
A talk with PM, Dr.Mahathir Mohamad...

 A talk with the PM: The Star holding a special Interview with Dr Mahathir at Yayasan Al Bukhary. The team consists of (from left) technical producer Juliana Fauzi, executive content officer Rozaid A. Rahman, assistant news editor Zakiah Koya, chief content officer Esther Ng and deputy executive editor Loong Meng Yee.

 The Star holding a special Interview with Dr Mahathir at Yayasan Al Bukhary. The team consists of (from left) technical producer Juliana Fauzi, executive content officer Rozaid A. Rahman, assistant news editor Zakiah Koya, chief content officer Esther Ng and deputy executive editor Loong Meng Yee. 

His workload is now three times more compared to his first round as Prime Minister. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in his own words, is taking on a bigger burden now...hear to what he has to say...

Q. Are you happy with the way the media portrayed you and the government in this past one year?
Dr.M - The media interprets what we say. It is not always what we say that is publicised. Sometimes, we are victims because of that. As far as the media is concerned, I am used to being called nasty names. I don’t care about that, you can call me what you like. I have to concentrate on my work and even if the media says those things, people would not believe them. The onus is on the media itself to control itself. We don’t want to have censorship. On the other hand, the media must report the truth. And we have abolished the anti-fake news law but people still make caricatures, insult people and all that. That should stop by itself. We don’t want to use force to stop.
Q. When you leave office, what is the Malaysia you would like to see?
Dr.M - In terms of performance, it should be like the years (when) I was (the fourth) Prime Minister. The country has obviously and physically grown. You see people moving into new areas of business because things are going to change and your response must be quick. Nowadays, you talk about artificial intelligence and blockchain. You have to know something about that, for the man in my position, to resolve this problem or to apply this technology. You have to read also. I don’t have much time to read but I do read to keep myself updated with the latest technologies. - thestar.com.my

Candid moments with Dr M during the interview at yayasan Al Bukhary in Kuala lumpur...

Tanya Melayu sapa
bangsatkan Melayu...

Era Najib Razak Melayu dibangsatkan. Perjuangan UMNO, Melayu dan Islam selama 61 tahun berkuasa hancur lebur dihina, diperlekehkan oleh bangsa-bangsa yang bertamadun kerana Melayu bangsatkan bangsa mereka sendiri. Hilang maruah, hargadiri, kredibiliti bila kabilah Najib menjadi penyamun, koruptor yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya dalam sejarah politik Malaysia dan masyarakat dunia.

Mantra 'cash is king' memperlihatkan Melayu rapuh semangat, jadi munafiq, dikuasai syaitan yang mendendangkan syurga dunia. Islam diperdagangkan tanpa malu dan segan. Alim ulamak jadi ular dalam semak, menghalalkan kemungkaran sebagai pasot ke syurga dunia. Lihat muka-muka lusuh, bodoh, berminyak yang mengiringi bossku. Mereka bangga mengiringi penyamun yang membaham khazanah negara. Inilah jenis Melayu yang bangga dibangsatkan oleh pemimpin yang gila kuasa dan harta dunia.

Image result for najib -cash is king on tumpang sekole

Jangan salahkan bangsa lain kalau Melayu menjadi bangsa hina. Cermin diri sendiri. Kaji kekuatan dan kelemahan kepimpinan Melayu sejak 1957 sampai era Melayu sekarang. Jangan emosi melulu menunding jari pada bangsa lain. Melayu sekarang hilang maruah, tiada jatidiri, rapuh semangat, emosi menggila, miskin ilmu, jadi munafiq. Mereka hilang pedoman hidup seperti layang-layang putus tali.

Melayu mesti buka minda, kuasai ilmu, hadapi cabaran hidup dengan segala kejantananmu, berpegang teguh pada tali Allah, dan mesti mempertahankan keadilan, hak dan kebebasan rakyat, berjiwa patriotis dan bersatu tekad memperjuangkan nasib bangsa, agama dan tanahair tercinta. Kalau Melayu tidak berani hadapi revolusi ilmu, bercawat minda, korup dan salah pilih pemimpin maka mereka akan jadi pengemis yang hina di bumi sendiri. - Yahaya Ismail

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Zaman berubah, manusia berubah. Yg tak mahu berubah Lebai atas pokok. Kecuali jika perut lebai dah senak baru nak berubah.Jika harta kamu dari sumber yg halal ko nak takut apa lebai? Nak selamatkan diri berbohong pun dah jadi wajib...f/bk

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Nik Amar Menatey kata pemimpin PAS umpama duduk atas pokok, walaun lembu ada dibawah tanah. Ana ingatkan dia mantiq je, rupanya betul2... Ini bukan cobaan. Ini betul2..! - f/bk

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