
Politik tu tentang perebutan number bukan populariti...


You see, Din yang dapat sokongan 114 MP, bila dilantik jadi PM, dia pun susah, nak bentuk kabinet pun tak boleh lagi..... Kenapa tak boleh...?

Pertama, dia takut selepas lantik semua menteri, nanti akan ada usul undi tidak percaya kepada PM dalam parlimen.... Kalau Din kalah, maknanya dia akan jatuh dan kerajaannya akan runtuh juga.

Aik? Dah jadi PM takkan tak boleh mempengaruhi MP untuk cukupkan number yang menyokongnya....? Ni buat Din pening...

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Masalahnya.... kalau dilantik MP PAS dan MP BN jadi menteri, ramai MP yang bukan Bersatu, PAS dan UMNO akan tolak Din... Kalau dilantik MP Amanah atau PKR jadi menteri, nanti PAS dan UMNO akan tolak Din... Payah juga.

Sebab itu aku kata dari awal, bila Anwar hanya dapat 92 sokongan, dia tak boleh dilantik jadi PM..... Bukan sebab Anwar tak bagus, bukan sebab tak layak, tapi sebab tak cukup number.... Kalau lantik Anwar juga, dia akan hadapi masalah yang lebih besar dari  Din.

Number itu penting... Politik ialah tentang perebutan number, bukan bertanding siapa yang paling kuat semangat, siapa bertempik paling kuat, siapa yang pandai mempersendakan lawan, kutuk, maki-hamun, mencarut, atau siapa yang paling pandai kutuk Tun Mahathir... itu semua tak boleh mengubah apa-apa. 

Benarkah Din dah bentuk kabinet seperti yang diviralkan dalam media sosial dibawah ni?...
Agaknya Din ni cuba 'test the water' bagi meraih pendapat dari  geng penyamun,geng pak lebai,walacai2,walaun2,walaunta2 dan orang ramai,para netizen dan pengunjung2 media sosial...

Sebagai King Maker kepada penubuhan kerajaan Perikatan Nasional, presiden PAS,lebai Hadi patut diberi kedudukan lebih kanan dalam kabinet, Din. Takkan jawatang Menteri Pertanian saja kot,malulah kawe ooi!!!...

Geng2 Pok Lebai dah pun bagi notis kat Din...kasi uplah cikit...

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'MEMOHON KEBIJAKSANAAN TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN YASSIN (PM Malaysia ke 8) Melantik Dato' seri Tuan Guru Hadi Awang TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA Islam Memimpin Bukan dipimpin'

Hambo dengar pulak, dua orang MP Amanah akan turut dilantik jadi menteri dalam kerajaan Din.... Iaitu... er... ok, tak payah sebut nama lah... sebab ada conflict of interest, cewah.


Hambo dengar, dua orang MP Amanah akan turut dilantik jadi menteri dalam kerajaan Muhyidin.... Iaitu... er... ok, tak payah sebut nama lah... sebab ada conflict of interest...

Kalau betul begitu, kalau betul, kalau.... Maknanya betullah  Din tak cukup orang... Dan, dari khabar angin itu, kalau betul, maknanya Din bukan nak checkmate Tun atau anti PH, tetapi hanya untuk halang Anwar Ibrahim jadi PM.... Lebih logik lagi, dia berpakat dengan Azmin.
Apa yang dibuat oleh Din itu sangat salah... Kalau betul lah. Gitulah politik Umo Bin Othman

Image result for Zahid, Anuar Musa,Hishamudin dan Ismail Sabri.
Di Antara Batu Dan Tempat Yang Keras...

Saya sudah jangka yang Din akan menghadapi kesukaran dalam membentuk kabinetnya terutama sekali untuk menteri-menteri kanan. Din dalam bersatu hanya ada dalam 30 kerusi kurang 10 kerusi dari apa yang UMNO ada. Untuk menyucikan diri, Din terpaksa cakap yang di akan lantik kabinet yang bersih dari kalangan pencuri dan perompak.

Saya agak teruja kabinet bersih yang macam mana yang Din impikan tersebut? Jadi bila sidang dewan tangguh pada 18 Mei, ia adalah tarikh terakhir sidang dewan boleh di tunda. Jika tiada sidang dewan selepas tarikh ini, dewan dengan sendirinya akan bubar. Jika Din yakin yang dia ada sokongan, dia boleh terus buat sidang dewan pada isnin depan. Nampaknya dia cuba membeli masa untuk pemerintahan yang paling singkat.
Image result for Anuar Musa, dan Ismail Sabri.

Din kena ingat, UMNO dalam hirarkinya akan mengutamakan jawatan dalam UMNO dengan jawatan dalam kabinet kerajaan. Mungkin bersih bagi neraca Din adalah orang seperti Hisham Heli, tapi Hisham Heli tiada jawatan dalam UMNO. Jadi nak tak nak Din terpaksa lantik Zahid, Anuar Musa dan Ismail Sabri. Yang lain macam Timbalan Presiden Mat Hassan terpaksa di lantik jadi senator kalau hendak memegang jawatan dalam kabinet. Dengan jawatan-jawatan ini mereka boleh boost the rank within UMNO

Bila Din kata yang dia hendak lantik menteri dari kalangan orang yang bersih, ada orang UMNO sudah mula persoal adakah Jemin akan jadi seperti orang yang bersih? Jemin sendiri akan jadi political baggage untuk Din, jadi sekarang ini Din seperti di telan mati emak, diluah mati bapak. Zuraida juga tiada pencapaian yang bagus, menteri kereta terbang, semua ini akan mencacatkan kabinet Din. Dalam PAS pun tiada satu nama-nama yang bagus, banyak yang tak reti mentadbir dan hanya sibuk dengan Merc mewah. Ianya adalah satu resipi untuk kemusnahan negara.
Image result for Hishamudin dan Ismail Sabri.

Apa-apa pun, Din tidak boleh u-turn, kapal tersebut telah terlepas. Yang perlu dia buat ialah ambil langkah berani untuk lantik kabinet yang dia anggap layak. Jika satu sahaja dari parti komponen tersebut tidak puas hati, mana-mana undi dan usul akan gagal di parlimen. Dan Din tak akan berani untuk bubar parlimen kerana dia tahu dia sendiri akan kalah di kerusi Pagoh. Itu belum masuk ahli-ahli bersatu yang marah dengan Din dan hilang semua jawatan lantikan politik. Mungkinkah kita akan lihat Perdana Menteri Pertama tanpa askar dan juga kalah jawatan Presiden Bersatu? Orang tamak selalu rugi. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Malaysia’s new prime minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, posing for pictures
A king overturns a historic election...

In 2018 Malaysians ousted not just a party that had ruled for six decades but a corrupt old order. A monarch’s act threatens to return it to power...

In a world where rulers with authoritarian and nationalist instincts have been steadily curbing political freedoms, the election of a multiracial reformist coalition in Malaysia two years ago was a heartening victory for democracy. Voters in 2018 threw out the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), which had run Malaysia for 61 years and had, under prime minister Najib Razak, become a venal operation that stayed in power by stirring communal tensions and locking up critics. Unfortunately, UMNO is now on the brink of returning to office thanks to a royal coup enabled by hubris and infighting.

At the heart of the story is the distrust between Mahathir Mohamad, the 94-year-old founding father of modern Malaysia, and his political rival and presumed successor, Anwar Ibrahim. These were the dominant figures of the Pakatan Harapan, the unwieldy coalition that had won the shock electoral victory in 2018. They fell out during a power struggle 20 years ago when Dr Mahathir was prime minister and Mr Anwar his deputy. That episode ended badly for Mr Anwar who went to prison on trumped-up sodomy charges, when his only offence was being charismatic and intelligent. Yet by 2018 they were reunited as political allies and defeated a kleptocratic government. Mr Mahathir became prime minister and Mr Anwar returned to parliament.

The doubts and suspicions between the two men saw them struggle to introduce reforms and the economy spluttered. Old power brokers remained in place, biding their time until there was an opportunity to strike. That moment arose last month, when Dr Mahathir seemed to think he was being undermined and abruptly resigned. Yet the threat within was not from Mr Anwar, but rather Dr Mahathir’s deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, who decided to walk out on his boss and leave the ruling coalition. Dr Mahathir had badly miscalculated in believing only he could hold the government together and would thereby be reappointed by the king, or Agong. In the event, the monarch passed over Dr Mahathir and decided to appoint the newly independent Mr Muhyiddin as prime minister, citing his ability to command a parliamentary majority.

UMNO is the biggest party in Mr Muhyiddin’s putative coalition. There are well-grounded fears that if Mr Muhyiddin ends up in charge Mr Najib will pull the strings. This is at a time when Mr Najib is on trial for corruption charges and his aim will be to get off the hook. Mr Muhyiddin ought to be forced to test his claim of a majority. If he does not then Dr Mahathir and Mr Anwar, who say they have the 112 votes needed for a majority, must be given a chance to form the government. The mood music suggests the Agong could instead prorogue parliament – or even dissolve it and call fresh elections. This would be a mistake, creating a vacuum for nationalist or religious demagogues to fill. A king has overturned a democractic election result that challenged a corrupt old order. This is wrong and the world ought to call it out. - The Guardian

 Zahid Misled and  Insulted The Court,
And There’s Nothing The Judge Can Do...

In less than 24 hours after Muhyiddin Yassin was sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia, it appeared that abuse of power has already started. UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, one of the newly crowned premier’s allies, behaving as if he is already the deputy prime minister, had requested the High Court to postpone his ongoing corruption trial.

Zahid, who has been slapped with record 87 charges related to money laundering and corruption and criminal breach of trust (CBT) during the now-collapsed Pakatan Harapan coalition government, had yesterday (March 2) requested for a day off to allow him to meet Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for negotiations to form a new Cabinet. It was a big lie.

High Court judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah granted Zahid’s wish to be excused, with the presumption that the politician’s request was done in good faith. But when the PMO (Prime Minister Office) subsequently issued a statement to clarify that PM Muhyiddin did not have any scheduled meetings whatsoever with political leaders yesterday, the judicial system was humiliated

The despicable Zahid had not only lied, but also insulted the High Court with his stunt. The judge immediately summoned the former deputy prime minister to clarify the matter. Deputy Public Prosecutor Raja Rozela Raja Toran, furious, had accused Zahid of making a “blatant lie” and intentionally misleading the court to get a day off, and in the process made a fool out of the prosecution.

The prosecutor, justifying a move to cite Ahmad Zahid for contempt over the false statement, said – “That is a blatant lie to the court. I would like to move this court for contempt because the accused person has lied in court. This is unacceptable. We have been made to look like a fool. We took their word in good faith and this is what we get. I urge My Lord to exercise your discretion.”

But the lying drama didn’t stop there. Zahid’s lawyer Hisyam Teh Poh Teik claimed that the defence had zero intention to mock or deceive the court. The lawyer even said that his client had indeed tried to meet the new prime minister, but unfortunately the premier had to rush to Muar, Johor. If that’s true, it goes to show that Muhyiddin couldn’t care less about his biggest partner in a fragile government.
Image result for judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah
Collin Lawrence Sequerah – High Court Judge

The Java-immigrant  had even offered to show proof in the form of a letter. Zahid told Judge Collin – “My Lord, I had received a letter from PMO. Normally in a new government, the possible party leaders have to negotiate the position of MPs to be appointed to Cabinet. That’s why discussion took place in PMO. There was a discussion. The letter had asked me to come around 12.30pm.”

Giving Zahid the benefits of doubt, the judge then asked the UMNO president  to produce the so-called letter before the court today (March 3), the 19th day of Zahid’s trial involving 47 charges related to corruption, money laundering and criminal breach of trust (CBT). When the time came for him to produce the letter today, there were none. The crook had lied to the face of the judge.

But the disgraced UMNO leader had cooked up a jaw-dropping excuse as to why he failed to produce the letter supposedly about a meeting between him and PM Muhyiddin. Zahid argued that because the prime minister’s political secretary has yet to be appointed officially, the letter could not be issued. If that’s true, then why Zahid had assured the court of the existence of the letter yesterday?

It was like a bad student who habitually play truant had decided to skip school for a day but was caught red-handed. To escape punishment, he lied that he had an MC (medical certificate) to prove that he was indeed down with diarrhea. But when the clinic refused to sell him the certificate, he told the school that such MC cannot be produced because the doctor’s assistance has yet to be appointed.

The so-called letter which Zahid said he had in his possession was never existed in the first place. How could he claim that the letter cannot be produced today because the prime minister’s political secretary has yet to be appointed, but yet a day earlier, he already knew of an appointment or a schedule to meet the prime minister?

Even if the appointment to meet Muhyiddin was made unofficially or verbal, which is not because the PMO had denied such meetings, surely Zahid can differentiate between a physical letter and an electronic or voice message. To further insult and mock the judge’s intelligence, his lawyer even twisted this morning that his client had planned to meet with PM Muhyiddin, but was “late to Putrajaya”.
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Zahid Hamidi 

As a result, Zahid could only meet with Muhyiddin’s political secretary. Why the heck didn’t Zahid tell the court yesterday about this new tale, but instead cooked up the story about the letter? The story would be more convincing had he told the court yesterday that it was an ad-hoc meeting yesterday, but due to the horrible traffic he missed the prime minister by a few seconds.

Ahead of the judge’s decision on whether to slap Zahid with contempt of court charges, the UMNO president profusely apologised to the High Court. Reading from a prepared note, he insisted that he had no intention to mislead the court and that he was very respectful of the judge and the honourable court. As predicted, the judge decided to let Zahid off with a mild warning.

Judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah accepted Zahid’s lawyer’s explanation, despite its hilarious logic, that there was a misunderstanding due to the miscommunication between Zahid and his lawyers, and the wrong choice of words used when the defence requested for  the one-day postponement of the corruption trial. The judge warned that the court will not tolerate any future attempt to mislead.

In reality, even if Zahid plans to mock and insult the High Court in a similar fashion in the future, what else could the judge do? Obviously, Judge Collin knew that the whole drama was a deliberate attempt to humiliate the judicial system as that was precisely what had happened in the past 61 years during the era of UMNO or Barisan Nasional regime. And all the crooks are back.

The corrupt Zahid could be the new deputy prime minister under Muhyiddin’s shameless backdoor government. But even before he is officially appointed, he has abused his power by disrespecting the judicial system. The dark age of police brutality against peaceful protesters has already returned. The judge had no choice but to accept whatever bullshit stories shoved down his throat. - FT

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Dr Afif Bahardin,Exco P.Pinang(PKR) berada di Sheraton sewaktu segerombolan pengkhianat sdg berbincang2 untuk merampas kuasa dan mandat rakyat. Mmg patut pun dia kena maki dan dicaci depan pejabat PKR Tropicana baru2 ini. Dan, terbaru mmg dia letak jwtn (dipecat?) dari menjadi Exco kjaan P.Pinang. Kenapa simpan lagi pengkhianat dalam parti. Bersihkan parti daripada pengkhinat.- f/bk

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