
Selamat tinggal Tun...

Image result for selamat tinggal tun mahathir

Akhirnya PH mengucapkan selamat tinggal Tun dan saya sgt setuju pendekatan terbaru PH. Bagi saya sudah tiba masanya PH move on tanpa Tun. PH berjaya dpt 5 negeri tanpa Tun. Dpt undian popular lebih dari BN PRU 13 tanpa Tun.

Malah kerusi Bersatu paling byk bertanding (kononnya parti Melayu) paling sedikit menang dlm PRU. PRK dan terakhir di Kimanis pengundi menolak PH yg Tun adalah PM. Di mana faktor Tun relevan di mata rakyat Malaysia? Tiba2 Tun kata org Melayu menolak Anwar.

Pemimpin yg takut kpd PM yg bersih dan pemimpin yg ingin menjadi pemimpin hanya utk perut sendiri memang menolak Anwar tetapi pengundi Melayu, Cina dan India menerimanya. Malah 80% pengundi Melayu memilin Anwar sejak sekian lama. Anwar tidak popular di mata pemimpin korup tetapi popular di mata rakyat.

Sebenarnya sudah tiba masanya semua parti2 politik mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kpd Tun. Tun sudah tidak relevan dlm politik tanahair. Sikap mementingkan diri sendiri, tidak berpegang pada janji.... ia membimbangkan mana2 parti politik yg ada. Semua Perdana Menteri di mata beliau tidak kena.

Pada PH bangun kembali dgn agenda Malaysia bersih dari korupsi. Saya tertarik dgn penulisan Dr Yusri Dr Yusri.ILHAM Centre, Kuala Terengganu mengenai situasi politik dewasa ini.

1. PH dah buat 60% manifesto sebelum peristiwa 24 Feb 2020. Kenapa rakyat tak pandang benda ni?’

2. Orang Muda mengundi ikut isu. PRU15 jangkaan pertambahan pengundi muda lebih 50%. Dimensi baru politik terbuka luas. Siapa akan kuasai mereka?

3. Saya buat literature review. Kumpul maklumat tentang DAP. Kejahatan DAP terhadap Melayu dan Raja-Raja jauh lebih sedikit berbanding kejahatan orang Melayu sendiri terhadap Melayu, termasuk isu Rezab Tanah Melayu dan Raja-Raja

4. PH kena tamrinkan DAP untuk tidak bercakap hal yang sensitif. Jangan provok. Kena susun semula dan tonjolkan generasi baru DAP. Generasi tua macam Lim Kit Siang dibelakang. Yeo Bee Yin, Anthony Loke di depan.

5. Ada banyak perkara salah dalam PH. Saya tak tahu kenapa Gobin jadi Menteri Penerangan, saya tak tahu kenapa dia kat situ. Rina pun saya tak faham. Menteri Kereta Terbang, semua tu. tetapi semua sekarang dah belah sana. Perikatan Nasional sekarang dalam mode yang sangat defensif. Terpulang kepada anda.

6. Ketika PH jadi kerajaan, saya sebagai penyelidik melihat trend penurunan yang sangat menurun terhadap PH. Jika berlaku PRU15, PH akan kalah. Orang Cina juga dah menjauhkan diri dari PH. Tetapi selepas peristiwa 24 Februari, sokongan kepada PH meningkat semula. Golongan pertengahan dan atas kembali kepada PH kerana simpati. Cina kembali kepada PH. Saya lihat Perikatan Nasional tersilap langkah. Jika dia tunggu PRU15 dia akan menang. Sebab itu mereka sebut semula tentang nak pilihanraya. PH perlu menyusun dalaman secara baik.- Dr Yusri 

Image result for Interview Sinar Harian

Interview Sinar Harian dengan Mahathir yang banyak menyoal bekas PM intrim itu tentang Anwar ada strategi busuk akhbar berkenaan untuk rosakan imej Anwar dan secara tidak langsung meretakkan hubungan Anwar dengan Mahathir.

Secara tersembunyinya interview itu sebagai strategi dan taktik akhbar itu yang cuba berlagak jadi bebas dan telus sebenarnya tidak ada pendirian konsisten untuk menstabilkan politik termasuk politik Melayu. Akhbar itu pemecah bukan penyatu.

Benarlah kalau dikatakan pena itu senjata ampuh dan media itu lidah syaitan. Dalam 14 protokol Yahudi menyebut alat propaganda penting mereka adalah media. 

Sidang Media Khas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Sementara itu,Anwar mengumumkan Mahathir mulai hari ini tidak lagi pengerusi PH. Ertinya Mahathir tidak ada kena mengena dengan PH. Status Mahathir dan hubungan dia dengan parti-parti PH, Keadilan, Dap dan Amanah, sama dengan semasa beliau belum berjumpa dengan Anwar dalam galeri mahkamah tahun 2017 lalu.

Saya percaya amat berat untuk Anwar membuat pengumuman itu, tetapi ia sesuatu yang terpaksa, sebab itu dia kata untuk berunding dengan Mahathir masih boleh. Baginya buat apa "menggonyel" (kunyah) buah dalam mulut sedangkan ia tidak boleh ditelan dan memabukkan pula. Eloklah diluahkan.
Image may contain: 7 people, people standing
Apalah lagi yg depa harapkan dari Tun. Tak sedar ke yg Tun M lah yg gugurkan kabinet PH..
Tun pun dah macam tak nak buat undi tak percaya pada PN. Tak serik dok kena hancing Tun kitulkah - f/bk

Keputusan itu juga berat untuk diterima oleh parti-parti lain khasnya individu tertentu yang terus mahu bergantung di janggut Mahathir. Mereka lupa yang Mahathir mana ada janggut?

Mungkin selepas ini kita akan melihat kemusnahan PH lebih besar lagi, yang akan kekal dengan Keadilan hanya DAP. Saya nampak Amanah pun sedang mengendap dan mengintai untuk cari lubang, untuk melarikan diri.

Apa kata kalau anda kembali kepada pangkal jalan, parti lama anda, Pas. Mungkin untuk ditut dengan Bersatu tak jamin juga ia akan hidup, tetapi kalau pulang kepada Pas, anda ada DNA sama ada harapan untuk hidup walaupun mungkin dahan sebelah anda tak mengeluarkan buah. - mso

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Apa terjadi kepada sumbangan 
Tabung Harapan...

Apa terjadi kepada wang yang disumbangkan kepada Tabung Harapan Malaysia (Tabung Harapan) yang digerakkan Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) sebelum ini?

Ke manakah ia disalurkan?

Untuk pengetahuan semua, wang dari Tabung Harapan telah digunakan untuk melunaskan sebahagian hutang 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) berjumlah RM1,704.78 juta bagi tahun 2019.

Hutang tersebut telah diwarisi oleh Kerajaan PH ekoran berlakunya salah tadbir dan penyelewengan pada zaman pentadbiran Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN).

Dana daripada Tabung Harapan Malaysia (Tabung Harapan) sebanyak RM1,074.78 juta tidak mungkin cukup untuk melangsaikan keseluruhan hutang 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Ini kerana hutang 1MDB hasil peninggalan pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN) dilaporkan berjumlah RM51 bilion.

Namun begitu, Tabung Harapan kekal menjadi simbol semangat taat setia dan patriotisme rakyat Malaysia untuk melangsaikan hutang negara. - Zulimran Nasution Abdullah Omar

A Ketuanan Melayu cabinet...

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin now has a cabinet. For non-Malays, it represents the most regressive cabinet we’ve ever had, a cabinet premised upon the idea that non-Malays don’t count, don’t deserve to participate in the governance of this nation. Muhyiddin used his coup to nullify the non-Malay vote; now he has used his cabinet to silence their voice.

His cabinet is the ultimate Ketuanan Melayu cabinet. Out of 70 ministers and deputy ministers, there are only two non-bumiputra ministers and five deputy ministers, the lowest representation in terms of percentage we’ve ever seen. Every other prime minister, whatever their own prejudices, felt obliged to take into account the fact that Chinese and Indians are a significant minority in Malaysia and must be acknowledged via adequate representation in cabinet. Muhyiddin has now dispensed with this.

Right-wing Malay politicians have long been unhappy with the post-independence construct that shared power with all of Malaysia’s ethnic groups. After GE14, when for the first time, a fairer political representation emerged, they were determined to stop any move towards shared governance.

The narrative that Malaysia is for Malays and that Islam does not permit non-Muslims to hold senior positions in the administration of the country took on a life of its own. It also found expression in rumblings that the DAP was controlling the government and undermining Malay institutions like Felda and Tabong Haji, that Christians were trying to change the official religion of the country and that non-Malay terrorist groups like the communist and LTTE were trying to subvert the nation. It was all rubbish, of course, but it served its purpose.

The message was clear: other than a token representation, non-Malays should have no political role in the governance of the nation. They are interlopers and pendatangs, here by an accident of history, less Malaysian than Malays.

Muhyiddin – who in Trumpian fashion once described himself as Malay first, Malaysian second – has now given the Ketuanan Melayu crowd what they’ve always wanted, a cabinet overwhelmingly dominated by Malays.

Of course, the likes of Wee Ka Siong and Saravanan and a small clutch of other MCA and MIC members are part of the cabinet but let’s face it, they are there as window-dressing, a ruse to mislead the public into believing that this is somehow a multiracial cabinet.

In any case, how can two political parties which were overwhelmingly rejected by the electorate speak for them?

No doubt the MCA and MIC are hoping that their return to cabinet would usher in a new beginning. With scraps from Muhyiddin’s table perhaps they think they can rebuild their political fortunes. They should have no illusions as to just how despised they are. By going along with Muhyiddin’s fake multiracial government, they have once again betrayed the aspirations of Malaysians; sooner or later they will feel the wrath of the people.

In the meantime, don’t expect much from this cabinet especially given the huge economic uncertainties we now face – the coronavirus pandemic, falling oil prices (and government revenue), declining investments, and a prolonged global slowdown.  All we’ll get from them is more of the same failed old policies that have kept us trapped within the wells of racism and religious extremism.

Most of their political energy will be spent on keeping each other from becoming too powerful. This is, after all, an unholy alliance of politicians united not by a common agenda or some grand vision but by political expediency and convenience. Their loyalty is to themselves and their respective parties, not to the empty and meaningless entity they call Perikatan Nasional.

Muhyiddin’s decision to leave the DPM’s post vacant says it all. While some hail it as an innovative method of improving cabinet efficiency, it is, in fact, a clever way to hide the divisions with the coalition and stymie the ambitious men with sharp knives who keep company with Muhyiddin.

After all, if they could stab even the venerable old man of Malay politics without a second thought, what will they do to him given the chance.

Azmin, in particular, has been effectively hemmed in; he has the nice title of “senior minister” (along with three others) but with little real power. And if he accomplished nothing of any significance as Mahathir’s economic tsar, you can be sure he’ll do even less at the international trade and industry ministry. He’ll quickly become restless and start plotting again.

About the only thing we can be sure of is that they will not be thinking about the future of the nation but the next election when the mother of all political battles will take place. It will be a fratricidal battle to see who will sit astride the Malay power structure and, of course, reap the economic benefits of power.

But Malaysians should not lose heart or hope. Muhyiddin’s government will, sooner or later, expose the utter bankruptcy of the Ketuanan Melayu ideology and its leaders. Bigotry and extremism will only get them so far. They had it easy before because they could blame everything on the DAP; now they have power, they will have to demonstrate that they can govern, that they have the capability to innovate and come up with new ideas to get the country moving again. They are not up to the task.

The good thing though is that after a couple of years of Muhyiddin’s government, the clamour for real change will grow exponentially. A new generation of younger leaders, unencumbered by the baggage of the past, untainted by corruption and with a passion for justice and good governance will rise and gain support. It is already happening. It might take ten years or more but one day, we will awake to that better Malaysia of our dreams. - Dennis Ignatius

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