
Menyifatkan ia sebagai dakwaan palsu, berunsur fitnah serta helah untuk menutup skandal pemimpin PAS terima wang UMNO, Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng berkata Pakatan Harapan memberi sokongan penuh kepada kepimpinan Dr Mahathir.
“Tidak ada satu parti komponen PH ataupun mana-mana pemimpin PH yang menyatakan tidak sokong atau mahukan undi tidak percaya ke atas kepimpinan Tun Dr Mahathir baik di dalam atau di luar mesyuarat Majlis Presiden PH.
“Sebaliknya yang menentang kepimpinan Tun Dr Mahathir tidak lain dan tidak bukan datang daripada PAS sendiri,” kata Guan Eng pada kenyataan, hari ini.

“Sekiranya beliau gagal berbuat demikian, Datuk Takiyuddin jelas terbukti tidak bertanggungjawab, tidak bermaruah dan hanya memainkan helah untuk mengelakkan isu sebenar iaitu politik sempit, pembohongan, dan mencipta fitnah semata-mata untuk mengalihkan perhatian umum daripada hakikat bahawa pemimpin PAS menerima wang daripada UMNO,” ujarnya.
Menurutnya yang juga Menteri Kewangan, PAS harus menjawab isu pemimpin PAS menerima wang daripada UMNO selepas ia menarik balik saman terhadap Sarawak Report (SR).

“Adalah sangat mendukacitakan untuk melihat yang tinggal dalam perjuangan PAS hari ini hanyalah pembohongan bersiri daripada barisan kepimpinan PAS yang menyusuli skandal menerima wang daripada UMNO,” ujarnya. – Roketkini.com

Politik hilang akai,politik animisme...
Orang tanya saya apakah orang parti agama tidak malu dengan apa yang berlaku dalam parti itu sekarang. Apakah ahli dan penyokongnya tidak lari dan tetap bersamanya.
Saya jawab secara analogi. Mereka tidak akan melakukan apa² tindakan. Mereka akan kekal bersama parti itu sampai ke bila bila. Mereka sedikit pun tidak terkesan dengan apa yang berlaku.
Mereka sepertilah pemain lawak jenaka di atas pentas. Mereka sudah kalih dengan sorakan penonton. Apa yang berlaku kepada mereka, mereka tak peduli. Hatta tiba tiba seluar mereka terlondeh dan orang menyorak kelondehan itu, mereka tetap selamba dan merasakan orang bersorak kerana persembahan mereka itu.
Mereka juga macam kera duku atas pokok yang ditiup angin. Ia akan memeluk kejap batang pokok sekuatnya takut terjatuh. Lagi kuat dan kencang angin bertiup lagi kuat dan kemas ia memeluk pokok. Begitulah juga dengan penganut fahaman politik animisme parti itu. - MSO

PAS confirms backing Dr.M
leadership until GE15...
PAS confirmed it has thrown its support behind the leadership of Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad until the next general election. Its secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said in a statement after the party’s central committee meeting in Marang, that PAS had issued a document expressing the party’s commitment to Dr Mahathir.
“The written declaration in the form of a sample was given as a commitment of PAS support for the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the basis of protecting the interest of religion, country and the nation until the 15th general election,” he said.
This comes after the prime minister sprung a surprise this morning when he revealed that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had stated in writing that the Islamist party will not support Umno in the Semenyih by-election. Takiyuddin pointed out that the circumstances surrounding Semenyih were different from that during the Cameron Highlands by-election.
“PAS stated its stand not to contest in the Semenyih by-election and gave way to the candidate from the opposition, Barisan Nasional, with a different level of commitment and involvement from the Cameron Highlands by-election.
“This is consistent with PAS which puts the interest of Islam and the Malay community above all else, apart from PAS maintaining a relationship with Umno on the grounds of Ummah unity and solidarity among the opposition.

“An agreement has also been reached to establish better co-operation based on the spirit of federalism between the Federal Government and the Kelantan and Terengganu State Governments, particularly in terms of administration, development and granting of royalties,’’ Takiyuddin said, referring to the PAS-controlled states.
Earlier today, Dr Mahathir said PAS’s backing of Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) during the Cameron Highlands by-election was due to a DAP candidate being fielded there.
“I have to say the truth. Hadi, Takiyuddin and Samsuri confessed (to me) that they will not support Umno this time (in Semenyih polls) because Umno’s opponent is not from DAP. They supported Umno in Cameron Highlands because the candidate was from DAP, so they supported Umno.
“This time the fight isn’t with DAP but with PPBM and they said they won’t support but they also said they don’t want to declare it. But after I heard their denials, I was forced to speak up on what really happened.
“What really happened was they admitted that they are not supporting Umno, PPBM or PH and their leaders won’t show their support.
“But as we can see, their leaders attend (Umno’s ceramah) too,” said Dr Mahathir. - f/bk
Bill Gates endorses book on 1MDB scandal

Fate Of Kledang Hill...
The Kledang Range, an offshoot of the Main Range has, since time immemorial, been a source of inspiration to the inhabitants of Kinta Valley. The reason could either be the undulating hills or the greenery or perhaps, the combination of both. No matter what, the Kledang Range will remain an integral part of Ipoh – love or loathe it.
The highest point is none other than the awesome Gunung Kledang standing at a respectful height of 2651ft (808m) above the valley floor. And, as is audaciously claimed, it is the 245th highest mountain in the country. It is accessible via the town of Menglembu. It is a much sought-after trail cum hiking site for health buffs, the country over. You can either walk or cycle up the slope to a point where you can feast your eyes upon the valley below. A tarred single-passage road winds up the hill ending at the telecommunications towers which mark the summit of Kledang. The towers are visible from the city.
The Kledang Range stands like a sentinel keeping watch over Ipoh, a once unplanned and haphazard tin-mining town that has blossomed into a gleaming metropolis it is today. The fate of this imposing yet fragile landscape rests squarely on the shoulders of the inhabitants of the city better known for its hawker food, coffee and pomelos. But at the rate things are going this may soon be a thing of the past unless those in the corridors of power wake up.
Events unfolding the last few weeks have unwittingly placed the hill range and Menteri Besar Dato’ Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu (Peja)(pix,below) on a collision course. Was it destined to end this way? A discourse on the subject matter is desirous considering Kledang Range’s significance and relevance to the well-being of Ipohites. Meaning, you and I.
The controversy centres on the Kledang Saiong Forest Reserve, Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc), illegal loggers/planters and Peja himself. It is no secret that the once pristine forest covering the Kledang Range is being eyed by many out to make a quick ringgit. They are just waiting for the right moment to strike. All they need is a momentary lapse of concentration and they will move in with their heavy machineries to stake a claim. Lands in the state are becoming scarce due to over development so lands up in the clouds become the obvious choice.
Residents of Pusing, Menglembu, Jelapang and faraway Sitiawan have alerted Ipoh Echo about illegal activities taking place in and around the Kledang Range. Their favourite hiking site is being stripped of trees and logs are being extracted for commercial use. Those responsible, some alleged, have connections with the high and mighty. They are powerless to act other than to sound the alarm hopefully it would be heard.
And when confronted with evidence, during a Chinese New Year gathering in Sitiawan recently, that a hefty portion of Gunung Kledang has been illegally cleared, Faisal pleaded for time to shift through papers and agreements for the truth.
A stop-work order was eventually issued by the Land Office on Friday, February 8. By then nearly 10 hectares of forest land have been stripped bare. The cleared land has been terraced to prepare for oil palm cultivation.
Oil palm saplings have been planted in areas. That shows how determined these claimants are. They care less for the environment or the well-being of residents living at the foothills. And what I find most disturbing is Faisal’s insistence that a designated area of the forest reserve has been de-gazetted since November last year for a mixed housing project to be undertaken by MB Inc.

It does not make sense that a housing project, sanctioned by the state government, will soon appear on Gunung Kledang slopes. We have seen what happened in Penang when hills, ridges and escarpments are being denuded for development purposes. Silting and landslides have resulted in the loss of lives and the degradation of the environment. If this is what the MB wants, the future certainly looks bleak for Ipohites. You say one thing but do the other.
The question of pleasing some dubious businessmen is not how things are done in the much-touted Malaysia Baru. The rakyat voted in Pakatan Harapan during the 14th General Elections in the hope that they will do the right thing; not become an appendage of the corrupt and decadent Barisan Nasional.
The least Faizal should do is to honour his party pledge of ensuring transparency, however difficult it may be. One cardinal rule a sitting government should abide by is to leave business to the professionals. MB Incorporated should be disbanded. Period.
This just got in: DAP Perak, led by MP Thomas Su, has filed a report with the state anti-corruption agency regarding the Gunong Kledang scandal. An element of fraud has happened and the graft busters are being called to investigate. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari
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