
Menipu mandat pengundi itu bukan khianatkah...

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Saya tidak pasti samada Muhyidin Yassin faham maksud 'pengkhianatan". Beliau berkata beliau bukan pengkhianat sebagaimana rakyat Malaysia dan seluruh dunia mengenalinya sekarang.

Apakah dengan memenangi pilihanraya di Parlimen Pagoh dengan menggunakan logo KEADILAN atas nama Pakatan Harapan, kemudian melompat keluar dari Pakatan Harapan untuk bersama musuh Pakatan Harapan itu bukan khianat?

Apakah setelah bersetuju dengan Pakatan Harapan di dalam manifesto PRU14 iaitu Tun M adalah PM 7, kemudiannya Anwar Ibrahim sebagai PM 8, tiba-tiba Muhyidin keluar dari Pakatan Harapan untuk bersama musuh PH bagi menjayakan cita-citanya sebagai PM 8 itu bukan khianat?

Pengundi-pengundi memilih Muhyidin sebagai Wakil Rakyat yang diperkenalkan oleh Pakatan Harapan yang menggunakan logo KEADILAN adalah kerana pengundi-pengundi yakin dengan Pakatan Harapan, tiba-tiba mandat rakyat ini dicuri dan dibawa lari oleh Muhyidin untuk kepentingannya bersama Pakatan Nasional iaitu musuh Pakatan Harapan, apakah tidak boleh digelar satu pengkhianatan kepada para pengundi?

Beliau tidak boleh bermain dengan kata-kata dengan memberikan seribu alasan untuk menghalalkan apa yang beliau lakukan. Alasannya untuk menstabilkan kerajaan amat melucukan kerana tiada kerajaan yang boleh stabil apabila kerajaan itu wujud hasil dari pengkhianatan kepada rakyat, bukannya pilihan rakyat. Rakyat pilih kamu atas nama Pakatan Harapan dan sekiranya di dalam PRU14 yang lalu kamu bertanding atas logo dacing baghdad, pasti kamu tewas dengan teruk.

Jelaslah, gelaran pengkhianat itu memang secucuk dan sinonim dengan apa yang telah kamu lakukan. Ingatlah, alangkah busuk dan malangnya jika gelaran itu kekal kamu bawa sampai ke penghujung nyawa. - Wfauzdin Ns

Image result for shafie apdal di rumah muhyiddin
TPM terbaik adalah Shafei Afdal?...

Orang ramai kini sedang menunggu pembentuk kabinet oleh Muhyiddin Yassin. Selain barisan menteri, jawatan ditunggu ialah siapa Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Jawatan ini dikatakan menjadi perhatian dan rebutan. Lobi melobi kini sedang berjalan.

Tampak sekali ramai memberi amaran kepada Muhyiddin agar tidak melantik pemimpin daripada Umno, terutamanya mereka yang terbabit dengan mahkamah, seperti Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Amaran keras diberikan kalau Zahid dilantik, kerajaan PN akan runtuh.

Begitu juga dengan Hishammuddin Hussein juga antara calon dilihat boleh menyusahkan kerajaan PN. Bagaimana pun nama-nama Abdul Hadi Awang, Azmin Ali ataupun Annuar Musa tidak dipersoalkan belum dipersoalkan tetapi berada di bawah.

Muhyiddin perlu melantik calon yang boleh bekerja dengannya dan beliau mengenali hati budinya. Orang yang dilihat boleh bekerjasama dan melonjakkan kerajaannya ialah Ketua Menteri Sabah Shafei Afdal. Selain itu Shafei dilihat pemimpin berani, tegas dan rakan baik Muhyiddin semasa dalam Umno dahulu.

Pemilihan beliau juga boleh menyelamatkan kedudukan kerajaan PH yang tidak berapa cukup nombor. Soalnya bersediakan Shafei untuk bersama dan bersediakan untuk kena sumpah? Kini Shafei dilihat bersama PH.

Sudah tentu kalau Shafei jadi PM, lapan ahli parlimen Warisan akan bersamanya dan kerajaan PN. Harapan PH untuk mengemukakan undi tidak percaya juga mungkin terlepas. - mso

Krisis Politik...

1. Perdana Menteri mendakwa krisis politik bermula apabila saya, Mahathir Mohamad letak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri.

2. Benarkah, tiba-tiba tanpa sebab saya letak jawatan? Saya yang kononnya disokong oleh parti Kerajaan dan parti lawan, termasuk Najib Tun Razak dan beberapa lagi yang sedang dibicara atas tuduhan rasuah menyokong saya? Ini tidak masuk akal.

3. Yang benar ialah saya letak jawatan kerana dalam pengakuan di hadapan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong saya tidak dapat sokongan dari penyokong saya. Saya tidak dapat majoriti dan tidak lagi layak menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Cerita sebenar dari YB Khalid Samad mengapa Din tergesa benar 
nak jadi PM pintu belakang yg disampaikan oleh TunM...

4. Di Istana peletakan jawatan saya diterima. Saya diarah pegang jawatan Perdana Menteri buat sementara.

5. Siapa yang akan ganti saya. Rakyat bosan dengan orang politik yang lebih utama politik dari pentadbiran yang baik. Saya cadang diadakan satu Kerajaan Nasional yang bukan orang politik yang berpengetahuan juga akan menyertai Kerajaan. Orang parti juga akan menyertai Kerajaan tetapi sebagai orang biasa yang tidak tertakluk kepada agenda parti mereka.

6. Tetapi cadangan saya ditolak. Saya pun letak jawatan. Dan berlarutanlah krisis ini. Saya tidak tahu bila ia akan tamat?? - chedet

The Surpreme Leader memang tiada niat hendak handover kuasa pada Anwar, plan asal dia adalah hendak mengabungkan semula Bersatu dengan UMNO, tapi macam saya pernah cakap dulu, Najib belum ke penjara sebenarnya adalah rahmat untuk PH.

Ini adalah untuk orang orang Amanah yang masih menaruh harap Supreme Leader balik meneraju PH, lupakan sahaja. We are better without him. The only reason kenapa Supreme Leader suka dengan pimpinan Amanah ialah kita tak ganggu plan dia hendak berkuasa selama-lamanya.

Jadi supreme leader kena game dengan Yidin dalam game yang dia sendiri rancang, dan kini yidin telah jadi ikan bawal di dalam kolam yang penuh dengan jerung-jerung. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

UMNO men on trial 
may see charges dropped...

Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak (pix) and others now facing corruption charges may yet get away scot free. There is every possibility that the charges could be dropped, according to legal experts theSun spoke to yesterday.

Constitutional law expert Prof Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi said under Article 145 of the Federal Constitution, the attorney-general (AG) has the power to discontinue proceedings in the trials.

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had earlier claimed that with Umno back in power, their leaders now tied up in court could be set free. He said this was not a new phenomenon. “Court decisions were consistently manipulated before Pakatan Harapan (PH) came into power,” he said.

“The court may find it embarrassing to take action against the (new) government. We have seen this before during Najib’s time,” he said at a press conference yesterday.

“He was able to manipulate the court, even influence decisions made by the court,” Mahathir added.

Saleem Faruqi said under Article 145 (3A) of the constitution, the AG has the discretion to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence other than proceedings before a syariah court, a native court or a court martial.

“It displays flaws in the Federal Constitution and provides the AG with absolute power, giving him the discretion to decided whether to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings.

“In our history, in many instances where people were prosecuted or the prosecution had commenced, and when the political development took place, the charges were not proceeded with,” Saleem Faruqi said yesterday.

“For example, between 2008 and 2009, various charges preferred against some assemblymen were dropped because the politics changed,” he added.

He said the previous government had promised to look into amending the constitution but at this point the promise cannot be kept. In its manifesto, PH also pledged to amend the constitution but has yet to get a two-thirds majority (in Parliament) as required under Article 159(3).

Lawyer Fahri Azzat said there is fear among the people that if a new AG is appointed, he would withdraw all criminal proceedings against the politicians. As an example, he pointed out that graft charges against Lim Guan Eng were dropped after he was appointed finance minister.

“There is a real possibility of this happening again,” he added.

On the other hand, law expert Prof Datuk Salleh Buang said while the AG has the discretion, there is little possibility of the charges being dropped.

“The trial has gone some distance,” he noted.

Nonetheless, he said witnesses for the 1MDB trial who have yet to be called to testify may now feel intimidated.

“Some of them may suddenly forget (the facts),” he said.

Najib is currently on trial for multiple charges of corruption and abuse of power involving 1Malaysia Development Berhad and SRC International. Other Umno leaders, including current president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, have also been charged with offences. - theSundaily

Muhyiddin Yassin - Surrounded By Sharks
PM Muhyiddin Has To Constantly 
Watch His Back For Traitors...

There’s good news and bad news. First, the bad news – Muhyiddin Yassin is now officially the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia. The good news – he has disputable majority. No matter how you argue, Mr. Muhyiddin, arguably the 1st premier of a backdoor government, has taken over a very unstable government at a time when the global economy is at the mercy of Coronavirus.

He only commanded a razor-thin 114-majority in a 222-seat Parliament, if indeed he had that number in the first place. The simple fact that the March 9 Parliamentary Assembly meeting may be postponed is the strongest sign that the newly crowned Muhyiddin might have stolen and scammed his way to the throne. He dares not face a vote of confidence challenge proposed by a furious Mahathir.

Despite claiming that he has the support of 115 MPs, former PM Mahathir apparently failed to meet the Agong (King) to present his case. And the 94-year-old man said he feels most betrayed by Muhyiddin. His anger was so uncontrollable that he didn’t actually blame his former blue-eyed boy Azmin Ali, the former PKR deputy president who joined forces with Muhyiddin in the latest coup.

For that reason alone, Muhyiddin should definitely be worried as the vengeful Mahathir will certainly give him hells. But was Mahathir really that innocent himself? Long story short, it appeared that Mahathir had agreed, at least in principle, to an initial plan to betray fellow allies PKR, DAP and Amanah, but along the way he was betrayed by his own ambitious lieutenant Muhyiddin instead.

On Sunday (March 1), Mahathir revealed that he had urged his party president Muhyiddin Yassin to wait till after the criminal trials of UMNO leaders (obviously referring to Najib Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan) were resolved before considering cooperation with UMNO. “Muhyiddin said he was willing to accept UMNO en bloc. I said I could not agree,” – said Mahathir.

That statement alone confirms what we published in November 2019 that Mahathir will not step down until Najib is sent to prison. It also agrees with an article we published in December 2019 that Mahathir’s endgame was to rejoin or merge with UMNO after Najib is imprisoned. The reason is pretty simple – only by merging or joining UMNO can Bersatu becomes a dominant Malay political party.
Perikatan Nasional Muhyiddin Yassin and Leaders of Political Groups
 Muhyiddin and Perikatan Nasional

Did you notice that throughout the 7-day crisis, the name of Mukhriz Mahathir was largely absent, until now? Yes, the initial plot hits a roadblock after UMNO got greedy and started making unrealistic demands, including the appointment of corrupt leaders like Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan as senior ministers in the new government. Mahathir disagreed and abandoned the plan.

That was when Muhyiddin executed his plot within a plot. He took charge of the evil scheme and continued working with opposition UMNO Malay nationalist party and PAS Islamist party. Tricked by his own lieutenant, Mahathir felt betrayed because not only he could no longer be a prime minister, his son Mukhriz would be excluded and left in the wilderness.

If Mahathir was not part of the initial plot at all, he would have sounded the alarm the moment he learned about the plot and started rallying fellow allies of the Pakatan Harapan coalition and Sarawak-based GPS and Sabah-based Warisan to thwart the coup. Of course, as far as Mahathir is concerned, it’s always other people’s fault and not his after things went south.

Muhyiddin Yassin - Surrounded By Sharks

But despite succeeded in grabbing the throne, Muhyiddin has plunged himself into a small pond filled with hungry sharks. Even within the Pakatan Harapan coalition, there were already at least four tigers which fought on a small hill – Mahathir, Anwar, Azmin and Muhyiddin. You don’t need a rocket scientist to tell that the situation in Perikatan Nasional will be worse.

Sharks like Azmin Ali, Zahid Hamidi, Hishammuddin Hussein, Khairy Jamaluddin, Hadi Awang and even Najib Razak (did someone mention Rosmah Mansor?), just to name a few, will constantly circle around Muhyiddin for blood. The newly installed premier knew very well that those ambitious warlords could do to him what he had done to Mahathir.

Muhyiddin has just demonstrated that in UMNO political theatre and culture (all of them were cut from the same cloth, mind you), there’s no such thing as principle or dignity or redline that cannot be crossed. It’s all about the greed and lust for power. If the price is right, they won’t think twice about selling their wives or daughters. Mahathir should be proud that his previous 22-year-rule has produced such talents.
Muhyiddin Yassin and Zahid Hamidi
Muhyiddin Yassin and Zahid Hamidi

Now that the new government is dominated by almost 100% ethnic Malays only, Muhyiddin government cannot blame the minorities, especially the Chinese, for whatever problems they will face at a later stage. Even PAS Islamist party talks about the economy and so-called “healing the nation”, whatever that means, and not about Hudud Law or Islamic supremacy as they used to trumpet.

Muhyiddin’s survival is at the mercy of UMNO. In fact, the so-called Malay-only government will crumble like a house of cards if any of the components pulls out. Not only will Muhyiddin do everything in his power to ensure crooks like Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan walk away scot free from their existing criminal charges, he has to reward them with senior ministerial posts – including deputy prime minister.

Indirectly, Muhyiddin is also under Sarawak-based GPS’ threat to honour the state’s rights under Malaysian Agreement 1963 as well as the demand to pay the Sarawak sales tax on petroleum products. The GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) revealed that it switched its support from Mahathir to Muhyiddin because the former premier had been “indecisive” – suggesting that GPS could switch sides anytime again.

Eventually, Muhyiddin has to merge his Bersatu party (if he still can claim ownership of the party founded by Mahathir) with UMNO and traitor Azmin Ali’s faction to create a dominant party. Minus six MPs aligned to Mahathir’s camp, Muhyiddin’s Bersatu is a small party (19 MPs) in comparison to UMNO (39 MPs), PAS (18 MPs) and Azmin’s gang of traitors (11 MPs).

The ideal configuration is to enlarge UMNO like it was during its glory period where it possessed in excess of 80 MPs and dominated more than 90% of the Cabinet portfolios. But a reunion back to UMNO itself is a tricky business as everyone would be fighting tooth and nail for positions. Besides, the bargaining power is always stronger as a leader of a party because they can easily defect, bringing together all the MPs.

To make matters worse for Muhyiddin, he has only 3 years before the 15th General Election to prove that his government is better than his predecessor Najib’s and Mahathir’s Pakatan Harapan. Therefore, he has to quickly instil confidence that his government is legitimate and stable. He cannot forever run away from facing a confidence vote in the House of Representative.

In the same breath, it’s absolutely possible that Mahathir could be persuaded to return home to Bersatu. The old man could be offered a Minister Mentor position with a powerful advisory role to feed his ego, and stop him from creating havocs outside as the Opposition. That can be done under the pretext of Malay unity and dignity. For that to work, at least Najib Razak or Zahid Hamidi has to be sacrificed. - FT

Lebai dah jadik kerajaan dahhh..
Kabarnya, student dah start tak nak bayar loan bulan nii..betul ke.? - f/bk

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Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing, possible text that says 'ANA NAK JADI TPM AKU LAH TPM Manifesto PN "KERAJAAN TANPA DAP"'

Image may contain: 1 person, meme, possible text that says 'KALAU BERANI JANGAN TANGGUH SIDANG PARLIMEN'
Image may contain: text that says 'pengumuman: mulai hari ini, org ramai yg hendak berurusan dgn jabatan2 kerajaan diminta masuk ikut pintu sesiapa yg memasuki ikut pintu depan tidak akan dilayan. harap sekian terima kasih.'

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