
Dinasihat, Dipecat & Letak Jawatan...

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Dinasihat meletak jawatan adalah bahasa diplomasi politik bagi menggantikan istilah biasa iaitu DIPECAT.

Begitulah perkara sama masa Anwar jadi TPM dulu. Tapi sebab Anwar melawan maka tercetuslah plan liwat 1 untuk singkirkan Anwar.

Cuba kes nih Dr Mazlee melawan. Agak2 apa plan Tun untuk teruskan perancangan pecat DrMazlee? Skandal amoi? Meliwat? Or what?

Hanyak dek kerana Dr Mazlee tu clean and clear makanya Tun M takde kunci untuk jadikan menteri2 dibawah beliau menjadi pupet. Pupet yang ikot sahaja arahannya sebab takut Tun kantoikan.

Lainlah menteri nama Assmi tu, Tun M pegang berapa banyak kunci untuk pupetkan dia. Macam contoh kes sembured dia tu. Jika laporan siasatan di umum sebelum hujung tahun baru nih, klimax lah kisah nih. Takde poin. Makanya kunci untuk pupetkan Assmi tu harus dikekalkan supaya mudah dikontrol arah buat itu buat ini lulus projek org itu , sign projek org ini... kau taknak sign, nih nampak? Kunci2 kau aku dedah nak?

Berbalik pada kes Dr Mazlee tadi. Mesti ada part2 yang Tun tak setuju berkaitan yg melibatkan krony2 dia. Ada lah tu projek2 krony yang si Mazlee batalkan yang buat taikon2 nih tekan Tun M dan si taikon2 nih juga pegang kunci2 Tun M yang buatkan Tun akur dak?

Punya la bagus si Mazlee tu buat kerja dia, takkan menteri bagus yang perform nak disingkir ya dak? Mesti ada sebab asbab kenapa jadi begitu. Nak tarik telinga Mazlee tak leh. Kunci takde, maka apa yang berlaku semalam peletakan jawatan tu lah dia. Nasib si Mazlee tak melawan.

Senang cerita, kalau kau jadi bos, kau lebih mudah punya staff2 yg pernah ada buat kes. Sebagai bos, pegang kes2 nih kemas2 supaya mudah kawal mereka. En bos dengan hanya tinggal nak mengugut, " kau lawan aku, aku report kes kau nih kepada bla bla bla ".. buat apa aku suruh!!!" nampak?

Bayangkan jika Mazlee melawan... agak agak korang gempar lagi tak dengan cerita liwat? - Man Toba

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Depa tersepit dengan mainan politik ras...

Sebenarnya kita akan hidup aman damai.. Sentiasa saling menghormati hak masing masing jika Politik negara tidak diganggu oleh kelompok Ashabiyah Melayu Islam dan Cina..Muslim dan Cina masing masing mempunyai hak yg sama.. dan harus dihormati hak mereka... Mempertahankan hak masing2 tidak mengurangi hak selainnya.. Mengapa harus memaksa ?

Kerana wujud kelompok Ashabiyah Melayu Islam seperti kelompok Salaf yang berpewatakan seperti Dr Maza yg kebetulan sama aliran dengan Dr Maszlee, PAS dan NGO seperti ISMA yg sering prejudis kepada kelompok Cina dan bukan Islam.... Dr Maszlee akhirnya tersepit walaupun dia dilihat watak paling terbuka dikalangan alirannya..,

Kadang kadang Dr Maszlee sendiri terikut dengan agenda dan sentimen perkauman yg diperjuangkan kelompok Ashabiyah ini.. Kalau menolak tuntutan mereka.. Dr maszlee akan dilihat pro Cina dan DAP..

Begitu juga Teo Nie Ching dan DAP.. mereka tersepit dengan permainan politik kelompok Ashabiyah seperti MCA.. dan NGO seperti Dong Zong, terutama dalam isu Jawi dan Peruntukan Unitar.... Kalau DAP tidak tunduk kepada mereka.. DAP akan dituduh alat kelompok Ultra Melayu dan Radikal Islam... DAP akan dilihat pro Islamisasi...

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Itulah permainan UMNO,MCA selama ini..Ini fakta, Itu ketakutan yg ditanam kepada kelompok Melayu dan Cina ketika memerintah Negara.. Mereka ini adalah kelompok Ashabiyah.. dan hari ini, datang kelompok baru, iaitu kelompok Ashabiyah yg bukan lagi bermain atas soal kaum tetapi Agama.. Ini bahaya yg diingatkan Nabi akan kelompok Khawarij..

Untuk menghadapi 2 Kelompok Ashabiyah ini.. hanya ada satu cara, Seorang Perdana Menteri mesti datang untuk semua kaum dan Agama, Setiap hak mereka dihormati.. bukan saling membenci dan prejudis diantara satu sama...ini yg cuba dilaksanakan Almarhum Tg Nik Aziz ketika akhir hayatnya menyatukan semua bangsa dan Agama... Tok Guru paling benci bila menyebut soal ketuanan Melayu..

Bagi Malaysia baru hari ini.. bagi menghadapi kelompok Ashabiyah ini..untuk keluar dari perangkap perkauman ini, hanya Ds Anwar mampu laku kan.. itu sebab Ds Anwar cukup ditakuti PAS dan UMNO.. Itu hakikat.. dan aku cukup yakin...- Ipohmali

Image result for Maszlee – behind the black shoes...
Maszlee – behind the black shoes...

I am inspired to write this article after reading all the comments in Mkini; bashing Maszlee Malik and I am sure, this piece will end up in the same tone.

Maszlee Malik’s sudden resignation took many people and me myself by surprise. It seems that he was forced into the resignation by the Prime Minister. One wonders what the plan is since until Maszlee was appointed; the only other person who was interested in the job was Mahathir himself. Maszlee’s resignation speech – reading from between the lines would confirm that Mahathir wanted him out.

Maszlee has definitely been made a scapegoat here. He has been always made to look like a dumb Minister who doesn’t know his job. Sensational media reporting and often unfair titles put him always in the defensive mode.

He was polled as the second lowest – 27 out 28 in Malaysiakini’s poll on Ministers’ performance. This is understandable because most Mkini readers are middle class, mostly non-Malay and have a definite bias against him. They fear that Maszlee with his Islamic credentials was going to turn our education system into an Islamic one. Most DAP leaders scored high points. Now imagine if Harakah conducted a similar poll and you will know how the outcome would be.

The Black shoe labelling never left him and it was always used to ridicule and undermine him. I am sure if we took a vote among students, they would prefer black shoes to white. Anyway that is not the point here.
Image result for Maszlee – behind the black shoes...

Mahathir has decided to replace him and therefore it would be easy now to put all the blame on the Jawi issue, matriculation and other controversial stuff on him. Two of Mahathir’s staunch supporters Tun Daim and Rafidah Aziz have constantly taken swipes at him and that is further indication that he has fallen out of favour with the Mighty M.

Let me share a personal experience and tell you why some of us have a soft spot for him. JPKK which is a network of contract workers in Government departments has been campaigning over the years to improve the plight of contract workers mainly cleaners and security guards in schools. We have previously tried in vain to meet with the previous education Minister. The only people who met us were some officers and department heads, who were not in a position to make decisions.

But the PH Education Minister Maszlee quite readily gave us an appointment to meet and have a dialogue with us. I was very sceptical before the meeting based on the bad image formed in my mind about him. Before the meeting, his office asked for our memorandum and proposal, which was itself quite out of the ordinary.

At the meeting, we were pleasantly surprised to note that he had actually read our memorandum beforehand. He was not pretending as if he knew everything, which most Ministers try to do. He addressed each of our proposals and directed his officials to act on them. He then told us that he will bring up our proposals in the Cabinet meeting the next day. I thought he was pulling a fast one because that is what most Ministers tell you.

True to his promise, he issued a media statement after the cabinet meeting, saying that he raised the issue of parasitic and underperforming crony contractors will be blacklisted and replaced. He also said that the whole system needed to be relooked at and agreed to look into our proposal to employ workers directly and not through a middleperson who in many instances ended up taking a portion of the salary of the workers. This was the first Minister who actually looked at the fundamental issue rather than give the usual excuses.

Since then, we had the pleasure of working with some of his officers, specifically Shaza, who used to update us on a weekly basis, working past office hours, listening to the many complaints we raised about the problematic contract system in school. This attitude changed our view that most of those working in Government ‘makan gaji buta’ and just work 9 to 5. For that, let me salute them.

Now let me touch on other issues not raised in the current petition going around supporting him. For example, under Maszlee, student activists were more protected; he prevented University authorities from taking action on students each time they expressed themselves through protests and other actions. During previous Administration, the Minister always stood with the establishment and not the students. That is something which helped students to express themselves knowing very well that they had protection from disciplinary action.

I was also told by many teachers that Maszlee made many reforms in the school system but many of his reforms did not go well on the ground because the bureaucracy was not assisting. It is not surprising that the Teachers Union NUTP speaks so highly of him. Many teachers too have since expressed how Maszlee did actually addresses some of the main issues raised by teachers.
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He made many u-turns after bringing matters to the cabinet. This can be seen with the matriculation issue and Jawi. It is maybe that he is inexperienced as he has always stated himself or maybe he should have talked less, like the many PH Ministers who don’t say much, preferring to be silent in order to survive. Most of these issues were tough issues like JAWI, Matriculation and Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) are difficult issues. 

These are issues which has been there for 6 decades which PH as a team have been unable to address since they end up playing the same racial game like the BN. Therefore it is unfair that Maszlee is blamed when on all occasion, the cabinet took the decision with of course ayahanda Mahathir sitting at the helm.

On other issues - free quality breakfast, opening up hotel swimming pools to students, doing away with streaming and exams, making education accessible to OKUs and undocumented children. These are huge achievements compared to the black shoe which hardly got mentioned. It was reported that he opened 10,200 classes to cater for 24,998 OKU special children. On all these initiatives, I am with him because he has contributed towards creating a more caring society and opening up public spaces for the commons.

Since coming to power, he has resigned twice. Once, after being appointed as the President of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) when students and many spoke about conflict of interest and now. On the first occasion, even Mahathir supported his appointment but he took the right decision to resign but this time it is a no choice situation Mahathir called for his resignation and it could be part of a likely cabinet reshuffle. Maszlee should feel happy that he was not removed due to corruption or other scandals. He went in without a Datukship and came out without one. To Maszlee all the best.- S.Arutchelvan 

Murid2 Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Jernih, Lubok China Masjid Tanah, Melaka..
Tahun 1 seorang dan tahun 5 seorang. Cadang pengetua sekolah ini di upgrade Jusa A- f/bk

Vernacular schools continue to thrive in Jasin,Melaka - f/bk

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Nothing in our constitution says non-Muslim 
can not be Education Minister...- f/bk
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