
Dah terima Felo Perdana dok maki gomen PH gitu juga...

Tahniah Kementerian Belia 
dan Sukan serta Syed Saddiq...

Contoh teladan yang baik buat Pakatan Harapan. Menteri paling laju menjalankan amanah Ayahanda Tun dalam membawa orang Umno bersama-sama dalam BERSATU.

Lihat saja Perdana Felo yang diterima datangnya daripada Umno. Bukan bishe-bishe. Mereka ini antara yang totok dengan Umno BN dan punya akses kepada pimpinan tertinggi Umno BN. Mereka juga kuat menentang Pakatan Harapan dan menteri-menteri Pakatan Harapan.

Tapi mulai esok, mereka sendiri akan berada dalam Pejabat Menteri Pakatan Harapan yang mereka keji dahulu dalam membantu negara. Bukan dapat dok saja, dapat gaji 3000 sebulan, dengan elaun pegawai kerajaan (gaji pegawai khas menteri pun ada yang tak sampai 3000. Maklumlah, bukan zaman Umno)

Warga Pakatan Harapan kena ingat, perbezaan parti dan kerajaan. Biarlah orang-orang kerajaan ni buat kerja. Orang-orang parti ni cuma taraf pacak bendera ja. Ya lah. Menteri pun dapat duduk jadi menteri bukan sebab orang-orang parti, tapi orang-orang kerajaan.

Menteri2 PH perlu sedar diri! Rakyat yg tumbangkan UMNOBN dan rakyat yg bayar gaji kau bukan utk tengok kau perbodohkan rakyat kutip semula bangsat2 umnoBN tu! Kalau tau camni punya perangai menteri2 baik rakyat benam kau sekali bersama setan2 UMNOBN!

Seronok puteri UMNO masuk jadi intern kat MoF. 
Dalam pada tu pun dia dok maki gitu jua.

Pada mulanya Minah ini kutuk Kerajaan PH pasal lantikan Latipah Koya jadi KP SPRM...?? Sebab dia pengikut BN selaku Puteri UMNO. Aleh2..Hari ni dia dapat lantikan sebagi FELO PERDANA 2019 ... yg di rasmikan oleh Tun M.

Tanpa perasan malu,dia buat U-TURN tahap mesin basuh terus menjilat mengampu pada yg dia maki dulu....macamni punya lalang kaki jilat pun ada..muka tampal kulit biawak agaknya...

Nak tanya ni.....ko dapat FELO PERDANA tu jilat Syed Saddiq tak..??..

FELO PERDANA ialah program eksklusif mengenal pasti talents di kalangan golongan muda untuk melonjakkan karier mereka dalam pentadbiran kerajaan.Ramai pelajar muda dan non-partisan yang sejuta kali lebih berkelayakan dan berbakat. Alih2 pembangkang totok juga dipilih...

Memang wajarlah rakyat marah perangai menteri2 haprak Syed Saddiq, Maszlee Malik, Ridzuan dan ramai lagi! Terbukti mereka membela barua2 UMNOBN kleptokrasi!

Bagi UMNO tiada keperluan untuk sertai Bersatu . 

Bagi Syed Saddiq satu keperluan utk kutip sampah !

Hidup Malaysia Baru!!! - f/bk

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Sapa jual Tanah kat tauke-tauke Kilang ni...

Pencemaran di Pasir Gudang, Johor dijadikan isu besar oleh pembangkang sampai ada yang mendesak supaya ditukar kerajaan yang sedia ada. Mereka lupa siapakah yang bertanggungjawab meluluskan lesen kilang2 ini 10 tahun lalu.

Depa dok ingat, Kerajaan PH ni kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman.. depa boleh pindahkan Kilang dan Perumahan di pasir Gudang mcm Wazir Nabi Sulaiman pindahkan Istana Puteri Balqis.. Senang senang suruh tutup semua Kilang... Ingat semudah tu..

Lepas tu pulak, Bekas Naib Presiden PAS kata..segera cari dalang.. kalau tahu sapa dalang..tolong lah bagi tahu Kerajaan.. Masalahnya kawasan Perindustrian, Perumahan tu dulu buat zaman sapa ? bukan zaman BN dan UMNO...

Kalau kerajaan PH nak main tuduh tuduh tanpa bukti.. Yang patut kena tuduh tu Kerajaan Kelantan lah dulu.. sampai mati 15 orang asli.. apa depa peduli.. Kerajaan PH boleh tuduh aktiviti perlombongan Haram, pembalakan Kerajaan negeri punca mati 15 orang asli.. memang ada pun perlombongan haram kat situ..

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Bila laporan kesihatan dan alam sekitar sahkan wabak yang melanda Kuala Koh tu bukan sebab pencemaran air.. berpunca dari aktiviti perlombongan, Kerajaan PH terima lah hasil siasatan.. Takkan nak kata Kerajaan PH lindungi pelombong dan pembalak haram yang selama ni PAS dok pertahan tu..

Mana boleh main tuduh tuduh..macam tu jugak pencemaran udara di Pasir Gudang, dah hasil siasatan Kementerian Kesihatan,Alam sekitar tak dapat bukti kukuh punca pencemaran.. Pakar kata mungkin akibat cuaca panas yang sebabkan pencemaran, kesan Toksik lama menyebabkan kesan yg lebih teruk.. Memang logik pun, Sebelum kejadian sebelum ramadhan pun berlau masa cuaca panas..

Takkan nak senang senang tutup Kilang..abih tu satu satu Kilang kalau ada 200 pekerja pun, Kalau berhenti..tutup..sapa nak bagi anak depa makan..? Sapa nak tanggung ganti rugi kalau disuruh tutup tanpa Bukti.. ?hangpa ada bukti, pakar sangat..hangpa bagi lah tahu.. Kerja nak berpolitik jer hangpa ni..

Korang kata Menteri tak buat Kerja.. Lambat bertindak kononnya....jangankan Pasir Gudang.. tragedi di Kuala Koh tu, Hampir semua Menteri turun, Ambil berat..dari Menteri Kesihatan, Menteri Perpaduan.. hat Wan Azizah yang takda kena mengena, Hat Hj Hadi kata tak layak jadi MB pun turun.. simpati Nasib orang Asli.. harap kerajaan kelantan, pakat Mati 100 orang pun, depa akan kata tu taqdir Allah..

Image result for tragedi orang2 asal di Kuala Koh

Masa kat Kuala Koh ni mana pi MB Kelantan.. TMB Kelantan ? Mana pi Pemimpin PAS ? Unit Amal hat beria ia nak jadi Ghostbusters pakai Topeng kat Pasir Gudang.. hat rajin pi Solat Hajat di pasir Gudang.. Pasir Gudang tu sorang pun tak mati lagi dah kecoh.. Hat kat Kuala Koh mati sampai 15 orang sebab wabak, TMB Kelantan Nik Amar kata perkara Biasa.. Abih tu nak suruh PH hasut orang Asli saman Kerajaan PAS Kelantan pulak ?

Itulah PAS.. depa buat kerja bukan Ikhlas sangat..Dari Unit Amal, Sampai ker pemimpin depa.. kalau kat Pasir Gudang tu dengan seruan Solat Hajat bagai.. kerah unit amal kononnya nak tunjuk simpati..Di Kuala Koh Unit Amal acah acah datang nak bagi nasi bungkus nak tunjuk buat kerja... tu pun lepas kawasan tu dah ditutup..

Tahu lah Menteri PH buat Kerja... kalau dengar jawapan dan Laporan dari Menteri Yeo Bee Yin.. Memang dah mcm mcm langkah dan tindakan depa buat.. orang PAS ni kerja nak berpoltiik jer.. buat fitnah tak habis..

Takpa, Lepas Inkues kat Kuala Koh, Kita Buat Inkues pasir Gudang.. kita tengok balik..siasat Balik..Sapa jual Tanah kat tauke tauke Kilang ni.. sapa lulus kawasan Perumahan kat kawasan Kilang.. dah sah sah kan kerja rakan Tawwun PAS.. Tu memang depa akan buat2 tak nampak.. - f/bk Ahmad Muslim Badawi Badawi

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Here’s Why Riza Is Toast As Double 
Jeopardy Law Is Not Applicable...

Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, the stepson of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, should not look gloomy when he was brought to the Session Court today to be charged. He should do what his stepfather, or what the deputy of his stepfather – Ahmad Zahid Hamidi – did, when they were charged in court. Mr. Riza should wave and smile as if he had just won a beauty pageant or beauty contest.

Indeed, Riza, co-founder of Red Granite Pictures that produced the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, should be proud to be the first kid of the highly corrupt former “First Family” of Malaysia to follow the footstep of his parents to be hauled to the court. Like step-daddy Najib, Riza did the family and his community proud in laundering money in excess of RM1 billion.

Najib Razak, faces 42 charges of criminal breach of trust (CBT), money laundering and abuse of power involving RM42 million linked to SRC International, a subsidiary of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB). He was also caught with his hand in the cookie jar – the discovery of a whopping US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) in his private bank accounts.

Mr. Najib, who was the Chairman of 1MDB, has denied any involvement in the scandal, let alone stealing any money from the funds. Instead, he has claimed that the money was donations from Saudi royal family, a claim that could not be fully substantiated. Amusingly, he was forced to make a U-turn during an hour-grilling with Al-Jazeera’s reporter Mary Ann Jolley last year.

Speaking to Al Jazeera’s 101 East in an exclusive interview on Oct 26, 2018, the “pink lips” said he actually did not verify the source of the RM2.6 billion. His new fairy tale was that he had “assumed” that the donations were connected to Saudi Arabia. The despicable Najib even lied that Saudi King Abdullah had actually wanted to give him US$800 million, but he turned it down.

Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, the real mother of Riza, was exposed to have had purchased a 22-carat pink diamond necklace – worth a stunning US$27.3 million – using money siphoned from 1MDB. According to U.S.-DOJ investigations, Jho Low had arranged for jewellery designer Lorraine Schwartz (also known as “Jewish Queen of Oscar Bling”) for the pink diamond on June 2, 2013.

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Najib with Al-Jazeera’s reporter Mary Ann Jolley

Today, 42-year-old Mr. Riza was charged with five counts of money-laundering US$248 million (RM1.026 billion) of funds believed to be originated from sovereign investment company 1MDB. The massive misappropriation occurred between April 12, 2011 to November 14, 2012. All the charges are under Section 4(1)(a) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001.

If convicted, a fine of up to RM5 million or a jail term of up to five years, or both could be slapped on Mr. Riza. Unlike his stepfather Najib, the trial of Riza will be absolutely exciting because the embezzlement of RM1.026 billion involved funds flowed across the border – from two bank accounts in Switzerland to a U.S. and a Singapore bank account respectively.

The trial of Riza will answer one important question that everyone has been asking – did Najib really steal money from 1MDB? Pro-Najib cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers have been feeding misconception to the gullible and ignorant supporters that the ex-PM must be innocent because he has not been charged for stealing 1MDB money since the collapse of the regime last May.

Even now, Najib’s trial is about SRC International Sdn Bhd and not about 1MDB. As we had explained, the crimes involving SRC were the easiest part of the entire multi-billion-dollar theft concerning 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Bhd). That’s because all the transactions of transferring RM42 million to Najib’s private bank account were done locally.

The complex phases would involve foreign countries and intercontinental financial transactions. The initial plan was to put Najib on trial for embezzling money linked to SRC International first, to be followed by 1MDB. That was why Attorney-General Tommy Thomas sought to postpone (for the third time) Najib’s corruption trial involving 1MDB – the defence team kept delaying the SRC trial.

However, because Najib’s paid cybertroopers have been mocking the government for not having evidence or guts to start charging Najib in the 1MDB scandal, the timetable has been moved forward. Instead of wasting time and wait for the SRC trial to conclude, the Attorney General Chambers have decided to run the 1MDB trial now – by parading Najib’s stepson instead.

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Riza Aziz and Nooryana Najwa

Yes, the family of crooks and their supporters should be careful what they wish for. Instead of being grateful that the 1MDB case was left in cold storage for an entire year, they foolishly asked and challenged the government to do its best to prosecute Najib and families. Now that their wish is granted and Riza has been officially charged, amusingly, they moaned, whined and bitched about something else.

“Despite the settlement in the U.S. and the fact that alleged wrongdoings occurred entirely outside of Malaysia, the MACC decides to press charges after a whole year of leaving this case in cold storage. He is not a criminal,” – said Riza Aziz’s sister Nooryana Najwa, in an Instagram post. Nooryana Najwa Najib, also known as Gina, had similarly slammed the authorities for arresting her mother, Rosmah.

True, Red Granite has paid the U.S. government US$60 million to settle claims it benefited from the 1MDB scandal, and the U.S. returned the money to Malaysia. But the fact that it agreed to a settlement speaks volumes that the films produced were financed using money misappropriated from 1MDB and channeled into bank accounts of Riza’s company Red Granite Pictures Inc.

So, which part of money laundering that a Harvard student like Gina didn’t understand? It appears that the daughter of Najib agreed that his brother had committed wrongdoings. What she tries to argue, however, was that Riza’s criminal act happened outside of Malaysia, so he is not a criminal in Malaysia hence should not be charged for laundering US$248 million (RM1.026 billion).

Wait a minute! How about the so-called “double jeopardy law”, as trumpeted by genius Harvard student Nooryana Najwa and a truckload of Najib supporters after Riza Aziz was charged with money laundering today? “Double jeopardy” says an accused person cannot be tried again on the same (or similar) charges and on the same facts.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognise, under Article 14 (7), that – “No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offence for which he has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country.” This is what the cyber troopers and propagandists of Najib wanted the people to believe.

Riza Aziz, Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor - Gloomy and Solemn
Riza Aziz, Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor 

First of all, the settlement between the U.S. government and Red Granite Pictures Inc., and Riza Aziz for that matter, was a settlement based on a “civil lawsuit” that sought to seize assets allegedly bought with money stolen from 1MDB. It was never about money laundering. Today, the charges slapped on Riza is about money laundering – a “criminal lawsuit”.

Therefore, both lawsuits are different charges altogether. Perhaps Gina has been watching too much television shows in the U.S. were the moment the bad guy gets across the border, he is safe. Section 127A of the Criminal Procedure Code actually allows Malaysian courts to punish you for committing certain crimes overseas – including (surprise!!) money laundering.

Nooryana Najwa, the favourite daughter of Najib and Rosmah, can huff and puff all she wants that his brother’s wrongdoings occurred outside of Malaysia. But there’s something called extra-territorial jurisdiction and the powerful “Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001”. The settlement with the U.S. does not give Riza the immunity from prosecution in Malaysia.

For fun’s sake, even if the U.S. had charged and punished Riza Aziz for money laundering, which the Department of Justice did not, the “double jeopardy law” does not apply to the Government of Malaysia. Why? Of the 72 signatories or 172 parties of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which recognises the “double jeopardy law”, Malaysia is not one of them (*grin*).

Yes, like the ICERD (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination), which Najib-led UMNO political party had condemned last year, the previous government dominated by the same UMNO had not signed the treaty to ensure “double jeopardy law” is enforced. So, to scream and cry about injustice due to double jeopardy law is fabulously foolish.

Did Nooryana Najwa really think Attorney General Tommy Thomas was a fool like ex-AG Apandi Ali, who was appointed by his daddy to cleanse him of any wrongdoing in 1MDB scandal? If the government was so reckless as to charge Riza Aziz without a strong case, why was the stepson of Najib so solemn when he appeared in court to be charged. He should be grinning from ear to ear, should he not? - FT

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