
Hantaran 90 juta dah dapat,berapa pula mas kawinnya...

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Kawin Muta'ah UMNO/PAS...

Pelek bin hairan UMNO dan PAS kini kawin muta'ah politik dengan harapan dapat menjaja tangkal azimat Melayu dan Islam untuk terus menipu umat Islam yang bercawat minda, miskin ilmu, berjiwa hamba. Betullah dalam politik tidak ada persahabatan berkekalan dan juga musuh abadi.

Tapi kedua parti ini dianggap rakyat dipimpin oleh kabilah koruptor dan ulama munafiq. Para pemimpin PAS kini terperangkat dengan serban leso mereka sendiri menerima rasuah dari maharaja penyamun UMNO. Umum tahu kekayaan PAS sebanyak tin Milo yang diedar untuk mendapat derma dari ahli-ahlinya yang super taksub terhadap pemimpin. Malah syarikat KOHILAL yang diwujudkan PAS untuk ahli-ahlinya juga banrap, menanggung kerugian RM40 juta. Inilah jasa besar PAS untuk ahli-ahlinya selama ini.

PAS dan UMNO hendak kahwin muta'ah politik tidak jadi hal. Rakyat tidak akan memberi sokongan kepada dua parti yang dipimpin oleh manusia korup dan munafiq.Kedua parti ini boleh pulih semula dan mendapat sokongan rakyat sekiranya kepimpinan parti bukan dari kalangan koruptor dan ular dalam semak status munafiq yang ada sekarang. Tempat mereka di Sg Buloh. Barisan kepimpinan baru dari kalangan pemimpin yang berilmu, berpengalaman, tidak korup, punya visi dan wibawa boleh mengambil alih untuk 'rebranding' UMNO dan PAS.

Untuk memperkukuhkan kuasa politik Melayu Islam sesuai dengan perlembagaan negara maka BERSATU, PAS, UMNO dan AMANAH boleh menubuhkan wadah baru bagi menghadapi PRU 15. Perlembagaan keempat-empat parti ini mesti dipinda bagi membolehkan setiap ahli mempunyai satu undi, dan mereka berhak memilih para pemimpin yang terbaik untuk parti mereka.

Dengan sistem pengundian ini sahaja kepimpinan parti yang terbaik dan berwibawa diperolehi. Banyak pihak berpendapat kuasa politik Melayu semakin terancam oleh kerana perpecahan dan konflik kepentingan antara berbagai pemimpin Melayu sendiri. Kalau Melayu terus berpecah-belah jangan salah ibu mengandung kalau gemerasi Melayu/Bumiputra akan datang menjadi pengemis di bumi mereka sendiri. - Yahaya Ismail

MCA, MIC: Which way out?...

MCA and MIC have issued a joint statement that the two parties are left with no choice but to move on to explore a new alliance to reflect the true intentions of unity in diversity of its original intent. This is a powerful signal from the two parties to Umno that the coalition could collapse if the internal problems within BN are left unresolved.

The foundation of BN has begun to fall apart since its defeat in last year's general elections, with component parties fumbling to explore their own destinies and most of them having decided to leave. Those staying back unfortunately are powerless in bringing the coalition together once again.

It has been some time since Umno started to lean closer towards PAS, and their open cooperation in more recent months show that the two parties are indeed moving closer and closer to each other. To Umno, PAS' influences in the Malay society is a major asset although to MCA and MIC, PAS is nothing more than a tremendous burden that must be unloaded.

It is within anticipation that both MCA and MIC are very unhappy with Umno working together with PAS, and the racist statements from Umno leaders have further soured the relationship among the allies.

MCA and MIC have hinted at a new political alliance which BN secretary-general Mohamed Nazri welcomes, arguing that this would be better for Umno as the party will no longer have to worry about distributing Malay seats to MCA and MIC.

However, not all Umno leaders are standing on the same side as Nazri. Acting president Mohamad Hasan says he understands the frustration of Wee Ka Siong and Vigneswaran Sanasee, while Umno Youth chairman Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki urges the two parties to sit down and talk and not to rush through a decision because Umno understands that it cannot count on Malay votes alone to win the next general elections. It may be premature now to talk about forming a new alliance. BN will convene a meeting in near future to discuss this.

As a matter of fact, it won't be easy for MCA and MIC to forge a new alliance under the existing political circumstances because they need to first look for a new bumi/Malay partner in order to win the support of all major races of this country. And this is not easy! From the strategic point of view, the showdown from MCA and MIC is a move in the right direction. Even if they eventually fail to form a new alliance, at least they have sent a strong signal to Umno that BN's problems must be dealt with urgently and that there is this need to review the cooperation with PAS.

We cannot deny that BN is no longer what it used to be. With Umno having all the say, it has become meaningless for minor partners to stick to the coalition. If MCA and MIC are not able to fix BN's problems, they will have to look for another way out that will at least give them a new opportunity of rebirth. - sinchew daily

Image result for prk rantau
Battle for Rantau - three things 
you may not know...

Rantau voters will go to the polls on April 13. Here are three electoral facts that are not well known, but could set the scene for the by-election.

1. BN 'lost' Rantau in GE14

Acting Umno president Mohamad Hasan won the Rantau seat uncontested on nomination day for the 14th general election, so how could BN possibly have lost the state seat? In a general election, voters are given two ballots to vote on, one for the state seat and another for the parliament seat.

Even though Mohamad won the state seat uncontested, Rantau voters still went to the polls in the 14th general election to vote for their member of Parliament. Based on data at the parliamentary level, BN lost Rantau by 459 votes. More specifically, BN garnered 7,654 votes to PKR's 8,113 votes. PAS received 751 votes.

Rantau is one of four state seats under the parliamentary seat of Rembau. In the 14th general election, BN won this parliamentary seat with a 4,364-vote majority, a dramatic reduction from the 18,357-vote majority it secured in 2013.

2. PAS is less significant in Rantau

Umno's cooperation with PAS boosted the Malay nationalist party's performance in two recent by-elections, namely Cameron Highlands and Semenyih. However, this factor is unlikely to play a significant role in Rantau as PAS has a significantly weaker presence there.

For comparison, PAS garnered 14.72 percent of the votes in Cameron Highlands and 15.09 percent of the votes in Semenyih during the 14th general election. These votes were transferred over to BN almost in entirety during the two by-elections. However, PAS only managed to net 4.55 percent of the votes in Rantau during the 14th general election.

Even if all PAS supporters backed BN, this increase will be much lesser than the ones recorded in Cameron Highlands and Semenyih.

3. Rantau ranks eighth for Indian voters

Rantau is a state constituency with the eighth highest number of Indian voters among the 505 state seats in the country. At around 27 percent, this state seat's Indian constituents are only superseded by Buntong, Sentosa, Perai, Jeram Padang, Sri Tanjung, Hutan Melintang and Jalong.

Among the supermajority Indian polling districts in Rantau are Linsum and Pekan Sagga.

Uphill battle for Harapan

Rantau is Mohamad's birthplace and he has been the constituency's incumbent assemblyperson since 2004. He was also Negeri Sembilan menteri besar from 2004 until last year, when BN lost power in the national polls on May 9.

He had won the seat uncontested for a fourth term in GE14 after the Election Commission returning officer prevented his challenger Dr S Streram (above) from entering the nomination centre to file his papers on nomination day.

On Feb 18, the Federal Court upheld an Election Court decision to void Mohamad's victory. The election petition was filed by Streram. While Rantau voters chose Harapan over BN at the parliamentary level, they may vote differently for the state seat with Mohamad's name on the ballot.

Even though PAS only makes up 4.5 percent of the votes, this is still enough to help BN scrape through based on the 14th general election results for the Rembau parliamentary seat. Furthermore, Harapan is now facing voter disgruntlement, particularly in the Malay community and this could erode its existing support base.

While Rantau may no longer be the once impenetrable BN fortress, Harapan is still expected to face an uphill battle for the seat. Although Rantau has no bearing on the balance of power in the Negeri Sembilan state assembly, the stakes are high.

For Mohamad, retaining the seat will help solidify his position in Umno, while continuing BN's momentum after two by-election victories. For Harapan, defeating the acting Umno president will be a coup, on top of slowing down a BN buoyed by its recent wins and its 'marriage' to PAS. - mk

Menurut sumber, Nasharudin Mat Isa merupakan pengerusi kepada syarikat dan yayasan yang akaunnya turut disiasat SPRM, salah satunya Gerakan Kesederhanaan Global, organisasi yang diasaskan bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak pada 2012. Difahamkan beliau pemilik salah satu akaun peribadi yang disiasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Bersama Dato Rameli.Yg kanan tu pelanduk dua 
serupa barangkali bernama Haji Hadi...


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