
2. Perakuan tersebut dikatakan dibuat di hadapan Tun M sehari sebelum penamaan calon PRK Semenyih, ia menimbulkan persoalan apakah perakuan Abdul Hadi itu benar atau bohong?. Ini berdasarkan kepada isu pengakuan Pas terima duit Umno di dalam audio ucapan Ahli Jawatankuasa Pas Pusat, Nik Mohamad Abduh yang mana Pas telah mengesahkan kesahihan audio tersebut biarpun Nik Abduh menafikan sekeras-kerasnya sebelum ini. Nik Abduh mengatakan Presiden Pas telah merestui tindakannya berbohong kerana katanya tak salah berbohong kerana menjaga kepentingan Pas.
3. Timbul persoalan, apa muslihat Presiden Pas membuat perakuan tersebut di hadapan Tun M sedangkan Pas sudah menyatakan dari awal lagi akan menyokong Umno/BN untuk menguatkan pembangkang. Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor dari awal lagi menyatakan Pas akan memastikan lebih enam ribu undi yang diperolehi Pas pada PRU14 yang lalu akan diberikan (lelongan undi) kepada Umno/BN pada PRK kali ini. Adakah ini sekali lagi kaedah pembohongan syarie dibuat oleh Pas demi kepentingan tertentu?
5. Apakah perakuan Abdul Hadi pada Tun M semalam dibantah oleh pimpinan Pas dan menjadikan perakuan Abdul Hadi satu pembohongan kepada Tun M. Atau Pas sedang berbohong pada Umno/BN menjadikan Umno/Bn sebagai mangsa kedua pembohongan selepas ahli dan pengundi Pas menjadi mangsa pertama. Jadi, siapa yang sebenarnya berbohong? Tak mungkin Tun M yang berbohong. Sedangkan Presiden Pas dalam kenyataannya ketika media semasa Majlis Sambutan Tahun Baru Cina di Terengganu menyatakan yang beliau mahu melihat Melayu lebih kuat di dalam kerajaan. Kalau mahu kedudukan orang Melayu kuat dalam kerajaan, sudah tentu tidak boleh bantu Umno/BN di Semenyih dan perlu menangkan calon Pakatan Harapan. Jadi, ada kebenaran kenyataan Tun M yang Presiden Pas menyatakan Pas tak akan sokong dan bantu Umno/BN di Semenyih.
6. Tindakan dan pendirian pimpinan Pas ketika ini seolah-olah flip-flop dan tidak konsisten, sesama mereka tidak menzahirkan pendirian yang sama. Tindak tanduk Pas ini telah menimbulkan persoalan siapa sebenarnya yang berbohong di kalangan pimpinan Pas. Adakah pimpinan Pas sedang pakat pakat berbohong secara berjemaah. Sungguh kasihan kepada ahli Pas yang sangat terkeliru dengan tindak tanduk pimpinannya. Betul ke Bohong? - Mahfuz Omar

Hadi pesongkan pengikut2...
Hadi Awang ni bukanlah politikus yang licik. Tapi dia seorang yang pandai berak tengah jalan tapi tuduh orang lain punya tahi.
1. Masih ingat tak lagi isu Mat Sabu yang difitnah sebagai seorang Syiah? Tu sapa punya kerja ?? Padahal siapa kepala setiap rombongan ke Iran ?? Bila orang dah bising2, barulah Hadi mengaku dia kerap ke Tehran kerana menghadiri muktamar Syiah di sana. Rasanya setiap tahun. Lepas tu yang kena tuduh Syiah...Mat Sabu sorang. Dia sikit tak berbunyi.
2. Kes Memali pun sama. Siapa punya Amanat sampai Ibrahim Libya jadi begitu taksub melawan polis kononnya nak tubuh negara Islam ?? Dah jadi janda belaka, umum pulak mati syahid sebab mati dalam memperjuangkan negara Islam. Tiba2 20 tahun kemudian, keluar statement negara Islam tiada dalam Quran. Habis yang mati lawan polis hari tu mati apa ?? Tu sapa punya punca ??
3. Lepas tu kes Nik Abduh. Rupanya Hadi Awang yan suruh Nik Abduh menipu. Bila dah kantoi menipu oleh geng sendiri, dia selamba saja cakap wajib menipu demi sesuatu tujuan (maslahat). Senang sungguh Hadi cakap macam tu padahal Nik Abduh tak tau nak letak mana muka dia sekarang ni !! Habis jemaah PAS rakyat tak percaya dah sebab terang2 kantoi menipu.
4. TERKINI isu Hadi deal senyap2 dgn Tun M bahawa PAS takkan kerjasama dgn UMNO di Semenyih. Siap tandatangan lagi. Habis pening Ostad Derih & Fadzil Shaari nak cover deal senyap2 Hadi semalam. Sekali lagi Hadi berjaya menyelamatkan diri dengan memasang 4 orang bodyguard kerana takut wartawan tanya deal dia dgn Tun. Lepas ni jangan terkejut kalau Hadi sahkan deal dia dgn Tun M tu.
Penyokong kuat Hadi jangan laa dok back up kuat sangat nanti besar kemaluan macam kes Nik Abduh menipu. Apa laa nasib org PAS dapat Presiden macam ni. - f/bk
How Mahathir Squeezes Hadi’s Balls Until
The Fake Holy Man Dumps UMNO...
PAS is in deep trouble, thanks to the RM90 million bribes the Islamic Party had taken from former Prime Minister Najib Razak. Actually, that is an understatement. PAS is game over as long as its President Hadi Awang still leads the party, along with his minions who had helped themselves to the chest of dirty money – buying luxury cars, huge bungalow and extra wives.
To be able to bribe a group of holy men with only RM90 million for a mission of betraying their allies (now-defunct Pakatan Harapan opposition) actually shows Mr. Hadi and his lieutenants were quite cheap. Hadi should have at least lead his boys to becoming high-class escorts, not some cheap hookers at Chow Kit willing to do anything for RM20 (*grin*).
Abdul Hadi Awang is incredibly panicked of the RM90 million scandal, now that it has been exposed widely. On Friday (Feb 15), the PAS president, with tail between legs, went to the office of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad for a meeting which lasted 45 minutes. The 93-year-old premier revealed that they discussed “politics”, suggesting it was about the future of the Islamic party.
However, Abdul Hadi insisted the meeting was about “administrative matters”, clearly trying to give a false impression it could be related to oil royalty and had nothing to do with his RM90 million bribery scandal. His diversion tactic lasted only a short moment when Mahathir boastfully told all and sundry that PAS had formally stated it will not support UMNO in the Semenyih by-election.
Heck, not only Hadi “kowtowed” to Mahathir during the meeting, the disgraced PAS president also put it in writing and signed that the Islamic Party would not be helping UMNO in the Semenyih by-election. When journalists approached Hadi for his comment after Mahathir’s bombshell, the Holy Man avoided the media and whisked away by bodyguards.

Hj.Hadi Awang
If Mahathir was spreading fake news, Hadi would have clarified to the news media that the premier had lied and immediately denied the old man’s claims. But he didn’t do that and ran away instead. Why would the Islamic Party supremo pledge to help Mahathir, supposedly his enemy, if not for the simple reason that Hadi and his gang were indeed guilty of accepting the RM90 million bribes?
The bombshell had caught UMNO, PAS and practically all the opposition’s cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers off guard. Everyone in UMNO was extremely confused and panicked, while PAS supporters quickly cooked up a story – that Mahathir paid Hadi tons of money to abandon UMNO. That pretty much confirms PAS has officially quit their alliance with UMNO.
In the same breath, the accusation that Mahathir could easily pay Hadi to quit UMNO also goes to show the PAS Islamic Party can easily be bought – has zero credibility, principles, dignity and whatnot. PAS and its hardcore believers and supporters have essentially lost face, just like a hilarious quote from former MIC President Samy Vellu – “kemaluan besar”.
As a master tactician, the 93-year-old Mahathir skilfully squeezes the balls of 71-year-old Hadi Awang until the fake Holy Man surrenders and leaves UMNO in the dark. It appears the RM90 million gifted by crooked Najib to his buddy Hadi has become the Achilles heel of PAS. Now, whenever Mahathir tells Hadi to jump, he can only ask how high.
Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz was caught admitting to accepting money from UMNO in an audio recording. Last year, he denied he was the person in the recording, and claimed the audio was fabricated to tarnish his image. His boss, Hadi Awang, tried to play reverse psychology game by suing whistleblower Sarawak Report over its exposure of the RM90 million kickback.

Nik Abduh Nik Aziz
When the lawsuit was about to proceed this year, suddenly and stunningly Hadi chickened out and offered an out-of-court settlement to the Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown. Subsequently, Nik Abduh made a U-turn, admitting that he was indeed the person in an audio recording many critics claim was proof that the Islamic party received money from UMNO all along.
But Nik Abduh did not only confess to accepting the dirty money from UMNO, but also revealed how Hadi Awang had given his “blessings to lie” to their 2-million followers. Some PAS leaders argued that Nik did not lie, but only did not tell the truth. As much as it was both entertaining and amusing, the silly drama didn’t stop there. So far, Hadi has not rubbished Nik’s revelation.
Hadi Awang insisted he has not listened to the controversial audio recording. Apparently, for some weird reason, he appears to be trying to avoid talking about the audio recording. When asked whether he would verify the matter, the Member of Parliament said he is too preoccupied with other matters and does not have time to be bothered with matters that he said is all in the past.
He said – “I have not watched and I have not read the audio. Whether it is true or not, I have to see first. There are a lot of things and I’m busy with other matters. It depends on whether I have time. I have a lot of other work. I have no time to listen to things that happened in the past.” Yet, Hadi had submitted a detailed analysis of the content of the tape to the London court in his response to Sarawak Report’s initial defence.
Obviously, Hadi has lied again about not having time to listen to the explosive audio recording – for a good reason. He cannot deny anymore that his leadership had taken bribes from UMNO. Sure, he can run, but he can’t hide. By now, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has the necessary evidence to charge PAS leaders, especially Hadi Awang and Nik Abduh.
Nasharudin Mat Isa with Abdul Hadi Awang
Did Hadi really think he could hide from Mahathir that his buddy, Nasharudin Mat Isa, former PAS Deputy President who had jumped over to UMNO, was using “Foundation of the Global Movement of Moderates” as the front to launder money for PAS? Pro-Hadi propagandists thought as long as the authorities cannot prove the Islamic Party had taken RM90 million, everything is fine.
It doesn’t matter whether there were paper trails of RM90 million or just RM2 million. Accepting bribes amounting to RM2 million is as good as taking RM90 million. You still can be charged for corruption and money laundering. If found guilty, Hadi and his men could face up to maximum 20 years imprisonment and a fine of 5 times the value of the gratification or RM10,000, whichever is higher.
And that was the juice of discussion during the Mahathir-Hadi meeting on Friday. Did Mahathir threaten to throw not only Hadi, but his eldest son, Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi, into prison for corruption? More importantly, was Hadi super terrified that he had no choice but to sign the agreement to abandon his ally UMNO? The writing is on the wall, is it not?
In fact, PAS could risk de-registration if the ROS (Registrar of Societies) is being roped in to investigate the Islamic Party. At the very least, PAS’ accounts could be frozen; the same way UMNO funds are being frozen, to facilitate investigators in investigating the money trail of the RM90 million bribes. The sight of PAS bank accounts being frozen alone has sent shivers down Hadi’s spine.
Hence, it’s laughable to say Mahathir needed to spend money to bribe Hadi to abandon UMNO. Armed with the evidence of corruption committed by PAS, Mahathir can make Hadi Awang cut the grass in the garden and the fake Holy Man can only say thank you to the prime minister for the opportunity given. Hadi is essentially the prisoner of the RM90 million scandal. He has become Mahathir’s bitch. - FT

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