Kata anak sulung bekas timbalan perdana menteri Abdul Ghafar Baba itu, sekiranya hal itu dibawa ke mahkamah, barulah beliau boleh mengemukakan bukti-bukti berkaitan dan pihak-pihak berkenaan juga boleh disapina oleh mahkamah.
"Saya kata (dalam soal siasat) saya lebih suka sekiranya benda ini dibawa ke mahkamah, jadi bolehlah sapina mereka semua ini," katanya tanpa memperincikan siapa yang dirujuk.
“Bila hendak membela diri sendiri itu, saya terpaksalah memanggil TMJ juga," katanya lagi.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas dilihat keluar daripada memberi keterangan di ibu pejabat polis Bukit Aman, kira-kira jam 2 tengah hari tadi. Beliau disiasat di bawah Seksyen 4(1) Akta Hasutan 1948 dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998.
Kata peguamnya, Mohd Azharul Ab Talib, laporan polis terhadap anak guamnya dibuat di Majidee, Johor, berdasarkan satu hantaran Facebook menggunakan nama Tamrin, disalin daripada tulisan asal di blognya.
Laman Facebook itu dipercayai merupakan laman peminat Facebook Tamrin. “Saya tak ada Facebook. Saya tak tahu nak guna Facebook,” ulas Tamrin kemudiannya,

Dalam tulisan berjudul 'TMJ - Bodoh Sombong Yang Tak Boleh Diajar' yang dimuat naik di blognya pada 1 Februari, Tamrin mengkritik TMJ dan kerabat diraja Johor sebagai “perampas kuasa” yang “tidak ada setitis pun darah raja”, bersama beberapa kritikan lain.
Dia juga menyatakan dia akan bertanggungjawab atas tulisannya itu dan bersedia sekiranya diambil tindakan undang-undang.
Tamrin tiba di Bukit Aman kira-kira jam 10.50 pagi dengan mengenakan kemeja biru dan berkot hitam. Meskipun baru disoal siasat, beliau membayangkan tidak serik untuk menulis lagi.
“Ekoran apa berlaku hari ini, saya akan membuat satu penulisan baru. Tulisan bertajuk ‘Saya ke Bukit Aman sekali lagi’," katanya.
Sementara itu, disoal pemberita tentang keahlian politik terbarunya, Tamrin hanya menjawab “tak ada orang nak saya”, sambil tersenyum.
“Tapi saya rasa lebih baiklah, sekurang-kurangnya saya lelaki yang bebas hari ini,” katanya.
Tamrin pernah menjadi anggota parlimen Batu Berendam, Melaka di bawah tiket Umno dari 1986 hingga 1995, sebelum keluar parti itu untuk menyertai PAS pada 2012. Beliau bagaimanapun keluar PAS dua tahun kemudian. - mk

Politik Setan...
Lepas PRU 14... Beberapa parti menang dan beberapa parti kalah... Itu biasa. Di mana2 pun, begitulah adatnya.... Parti2 yg menang PKR, DAP, AMANAH, PPBM dan WARISAN.... pakat bincang lantik Perdana Menteri ...Perdana Menteri pulak lantik menteri2 kabinet utk bantu dia buat kerja.
Yg kalah, UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS .... depa lantik Ketua Pembangkang.
Yg menang... Buat kerja. Perah otak mcm mana utk bangunkan negara. Cari jalan, bagaimana nk bagi rakyat hidup selesa. Jgn curi duit rakyat, jgn rasuah dan jgn membazir berbelanja tak tentu hala...
Yg kalah.. jadi pembangkang yg membina... Tegur yg menang supaya jgn melencong dari jalan2 yg sepatutnya... Betulkan kalau ada kepincangan. Luruskan yg bengkok... tegakkan yg condong... Endingnya...rakyat yg dpt manfaat.
Sepatutnya begitulah...
Dok perosah nk masuk mai kacau kerajaan jgk... nak bagi pecah belah habih... Tak buleh masuk pintu depan, dok perosah nk masuk kot pintu belakang... Pintu belakang kena kunci...depa rosah nk masuk kot tingkap pulak dah... Tang masuk, tetap jgk nk masuk.
Kalau masuk elok2... Bagi salam apa yg patut, kita buleh terima... Ni tak. Nk masuk mai....rupanya utk 'sokong' Perdana Menteri sorang shj... Yg lain tak mau sokong...
Tujuannya apa?... Tak lain tak bukan, nak bagi pecah ... Nk bagi kalang pukang habih apa yg elok2 dok ada.... Bila pecah... Itulah kejayaan bagi depa... Bab rakyat nk jadi apa, itu nombor 10 dlm agenda depa. - Muhammad Yahaya
Bini Saiful Juboq interview Atok exclusive 1 to 1...
Tun dpt angkat sumpah hari tu bila Kak Wan mewakili PH mencadangakan nama Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sbg PM mewakili PH. Kenapa Kak Wan yg menghadap Agung? Sebab semua calon PH guna lambang PKR dan Kak Wan sbg Presiden PKR yg menang dgn majoriti disokong oleh Warisan di Sabah.
Masa Tun M serah jawatan PM kpd Pak Lah dulu pun tak bawa ke parlimen. Begitu juva masa Allayarham Tun Razak meninggal, perlantikan Tun Husein Onn tak serah pd parlimen cukup dgn TPM sbg pemangku Pengerusi BN menyembah perkenan KBDYMM YDP Agung.
Maknanya tidak perlu dibawa ke Parlimen utk dptkan undi majoriti MP bg melantik DSAI sbg PM sbb PH sdh miliki majoriti melainkan ada pengkhianat dlm PH utk menafikan majoriti PH? Kalau pengkhianat ini berani khianati PH, silakan kita nak kenal secara rasmi muka2 pengkhianat ini senang kita humbankan mereka ke kerusi pembangkang. Kubing2
Will PPSMI make its comeback?...
Someone posted on Facebook, asking "mengapa PM bagi bola tanggung kepada lawan?"
In sports parlance, to give a "bola tanggung" is to give a golden opportunity to the opponent to make a kill. Usually it's used in badminton when player A "invitingly" floats the shuttlecock into the opponent's (Player B's) court, thus providing a great chance for Player B to smash the shuttlecock into Player A's court and score a point. Some folks say giving such a ball is suicidal.
But that person who was asking why the prime minister was giving a "bola tanggung" wasn't talking about badminton or sports. He was referring to Tun Mahathir Mohamad's remarks in pushing, yet again, for the teaching of science and mathematics in English, the controversial PPSMI or Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
The prime minister's remarks were made when he was speaking at a special education ministry meeting recently. As we know, Mahathir is also acting education minister. A video of his remarks at the meeting was uploaded on his official YouTube.
Therefore, when that person on Facebook pointed out, so to speak, that Mahathir had floated a "bola tanggung", obviously he was talking about the PM giving not only his but also Pakatan Harapan's political opponents and detractors a golden opportunity to go to town with the issue and hit out at the government in an effort to get the people's support, in particular Malays who are in great numbers opposed to PPSMI.
True enough, many a Mahathir detractor are already up in arms opposing his intention. Malay rights groups are vocal and dead against the move. In fact the so-called "uprising" was immediate. It came as soon as Mahathir's video was uploaded.
Umno has not jumped onto the bandwagon as I am writing this. Perhaps this has got something to do with speculation of a tie-up of sorts between Umno and Bersatu, the party of which Mahathir is chairman, and also because Umno president Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi wants his party to support Mahathir to remain PM amidst demands the transition to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim be made in May. That's a topic for another day!

But PAS, who is Umno's partner in Muafakat Nasional, is already hitting out at the move, saying: "It's a smoke screen to cover or divert attention from weaknesses and problems in Pakatan Harapan." That was said by its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, despite being a strong supporter for Mahathir to remain PM for at least one full term.
Surely politician extraordinaire Mahathir, with wealth of experience and high political stature, would have anticipated all the accusations, brickbats and what-nots. So, why did he voice out the intention of bringing back PPSMI?
He admits his views are not always popular or acceptable to many people but "I feel I need to push certain things to make sure our children grow up and find themselves able to tackle the problems of adult life. That is the purpose of education."
Mahathir has always believed the mastery of English is a vital element of education, and he sees that while geography and history can come in any language, "science and mathematics are not indigenous fields of knowledge, as they come from abroad and mostly in English."
Therefore we are going to use English in the teaching of science and mathematics. That means we don't confuse people. We find those who study science in Malay cannot work where English is required. That has always been his stance.
Mahathir first introduced PPSMI back in 2003 when he was the country's fourth prime minister and when he was Umno president and BN chairman.
Many Malays opposed it as they do now. They accused Mahathir of belittling the Malay language. That and many more accusations back then are being used again this time.

Needless to say, the policy was unpopular including or especially among then opposition in the likes of multiracial PKR as well as PAS. PKR is now in the government and has said it needs to discuss Mahathir's intention of bringing back PPSMI. Obviously Mahathir's move has put PKR in a spot.
Also in a spot would be Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Muhyiddin was education minister when PPSMI was scraped in 2016 by the Najib-led BN government.
And Muhyiddin was quoted then as saying the program had resulted in smaller numbers of rural students passing science and mathematics. It would be interesting to know what would be the view of Muhyiddin or Bersatu for that matter now that Mahathir wants a PPSMI comeback.
Now we are hearing this issue can even lead to a Pakatan Harapan election defeat, if not handled properly. But Mahathir has said the PSSMI comeback is not a done deal. A committee has been set up to review the issue and take into account strong opinions on both sides of the matter.
Everybody says the PM can debate the issue. That would mean the public, media, students, teachers, parent-teacher associations and anyone else. Everybody means everybody. So, PKR and Bersatu ought to make its stand clear on the matter.
Will the government, and in particular Mahathir, listen to the feedback, opinions and views? They have to, I would say. At the end of the day, it would be about numbers. The numbers of those supporting PPSMI and the number of those opposing it. Which group has the bigger number? - Mohsin Abdullah

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