
Jho Low exploits the Malay psyche...


Jho Low’s 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB) scam epitomises an extremely successful exploitation of the Malay psyche. He’s an evil genius. Otherwise how do we explain his ability to ingratiate himself to a Malay Sultan at the age of 28 and soon after, the Prime Minister.

It might have been possible that the Low family had from the start wanted him to be an international wheeler-dealer hence his Harrow College enrollment. There he met boys of pedigree or who were wealthy enough to earn one. The English public schools are where young gentlemen are groomed and the rich lads made gentlemen. Jho Low is of the latter category.

That boys’ school experience must have whetted his appetite for class and exclusivity. What he lacked by way of pedigree would be made up by way of money – lots and lots of it. And what better place to start that quest than among the rich, ambitious and savvy international undergraduates of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School?

He also acknowledged that back home, where the Malays control politics and the Chinese helm the economy, certain things are held dear. He knew for instance that vast majority of the Malays revered their rulers and held the Arab in high esteem. He knew with a ruler’s help he could easily get the politicians and the bureaucrats to work with him.

He also knew that the Malays look up to the Arabs and the latter have what he wanted – money. He would develop this as his source of strength. And he was right on the spot. With the combination of the Malay royalty, the politicians, the bureaucrats and the Arabs, he turned himself into the living, breathing wolf of Wall Street.

He portrayed himself as an international man of mystery, a ladies’ man and wheeler dealer, showering his contacts with money, expensive gifts, grand holidays and even grander abode. He knew that behind every powerful, ambitious and greedy man is an even more powerful, ambitious and greedier woman.

Thus, with the help of several of such men and women, he became the surrogate father to the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) and later the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). In a matter of a few years he amassed for himself, his Malaysian, Arab and American collaborators, their wives, children and cronies, billions of US dollars in cash, jeweleries, landed properties, handbags, wrist watchers and paintings.

He hobnobbed with Hollywood actors and movie makers. He installed Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, the stepson of then Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, as an instant movie mogul. Riza is one of two children of Rosmah Mansor from her previous marriage.

While turning dreams into movies the Hollywood way, Jho Low also turned movie plots into reality in order to build a legacy and perpetuate his intoxication for wealth and power. He made forays into the political arena by organising and funding the Barisan Nasional campaign during the 2013 General Elections especially in his home state Penang.

It was at that time that he became visible and known to the political elite with his campaign extravaganza that featured Najib and the South Korean singing sensation Psy. Away from the screaming teenagers, he coaxed the 1MDB to buy lands at way above the market price in Penang. He really believed that he could topple the DAP-led state government and have Penang to himself. He would want to do better than his father, (Tan Sri) Larry Loh Hock Peng.

Jho Low and rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michael

But his ambition was blown to smithereens when the DAP demolished the BN in Penang and Najib did worst than Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2008. That was the turning point in the opposition against Najib and the BN that would see them defeated five years later. His get-rich-quick started to unravel and his favour-buying schemes in the US became the subject of investigations by the US Department of Justice (DoJ). 

He and his associates, including the rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michael, are now facing charges of illegally funding the Obama re-election campaign – the reward of which might have included the infamous Najib-Obama Hawaiian golf game at the height of Malaysia’s big floods in 2016. He is also linked to the Republican donor, Elliot Broidy. Their handiwork is  believed to have led to Najib’s unofficial visit to the White House in 2017 to ingratiate himself to Donald Trump.

New reports suggested that Broidy and his lobbyist wife, Robin Rosenweig, had tried to negotiate with Jho Low a lobbying deal worth US$75 million.  Broidy came to Kuala Lumpur in May, 2017 to meet Najib’s people but not before calling on Jho Low in Bangkok. The curtain had fallen and the dragnet is widening. Most recently assets belonging to Jho Low’s mother, Goh Gaik Ewe, had been placed under the forfeiture order.

Jho Low is phenomenal as a deal maker and schemer. He is alleged by United States and Malaysia with the theft of US$4.5 billion (about RM18 billion) in 1MDB money. But from the historical point of view, an unscrupulous Chinese using the Malay aristocracy and ruling elite to enrich himself isn’t an oddity.

It had happened in the past and is continuing to happen today. In fact, almost always, behind every business deal involving a Malay aristocrat, there is a Chinese wheeler dealer. Even in the business of managing three mini palm oil estates of less than 500 hectares belonging to a state Islamic agency by a crown prince, his partner is a Chinese. - A.Kadir Jasin

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Isu cartel dedak belum dibicarakan 
camno boleh dikatan telah lama selesai...

Dalam page Tuan Guru Haji Hadi (TGHH) ada dinyatakan bahawa isu Kartel Dedak merupakan cerita lama dan telah lama selesai.

Pertama, saya sangat yakin Page FB TGHH dikawal oleh sebahagian besar anggota Kartel Dedak, dan mereka telah mengkambing hitamkan TGHH. Dan siapa yang berikan maklumat kepada TGHH dengan menyatakan kes ini telah lama selesai?

Kedua, bagaimana isu Kartel Dedak boleh dikatakan selesai? Sedangkan isu Kartel Dedak belum dibicarakan lagi oleh Jawatankuasa Disiplin PAS Pusat. Mereka yang berkenaan belum dipanggil walaupun sudah ada beberapa laporan dihantar kepada Setiausaha Agung PAS Pusat. 

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Laporan yang telah dihantar kepada yang berkenaan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, namun hingga kini didiamkan. Sudah berkali-kali Dato' Takiyudin Hassan kata hendak panggil yang berkenaan untuk disoal siasat, tapi masih sepi hingga sekarang.

Justeru, saya ingatkan kepada anggota Kartel Dedak, jangan silap langkah dalam mengkhianati ahli PAS dan para pendokong PAS, kerana tindakan anda semakin disedari ramai.

Hidup hanya sekali, saya tetap akan manfaatkan saki-baki nyawa untuk lawan kemungkaran yang berlaku. - Dr. Muhammad Atiullah bin Othman
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Lebai kena "game" dengan SPRM...

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pada Februari lalu mengumumkan 'Tiada kemasukan wang RM90 juta dari dana 1MDB ke dalam akaun rasmi Pas'. Maka terloncat-loncatlah penyokong lebai penipu bertakbir seolah-olah parti mereka sudah bersih dari sebarang pertuduhan.

Bagaimanapun, kenyataan terbaharu SPRM yang dikeluarkan pula memberitahu kes geng lebai penipu terus disiasat selepas pengumuman tersebut.

Hasil siasatan mendapati, wang tersebut tidak dibayar terus kepada pemimpin Pas (dilencongkan ke akaun lain), sebaliknya cuba ‘diputihkan’ menerusi beberapa akaun lain terlebih dahulu.

Mungkinkah Pas belajar daripada rakan setaawun mereka sekarang iaitu Umno segala taktik licik ini? Yang pasti, hasil siasatan kes RM90 juta kini sudah berada di Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC).

Kini AGC akan putuskan sama ada akan ada pertuduhan bagi mengheret semua pihak terlibat, baik lebai penipu mahupun penyangak dalam skandal RM90 juta itu ke mahkamah dalam masa terdekat atau sebaliknya. Adakah lebai penipu sudah masuk ‘perangkap’ tanpa mereka sedar? Sebab itu tanah orang Melayu kat Serambi Mekah kena lelong.🤣🤣🤣 f/bk

Arwah adiknya meninggal umur 20++ 
bukan 93, jangan bongkak sangat ?
“Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan mukamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri (angkuh).” (Q.S. Luqman: 18)

Dh nama pun anak raja, sebut apa jer tentu dpt. So....?

Apa yg hebat sgt anak raja naik Ferrarri..? Apa yg pelik sgt anak raja yg naik Bugatti..? Apa yg istimewa sgt anak raja yg angkuh...? Org lg meluat adalah. Ramai yg mnyampah tp x berani suara. Ada yg takut pun sbb dolat. Ada yg takut sbb undang2. Tp yg pastinya ramai yg x suka. Ramai yg benci...

Yg jd pelik ni ialah bila anak raja tumpang tido rumah rakyat marhaen yg susah. Yg hebat jd anak raja ni, bila berckp dia zuhud pd Allah. Yg jd istimewa ni bila anak raja, pantang dgr org susah dia akan dtg dan hulur bantuan. Yg rakyat nk, anak raja ni jd imam solat pd setiap waktu. Barulah org syg. Barulah org x meluat. Barulah rakyat akan tadah tangan mngaminkan doa setiap jumaat sambil menitiskan airmata tanpa dipaksa... Lps mati 7 keturunan pun, org akan sebut kebaikkan tu...! - f/bk

Saya tak kata,Din yang kata...

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