
Muhyiddin’s Legitimacy In Question...


As expected, the next Dewan Rakyat (Lower House of Representative) sitting, scheduled to meet on March 9, has been postponed to May 18 under the instruction of newly crowned Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. Essentially, that means the 72-year-old premier was sworn in without the necessary 112 minimum seats required to form a simple majority government in the 222-seat Parliament.

The refusal of Muhyiddin, whom former premier Mahathir Mohamad has claimed as the traitor who launched a coup to topple Pakatan Harapan government, to face the House also means his government faces the legitimacy issue. The deliberate delay is seen as an attempt to buy more time to bribe Member of Parliaments (MPs) who had not already supported him in a coup last week.

Therefore, between now and May 18, many MPs will be instant multi-millionaires as Muhyiddin cannot afford the humiliation of being mocked as the shortest-serving prime minister in Malaysia’s history. He only commanded 114-majority support in the Parliament. But even that number can be disputed as his former boss Mahathir had claimed he too has 114 MPs behind him.

Before he was sworn in, his so-called Perikatan Nasional coalition’s 114-majority came from his own party Bersatu (25 MPs), Azmin and his gang of traitors (11 MPs), oppositions Barisan Nasional (a coalition of UMNO’s 39 MPs, MCA’s 2 MPs plus MIC’s 1 MP) and PAS (18 MPs) and Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs). Interestingly, GPS said it will only be a Perikatan Nasional-friendly party.

However, Muhyiddin was believed to have had included every single MP in his party during his audience with the country’s Agong (King), when in fact at least 3 of them (Mahathir, his son Mukhriz, and Syed Saddiq) did not sign any statutory declarations (SD) at all – leaving Muhyiddin with 111 MPs at best. To prove his claim, Mahathir had published a list of names of the 114 MPs behind him.

So far, it has been established that six of Bersatu MPs – Mukhriz, Mahathir, Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Simpang Renggam MP Dr Maszlee Malik, Kuala Pilah MP Eddin Syazlee Shith, and Kubang Pasu MP Amiruddin Hamzah – are with Mahathir. This further reduced Muhyiddin support to merely 108 MPs, less than the 112 votes required to form a government.

In contrast, neither Muhyiddin nor the Palace has disclosed in details of the 114 MPs allegedly supporting the premier – either before or after the swearing-in. This has led to belief that the new prime minister was indeed bogus and had scammed his way through to the Palace. In fact, with the exception of Indonesia and Singapore, not a single Western country has recognised the new government.

Ties between Singapore and Malaysia were rocky under Mahathir’s past two administrations – first from 1981 to 2003 and subsequently from May 2018 until the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government last week. Naturally, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was quick to congratulate Muhyiddin Yassin, whom Singapore considers as friendlier and easier to deal with.

The legitimacy of Muhyiddin government, like it or not, depends heavily on the Western countries, especially the United States, United Kingdom, European Union and even China. Immediately after Mahathir was sworn-in on May 10, 2018 as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia, the U.S., UK, EU and China congratulated and recognised his government the very next day (May 11).

Since Muhyiddin took his oath of office at Istana Negara (Palace) on March 1, there has been no indication that America, Britain, Europe or China will endorse his regime. And it’s not hard to figure out why congratulatory notes have yet to arrive for the Malaysian leader, arguably the first prime minister who squeezed into power as a backdoor government.

Without proving he has the numbers in the Parliament, it would make the foreign powerful and influential countries look like a fool for hastily recognizing Muhyiddin in the eventuality his regime suddenly collapses. After all, he snatched the power through a coup de grâce, not through the ballot box. He got the throne through seizure of power by working with crooks, not through democracy.

To add salt to injury, the undemocratic coup caught the attention of the Guardian, a British daily newspaper that went as far as calling the latest political development a “Royal Coup” – suggesting that the Malaysian monarch was somehow involved in returning the extremely corrupted UMNO political party, which until the May 2018 General Election, had ruled for 61 years since independence in 1957.
Pakatan Harapan - Opposition New Pact

The Guardian appeared to be questioning the legitimacy of Muhyiddin by virtue of the monarch’s refusal to meet Mahathir to ascertain the 94-year-old former premier’s claim made at the eleventh hour that he had the crucial 114 MPs support to form the government. At the epicentre of the fears are the prospect of Muhyiddin, in his desperation to stay in power, will release Najib Razak.

Former PM Najib is facing 42 counts of corruption and money laundering charges in relation to 1MDB scandal. If convicted, he could be sent to up to 20 years in prison, not to mention fines. The U.S.-DOJ investigation results says that over US$4.5 billion was misappropriated from the 1MDB fund, with some of the money used to buy the private jet, a superyacht, Picasso paintings, jewellery and real estate.

After Najib’s defeat in the 2018 election, police raided his children’s posh Pavilion Residences condominiums and discovered a staggering RM117 million cash together with RM1 billion worth of 12,000 pieces of jewellery, including an eye-popping 567 handbags consisted of luxury handbags from 37 different designers such as Chanel, Prada, Hermes and ultra-luxury Bijan.

Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, is being charged soliciting for herself bribes to the tune of RM187.5 million, being kickbacks for helping Jepak Holdings to obtain a RM1.25 billion project known as Project Bersepadu Sistem Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Hibrid. The project involved installation of solar hybrid systems and for the maintenance and operation of diesel generators for 369 rural schools in Sarawak.

Similarly, UMNO President Zahid Hamidi, whose party’s largest pool of MPs keeps Muhyiddin premiership alive, is facing record 87 charges of money laundering, corruption and criminal breach of trust (CBT). Other UMNO warlords like Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and his brother Abdul Latif, Tengku Adnan and Bung Moktar could also walk away scot-free under Muhyiddin’s Kangaroo Court.

It was no-brainer from the start. If Muhyiddin does not interfere with the judicial system to release all the UMNO crooks currently on trial, his government will definitely collapse due to its razor-thin majority. A Member of Parliament will be disqualified if he / she has been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment or a fine of RM2000 or more.

In his inaugural speech titled “An Appeal to Malaysians” aired over all local television networks on Tuesday (March 3), PM Muhyiddin tries to convince the people who are still horrified and angered over the coup that he would combat corruption and abuse of power. Hilariously, if he does exactly that, he will lose power. His empty rhetoric should be taken with a pinch of salt. - FT

A government devoid of moral legitimacy...

I simply could not bring myself to watch the swearing-in ceremony of the 8th prime minister yesterday. Such occasions ought normally to be a celebration of our democracy but this was a mockery of it.

Like millions of other Malaysians, I am stunned and angry that political parties that were soundly rejected by the people at the last elections have plotted and schemed their way back to power. How is it even possible that we could so quickly go from dancing in the streets at the rebirth of our democracy to sullenly and helplessly resigning ourselves to the fact that a nefarious coalition – which includes UMNO and PAS and putatively led by Muhyiddin – is now the government of the land.

Unlikely to inspire confidence

Muhyiddin has called on all Malaysians to respect the decision of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and unite behind the new government; he is asking too much of us. His Majesty fulfilled his constitutional obligations, of course, and cannot be faulted. Having found that Muhyiddin had the numbers, he had to follow the constitution and appoint him prime minister. But the king’s decision was not an endorsement of the character of the man or the way he schemed his way to power.

The whole way it was done will certainly not inspire confidence in his legitimacy nor will it persuade Malaysians to unite behind him. The country is deeply divided; it is not likely that he will be able to bring the people together.

Whichever way you look at it, what we now have is a backdoor government born out of treachery and betrayal and supported by an axis of “crooks and kleptocrats” who have found common cause with extremists and opportunists. Muhyiddin may have the numbers on his side but he will never be able to claim moral legitimacy.

He and the rest of the unprincipled politicians who now shelter under his banner should not minimize how deeply shocked, distressed and aggrieved millions of Malaysians are by their treachery. It will not easily be forgiven nor will it be forgotten.

Our fate now in the hands of Sabah and Sarawak

There is still a glimmer of hope that our parliamentarians will do the right thing when Parliament reconvenes and bring down this backdoor government through a no-confidence motion. Given the intense horse-trading and deal-making that will go on between now and when Parliament eventually reconvenes, anything is possible. With many politicians interested only in advancing their own careers, nothing is certain until Parliament votes, if it ever votes at all.

The fate of our nation is particularly dependent on parliamentarians from Sabah and Sarawak. How they finally vote when Parliament reconvenes will determine whether Muhyiddin’s backdoor government stands or falls. I can only pray that the people of Sabah and Sarawak will rise to the occasion and urgently make their views known to their parliamentarians.

No one will blame them, of course, for demanding the best deal they can get for their respective states in exchange for their support; they have been neglected by Putrajaya for far too long. They should not, however, have any illusions that they can isolate themselves from the consequences of supporting Muhyiddin.

They should not think, for one moment, that they will be safe, for example, from PAS president Hadi Awang’s grand scheme to turn Malaysia into a fully-fledged Islamic state. Hadi has repeatedly stated his intentions about hudud, repeatedly called for the exclusion of non-Muslims from high office, repeatedly shown his bigotry towards other racial and religious communities. Now, thanks to Muhyiddin, he will be in a position to legislate his bigotry and extremism into law.

And whatever he does in the Peninsula will, sooner or later, touch Sabah and Sarawak too. GPS leaders may dislike the DAP for challenging them but there can be no doubt that Hadi is the biggest threat to the democratic and secular moorings of our nation.

They should remember too that a vote to prop up the Muhyiddin administration is a vote for the return of kleptocracy, corruption and maladministration. Scandals like 1MDB will become commonplace; the country will be driven to insolvency. They shouldn’t be surprised as well if some of the leaders now facing charges for corruption and abuse of power are let off the hook, especially now that Tommy Thomas has resigned and Muhyiddin will get to appoint his successor.

And there is every possibility that our democracy itself will suffer tremendously. UMNO got overconfident pre-GE14; it took too much for granted. It will not make the same mistake again. Together with PAS, they will set out to reorder the political landscape of the country to ensure they never lose power again.

Last but not least, we will begin to see the strengthening of anti-democratic legislation to stifle dissent and quench opposition to their rule. They will have no choice but to crack down on freedom because the government will remain deeply unpopular and resented by many.

History repeating itself?

No doubt some will say that this is simply a worst-case scenario; I suggest it might well be a case of history repeating itself. We’ve been there before, remember? It was why Malaysians of every ethnicity, religious and social background demonstrated, protested and pressed for change. Before GE14, we were headed for a failed state; it looks like we might now continue down that path once more.

This is what is at stake when Parliament reconvenes. If our parliamentarians, or at least enough of them, do not come to their senses and vote against this backdoor government, our nation will be dealt a body blow from which it may not recover. - Dennis Ignatius

Barulah faham poster PRU14 Ku Nan...

Ramai yang hairan bagaimana Adnan Mansor boleh kumpul kekayaan dekat RM 1 bilion. Bagi otak politik ia tidaklah menghairankan.

Setiausaha Agong UMNO itu memegang 3.5 juta saham dalam Sports Toto melalui syarikat nominee iaitu Simsec Nominees.

Adnan Mansor ketika itu adalah Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO,WP,KL dan Setiausaha Kerja UMNO Malaysia.

Pada 2010,Berjaya Group berminat untuk melabur RM 3 bilion untuk sebuah kasino baru di Berjaya Hills,Bukit Tinggi,Pahang. Namun cadangan itu mendapat bantahan banyak pihak dan akhirnya ditolak.

Bayangkan jika itu berjaya,tentu komisyen untuk orang kuat UMNO juga lebat.

No photo description available.

Bercerita tentang saham dalam syarikat judi antara pemiliknya adalah bekas exco Pemuda UMNO,Datuk Mohamed Al Amin yang memiliki 1.9 juta saham dalam Magnum Corporation Sdn.Bhd.

Selain itu bekas Speaker Dewan Rakyat,Allahyarham Tan Sri Noah Omar memiliki 602,318,000 saham dalam Resort World Bhd.

Yayasan Noah yang kini dikatakan diwarisi Najib dan Hishamuddin dan kekal memegang saham 3,334,600 dalam Genting Bhd.

So apalah sangat harta dekat RM 1 billioon itu berbanding nasib orang Melayu yang dapat diselamatkan daripada DAP beoi dak? Lagi pun,yang dapat duit saham judi pun Melayu juga.Cuba jangan dengki...- Buku 'Malaysia,Darul Kasino'

Dokumen berkenaan aset sdra Adnan Mansor yg hampir RM1bilion ini bukan fitnah, ia adalah pendedahan dari mahkamah. Satgi adalah puak lebai kelarah kata DAP tak buleh lihat org Melayu kaya. Ada ja alasan & dalilnya.

Lembaran aset ini perlu di perincikan. Ini tidak masuk lagi harta anak dan pasangan. LHDN perlu audit semua cukai di bawah sdra Adnan Mansor.

Untuk rekod, semua pimpinan PH telah buat pengistiharan harta yg buleh di capai dalam laman web kastam yg buleh di tonton ramai seluruh Malaysia.

Dan, hari ini sdra Najib dalam bernada lembut utk berbaik dgn Muhyiddin secara tidak sengaja mengaku bahawa dirinyalah yg terbabit berusaha menyatukan Umno dan Pis/Panmip + Bersatu sebagaimana yg rakyat saksikan rampasan kuasa @ pengkhianatan melalui pintu belakang.
Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, possible text that says 'MARKETS ATTCO The Edge Markets 2 hrs (Highlight) Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner Latheefa Koya says she has directed her officers to investigate how former Federal Territories minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor managed to accumulate close to RM800 million in wealth. i THEEDGEMARKETS.C COM Latheefa says MACC to probe Ku Nan's wealth, no comment on resignation talk'

Dua kali GM keluarkan nukilan berkenaan strategi umno adalah dalang rancangan rampasan kuasa dan kaitan Hishamudin dan Azmin hingga ke hotel Sheraton. Nukilan pertama adalah pd mlm rancangan di hotel tersebut, nukilan kedua bertarikh semalam. Ini mengesahkan penulisan di sini adalah tepat. Pd masa sama, sdra Mahathir terhumban dlm permainannya sendiri. 

Melayu tidak sedar bahawa Umno Baru sedang memperkotak katikkan bangsa Melayu itu sendiri. Bagi menghalalkan, DAP di jadikan alasan. Hari ini setelah program pengkhianatan mandat rakyat berjaya di lakukan menerusi rancangan umno baru & BN (Kleptokrasi), pentadbiran mereka "Haru Biru" habih..- Gino Marvela

Lawak politik di Melaka belum habis... 

Lawak apa pula berlaku di Melaka? BN umumkan mereka tidak jalinkan kerjasama dengan dua orang Adun Bersatu. Dua Adun itu lompat meninggalkan PH menyebabkan kerajaan pimpinan Adly Zahri runtuh.

BN cadang untuk tubuhkan kerajaan ekoran kejadian itu. Alih-alih hari ini, dua Adun itu tidak bersama pula.

Saya nak bagi tahu Rafiq minta kerusi sampai 
menangis-nangis - YAB Hj Adly Zahari,MB Melaka...

Bagaimana pun menurut BN, mereka tetap cukup nombor untuk tubuh kerajaan apabila akan bergabung dengan dua Adun lain yang juga telah tinggal PH. Salah seorang sang juara menembak babi.

Apa pula jadi kalau dua Adun itu seminit dua lagi batalkan sokongan kepada BN? Pejabat TYT telah pun keluar surat jemputan majlis angkat sumpah CM baru. Lawak politik di Melaka belum berakhir.

Cadangan Adly agar Dun Melaka dibubarkan adalah terbaik untuk menamatkan lawak-lawak politik di Melaka itu. - mso

Muhyiddin, Azmin Racun 'Otak' Tun M - Khalid Samad...

Khalid Samad WhatsApp Muhyiddin Suruh Khianati PN...

Image may contain: 3 people, text
Image may contain: 2 people, text
Image may contain: 2 people, eyeglasses, possible text that says 'Umno minta supaya Azmin tidak disenaraikan dalam kabinet MY? KABINET MUHYIDDIN DIKHUATIRI TERCEMAR Bagaimana dengan mereka yang ada skandal video (Azmin asli) dan melompo ompat parti (pengkhianat PKR)? ujuga membabitkan soal integriti." PUAD ZARKASHI (5 Mac 2020), MPT Umno.'
Image may contain: 1 person
Muhyiddin in charge of all federal departments. 
What a joke si pengkhianat ini...


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