
Tanjong Piai - Mesej bagi DAP, Signal untuk PH...

Dengaq puas-puas...

Keputusan semalam, biarpun orang Cina ada lahir kan rasa tidak puas hati soal sentimen kaum, Jawi, Maruah melayu yg dijadikan alat orang Politik..Orang Cina sebenarnya menghantar mesej untuk DAP.. Signal untuk PH..

Jadi MCA dihantar ke Parlimen untuk seimbangkan hak dan suara mereka.. Iaitu soal Pendidikan mereka.. apalagi isu Ekonomi... Perbualan aku dengan rakan Perniagaan Cina.. Isu Ekonomi itu lebih mendominasi kebimbangan mereka.. Itu realiti..

Jadi walaupun faktor besar Tindakan Masyarakat Cina itu bersifat Lokal(Tempatan).. Wee Jeck Seng dipilih atas sebab ia disenangi penduduk tempatan, Faktor Calon itu lebih menonjol..Jelas hubungan baik calon MCA itu bukan saja dengan Masyarakat Cina, tetapi Melayu..
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Paling kuat kedengaran dari sahabat Cina aku, Bila ada gangguan dari Pentadbir, Umpamanya berlaku Proses yang lambat, Biokrasi lagi dalam agensi kerajaan seperti Kastam,terutama melibatkan soal pengimportan barang.. terbaru Isu Lesen dan Protest Pemandu Lori kepada Menteri Pengangkutan.. Syarat syarat yg tak masuk akal sebenarnya menganggu kelancaran perniagaan..

Dengan Keputusan ini.. Aku berharap, DAP tidak bersaing dengan MCA untuk jadi lebih Cina dari MCA, atau selepas ini mahu jadi juara dan hero Masyarakat Cina.. berhenti bersaing dalam menjadikan sentimen Kaum dan Agama sebagai Komoditi Politik..

Binalah Naratif Baru dalam Politik Malaysia... Jauhi Politik Ashabiyah..DAP harus fokus kepada Ekonomi.. kerana faktor penting masyarakat Cina selain pendidikan adalah Ekonomi.. Jangan jadi seperti sebahagian pemimpin Amanah yang menghabiskan masa bertekak, berjawab di media sosial tentang hal dalaman PAS walaupun dah jadi menteri..

Jika Ekonomi dapat dipulihkan.. InsyaAllah.. Takda masalah bagi PRU 15 untuk masyarakat Cina.. Depa ni matang dan Bijak, Depa tak seperti Melayu yang lebih suka dicandukan dengan Agama dan Perkauman Melayu.... Depa lebih realistik.. - Ahmad Muslim Badawi

Sikit lagi pasai PRK Tanjung Piai...

Mereka yang geli geleman dengan cara PAS bermain politik sedikit berbulu dan marah dengan sikap PAS pada pilihan raya Tanjung Piai itu apabila presidennya mengumumkan yang PAS menyokong calon MCA Wee Jeck Seng.

Bukan setakat menyokong sahaja tetapi PAS bertindak lebih jauh dan mendalam lagi apabila ada orang PAS bermunajat dan bersolat hajat untuk jamin kemenangan calon MCA.

Tindakan PAS itu mengejutkan dan satu langkah berani. Mungkin PAS sudah mengira implikasi daripada tindakan itu yang dianggap sebagai membuang tabiat.

Tetapi bagi saya, saya melihat dari sudut positif dengan langkah PAS itu. Ia satu keberanian dan eksperimen penting buat PAS demi memiliki kuasa.

Ternyata eksperimen itu membuahkan hasil apabila MCA menang besar. PAS boleh menjadikan hasil eksperimen itu ke dalam PRU akan datang. Sekiranya eksperimen dalam PRK itu mencapai hasil sama dalam PRU kelak, PAS akan membentuk kerajaan bersama Umno dan BN.

Dari sudut lain tindakan PAS itu memberi dua kesan lain. Pertama ia menunjukkan PAS sudah menyedari politik perkauman, rasis dan menganggap orang kafir selama ini sebagai musuh sudah berakhir. PAS sudah sedar kepada realiti politik Malaysia dimana untuk berkuasa ia memerlukan kerjasama dengan pihak lain termasuk orang kafir yang dimusuhi selama ini.
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Sikap jengkel PAS kepada Amanah sebelum ini yang bersama DAP telah terpelanting ke diri sendiri, dengan sedikit olahan kononnya mereka menolak DAP parti ekstrim tetapi tidak dengan MCA. Hakikatnya MCA dan DAP dikuasai oleh Cina. Mereka mempunyai warna darah sama dan aliran budaya serupa.

Kesan kedua dengan tindakan PAS itu, ia mengesahkan bahawa PAS bukan sebuah agama, tetapi ia adalah sebuah organisasi politik. Kepercayaan dan pegangan orang PAS sebelum ini yang menganggap ia sebagai Islam, adalah tidak benar.

Kerana kalau PAS itu parti Islam, pasti ia kekal dengan pendiriannya dan tidak akan merubah prinsip dan pegangan walau apapun yang berlaku. Watak Bilal bin Rabah tetap kekal kepada PAS, tidak berubah walaupun diancam dan diseksa. Tetapi ternyata PAS bukan Bilal bin Rabah.

Itulah kesan atau pun tafsiran yang boleh dibuat dengan langkah dan gelagat PAS yang terPASir dalam PRK Tanjung Piai itu. Sekiranya PAS istiqamah dengan sikap baru ini parti gemula chek itu akan mendapat kejayaan lebih besar lagi di masa akan datang. - mso.

Tg.Piai is start of Harapan's end
or a new beginning...

Pakatan Harapan's landslide defeat in the Tanjung Piai by-election could mark the start of the coalition's end but is also a chance for a new beginning, says Johor DAP chief Liew Chin Tong.

"The devastating defeat is either going to be the beginning of the end of the Pakatan Harapan government as we know it or provide us with an opportunity to have a new beginning for the better," he told a thanksgiving dinner for DAP election volunteers in Tanjung Piai today.

"The massive losses at the Tanjung Piai by-election is a watershed moment for Malaysian politics. It is an earthquake no less.

"We humbly accepted the defeat and respect the democratic decision of the people," he added.

Liew (below) said the Harapan leadership, including the DAP, will conduct a nationwide tour to listen to the views of the grassroots to chart its future direction.

"It is my hope that the listening tour by leaders will result in some forms of a New Deal and a turnaround plan for execution in 2020 to regain public confidence," he said.

However, Liew warned against falling to Umno and PAS' racial narratives during this soul searching process.

"The danger that the Harapan government will face is that there will be views that the coalition is not viable and needs immediate replacement.

"The Umno-PAS coalition will argue that the Muafakat Nasional coalition, with MCA as partner, is a better model than the current government, playing on the antipathy among Malays against DAP. On the other end, MCA will continue to argue that DAP is a sell-out to Bersatu.

"Such racial framing is dangerous and has been proven in the Tanjung Piai by-election that we lost on both Malay and non-Malay fronts and can be broken in the middle," he said. What Harapan needs, said the senator, is to search for a common purpose.

"We must accept that the democratic uprising on May 9, 2018 means that everyone feels that they have full democratic rights to vote for anyone, and there aren’t fixed deposits for anyone. Almost everyone is a swing voter.

"We need a common Malaysian narrative to assure all ethnic groups that they are not under siege.

"The failure to put forward a coherent Malaysian narrative allows for a suddenly freed opinion world to shape public opinion along with racial frames which resulted in extraordinary anger on both the Malay and non-Malay fronts," he said.

BN, represented by MCA's Wee Jeck Seng, won by a whopping 15,086-vote majority against Harapan's Karmaine Sardini, who is from Bersatu. Wee garnered 25,466 votes to Karmaine's 10,380 votes.

Harapan only garnered slightly more than a quarter of the vote share, at 26.74 percent. BN secured 65.61 percent of the total valid votes.

Meanwhile, Gerakan's Wendy Subramaniam came in third with 1,707 votes while Berjasa’s Badhrulhisham Abd Aziz bagged 850 votes in fourth place.

Independent candidates Ang Chuan Lock and Faridah Aryani Abd Ghaffar received 380 and 32 votes respectively. There were 595 rejected votes. The final turnout was 74.5 percent. - Liew Chin Tong.

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Is Muafakat Nasional 
the new Barisan Nasional...

Ecstatic by the Tanjung Piai results the BN now wants Pakatan Harapan to call for fresh elections as according to opposition leader Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, the Pakatan Harapan government has “lost the people’s confidence”.

People confidence or no it is obvious BN in particular Ismail ,believe the big win in Tanjung Piai will “propel ” BN back into power it lost last year in GE14 .That’s how I read his remarks to mean anyway.

To PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang the Tanjung Piai by election results showed the multi racial public has accepted the political charter that Umno and PAS sealed recently known as Muafakat Nasional or MN.

Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in echoing Hadi say the Tanjung Piai win “shows the people’s recognition of Muafakat Nasional .

Taking the remarks made by the PAS and Umno presidents , that would mean the Chinese have accepted MN because both used the term “multi racial public’ and “people’ .

So is that the situation ? I mean are the Chinese embracing MN when many of them voted for BN in Tanjung Piai ? Zahid had also said The Chinese are back with BN. If that is true no wonder Ismail is excited to say the least .

But first thing first - is MN the new BN?
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Political analyst Dr Sivamurugan Pandian tells me it is a political ideology platform “to start a new collaboration initiative with various platforms to strengthen BN and others including PAS”.

Hence will MN replace BN ? Meaning Umno, MCA,MIC to name three sitting with PAS in MN? “ I cant see that just yet – the collaboration will remain without merging – they can work closely on certain issues but to merge will need lots of sacrifice and compromise,” say Siva .

But bear in mind as stated in my previous article for this newspaper , research outfit Ilham Centre say if the Umno PAS alliance want to have a realistic chance of winning GE15 it must contest under one common logo .This can be done by PAS using the BN dacing logo .

Or for a brand new coalition be formed comprising Muafakat Nasional ( Umno PAS ) together with non Malay parties like MCA and MIC as well as parties from Sabah and Sarawak .

Based on Siva’s observation that is not about to happen and as rightly pointed out by Ilham Centre CEO Mohd Azlan Zainal ,the BN brand has been known for ages among the components but with it comes a heavy burden because of previous bad experience .

As Azlan sees it MN is more “significant as a catalyst movement for Malay support” . As such according to Dr Oh Ei Sun, senior fellow at Singapore Institute for International Affairs, Umno and PAS “ would certainly like MN to be in essence the new BN , what with MCA, MIC and the likes to act as tokens of multiculturalism ,while masquerading their racially supremacist and religious extremism political agendas”.
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Now back to the earlier question – are the Chinese embracing MN ? Based on the way they voted in Tanjung Piai.

To Oh , the huge Chinese vote swing in Tanjung Piai is no doubt a resounding vote of no confidence on Pakatan Harapan’s determination and performance thus far in addressing what they perceived as “entrenched racialist and overly religious policies first propounded by the previous BN administration.

However say Oh “ it would be far fetched to surmise that the vote swing is an automatic endorsement of the Chinese for Muafakat Nasional which is an intensified manifestation of the alliance between the racially supremacist Umno and religiously extremist PAS”.

If I may add. Many Chinese interviewed by the media days before the Tanjung Piai poll said they had wanted “to teach Pakatan Harapan a lesson “. Many see teaching a lesson do not mean severing ties forever . Now that the Chinese have taught Pakatan Harapan a lesson can it be concluded that if Pakatan Harapan have indeed learned from their mistakes then Chinese support will come back ?

I dont know if Ismail Sabri is still excited wanting fresh elections. - Mohsin Abdullah

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Sebelum tu beria-ia,sekarang keluar ayat " KALAU" pulak dah..

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Rakyat cukup2 tidak puas hati! Jangan permainkan rakyat! Rakyat tak bodoh! Rakyat nampak mengapa Najib diberi jaminan dengan wang jaminan yg terlalu rendah berbanding dengan kesalahan jika rakyat biasa lakukan kena penjara ratusan tahun dan ratusan sebatan sedangkan Najib bebas ke hulu ke hilir, zahid hamidi dan pemimpin2 umnoBN kleptokrasi yg lain pun sama... Isa katik dll


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