
Kongress maruah Melayu...


Mahathir's endgame to checkmate PH?
Untuk Melayu2 yang tak bermaruah...

Sebuah Kongress yg dipanggil Kongress Maruah Melayu akan diadakan hari ini (06/10/2019). Pengajur kongress bernama Professor Zainal Kling, seorang intellek pro UMNO yg tegar. Disamping penganjuran Kongress, ada parti2 politik MElayu seperti PKR dan Amanah juga tidak dijemput ke program tersebut.

Tujuan dibuat Kongress ini kononnya dirasakan maruah bangsa Melayu di Malaysia semakin tercabar. Namun, tidak jelas mengapa dikatakan maruah bangsa Melayu semakin tercabar di Malaysia. Kalau dikatakan kerana UMNO kalah dalam pilihanraya maka itu bukan alasan menyatakan maruah Melayu tercabar.

Namun, orang seperti Zainal Kling terus menerus merasakan maruah Melayu tercabar kerana UMNO masih kekal sebagai pembangkang. Seharusnya pihak Pakatan Harapan tidak melayan jemputan kongress ini kerana ianya adalah majlis yang sesia.

Tujuan utama majlis adalah utk mempromosi propaganda kononnya orang Melayu sedang dihina dan ditekan oleh bangsa Asing sedangkan orang Melayu hidup di hinjak dan dipandang hina. Hakikatnya perkara itu tidak berlaku.

Yang berlaku hanyalah UMNO dan PAS sahajaa yang dipandang rendah oleh masyarakat Malaysia dan dunia amnnya.

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Melayu tidak perlu berkongres konon pertahan maruah bila yang hadir 
hanya penyamun dan penunggang agama jual maruah bangsa sendiri.


Bukan kah Melayu yg merompak duit rakyat secara terbuka? Yg menjadi penguatkuasa kesemuanya Melayu tapi mereka semua kuat makan rasuah. Kalau pekera2 Majlis Daerah dan Bandaran serta Polis2 berhenti makan rasuah, nescaya maruah Melayu akan naik mendadak.

Kalau pegawai2 kerajaan semua berhenti makan rasuah, nescaya maruah Melayu semua akan naik mendadak. Tak payah buat Kongress.

Kalau sendiri Melayu sanggup rompak duit YAPEIM yg mana duit YAPEIM ini utk orang Melayu yg miskin dan faqir serta merempat, siapa kah yang mahu menghormati bangsa Melayu lagi?...

Tabung Haji dirompak oleh Bangsa Melayu
1MBD tu hasil kerja tangan Bangsa Melayu
Bangkrapnya Malaysian Airline System juga hasil kerja tangan bangsa Melayu juga

Jadi maruah apakah lagi yg tinggal pada bangsa Melayu?

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Melayu Bermaruah???


Antara yg terlibat dalam Kongress ini adalah Azmin Ali yg sekarang ini terlibat skandal video semburit. Sepatutnya kalau beliau bermaruah, beliau akan letak jawatan dan menghadapi kes ini sampai selesai

Juga Presiden PAS yg telah 11 tahun berbohong secara terbuka bahawa beliau tidak pernah mahu PAS bergabung dgn UMNO. Pembohong mana ada maruah

Juga pemimpin2 UMNO lain yg telah bangkrap idea dan maruah. Malahan, UMNO lebih bermaruah apabila UMNO cuma menghantar Annuar Musa.

Pokoknya Kongress ini khas diadakan utk Melayu2 yg tidak bermaruah dan berharga diri. Anwar Ibrahim perlu mengadakan sebuah kongress yg lain bertajuk "Kongress Melayu Bermaruah"
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Agenda sebenarnya nak halang Anwar jadi PM. 
Pusing kot mana pun itu nawaitunya.


Dilaporkan kedatangan Kongress majoriti adalah diangkut dgn bas. Kereta yg datang amat sedikit. Kebanyakkan yg datang berkata mereka tidak tau kenapa mereka datang.

Yang jelasnya Kongress ini diadakan seperti mahu menghalang Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri.

Namun, kalau sudah ditaqdirkan DSAI menjadi Perdana Menteri oleh Allah SWT, buatlah Kongress sebanyak mana pun maka tetap DSAI akan menjadi Perdana Menteri - Tulang besi

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Kongres gentel telor...

Para anak cucu cicit dan ciak Pak Pandir, Lebai Malang, Pak Kaduk, Mat Jenin dan species sama sepertinya hari ini berkumpul dan berhimpun di sebuah stadium untuk berkongres bagi membincang maruah mereka yang sudah tercemar dan rosak.

Maka hadir dan seronoklah para anak cucu, cicit dan ciak itu. Mereka menyanyi dan mendendangkan lagu lama untuk hiburan sendiri, bak lagu petani di musim kemarau atau lagu nelayan yang tidak bisa turun ke laut kerana gelombang. Sambil menyanyi mereka berselimut dengan sarung palikat sambil tangan mengentel telor.

Mereka tidak disedar yang maruah mereka sudah lama rosak dan dilacurkan oleh para desperado politik, oportunis bangsa dan sang diktator demokrasi. Sekalian itu adalah mereka yang jadi terompah kayu, keldai pengangkut atau kuda dan gajah tunggangan. - mso

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Perak PKR supports Salleh 
as a party member...

Perak PKR has no problem and is willing to have former federal minister Salleh Said Keruak accepted as a member of the party, state chairman Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak said today.

He said Salleh’s wide experience and leadership qualities could help strengthen PKR especially in Sabah. Salleh, who left Umno last year, confirmed today that he had applied to join PKR. His application is going through the approval process.

In Shah Alam, PKR president Anwar Ibrahim said the party’s political bureau had not discussed the matter yet. “We received the application from him, but have not discussed it at the (political bureau) meeting,” he told reporters today after a meeting among MPs of Pakatan Harapan and Parti Warisan Sabah.

Farhash had spoken to reporters earlier today about Salleh.

“I know him personally from the time he was a minister and to me he is a good person, hard working and is among the political figures who had always fought for the people of Sabah. He also feels that PKR is the appropriate platform for him especially in Sabah’s multi-racial scenario and I cannot agree more.”

Farhash did not rule out the possibility that there would be different opinions from various levels if Salleh’s application is accepted by the PKR political bureau.

“For now I have not heard of anyone opposing. But it is normal in politics to have some against and some for Salleh joining the party as he has made a name for himself,” he said. - FMT

PM dismisses survey on 
Harapan popularity slump...

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has dismissed an independent survey which puts Pakatan Harapan's popularity at 35 percent as of August. Mahathir said the survey was not-representative of the whole country, and that there was still support for the coalition.

"This census by this private people, they ask a number of people and they make an assumption from that.

"I don't think this is accurate. As you know during the last election, those people who are great experts in finding out people's opinions, said we were going to lose, but we won," he said at a press conference tonight. He was speaking after the close of the Harapan lawmakers retreat in Subang

Earlier today, Malaysiakini reported that a presentation slide containing survey results conducted by independent pollster Merdeka Center was presented at the retreat. The statistics showed that Harapan had recorded 87 percent in popularity during the 14th general election last year, but began to see a significant drop, particularly in the first half of 2019.

According to a source, Merdeka Center noted that Harapan's popularity with Chinese and Indian voters had dropped to 41 percent as of August, while 30 percent of Malay voters are still supporting the coalition.

In denying the survey, Mahathir cited the frequent requests for photographs he gets from the public.

"I don't know how they did this survey, but what I know is many people still want to shake hands, take photos, meaning there is still supoort.

"The other (Harapan leaders) also get the same requests. This is proof that there is still support," he said.

He also said there is still support for the Harapan government in Parliament and that it would not be "ousted" or "pulled down."

The reported slump in support for Harapan comes amid continued criticism that the coalition allegedly has made questionable policy decisions, failed to live up to its manifesto, and is constantly politicking. - mk

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Hidup Melayu (Jate tino boleh berkepit doh asal hidup Melayu)

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