

UMNO tidak perlu menjawab mengenai kerosakan berpuluh tahun yang mereka tinggalkan. PAS tidak perlu menjawab 60 tahun mereka menuduh UMNO tidak Islam, malah satu ketika menuduh UMNO kafir.
Kafir pun kafirlah, asalkan dapat menang mudah. Itu fikir PAS. UMNO pun tidak kisah mengangkat ego PAS untuk sementara waktu, asalkan dapat menang mudah. UMNO dan PAS tahu mengapi-apikan sentimen perkauman itu cara yang lebih mudah dari menjadi pembangkang yang berwibawa.
Pembangkang berwibawa menolak rasuah dan menjadi polis mengawasi kerajaan. UMNO dan PAS campak wibawa dengan menjunjung Najib walaupun satu dunia tahu perihal wang rakyat yang dirompak melalui 1MDB.
Pembangkang berwibawa memerah otak mencadangkan kaedah dan dasar yang lebih baik dari yang dilaksanakan kerajaan untuk membela rakyat. UMNO dan PAS bukan peduli pun pasal kaedah membela rakyat, hingga sekarang tidak ada satu cadangan bernas pun yang keluar dari kepala pimpinan UMNO dan PAS selain isu perkauman.
UMNO dan PAS menjaja yang Cina sudah berkuasa di negara ini.

Najib pun turut sama mahu menjadi juragan. Dia yakin pengikutnya di media sosial ramai dan setiap yang dicampaknya akan dijilat hidup-hidup oleh pengikutnya.
Najib akan terus galak mencampak bahan baru untuk menutup malu besar yang didedahkan di mahkamah setiap hari.
Najib sedang dibicarakan atas tuduhan menyeleweng wang rakyat. Bukan seringgit dua, beribu-ribu juta jumlahnya. Cukup untuk bagi biasiswa kepada ratusan ribu keluarga.
Selain dari bukti-bukti wang masuk ke akaun Najib, perbicaraan di mahkamah juga membuktikan perkara-perkara berikut....
1) Najib dan Jho Low ibarat merpati sejoli, sangat rapat dan sangat memahami. Malah Najib lebih mempercayai Jho Low dalam bab-bab menghilangkan wang rakyat berbanding pegawai-pegawai tinggi Melayu yang lain dalam pejabatnya
2) Percayanya Najib kepada Jho Low ini, sehinggakan apabila 1MDB sudah menjadi isu dan wang hilang sudah diketahui orang ramai, Jho Low juga yang dipercayai untuk menyediakan jawapan-jawapan Pejabat Perdana Menteri mengenai 1MDB.
Najib tergelak besar.
Bila dia kata dia tak kenal Jho Low dalam tahun 2015 dulu, orang UMNO semua percaya. Pimpinan PAS jadi pak sanggup tolong beri cop “halal” kepada bersihnya pentadbiran Najib.
Kini Najib tergelak lebih besar.
Bila dia api-apikan soal perkauman, dia yakin orang UMNO dan PAS akan percaya lagi.
Apa tidaknya, selama ini dia kata Jho Low itu anak Melayu, mati-matian orang UMNO dan PAS yakin yang Jho Low itu anak Melayu.
Semasa wang rakyat hilang beribu juta di bawah pentadbiran Najib, orang Melayu UMNO dan PAS tidak peduli sedikit pun kerana ia satu kesilapan kecil seorang anak Melayu bernama Jho Low yang cukup dipercayai Najib. - Rafizi Ramli
Rafizi censures opposition hoping to use race instead of brains to win power
Pengaruh MCA yang digeruni PAS...
1. PAS kata PH tunduk kepada mastermind pakatan itu iaitu DAP.
Tetapi Pas sebenarnya selalu tunduk kepada MCA. Buktinya anda boleh lihat bagaimana Pas pada hari ini merelakan 'Penyatuan Ummah' ini disertai oleh 'Kafir MCA/MIC' yang sebelum ini ditentang hebat oleh pelbagai lapisan pimpinan Pas. Siri 'kejahatan' MCA telah lama didedahkan oleh Pas melainkan MCA sekarang sudah 'suci bersih' !? Sila baca...
2. Sekali MCA berbunyi tidak puas hati boikot barang buatan kaum lain maka Pas tukar kepada BMBF. Tiada lagi boikot kononnya walhal kenyataan awal bermula daripada pembangkang yang mengapi-apikan isu boikot namun ditukar BMBF setelah Presiden MCA menegur perbuatan boikot seperti dalam kenyataan TheStar bertarikh 2 September 2019 :
“Tindakan kempen boikot sebagai pelik dan tidak rasional" - Dr Wee Ka Siong,Presiden MCA
14 Sep ini,Pas akan bekerjasama dengan Umno secara rasmi di PWTC, maknanya Pas sudah tak ada prinsip ka ? Atau sudah gadai prinsip tersebut ?
Dulu bila kita kata Pas bekerjasama dengan Umno, mereka kata kita fitnah..!!
Memang sah lah Pas ni parti PEMBOHONG..!!

3. Sekali MCA/MIC tidak puas hati dengan Penyatuan Ummah terus buang perkataan UMMAH diganti dengan perkataan NASIONAL. Kenyataan Tok Mat itu jelas menunjukkan adanya desakan daripada 'Kafir MCA/MIC' ataupun daripada bangsa melayu islam sendiri yang tidak bersetuju dengan tema penyatuan ummah sehingga perlu ditukar kepada penyatuan nasional?
Apakah perjuangan nasionalis berbentuk kebangsaan yang ingin Pas perjuangkan? Wahai pimpinan Pas! Apakah kalian sudah melupai amanat TGNA agar tidak bergabung dengan Umno selagi parti itu kekal dengan dasar kebangsaannya? - Tinta kembara

When Tunku met the roasted pork...
These few days I have been reading over and again Professor Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi's article "A Meaningless Merdeka", and each reading would bring out in me very deep feelings. In addition to the Chinese translation, many around me have asked me for the original English version, as it is such an excellent piece that they find it compelling to forward to their friends.
I have to admit that I am promoting Tajuddin's article with an extremely conflicting mood. While I do hope that our non-Chinese readers will at least have some sincere introspection, not to say the slightest hint of shame, after reading his article, I was nevertheless fearful that the article might trigger a powerful backlash in the Malay community.
“The only hope for the idea of a Malaysia lies in the nations of Sabah and Sarawak... If I were younger by three decades, I would take my family outside this country and resettle in others or at least in neighboring Singapore and the nations of Sabah and Sarawak.”
Regurgitating these words in my mind, the picture of a Merdeka Day without the Jalur Gemilang fluttering as I walked past the bustling heart of Kuching, rudely came up upon me. When asked why they didn't celebrate, they simply said, “What has it got to do with me?” which sums up their frustration of being sidelined and their rights deprived throughout their 56 years of nationhood.
Merdeka is like an invisible dagger that stabs right through their hearts, and no one on the other side of South China Sea seems to bother or care. As if that is not enough, a TV program unforgivably swapped the positions of Sabah and Sarawak on the map, and the same TV station unashamedly 'transplanted” Kota Bharu to Sabah on that very evening. The apology that came after the grave mistakes would not do anything to help appease the wrath of East Malaysians.
After reading Tajuddin's article, I was thinking whether it would still be relevant to celebrate the upcoming Malaysia Day if the gap between east and West is not closed, people on both sides remain largely ignorant of the other, and we continue to allow rogue politicians to further divide us by raising religious and racial issues.
One day, Tunku was having a gathering with some good friends at a non-halal restaurant in Kuching. When a waiter holding a tray of roasted pork walking in their direction, someone on the table quickly signaled to the waiter to send the roasted pork to another table. Seeing all this, Tunku did not feel offended but signaled the waiter to instead put the roasted pork on their table, and told the others, “You can enjoy your food, and I will have mine. What's big deal about that?”
There was a time Datin Amar Wee and her husband went to KL to see their old friend Tunku, and someone made the careless suggestion for the couple to convert to Islam, and before anyone could come up with anything to divert everyone's attention, Tunku told them there was no such need at all. I found in Lee Kuan Yew's memoirs certain parts mentioning Tunku, including his appreciation for red wine, which I believe could have something to do with his long years living in Britain.
Tunku came to Kuching quite often. Besides official duties, one of the reasons could have been his affinity for horse-racing. Tunku did not seem to bother much about his passion for red win and horse-racing, and would not shy away from showing his truest self in front of his friends after becoming the country's first prime minister.
Imagine if Tunku still lives in today's Malaysia, such trivialities could have sparked a tremendous controversy in our society. Religious taboos were not on Tunku's mind, and he had on several occasions asked for the otak putih prepared by Datin Amar Wee.
Many may think people in the 1960s through 70s could have been ultra conservative, but let me tell you, Tunku's open-mindedness, while not being completely extinct in the 21st century, remains an extremely precious rarity we must all cherish and appreciate.
In a multicultural society like ours, diverse views and voices should by right be allowed to exist. Unfortunately, our diversity is being eroded, and differing voices overwhelmed. - Ho Lee Peing,sinchewdaily

Pemikiran Rasional...

Pemikiran Rasis...

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