
Tanpa PAS,MCA tetap menang di Tanjong Piai...

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PAS akan lebih dilihat bermaruah jika berkecuali di Tanjong Piai.. Kalau PAS tak sokong MCA pun di Tanjong Piai.. MCA tetap akan menang.. memang Masyarakat cina mahu tambah wakil dia di Parlimen.. hatta tanpa sokongan PAS pun..

Tanjong Piai ni ibarat Parlimen Marang lah bagi MCA.. Marang dulu kubu kuat Haji Hadi.. Kubu PAS.. Tapi Haji Hadi kalah kepada rahman bakarpada PRU 2004 disebabkan gelombang kepimpinan Paklah.. Akhirnya Marang dimenangi kembali pada PRU 2013... Begitu lah Tanjong Piai..

Kalau Tanjong Piai itu bukan kubu MCA.. ikut komposisi kaum cina 47 %.. dah lama BN kalah disitu.. kalau di Perak dan Selangor tahun 2008 Pakatan rakyat hatta calon PAS boleh rampas kerusi Tanjong Piai.. hakikatnya ia memang kubu MCA..

Malangnya, kesilapan terbesar PAS, menyokong MCA berhabis habisan, walaupun tindakan PAS itu tidak membawa sebarang Manfaat.. Ulama PAS sampaikan keluar dalil agama sanggup menunggang agama demi memenuhi nafsu politik kalahkan PH.. apalagi menyokong MCA..

PAS sanggup pula sokong calon yang terang terang menentang Hudud, Jawi dan Menghina himpunan maruah Melayu.. PAS sanggup gadai prinsip dan Agama asalkan PH kalah.. Pas sanggup gadai Prinsip dan Agama, walhal kerusi pertembungan calon Melayu dan Muslim hanya boleh dikatakan satu dalam seratus..

Tapi itulah hikmah besar PRK Tanjong Piai, Allah zahirkan kepada kita wajah sebenar PAS.. Sengaja Allah aturkan pertembungan itu antara penentang Hudud, Jawi dan kelompok Ashabiyah dalam MCA, dan Calon bersatu yang kuat Melayunya.. Kuat Agamanya.. malah seorang Tok Imam dan Pengetua Tahfiz.. tapi PAS sanggup pilih dan sokong penentang Hudud dan MCA berhabis habisan...

Andai PAS bersabar untuk satu kerusi ini dengan sikap berkecuali.. Sudah pasti PAS akan dilihat benar benar bermaruah dan jujur mempertahankan Islam.. tetapi Allah sengaja londehkan pakaian agama PAS.. Seperti gambaran hadis Ulama yang berpakaian kulit kambing, tapi berhati serigala..PAS sebenarnya menjadikan agama sebagai Alat dan Khadam dalam Politik.. demi Politik dan kuasa, PAS sanggup gadaikan Agama dan prinsip,Apalagi mempermainkan hukum Allah..

PAS sebenarnya tidak menang, yang menang adalah MCA.. PAS ibarat jihadis upahan yang jadi boneka US dan Israel seperti ISIS dan Al-Qaeda dengan slogan menegakkan daulah islam,hakikatnya merekalah yang menghancurkan Islam..

Bila tiba masanya watak ini akan dimatikan seperti watak Osama dan Abu Bakar El Bagdadi.. yang gembira adalah US dan Israel kerana berjaya jatuhkan pemimpin Islam yg ditusuh Sosialis, Syiah seperi Saddam dan Ghadaffi... dan akhirnya Tentera Kuffar berjaya menawan dan menghancurkan negara negara Islam...

Memang benar.. Itulah wajah PAS.. gambaran kelompok Ruwaibidhah, Takfiri dan Khawarij.. Alhamdulillah Allah zahirkan dalam PRK Tanjong Piai..- Ipohmali

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Kata Pendakwaraya dalam kes Zahid.. Yayasan Akal Budi ditubuhkan tujuannya untuk program Kebajikan.. Tapi satu sen pun tak pergi kepada badan Kebajikan.. Kepda orang Msikin..Duit tu digunakan untuk Beli Motor mewah, Banglo, Dan Perbelanjaan mewah menggunakan Kad Kredit..

Bayangkan, Nama Yayasan dia Akal Budi.. Tapi jangan kata takda Budi, Akal pun takda.. Yang Sokong tu pun.. Entah mana akal budi depa.. Tapi nak buat mcm mana, PAS ada kemahiran Dalil untuk sucikan Dosa Pemimpin UMNO.. Sebab depa pun buat benda yg sama.. Duit Derma kepada sekolah Pondok, Maahad Tahfiz depa.. digunakan sesuka hati.. jadi tak heran ada yang pakai Kereta Mewah..
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Kalau nak tahu.. Bagaimana Duit 1MDB mengalir duit dia kepada Ustaz Ustaz ngan Ulama'.. Mcm yang Zahid buat lah... Duit Komisen., Rasuah disucikan atas nama Badan Kebajikan.. Anak Yatim.. Duit SRC Najib cuba disucikan taja budak Tahfiz.. Majlis Selawat.. Masih ingat kes yayasan tabung Haji..Duit tabung haji RM 22 juta digunakan untuk program Kebajikan UMNO..

Ada Ulama dan Ustaz Sucikan atas nama Derma, Infaq ke Yayasan, Sekolah Tahfiz dan maahad Depa..Ada datang dengan Visa Haji dan Umrah.. Modus Operandi sama jer.. Tak heran jenis Pakai kereta Mewah pun tak kira pemimpin UMNO..Ustaz dan Ulama..Sama jer..- Ahmad Muslim Badawi

Wee Jeck Seng, a member of the Malaysian Chinese Association, won the seat of Tanjung Piai in Johor. Photo: Facebook
Protest votes, broken promises...

A decisive by-election victory by an opposition party in Malaysia’s southernmost Johor state should serve as a warning shot to the country’s ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition, analysts say.

The by-election was held on Saturday for the constituency of Tanjung Piai after the previous PH member of parliament died in September. It was the second seat that the ruling coalition has lost since taking power in 2018.

Wee Jeck Seng, a member of the Malaysian Chinese Association – a component party of the now-ousted Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition which had ruled Malaysia for over six uninterrupted decades – received 25,466 out of 52,471 votes, capping a decisive victory.

The party beat PH’s candidate by a 15,000 majority, thanks in part to the support of the opposition race-and-religion based United Malays National Organisation (Umno) – Malaysia’s former ruling party – and the Islamic Party of Malaysia.

MCA party president Wee Ka Siong said the results would prove to be “a new game changer for MCA”, which had failed to secure the seat in 2018 national polls.

“We won in all Chinese-majority district polling centres this time, compared to [the last election] when we lost in all eight. People of all races came together and sent out a strong message to the government that they are sick with its frequent U-turns, flip-flops and bad performance,” Wee was reported as saying by local media.

“This is a clear message to the government to keep their promises.”
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James Chin of Tasmania University’s Asia Institute said: “There was a Malay swing thanks to the Umno-PAS partnership working together to support MCA rather than fielding their own candidate”.

He said that some ethnic Malays – the nation’s largest group of voters at over 60 per cent of the population – would have issued “protest” votes against Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s leadership.

He recently visited the constituency, where he claimed the opposition had been riling up racial sentiment.

Besides Malay-Muslims, Malaysia is also home to a large number of ethnic Chinese and a small percentage of ethnic Indians.

Similarly, said Chin, ethnic Chinese voters in the constituency would have likely voted against PH out of “unhappiness” with that coalition’s Democratic Action Party (DAP), the component with the strongest Chinese support base.

“They think DAP is not delivering on promises and becoming what MCA was like before it fell – a ‘yes man’ pandering to Malay interests. They want DAP to be more aggressive when it comes to domestic Chinese interests and take a stronger stand against Mahathir and his Malaysian United Indigenous Party, which is furiously working to win Malay support from Umno,” Chin said.

As part of the previous BN government, the MCA was viewed as a “younger brother” to the Malay-dominated Umno, which had more than 20 cabinet members, compared to the MCA’s three.

“It was mainly a protest vote so MCA should not be too happy,” Chin said.

“But if Pakatan Harapan does not do anything then yes, this will be the start of a momentum.”

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The victory in Tanjung Piai – previously won by PH on a slim 524-vote margin – will not only double MCA’s parliamentary representation in Malaysia’s 222-person lower house, but should also serve as a warning to the PH government, which has been grappling with falling public approval because of undelivered election promises.

But PH has maintained that it is still undoing the damage wrought by its predecessors, led by Umno which has recently seen its top leadership on trial for corruption and abuse of power.
Among them is former premier Najib Razak, who has been hit with more than 40 charges for his alleged role in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (IMDB) global corruption scandal.

After the 2018 national elections – which saw PH topple BN after more than six decades of uninterrupted rule – pollsters indicated that PH had won with less than 30 per cent of the Malay vote.

Since then, Malaysians have been critical of the government for the slow pace of reforms and allegedly pandering to Malay-Muslim voters through preferential policies.

Such a strategy carries risk for PH, according to political scientist and academic Azmil Tayeb of Universiti Sains Malaysia.

“There’s significant swing among Chinese voters toward Barisan Nasional. It shows the anger and frustration against Pakatan Harapan,” he said, adding that the government had to begin focusing on the economy as well as other reforms it had promised.

“If the government doesn’t do anything different, Barisan Nasional will maintain this momentum – even if non-Malay voters sit out the election.” - scmp
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source - f/bk
Dalam satu perkembangan mengejutkan, pihak pendakwaan dalam kes meminda laporan audit 1MDB memberi notis kepada Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini untuk memanggil Arul Kanda Kandasamy, yang dituduh bersama-sama Najib Razak, memberi keterangan di pihak pendakwaan, sekali gus mencetuskan bantahan daripada peguam bekas perdana menteri itu.
Story di SINI dan SINI  

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