruhan Najib dan Rosmah.

Kalau lebai-lebai puyuh dalam PAS mempunyai ilmu agama mendalam, bijak dalam politik dan berpegang teguh pada tali Allah mereka tidak akan menjadi pecacai, badut ahli PAS bawah pimpinan Hj Hadi Awang yang membawa ajaran sesat dalam agama dan juga membawa sial dalam politik. 

Kalau PAS benar berjuang di jalan Allah sudah pasti ia mendapat sokongan kuat dari umat Islam untuk memimpin kerajaan Persekutuan. Yang menjadi lambang PAS hanya serban, ketayap putih, janggut sejemput dan jubah, tazkirah campuran maki hamun, air lior, tahi gigi dan angin kentut. Oh, ya jangan lupa tin Milo. - Yahaya Ismail

Malaysians demand the truth on 
the alleged RM90 million case...

The settlement out of court the London court case between PAS President Hadi Awang and Sarawak Report Editor Clare Rewcastle Brown regarding the RM90 million paid by UMNO to PAS leaders does not mean closure to the case. Malaysians demand to know the truth of the case.

Even though the case will not be adjudicated, the allegations by Brown that the RM 90 million paid to leaders of PAS remain. This includes a purported audio recording of Nik Abduh talking about receiving RM 2 million from UMNO, produced as evidence by Brown and has not been contested by Hadi Awang.

The allegations by Brown include extravagant spending of PAS leaders how they purchased expansive cars and houses. Leaders of PAS have positioned themselves as pious, righteous and pure, and even promising a path to heaven to party members for their support.

Malaysians are anxious to know the truth of the matter because the money paid out is allegedly derived from the 1MDB fund. Members of Pas who have donated to the party’s legal fund for Hadi Awang should also be interested to know the truth. This case is beyond mere accusations from both Clare Rewcastle Brown and Hadi Awang. At stake is the integrity of the criminal law and the millions of young minds who will be wondering if corruption and dishonesty is a way of life in modern society.

Patriot calls for anyone with knowledge on the case to file reports with the authorities. Even if there is none, the police and the MACC should also start investigation on their own. - BG Dato Mohamed Arshad Raji (Rtd)

How Hadi Contradicted Himself 
And PAS Officials During Court Case...

As PAS president Hadi Awang and his team of senior party advisors contemplated the opening of his libel claim against Sarawak Report in London on April Fool’s Day, they must have realised there would be some very tough questioning in store.

Most particularly with regard to which versions of the various accounts that Hadi and the party had put out about key factual matters were accurate.

Key areas where Hadi and his allies had differed from one story to another included the Nik Abduh voice tape (which some some PAS spokesmen wrongly alleged Sarawak Report dropped from the evidence in its defence); the cash transfer of RM2.5 million into PAS accounts shortly before the 2018 election and whether PAS has collaborated with UMNO.

Confessions of Nik Abduh

In March 2018 Sarawak Report dropped from its original Defence a lot of the more circumstantial evidence about unexplained wealth exhibited by PAS. At the same time it informed Hadi’s lawyers that it would amend its Defence to rely on, amongst other matters, a voice recording of a senior party figure Nik Abduh which was alleged to contain a confession that large sums of money had flowed into the party from UMNO in a meeting with PAS members that was secretly recorded in August 2017.

The recording has now been widely shared online and is available below...

On the recording Nik Abduh states the following to his audience (alleged to be a group of PAS members concerned about the rumours that PAS was accepting money from UMNO):

“Tok Guru Nik Aziz took UMNO’s money, Tok Guru Haji Hadi took UMNO’s money, I took UMNO’s money, everyone took UMNO’s money. Among the reasons why we succeeded was with UMNO’s help. UMNO helped us to achieve victory… That is us being smart. Umno is stupid. Why do people keep asking us about UMNO’s money? This issue is now over. (Translated)

When the audio first appeared online in early 2018 Nik Abduh (who was slated to be one of Hadi’s key witnesses in the case against Sarawak Report) angrily denied on his Facebook that the recording was genuine.  He called it a fake and said the speaker was not him:

Nik Abduh's Facebook denial

Furthermore, he denounced the recording as highly defamatory of PAS saying that the speaker was indicating that PAS was involved in the political corruption of UMNO. “I deny it” he fumed, demanding the “culprits” repent soon.

Later Abduh denied again publicly the voice on the recording was him and claimed he hoped the police would investigate, but on the other hand said he would rise above placing a police report. Party Chairman, Takiyuddin Hassan (also one of Hadi’s planned witnesses in the case) told the press it was “a trivial matter” and investigating it was a “waste of time“.

Sarawak Report knew otherwise, thanks to solid sources who confirmed the speaker was indeed Nik Abduh and passed us a full copy of the recording.  A report then appeared in the Malaysian press about a forensic voice analysis was being conducted into the tape to determine if the speaker was indeed Nik Abduh. Continue Reading here...

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