
Pasai apa Anwar tak mau pecat Azmin...

Masih ramai lagi yang tanya soalan ini padahal saya dah jawap bulan 7 lepas. Membaca politik ini adalah seperti menganalisa permainan catur grandmaster vs master. Kadang-kadang kita tengok sepatutnya dia dah boleh checkmate lawan tapi kenapa grandmaster itu masih delay dari make the final move. Orang yang bijak bila dia buat sesuatu dia akan fikir 3-4 steps di hadapan dari lawan dia. Looks can be deceived. 

Awak ingat orang yang dah biasa kena penjara dan tersiksa sama ke dengan pejuang palsu yang tak pernah di uji? Bagi saya satu kes court Azmin lawan UMNO/BN dulu macam mana Rafizi berani lawan sampai hampir2 ke pintu penjara.

Nak handle kes Azmin ini pun sama. Cari jalan untuk maximize the pain, biar dia bleed to death. Biar sahaja dia gantung tak bertali. Nak lompat ke parti lain pun tak ada orang yang mahu, nak keluar pula tak berani. Sampai masa nanti bila DSAI jadi PM ke 8 (Insyallah), time itu lah baru pecat dia, atau pun biar sahaja dia dalam parti tanpa jawatan menteri; kalau kes video tak tangkap dulu, whichever arrive first. 

Pru 15 nanti dia takkan dapat bertanding sendiri kalau tak ada orang nak sign watikah perlantikan calon. Nasib dia akan jadi setaraf Nasaruddin Mat Isa atau pun Ezam kotak; datang tak berjemput, pulang tak berhantar.
"Setiap perjuangan selalu melahirkan sejumlah pengkhianat dan para penjilat”.

Dalam politik, everything is a calculated risk. Siapa yang belajar risk management dia tahu la apa dia risk versus reward. The higher the risk, the better the reward. Dan orang macam Azmin is not known to be a risk taker. Macam mana dia ternak lebai di kerajaan selangor PRU lepas sebab takut hilang jawatan MB. Dia biasanya lempar batu sembunyi tangan. Dan kartel2 nya seperti Zuraidah akan buat kerja. 

Jangan kita lupa bila PH cadangkan TunM jadi calon Perdana Menteri, kartel Azmin yang paling kuat bising kata TunM dah tua. Zuraidah nak cadangkan PH lantik Azmin jadi PM ( sebab DSAI dalam penjara) tapi rakyat semua tahu dia sendiri tak layak. Jadi Menteri Besar Selangor pun ikut pintu belakang. Lepas tu lantik MB Boneka baru pun ikut pintu belakang. Tengok la kualti MB Boneka, apa pun tak tahu. Ini yang jadi bila lantik orang yang tak layak.

Kali ni Azmin silap percaturan; dia nak jadi PM ke 8 ikut pintu belakang. Tiba-tiba muncul kes video Sandakan; saya rasa ini permainan Lobakman sebab dia sendiri yang beria-ria pasal isu ini siap buat forensik report dari Indonesia lagi. Bila dia dah tau cita-cita dia nak jadi PM belakang terburai, dia cuba bodek Tun M jadi menteri sampai habis penggal. 

Saya rasa polis pun tak lama boleh simpan kes Sandakan. Kalau dah 95% accuracy tu dah kira tepat la. Sedangkan kes samun kat kedai yang video gambar kualiti Nokia 3310 pun polis boleh cekup, inikan video kualiti HD. Polis pun tak boleh KIV kes ini lama-lama kalau tak nama baik polis sendiri akan tercemar.

Bagi saya langkah DSAI untuk tidak pecat Azmin adalah langkah yang paling tepat. Kalau DSAI pecat Azmin, dia ada alasan untuk keluar parti tapi bila DSAI buat tak kisah, Azmin sendiri akan mereput dalam PKR macam datang tak berjemput, pulang tak berhantar. 

Bila Azmin dah tersilap langkah semalam pun bagus, sebab apa-apa pun tindakan DSAI selepas ini adalah justifikasi pengkhianatan Azmin terhadap Majlis Presiden PH. Majlis Presiden PH juga perlu bertindak sesuatu sebelum di gelar lame duck council. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
Azmin koner kanan,koner kiri...

Semalam diberitakan 22 MP UMNO bertemu Azmin Ali di kediaman dia, Berita tu tak merisaukan langsung..Jgn kata 22 MP..kalau 40 MP pun takda bawa kesan apa.. Bagi aku bagus jugak jika ada pertemuan tu.. Takda yang merisaukan.. Sudah sudahnya yang pergi tu pun ada perwakilan Ds Anwar dari UMNO..

Bagi MP DAP..PKR.. relax sudah lah...Azmin memang pandai buat Provokokasi mcm tu.. Dia nak orang layan Provokasi dia macam langkah Kajang dulu.. Dia tu mcm nampak hebat.. Bila orang masuk perangkap dia..Dia akan Menang..

Dari Sebelum PRU 14 lagi..Kononnya ada Team sendiri.. Tapi dia Dok kempen sorang, Orang ikut Jelajah Pakatan Harapan..pakai baju merah, Dia ngan geng dia Jelajah Baju biru.. walaupun Azmin dengan teori mesti bersama dengan PAS untuk menang Putrajaya..tapi akhirnya Tun yakin plan dan Strategi Rafizi..

Biaq pi kat Azmin nak buat apa.. Dia kornar kiri,Kornar kanan pun tak boleh pergi mana.. Dia ngan MP tu dok pusing roundabout jer la... dulu Nasaruddin Mat Isa pun macam tu gayanya..Senyap jer buat Kerja..Tapi tak kemana pun.. - AMB

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Azmin Ali sengaja melakukan tingkah jelek dan diluar normal politik kepartian dengan satu maksud sahaja. Dia mahukan dia diambil tindakan dan dipecat daripada Keadilan.

Mesej ini rasanya difahami oleh semua orang termasuk Anwar Ibrahim sendiri. Namun Anwar lebih bersikap diplomasi dan menjaga keutuhan parti. Baginya tidak ada guna dia berjuang berdekad sampai dua kali dipenjara, tetapi pengakhirannya dengan penuh anti klimaks.

Kedudukan Azmin dalam Keadilan kini umpama Quran buruk yang tidak boleh dibaca, tetapi ia harus dijaga untuk menghormati "kemuliaannya" selama ini. Sebenarnya simpan pun tidak memberi apa-apa guna.

Yang ditunggu kini sejauh mana Anwar dapat bersabar dengan situasi itu. Apakah mandat yang beliau perolehi daripada Keadilan di seluruh negeri masih belum mencukupi untuk beliau bertindak?
Bukan main sakan depa posing konon nak jack PM baru...

Anwar sudah beri sekurang-kurangnya dua kali peluang kepada Azmin tetapi disia-siakan. Sekali lagi kemelut yang berlaku dalam Keadilan itu adalah terjemahan itulah arti politik. Dunia politik tidak pernah mengenal apa itu erti kawan, sahabat atau rakan. Politik satu games yang sangat kejam.

Apa yang saya bimbang dan risau, apakan jadi dengan nasib politik Keadilan dan negara ini kalau tiba-tiba Anwar jadi fed-up dan kecewa lantas mengambil tindakan drastik berundur daripada politik. Yang kecewa dari tindakan itu tentu rakyat marhaen yang sudah kesekian lama menanti untuk menobatkan Anwar sebagai PM. Semoga Allah berikan kekuatan kepada Anwar.

Perjalanan jauh sudah dilalui, suka duka sudah ditempuhi. Destinasi penujuan juga sudah sampai. Rumah yang dituju juga sudah sampai. Hanya menunggu daun pintu terselak sahaja lagi.- mso
PH is waiting for its Doomsday...

Thanks to powerful public wrath that has culminated in a consensus to 'teach PH a lesson”, the ruling coalition suffered a major setback in the just concluded Tanjung Piai by-election, bagging only 26.7% of the votes in its worst ever by-election performance ever.

The frustration of Chinese voters has far exceeded their concerns of Umno-PAS alliance as well as their attention on Umno's racist inclination and corruption cases involving Umno's leaders. Nothing comes more important than using the ballots in their hands to teach PH a lesson and vent their anger. No doubt PAS' theocracy is very dreadful, but when the emotion is high, the voters will not bother too much about this.

For example, during the 2013 general elections, DAP campaigned for PAS, then still a component of the Pakatan Rakyat alliance, and many Chinese voters indeed voted for the Islamist party because all that they wanted was to overthrow the corrupt and incompetent government.

The same goes for the situation today. Due to the incompetency of the PH coalition as well as its racist policy of enforcing Jawi calligraphy in Chinese primary schools, organising the Malay Dignity Congress, sheltering highly controversial Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, and delaying the UEC recognition, etc., the public have become so frustrated with the government that they would still vote for the BN in this by-election, no matter how much they hated it in GE14.'

The voters voted for MCA not because they loved BN or MCA, but they abhorred PH. As such, it is by no means accidental that DAP has the firm support of Chinese votes because the party has been fighting a racist government for all these years.

Unfortunately, after DAP becomes a part of the new government, it fails to deliver what it has promised the voters, who can also teach the party a lesson by voting it out, as they did to MCA before. DAP must come to the realisation that the voters are not always ready to be exploited by politicians.
Image result for dap kempen di t.piai

DAP has been too confident of itself that it will still retain the loyalty of Chinese voters despite having done so many things contrary to their interest, such as drastic cut in UTAR's allocations.

A string of events took place prior to the nomination at Tanjung Piai, including the arrest and prosecution of two DAP assemblymen for alleged involvement in LTTE terror activities, the ban of “Belt and Road Initiative for Win-Winism” comic by Hew Kuan Yau, and the denial of Azmin Ali officiating a PKR Youth congress on the election eve.

The ruling coalition believed that they could win the by-election by offering allocations and financial assistance during the campaign period, without taking into consideration the feelings of the people.

Some may think that a 50% plunge in Chinese support for PH in Tanjung Piai is only an isolated incident. The applause from the participants when PH leaders announced the coalition's defeat in a dinner proves that its approval rate can drop further if continues to slacken.

It is still acceptable if PH has lost only by a narrow margin, but not by a huge margin of 15,086 votes. This shows that PH has already become a government that lacks the popular support. The ruling coalition will have a much tougher journey ahead over the next three and a half years, as the opposition is poised to exert much bigger pressure on it.

So, who should be held responsible for such a humiliating defeat? Indeed every component party has its own responsibility to bear, but as the coalition's chairman and prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has the biggest responsibility to shoulder because all major government policies have been decided by him and the cabinet members have all been picked by him. Tun Mahathir has an irrefutable responsibility especially for the miserable performance of PPBM ministers.

During last year's general elections, PH chanted the slogan of saving the country, but now, it not only has failed to save the country but has sunken the country into deeper crisis. It only has itself to blame for the thumping defeat in Tanjung Piai.
Image result for drm n zakir naik

There isn't much choice for PH now. If it continues to try to outdo Umno-PAS in racism, it will not only win the hearts of Malay voters, but will even lose more non-Malay votes. There is only one thing PH can do now, to revert to its original multiracial roadmap in order to retain its non-Malay support base through which it won the last general elections. Why should Malaysians support another coalition that is not any different from BN?

While adopting a middle path may cost PH some rural Malay votes, at least it will be able to retain young, urban and non-Malay support. There is still chance if it cooperates or ties up with more moderate political parties in East Malaysia Anyway, this is still far better than losing both Malay and non-Malay votes and waiting passively for its own Judgement Day to come.

PH must throw in some drastic changes such as abolishing its racist policies, deporting fugitive preacher Zakir Naik, cancelling the Jawi calligraphy curriculum, terminating Lynas' operating licence, reinstating UTAR's allocations, abolishing the quota system and embracing meritocracy in order to revitalise the national economy and restore public confidence over the next three years.

PH leaders must be humble in listening to the people and conscientiously serving their needs. Having said that, it may not be easy for PH leaders to change their attitude, not to mention that many people are actually afraid of change. It remains questionable whether PH can eventually deliver itself out of the current doldrums, given the weaknesses in humanity as well as internal conflicts within the coalition. - sinchewdaily

Najib Tidak Puas Hati Laporan Audit 1MDB

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
Najib "upset" apabila dalam 1MDB Auditor General’s report menunjukkan ada 
2 penyata kewangan tahun 2014 yang berbeza, jadi Najib arah ianya padamkan...

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, text that says 'Before you complain about the taste of your food, IWA think of someone who has nothing to eat.'

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