
PM 8 - beberapa persoalan awal...


Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin diangkat menjadi pengganti walaupun timbul pertikaian mengenai majoriti Ahli Dewan Rakyat yang menyokong beliau.

“Saya dikhianati,” isytihar Dr Mahathir di sidang media di Yayasan Albukhary pagi tadi. Dan tanpa bersembunyi, beliau berkata Muhyiddin telah menghianatinya berulang kali.

Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang menang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 dipinggirkan dan parti-parti yang kalah direstui oleh Raja untuk menubuhkan kerajaan. Demokrasi dilarikan. Mandat rakyat jelata dipersetankan.

Gerakan yang membelakangkan Dr Mahathir itu adalah bagi membawa Bersatu keluar daripada PH yang sekali gus menyebabkan Kerajaan PH jatuh dan Dr Mahathir tersingkir daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri.

Dan dalam masa lapan hari, dengan kelancaran sebuah jam (clockwork precision), Muhyiddin diangkat menjadi Perdana Menteri mewakili feksyen beliau, Umno dan Pas. Kalau ini bukan konspirasi yang terancang, apa lagi?

Bayangkanlah rayuan Dr Mahathir kepada MPT tidak diendahkan dan semalam, permohonan beliau kepada Istana Negara untuk menghadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong, tidak dilayan. Jadi bukan lagi keanehan atau ledakan emosi apabila dalam sidang media itu beliau menyifatkan dirinya dikhianati dan mandat rakyat jelata dilacurkan.

Malah Dr Mahathir dan PH sejak semalam mempertikaikan bilangan sokongan kepada Muhyiddin berbanding Dr Mahathir yang ada 114 daripada 222 Ahli Dewan Rakyat.
Memang Aneh bin Ajaib...

Jadi, ke manakah arah tujuan kita? Mari kita pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:

1. Dr Mahathir masih Pengerusi Bersatu kerana peletakan jawatan beliau daripada jawatan itu tidak diterima oleh MPT. Tetapi pada masa yang sama Muhyiddin mengisytihar dirinya Pemangku Pengerusi;

2. Enam orang ahli Dewan Rakyat Bersatu, iaitu Dr Mahathir, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Datuk Amiruddin Hamzah, Dr Maszlee Malik dan Edin Syazlee Shith tidak menyokong pencalonan Muhyiddin sedangkan pihak Muhyiddin mendakwa semua 36 ahli Dewan Rakyat Bersatu menyokong beliau. Ada dua pertikaian di sini. Pertama, memberi maklumat yang mungkin tidak tepat dan kedua, sokongan sebenar yang ada kepada Muhyiddin;

3. PH bersama feksyen Dr Mahathir boleh mengemukakan undi tidak percaya terhadap Muhyiddin apabila sidang Dewan bermula 9 Mac ini. Tetapi sebagai Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin berhak meminta supaya sidang ditunda ke satu tarikh lain;

4. Beliau boleh menggunakan kuasa eksekutif yang ada di tangannya untuk menarik sokongan daripada feksyen Dr Mahathir dengan menawarkan mereka jawatan dan kedudukan;

5. Walaupun gagal menubuhkan kerajaan, PH masih mempunyai bilangan ahli yang besar dalam Dewan Rakyat. Kekuatan ini boleh digunakan untuk mengawal kuasa kerajaan, khususnya dalam memerangi rasuah dan membicarakan para pemimpin Umno yang melakukan rasuah serta jenayah-jenayah berat lain;

6. Apakah yang akan terjadi kepada feksyen Muhyiddin dalam Bersatu apabila berdepan dengan Umno dan Pas? Harus diingatkan yang ramai ahli Dewan Rakyat Bersatu sekarang adalah wakil rakyat Umno/BN yang melompat masuk Bersatu. Ada kemungkinan Bersatu akan bersatu dengan Umno atau ditelan oleh parti kleptokrat itu; dan

7. Kalau Dr Mahathir keluar Bersatu, sama ada secara sukarela atau disingkir, kemungkinan besar ramai ahli akar umbi akan mengikut jejak beliau. Tetapi kalau beliau kekal, feksyen Muhyiddin akan mendapati sukar dan tidak selesa berhadapan dengan beliau setelah menikamnya dari belakang.

Kesimpulannya, suka atau tidak, pelantikan Muhyiddin sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-8 berlaku dalam suasana yang penuh persoalan dan ini akan mencetuskan isu keyakinan kecuali di kalangan pelaung slogan “demi agama, bangsa dan negara” serta oportunis. - A.Kadir Jasin

Tadi wujud penafian pejabat PM rampasan kuasa.. yang akan ada pertemuan dengan parti politik.. apalagi Zahid untuk pembentukan kabinet baru... manakala Zahid dala alasannya di Mahkamah meminta penangguhan kes mahkamah atas alasan perbincangan pembentukan Kabinet..

Siapa yang berbohong? jawapannya tidak ada siapa yg berbohong.. Sebab memang takda mesyuarat rasmi..Sebab pertama depa bukan dalam gabungan rasmi.. yang kedua ia bukan agenda Kerajaan dan PM rampasan kuasa..

Sekarang masing2 pun nak nampak kerajaan ni bersih dari rasuah.. hakikatnya mereka cuba tipu dalam terang.. Anuar musa kata kes mesti terus.. yang kata kes takkan gugur.. sebab nak gugur kes..bukan boleh buat terang2..

Kalau nak mudah faham macam ni.. Masa kartel khianat Azmin, Muhyiddin dan Zahid Hamidi bincang nak jatuhkan Kerajaan.. tubuhkan kerajaan rampasan kuasa.. masa tu ada masuk dalam agenda Kerajaan tak ? takda..

Lagi mudah faham.. depa ni kekasih gelap..dia mcm orang kahwin kat siam.. Tak register lagi..,jadi nak bincang..jumpa dalam gelap jer lah... sebab masing masing keluarga tak tahu..sebab selingkuh dalam diam..tunggu nak sahkan perkahwinan dulu.. Ahmad Muslim Badawi

Nak meeting bentuk kabinet boleh batal sedang (perbicaraan) mahkamah.. hebat kerajaan baru.. Sekelip mata.. Mahkamah sudah jadi macam dulu semula.. kuasa ditangan pemimpin2 UMNO.. OMG.. Nauzubillah Malaysia ku..Siapa owner of this bloody new government.. Muhyidin atau penyamun2 UMNO dan PAS..? Pada hal PMO nafi having such meeting. Kalu penipu tu tetap menipu dari dulu,kini dan selama2nya...- f/bk
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, possible text that says 'Pagi... Petang.. Perbicaraan rasuah Zahid ditangguh bagi bincang barisan Kabinet Anbalagan March2,2020 0:40AM Tiada mesyuarat dengan pemimpin politik dijadualkan hari ini, kata PMO MTReporters March March2,20202:37PM SR suara rakyat Baru sekerat hari jadi kudeta DAH MULA MENIPU!'

Kerajaan tak cukup nombor sudah mulai cemar....

Elemen pencemaran kepada kerajaan Tidak Cukup Nombor sudah bermula hari ini dengan usaha cuba menangguhkan perbicaraan terhadap Zahid Hamidi. Hakim dilaporkan tangguh perbicaraan kerana kononnya Zahid diperlukan PMTCN Muhyiddin untuk berunding untuk pembentukan kabinet.

Bolehkah hakim menggunakan alasan itu untuk tangguh perbicaraan?

Bagaimana pun perbicaraan ke atas Zahid disambungkan semula sebelah petang apabila pejabat perdana menteri menafikan apa disebut peguam Zahid itu.
Walaupun perbicaraan disambung semula tetapi insiden yang berlaku itu sudah mencemarkan kerajaan Tidak Cukup Nombor itu. Zahid bukan saja perlu diajak untuk berunding untuk bentuk kabinet dia juga sepatutnya menjauhi daripada apa-apa perundingan ke arah itu.

Esok lusa, tulat apa lagi akan berlaku. Dalam kerajaan Tak Cukup Nombor banyak penjenayah. - mso

Image result for Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, GSP chairman Abang Abdul Rahman Johari Openg, and former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali,
Ex-M'sian PMO officer reveals behind-the-scenes events that led to Dr M's resignation, collapse of PH govt...

A former officer in Malaysia's Prime Minister’s Office has provided his version of events that led to Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation and the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government.

On Facebook, Mr Adam Mukhriz Mohd Muhayeddin said the plot began unfolding in earnest on Feb 23, after what appeared to be an uneventful PH presidential council meeting the Friday before.

“Azmin’s ‘Cartel’ met at Sheraton while Bersatu held a supreme council meeting. In that meeting, (Dr Mahathir) refused to accept Umno (en bloc) as a component. (Dr Mahathir) did not want Zahid, Azeez all entering.

“Are you crazy? We fought them tirelessly. Some are bound for jail and you want to accept them back and take over the government? On principle, (Dr Mahathir) rejected this. Taking some MPs is fine, but not the whole party,” he wrote.

Some in the Bersatu supreme council backed Dr Mahathir’s position and he told the rest not to push him to abandon his principles, Mr Adam said when singling out the former prime minister's political secretary Zahid Mat Arip as the one who pressed Dr Mahathir the hardest.

Dr Mahathir previously disclosed that it was his political secretary who led him to believe that Mr Anwar Ibrahim would demand to be the deputy prime minister, lighting the fuse to the entire debacle.

When Dr Mahathir remained unconvinced, Mr Muhyiddin Yassin went to the former prime minister's home with Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, GSP chairman Abang Abdul Rahman Johari Openg, and former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, among others, to make their case.

Mr Adam asserted that Mr Ahmad Zahid also made demands of Dr Mahathir, including for a senior Cabinet role and his whole party to be accepted. He also demanded that Dr Mahathir decide there and then.

“That night, the Sheraton Move took place. (Mr Tengku Adnan Mansor) came as though he were a minister and the crowds parted, all those gathered that night were fantasising of picking this ministry or that,” Mr Adam wrote.

From there, matters devolved rapidly. On Monday, PH leaders rushed to meet Dr Mahathir at his office but he had not gone in as he was at home ruminating. When they finally found him, they were all certain Dr Mahathir was the villain of the episode, Mr Adam said.

While they were later convinced otherwise, it was too late as Dr Mahathir already tendered his resignation as the prime minister and this was accepted by the Malaysian king.

Mr Adam went on to assert that Dr Mahathir resigned as the PM because he did not want to lead the coalition that later became Perikatan Nasional, which he would have if the PH administration collapsed as it eventually did.

He also asserted that Dr Mahathir could not attend the PH presidential council meeting that night as he had no standing to do so with Bersatu already out of the coalition.

“For PH, they might have thought (Dr Mahathir) was insincere for not going. So they nominated Anwar as PM,” he continued.

That set in motion events that ultimately prevented Dr Mahathir from showing his majority support to the king as he could no longer count PH’s 92 lawmakers in his camp.

He also tried to convene a special parliamentary sitting to resolve the impasse today but the Speaker refused, Mr Adam added.

The rest of his account is known as these played out in public view, culminating in Mr Muhyddin being sworn in as the eighth prime minister yesterday.

“The saddest part is (Dr Mahathir) losing the faith of the people including the MPs he thought were his friends. That is why he said he was betrayed. Yes. The worst betrayal,” he wrote.

The details of Mr Adam’s version dovetails with what Dr Mahathir and PH leaders have said in public but were interpreted differently at the time due to the lack of this added context.

Dr Mahathir revealed the crux of this during his final press conference as the interim prime minister last Thursday, after announcing the 2020 Economic Stimulus Package.

After a week of uncertainty and political intrigue, Mr Muhyiddin emerged as the unexpected victor in what was initially thought to be a power struggle between Dr Mahathir and PKR president Anwar.

Mr Muhyiddin was sworn in as the eighth prime minister of Malaysia yesterday but his position is not yet secure. PH is planning to test his level of support via a motion of no-confidence at the earliest opportunity in Parliament.

Allegiances also continue to shift as some of the lawmakers who declared for Mr Muhyiddin and Dr Mahathir continue to alter their positions, making it difficult to conclusively determine who has the support they claim short of an open vote. - MM

Let Sabah and Sarawak be the kings, 
not just kingmakers...

As a committed follower of the Reformasi movement during the dark days of its beginning, I am now suggesting that the Pakatan Harapan consider giving up the mantle of leadership to Sabah and Sarawak. This suggestion has been in my mind after watching closely the events in this country and I came to this conclusion about a year ago. Although I admit my ignorance about Sabah and Sarawak political stands and its economic, cultural and religious issues, I do know of the adventures and exploits of Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman. From my simplistic understanding, these two have gotten away with the wealth of the country through the nod from none other than their Semenanjung political counterparts so that the oil and timber money could finance the patronage of BN politics in that part of the world. Personally, Sabah and Sarawak people should look at themselves for electing those kinds of leadership. However, things have changed for the better and both nations have pretty good leaders now who have a different vision and heart for the peoples of the two partner-nations. I will explain my rationale for my suggestion to make the two leaders of Sabah and Sarawak the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for the first time in the history of this country.

My first and most important reason for saying so, I must admit is a selfish one. I want Malaysia to move far and far away from the politics of Melayu and Islam. Although I am a Melayu and a Muslim I know how dangerous these two elements can be if interpreted within a narrow perspective. I have not only seen the selfish, ignorant and bigoted manner how Melayu and Islamic politics are being crafted and narrated not only by politicians, lay people, relatives and friends, but the end is nigh when even Malay academics proclaim these selfish narratives at the Kongres Maruah Melayu. That was the end of Malaysia to my mind. I always thought that the last bastion of Semenanjung saneness would be the academics from public universities who were freed from the AUKU by the new PH government. But I was wrong for their newfound freedom afforded them the opportunity to protect one race and one faith. Other races and other faiths seem to be meaningless and useless to these academics. The Malay middle class and the B40 all subscribe to this Melayu-Islam narrative of dominating Malaysia and this has burned any bridges we have for the future whether we talk about education, international relations and sustainable development agendas. Everything will be subjected to a Melayu halal hub of narrow mindedness. Thus, if Sabah and Sarawak helms this country, I hope these two items will be drowned by issues of triple development in both partner nations.

Secondly, my reason for the choice of these two partner nations in helming the country is echoing the hearts and minds of the people from both areas. They have been screwed long enough by Semenanjung politics. Someone told me that Semenanjung has siphoned off RM800 billion in oil revenue from them. No one gave me any figure for other things like logging revenue. Suffice it to say that it is about time that the Semenanjung ‘pay back’ those dues with interest starting from 2020 until perhaps two decades after. For GE15, 16 and 17, Sabah and Sarawak must dominate Malaysian politics, culture and education. Let Melayu be relegated at the bastions of UKM and UiTM.

Finally a word for my favorite leader, Anwar Ibrahim. I have never talked one on one with Anwar but have read books and speeches as well as papers said to be written by him. I believe in him. I acknowledge his great sacrifice and suffering. It made me mad when certain civil society columnist and actors attack Kak Wan, Anwar and Nurul Izzah. Although I have never been a close confidant of the family but I have followed their pain and suffering for 20 years. There is no family in Malaysia I know who is more deserving of the gratitude of a nation to my mind than Anwar, Kak Wan and Nurul. I know some of my civil society friends will puke at that generous statement but I mean it. Those who chide and talk down to this family have never went through their suffering and so they know nothing and talk utter rubbish. In my heart, there is no one more deserving of the PM post than Anwar Ibrahim.

However, we must be pragmatic and practical. I am a romantic, an ideologue and an idealist. But when I have been given a task I would put my nose close to the ground and read the contour, climate and will of soldiers to war. To be practical and pragmatic rules the day when the work or project hits the ground. It’s not abandonment of principle but simply responding to day to day issues with earnestness and intuition. Idealism is in the heart but not necessarily on the ground.
Image result for ketua menteri sarawak

I too have had my idealism tested time and again. I had hoped by this age I would have the pleasure and honor to head an important Institute at a public university in helping to change the course of this nation and bring it to the global level of great awareness and compassion. I wanted to solve the problems of the world with my young academics who would be my mentees. But none of my dreams came about. I found out too late that Malay academic administrators despise Malays who write critically of the race and Islam. I was simply trying to help the Malays become a race larger than itself and realize an Islam bigger than their kampong Sunni-Shafie construct to the level of being the soul of the world. But the public universities want none of that. The Malay academics want the gravy train as much as the Mercedes loving Muslim politicians in the East Coast as well as the politician who flies his family first class without paying his tickets. 

I do hope that Anwar can be the bigger soul and relinquish the mantle of leadership of the PH to the Sabah and Sarawak leaders in order to make real changes in the narrative of the future Malaysia. As of now we will either have a Prime Minister of thieves or a Prime Minister with no real influence and both will drag the future of our children with them simply because they want to be called YAB Perdana Menteri. Come on…I can name 10 jobs or position much better and more meaningful than being a PM. Being a considerate father, a good son, an understanding husband, a loyal friend, a compassionate Muslim, a caring world citizen and a good teacher of knowledge are worth more than the office in the ugly architecture of Putrajaya.

Mahatma Gandhi gave up the top political leadership to be the soul of India. Someone else just became a mere Prime Minister. For the sake of Malaysia, I wish for a great soul of this country, not a Perdana Menteri. - Professor Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi,sinchewdaily

Eat your words PM8!! Inilah gara2 menengok org sebelah 
bercium mulut dan berkhalwat..dia pun Bersatu bersetubuh...- f/bk

Image may contain: 1 person, text
Inilah buah tangan pertama Kerajaan PN, kembalikan GST.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, possible text that says 'Kawan-kawan dia berjuang 20 tahun untuk jatuhkan BN Sinar Dia berjuang SEMINGGU untuk jatuhkan kawan2 dia FOLLOW Dan dia rasa bangga? Akhirnya perjuangan seminggu membuahkan hasil, kata Azmin'

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